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What regex pattern can I use to work with ISBNs? [duplicate]

I require a pattern that will search for the correct ISBNs in the file. Only the pattern itself needs to be implemented using regular expressions My code so far: using System; using System.IO; using ...
Versst's user avatar
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Are ISBN-10 barcodes a subset of a standard, the way ISBN-13 is a subset of EAN-13? [closed]

Are legacy ISBN-10 barcode symbols an instance of the EAN-13 standard in the same way that modern ISBN-13 barcodes are? Background: I'm programming an ISBN barcode scanner using "Expo Camera (...
Devin Ceartas's user avatar
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Google Books inconsistency between and

I am writing an application where I need to find the google volume id from ISBN. When I query google books API with query in many cases it works ...
tapa1euro's user avatar
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Business::ISBN is not validating ISBNs with prefix 9790 in perl

Currently, I updated, Business::ISBN and Business::ISBN::Data using cpan Business::ISBN cpan Business::ISBN::Data but when I tried my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new(9790001012966); so it gave me the ...
Kamakshi Trivedi's user avatar
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ISBN Format couldn't write the output

I want to make the Output like this: 9-562-32458-4, 0-321-57351-X public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter 9 digit ...
Flapers's user avatar
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Jest causing a module to disappear

I'm trying to write tests for an old codebase of mine. It uses the isbn package from NPM, which is tiny but does the trick. But whenever I write tests that involve the module, it disappears. That is ...
fnsjdnfksjdb's user avatar
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Limiting query to search API from

I am learning JS, and I am struggling with this API request. The search API from Openlibrary returns an array of ISBNs, about 400 per book and its slowing down the response time. How can I structure ...
Ben's user avatar
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How to retrieve an url to a book cover only knowing its isbn

is there a way to obtain an URL to a cover of a book when only knowing the book's API? I have tried two approaches yet. First, which does not work for me ...
Lasking's user avatar
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How to verify ISBN and calculate checksum digit in COBOL?

My problem is I get a different out put from what I am supposed to get: look very below for the output wanted. here is the output I get: 978-1734314502 (correct and valid) 978-1734314509 (...
fashionable's user avatar
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Forever stuck on input request (C)

I'm trying to make a program that reads multiple ISBN-10 codes then calculates the 10th digit for each input, but my issue (at least for now) doesn't seem to be on the calculus itself but on the ...
Hokster's user avatar
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Using Google Books API to get ISBN from book title and author

I have a Google form where people can submit books by author and book title. I would like to use this to retrieve the ISBN. function atSubmitForm(e) { var formResponses = e.response; var ...
Mjsk's user avatar
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How to insert the Title Value from an ISBN in Sheets using Scripts, JSON and Books API

First time coding in Google App Scripts, so I apologize for my ignorance in advance. I saw this great script on Digital Inspiration but I'm stumped on trying to get it to write to the sheet. I have ...
Brianne Forst's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I make this ISBN-verifier more efficient? [closed]

I am trying to make this code more efficient. How should I go about and do it? It is a class that is called from another one in Java. I am not the best when it comes to algorithmic efficiency so I ...
Forsarna_'s user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I cleanse a String to contain only digits (0-9) and the letter X (uppercase) only, using Java and Javascript [duplicate]

I am taking an ISBN input by the user - may contain spaces and hyphens etc. - and trying to sanitise it to be only digits. In Java and Javascript, I have used the following regex successfully Java (...
Vihung's user avatar
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How to show if ISBN code can self-repair by Hamming distance?

I found this filled college worksheet. It states that minimum (Hamming) distance of ISBN code is 2 (Excercise 5). I know how to prove this and why is that. But then in excercise 8 it states that ISBN ...
BanikPyco's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a built-in Python function or module that will sum digits multiplied by their integer weight?

What I need to do is take a 10-digit ISBN number and check if it's valid, according to this rule: According to the 2001 edition of the International ISBN Agency's official user manual,[47] the ISBN-...
John Salerno's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there an easy way to add dashes to an ISBN in Python?

I have a column of 13 digit ISBN numbers (e.g. 1234567890123) saved as strings. To display them in a report, I need to add hyphens, e.g. (123-4-567-89012-3). I use a function to add the dashes before ...
Mackrell's user avatar
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ISBN-13 digit check using Haskell

I just started functional programming, using Haskell, and I want to write a short function that checks a 13-digit code and checks if it is an ISBN number. The formula for the check is: x13 = (10 − ((...
Matt's user avatar
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How does one access the ISBNDB using Java to find info on a book? Is it possible to use the ISBNDB api without using Maven or Gradle?

I'm trying to access the ISBNDB and get information about all the relavent data about a book so I can make a bibliography from that data for a school project. But, I'm having trouble accessing the ...
gjnmbm's user avatar
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How to decode a barcode into ISBN?

For this question with illustrative purpose I will write Javascript code, but that's just an illustration, the question is language-agnostic. I need to write a function which takes a barcode text (...
Lajos Arpad's user avatar
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Need to search for ISBN number on website and extract results to Excel

I have a school project to do - I have a list of books which I need to find on the following website: Once found, I need to select information contained in the result and transfer ...
foxesjon's user avatar
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ISBN Checker- No Loops [closed]

I'm trying to make a ISBN checker but it's not working. An example would be the user inputs 013601267 and return 0136012671. I'm not understanding what the problem is. No loops. Any help would be ...
Tillix's user avatar
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4 answers

is this ISBN-10 Checksum calculation in php correct?

I have found a PHP script github ISBN-Calc Routine to perform the ISBN-10 checksum calculation: <?php /** * Calculate ISBN checksum * * @param string $isbn * @return integer */ function ...
Walter Schrabmair's user avatar
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Detect input text as ISBN EAN UPC

I want to build a input form in which a user inserts a code and depending on what is introduced, show a message like UPS (or EAN/ISBN/GTIN ) code found or This code is not valid. Have been looked for ...
Adyyda's user avatar
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PHP: extract first instance of an ISBN from json

Hi guys so I need to extract the first instance of an ISBN from JSON using PHP. In the case below I need 9781451687866. I am returning book records from a library API and due to the nature of the JSON ...
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Python Program not working as expected

I tried to create a python-based ISBN13 Validity Calculator, which is supposed to work according to the following snip of code. It takes in an argument of type string and prints the result. I don't ...
Goutham Krishna K V's user avatar
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Google Books API static link not working as expected

I am trying to implement a Google Books API request for books front coverages in my website. According to the documentation, all I need is to make a request with a static link:
Nimrod Yanai's user avatar
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check isbn 10 number java

I should make a programm to control the number of an isbn 10 number. Therefore I'm not allowed to use arrays andd the input of the number has to be a char. The In method is similar to java scanner. ...
Jan M's user avatar
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Which data type can be used for ISBNs - that only accepts 13 digits, including leading zeros

I am trying to add a ISBN column to a table that requires the input to only be 13 digits. the number may start with 0. I have tried char, and varchar, but that hasn't worked. I need to make it so that ...
Aiden Bird's user avatar
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how to not give any output in python

I am working on school problem where they give the equation for identifying if ISBN number is valid and give us ten inputs(numbers) and a stop input at the end. This was my code: a=str(input()) b=...
Kiki's user avatar
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How to limit returns on an edition search using isbnlib library in Python?

Right now I have: editions = isbnlib.editions(isbn) print(editions) This returns about 100 similar isbns to the one entered within the parentheses. The problem is, this really slows down my program ...
carbonology's user avatar
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Find ISBN of a list with many books

I have a list of books titles, and want to attach the ISBN to each one of those automatically. Each book is located in a .csv file. Any ideas if that is possible online? Thanks!
Oliver Amundsen's user avatar
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how to create a replicable, unique code for a pre-ISBN book

I am putting my collection of some 13000 books in a mySQL database. Most of the copies I possess can be identified uniquely by ISBN. I need to use this distinguishing code as a foreign key into ...
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Use regex to verify an ISBN number

I need a regex to verify ISBN number entered by user. ISBN must be a string contains only: [10 or 13 digits] and hyphens I tried ^[\d*\-]{10}|[\d*\-]{13}$ but it doesn't work. My regex only matches:...
Louis Tran's user avatar
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Put json data from jquery into Thymeleaf

I am using google book api for ISBN and I am able to get data. Now I want to attach that data into a form. I am not able to that. This is my Jquery Code $(document).ready(function(){ $('#...
chan's user avatar
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SAX parse error while using ISBN

I am using thymeleaf and I am using a function which gets the ISBN number and fetch book data. I tried the code in an online editor and its working fine but when I use the same code in Intellij org....
chan's user avatar
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Are there any good APIs to search for books via ISBN? [closed]

I am working on an iOS app and I have a list of ISBNs. I want to pull up book cover image, title, author, and other nice-to-haves if available, like reviews, price, etc. I tried using the Google Books ...
RommelTJ's user avatar
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Strip whitespace and update value BEFORE validation rule

I have an ISBN lookup. It has to be 10 characters. I have a custom validation rule to check that. But a lot of my customers are copying and pasting and when they do they tend to get an extra space at ...
swg1cor14's user avatar
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How to store ISBN in array?

How can I use input ISBN number like this 01316295910 store in an array?And let it print on screen list this : ISBN 0 1 3 1 6 2 9 5 9 10(<=X) Here is my code : int[] A = new ...
snowowl's user avatar
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JAVA ISBN-10 Number: Find 10th digit [closed]

Question : An ISBN-10 consists of 10 digits: d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10. The last digit, d10, is a checksum,which is calculated from the other nine digits using the following formula: (d1 * 1 +...
Shiv Patel's user avatar
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Applescript is not inputting to excel. Should be simple?

Its really simple. Heres the bits of my code that is doing the action. The problem is that the info that I am trying to get off of the website is not getting inputted into the excel document. <...
Kye Moffat's user avatar
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python isbn 13 digit validate

I need to write a function that validates a 13 digit ISBN. It needs to start with 978 or 979, end with a single digit, and the remaining sections need to be at least 1 digit in length. I need some ...
Miryloth's user avatar
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What is the best data type for ISBN10 and ISBN13 in a MySQL database

For an application I'm currently building I need a database to store books. The schema of the books table should contain the following attributes: id, isbn10, isbn13, title, summary What data types ...
kipzes's user avatar
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Calculating the ISBN Number check digit using Java [closed]

I'm trying to calculate any ISBN-13 Number's Check Digit, I'm not too worried if the ISBN number is valid or invalid, but what I've been trying to do is get the code to work. There are obviously flaws ...
GeorgeSayegh's user avatar
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Which data type should be used for ISBN10 and ISBN13?

According to the algorithm for ISBN10, the check digit can be X, it means, it may not be a number. But the output of google API: uses an integer ...
Bill David's user avatar
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code that checks if value entered is a valid 13 digit ISBN. What is wrong with it??? #Interpreter returns list index out of range

isbn = [] for Count in range(1,14): ISBN = int(input("Please enter the next digit of ISBN: ")) isbn.append(ISBN) CalculatedDigit = 0 Count = 1 while Count < 14: CalculatedDigit = ...
Rob Bibb's user avatar
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Simple ISBN Bookup for Amazon

I'm trying to find a simple way to look up book titles by ISBN in Amazon. I'm assisting my kid's school in doing a simple inventory. A good number of the books in my test set aren't found using other ...
bclingan's user avatar
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Read data from ISBN API and save in php

can someone help me how to use ISBN api in php with XML or json to read book details that can be later saved in php variables. Thank you.
Amrin R's user avatar
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How to alter this Amazon Product Advertising API PHP connection to search for ISBNs

I am using a PHP class to interact with the Amazon Product advertising API. I need to be able to look up books (ISBN numbers) however this class does not seem to support it. I have attempted to modify ...
iamnickpitoniak's user avatar
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iOS/Swift - Crazy Segue

I want to scan ISBN code (book identifier) to population the view before. So I perform a segue back to the view where I come from. And the crazy thing happened. I see my view, and the application ...
Ragnar's user avatar
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