Questions tagged [intellij-14]

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular IDE by JetBrains. Originally created for Java, it currently supports a lot more languages, including: JavaScript, Groovy, HTML, CSS, RSS, R, Haskell, PHP, Ruby, Python, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin.

301 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Cant connect IOS simulator on IntelliJ

I am a Macbook user. I am trying to use Intellij to edit my Flutter code. My IOS simulator failed to connect after I downloaded a code from an Android user to my Intellij and trying to edit it on my ...
whychristy's user avatar
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Error running JavaFx 13 on IntelliJ (and yes, thoroughly I have followed the tutorial)

First time with JavaFx. To begin with, I've made sure that my version of Java is, indeed, Java 13: Screenshot: And, I've followed all the directions on the JavaFx tutorials:
abelllizard's user avatar
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How to clear Fatal error initializing 'com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.ManagingFS'

When i Tried to open android studio it throws the following error Tried: 1. Restarting the system 2. Un-installing and reinstalling java.lang.RuntimeException: com.intellij.ide.plugins....
Sathvika Nagireddypet's user avatar
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how to add a jar file into intellij

I have a jar file which is a bunch of .class files(Java). I need to use some of the classes inside of the jar file into my intellij project. I followed these instructions: Adding class/jar file to ...
Nader Ahmed's user avatar
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How to use correctly SVN project in IntelliJ?

I have several SVN projects link between each other. All my projects are structured that way (example): - Project1 (folder) - branches - v1.1 - v1.2 - tags - trunk In ...
scorpDev's user avatar
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I'm having trouble with the resolution of the just the window size of IntelliJ

I am having trouble with the window size of IntelliJ when I'm starting a new project. For instance, when I open IntelliJ and click on import project I don't see the "OK", "Cancel" button at the bottom ...
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Class not found when running test class in INtelliJ

I am experimenting on writing test automation for mobile app, and after going through numerous incompatibility issues, I thought I have sorted it out. However, this is not the case as I encounter this ...
Tester_at_work's user avatar
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Rest API for lucene search

I had successfully created a program for Lucene indexing and searching. Now, I need to implement rest API for my Lucene I stuck with some error. Can anyone please insist me that how to implement rest ...
Pavithra's user avatar
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How to pass parameters to a test class in scala( tdd testing)

I'm trying to learn tdd approach on CURD Operations in scala in PLAY framework. The following is a controller i wrote for reading a record given an id from the database. package controllers ...
Indu Chabada's user avatar
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What is the class that is executed at the start of a JAVA EE WildFly project?

What is the class that is executed at the start of a JAVA EE WildFly project? I know it's a very beginner question. But I have a gigantic project to study and I can not determine where the system ...
Jhon Sal Chi Chon's user avatar
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How to align multiple line code in android studio

Constructor and function with many parameter(kotlin code) aligned in a line, that make the line is too long and hard to read. Even I put code in multiple line, it rerturned to one long line when I ...
huu duy's user avatar
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Highlights package name and import in Intellij

Package name highlights in red due to correct directory structure. First highlight is package tech.tablesaw.plotly; //This is correct directory name Second import tech.tablesaw.examples....
user2856064's user avatar
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IntelliJ showing slow parameter hints

Hi is there any way where i can speed up the parameter hints animation - the one where it pops up in a bubble form while typing out the parameters?
devon's user avatar
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Does IntelliJ have the feature equivalent to 'data tips' in Visual Studio?

Visual studio has a feature that goes by the name of 'data tips'. It allows variables to be pinned, so that the value of variables can be viewed during debugging sessions. Is this feature available ...
Shivku's user avatar
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Tomcat and IntelliJ in Ubuntu

I just installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 LST I'm using IntelliJ 2018.2.1 I installed Tomcat 8.5.32 following this link
Ksknt's user avatar
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Error:Artifact 'name:jar': java.lang.OutOfMemoryError for IntelliJ

Before I start, just to clarify some things (not trying to sound rude) I have looked around online and I understand that there are some solutions to the problem I am about to explain, however I have ...
Luke C's user avatar
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IntelliJ scala project import

I have a scala project in IntelliJ with a simple folder structure src/core/CommonCSVReader.scala I have a program.scala file under src/ i run spark-shell from the integrated terminal, and try to run :...
Elias Ghali's user avatar
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org.gradle.api.UncheckedIOException: Failed to create MD5 hash for file

when i import project by gradle idea throw build fail error,this is error screenshots but when i user command gradle clean bootrun,it works ok,this is works screenshots this is my env setting. could ...
yang_song's user avatar
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Red Folder in intelliJ after running springboot:run

Hi guys im having an issue with my intellij react project, ive already connected to the MySQL DB from intelliJ.. After running springboot:run, it installs all dependencies for the app after all is ...
Thaabit Van Schoor's user avatar
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Intellij console output shows lot of unecessary stuff

Is there any way to disable the below stuff in my console output: 9:11:50 PM: Executing task 'Runner.main()'... :compileJava :processResources NO-SOURCE :classes :Runner.main() Learning Dagger ...
Codershree's user avatar
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IntelliJ 2018.1 Tomcat Run Issues - Run/Debug Config "Include dependencies with 'Provided' Scope"

I upgraded my instance of IntelliJ from 2017.3 to 2018.1. In the Run/Debug Configurations window, I see an option that I didn't see previously: Include dependencies with "Provided" scope. This is ...
Always Learning's user avatar
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intellij idea selecting color for ui

I am using Dracula theme on my IntelliJ idea and I see the dark font on the Find in Path, Tex to find box and search results text which is really difficult to read. How can I customize these colors
KItis's user avatar
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Spark submit in IntelliJ of project jar yields Class not found error

I'm doing a basic program of implementing Drools and the program runs on an application configuration but when I try to run the JAR, I face an error. The error I get on the terminal: `Suhita-...
Suhita Goswami's user avatar
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Java Dynamic Web ServletConfig Class Not Found

Export Intellij Project Folder to Eclipse I am not very familiar to Java. Currently I was given a IntelliJ project folder but have no access to IntelliJ IDE. How to properly import the project into ...
noobie's user avatar
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Not able to invoke web services using web app which was deployed in Azure

I have a deployed html file by creating web app in Azure and hosted using FTP tool. when I hit the run in intellij, able to submit the values using html file and able to hit the web services. but am ...
viswa's user avatar
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What is the Applet Class in IntelliJ?

I am using IntelliJ on a Mac to run my java applet. But when I add the Applet to the Run Configurations, there is a missing field. What is the applet class? I've been trying tons of things, but I do ...
drjava's user avatar
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Junit Test doesn't seems to call the tested method

i have a method, say @PostMapping(value = "/vpos/notify", ...) public Foo somethingJSON(Bar bar) throws Exception { ... } and i have a test unit into another class which goes like this @Test public ...
Deryl_Myrawill's user avatar
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Intellij TFS Commit Failed

When I try to commit changes to my files after associating work item,I see the process message "Uploading Files" and then it gives me connection reset error .It used to work fine before .I rebooted my ...
Rradhak's user avatar
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Intellij 14 Grails Project Error on run-app: Module not backed by Gradle

I recently downloaded a new Intellij version 2017 for Grails 3 upgrade .I am using Intellij 14 with Grails 2.3.7.When I was prompted to import settings for new version,I clicked yes .Now however when ...
Rradhak's user avatar
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Spring boot dependencies could not be resolved

I am creating gradle spring boot project in IntelliJ but I am not able to resolve few dependencies. import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner; import org.springframework.boot....
anukuls's user avatar
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Gradle files not recognised in new directory structure?

Previously we made a Gradle project in Intellij and all the gradle files were there under the project. However, we have now moved the files in this project to a sub folder, but the Gradle files aren't ...
Xh Lin's user avatar
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how can I tell intellj not to compile certain files?

I got a bunch of java files that I don't want to be compiled as part of the module. Is there a way to tell intellij to ignore them?
JRR's user avatar
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Running an IntelliJ-developed plugin in Android Studio

There's another thread about this topic here but with no accepted/sufficient answer. I am building a plugin targeted at Android Studio using IntelliJ Community Edition plugin development tools and I ...
Jay's user avatar
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How to set IntelliJ to stop setting application priority to background?

IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio keeps setting itself to background priority, takes ages to do anything, and I need to keep manually setting the priority to high. How to stop this unnecessary, ...
theAnonymous's user avatar
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IntelliJ add spark source compiled code as jar

I'm trying to add spark as jar in IntelliJ. The reason I'm doing this is beacause I need to add few new xml-s like hive-site.xml and etc into configuration folder of spark. I don't know how to add ...
iMajna's user avatar
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Intellij - Persistence entity accessor incorrectly mapped

I have an Oracle database schema that i'm trying to generate persistent mappings from. I'm using the integrated tool built inside Intellij. For the most part, it is working correctly, however ...
Errol Green's user avatar
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Spark program fails while writing to a text file in local mode on windows

Getting exception while running a simple spark program in Intellij on Windows. When I ran the code in debug mode, found that the program is failing trying to execute below command. D:\winutils\bin\...
Himanshu Sahni's user avatar
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IntelliJ and Tomcat deployment configuration naming/location?

I use IntelliJ 2016.3.4 and one Tomcat8 installation, I point my CATALINA_HOME to this one installation, my CATALINA_BASE I set to three different locations as I run and deploy three different web ...
powder366's user avatar
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Why does Intellij debugger always stop in jar file (specifically PlainSocketImpl.acceptSocket())

For some reason, everytime I run my project on debug mode my intellij pauses the execution on this specific jar file and only continues if I pause the execution, mute breakpoints and resume execution. ...
Vaibhav Bhatnagar's user avatar
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How to Import existing Grails app into Intellij

I'm having a hard time importing an existing Grails 3 application into Intellij, in what feels like the "right way". I have the looked through the official intellij documentation but haven't found ...
rts_carl's user avatar
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Gradle project not getting imported in IntelliJ

I have installed IntelliJ and trying to import a gradle project but facing this error... Please Help me out Java is 1.8 version Gradle is not getting configured
ambitiousdev111's user avatar
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http.ServeFile can not get the static sources, but command run can get

I use the Intelj IDEA to develop golang, but when I use the debug to build my project, when debug to this line http.ServeFile(w, r, "./static/html/login.html"), I get 404 not found, but in command run,...
Anteoy's user avatar
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intellij Idea - How to open .css file(like application.css)?

In eclipse IDE a css file named applicaion.css is opened automatically when any javafx project is opened . But in intellij idea the css file is not created automatically .
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IntelliJ gives different errors every time i restart my PC

Following things/errors happen everytime i restart my pc it changes the theme to IntelliJ from Dracula. it can't open project, when they open, it won't show me the classes As you can see in image 1, ...
Dogan Can's user avatar
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Does IntelliJ Idea remember my history?

I would like to ask whether IntelliJ IDEA remember my historical steps in some files or not. To be clear, I would like to see a history of editing of a project that has been sent to me by e-mail. Is ...
Mara Augustin's user avatar
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How to adjust IntelliJ Scala formatting of multiple parameter lists

I'm trying to follow a coding style that requires (don't ask me why) def foo( arg11: Int, arg12: Int )(arg21: String, arg22: String ): Int What I get with the default styling is: ...
Brian Tarbox's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a break point on state of an object in intellij?

I have an object and a bunch of functions make some changes to the state of this object (by changing one of its members or a member of its members and so on..). I want to inspect the changes made by ...
user1009285's user avatar
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wrong directory structure maven archetype-webapp using intellij

I am new in intellij IDE. I want to create a maven-archetype-webapp peoject But it does not create correct structure.Why? I can't see same structure in this link.
faraa's user avatar
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How to add and run multiple programs in IntelliJ project?

I'm trying to add another class to an IntelliJ project I created. I already have one program in the project and it is running perfectly. I tried to add another program to the same project's src folder ...
SY_13's user avatar
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ear deploying to jboss 7 is successfully but context-root doesn't work

I'm using maven 3.3.3 for create ear application(with war and jars). web-xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="...
csaszi's user avatar
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