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Is there any iTunesConnect API to get all transactions of particular day or month of itunes account for all the customers?

Is there any iTunesConnect API to get all transactions of particular day or month of itunes account for all the customers? We need to get list of all transactions (all payment received in our itunes ...
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
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Differentiate iTunes internal playlists and user playlist

Following my previous question When I fetch Playlists in iTunes library I get some entries which seems to be default playlists for iTunes Here is my code: App = new iTunesAppClass(); ...
FLICKER's user avatar
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How to get track filename from library

I'm trying to read all playlists and the music file in each playlist. Here is my code in C#: iTunesAppClass iTunesAppClass = new iTunesAppClass(); IITSourceCollection sources = iTunesAppClass.Sources; ...
FLICKER's user avatar
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Can I change the icon/artwork of an iTunes playlist programmatically?

iTunes allows users to set artwork associated with a playlist. However, the iTunes COM library doesn't have any documentation on this. Is there a way to set iTunes playlist artwork programmatically?
TheKingElessar's user avatar
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How can I programmatically modify iTunes playlists on Windows?

I want to add local music files to an iTunes playlist on Windows 10. All other questions are from 2010, or they use Applescript, which is unavailable on Windows. I'd like to do this with Python, but I ...
TheKingElessar's user avatar
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3 answers

iPhone: bulk move ALL voice memos + ALL pdfs generated from Safari page prints (pdf-exports using "Books") to pc [closed]

voice memos: I have 100s of voice memos that I recorded using the Apple voice recorder standard app and I want to get them on my pc altogether in one go. pdfs: I often save mobile Safari pages as ...
questionto42's user avatar
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Why am I getting an error while trying to access iTunes library?

I need to access to user's iTunes library. I want to list all songs besides playlists and albums that a user has purchased from iTunes Store or add to his library from Apple Music or synchronized and ...
amone's user avatar
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Control Apple Music/iTunes from another application running on the same PC

So I have to develop a full screen application in C#, and I was wondering if there's a way to control iTunes/Apple Music, that is running on the same PC (in the background). I would like something ...
Laureant's user avatar
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2 answers

iTunes Search API: Update Notification

i'm using iTunes API Search and Advanced Custom Field WordPress plugin so the wp author can add a mac app id to a custom field and the implanted iTunes Search API above will add all the other ...
ErfanMHD's user avatar
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iTunes COM PlayerPositionMS value update interval

I'm working on two C# winforms and WPF applications that utilize the iTunes COM and have noticed some peculiar behavior accessing the PlayerPositionMS property, which is the player's position in ...
atownson's user avatar
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Is it possible to play a song with iTunes API

I have to make an iOS app about music. I have to show all data about singers. I also want to play music in my app. Is it possible to play a song with iTunes API in my app or I have to redirect users ...
Gleb's user avatar
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2 answers

Retrieve all the results from App Store for certain keywords

I am looking at the search API provided by Itunes, however I noticed it set limit to 200 which means if there are more than 200 results to be returned it will only return 200. What I want to realize ...
J John's user avatar
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Lookup song by ISRC in Apple Music/iTunes

I'm developing an iOS application which retrieves a song ISRC from an external source. I then need to use Apple's MusicKit SDK to get the song in Apple Music/iTunes, using the ISRC. Is it possible to ...
Tom Oakley's user avatar
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Order ID, Purchase Time on Itunes connect

I want to make a data base with IOS and Android app. They have similarities like: packageName, price, currency, title, description, productID, type, trialPeriod and more... But they are 2 major ...
BeGreen's user avatar
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Applescript results to txt file

I'm trying to write an apple script that gets the unwatched TVShows and puts the filename (preferably without the full path, just "whatever.m4v") in a text file. Here is the code I have: tell ...
Brian's user avatar
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Access iCloud Music Library download and iCloud status programmatically

Can the iCloud download status be accessed programmatically from the MPMediaLibrary - MPMediaItemProperty or other source? We want to detect the source of a song so we know if it is from Apple Music (...
Jim Leask's user avatar
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MPMediaPlaylist - delete a song

Is it possible to delete a song from a MPMediaPlaylist playlist? I have the ability to get all the songs in a list: NSArray *songs = [playlist items]; Can I loop through this with a given ...
scgough's user avatar
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access and modify iTunes library from another application

I was wondering if there is any way that I could access my iTunes data (info of the songs) and modify the data (create new (smart) playlist, add songs to a playlist, add comments to a song) from ...
Jeniffer Lima Graf's user avatar
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C# iTunesLib com: AlbumArtist member not accessible with intellisense

I am using the iTunesLib V1.13 in C#. I can read the current playing track just fine together with its Artist, Album, TrackName, Duration, etc.. properties. But I can't read the 'AlbumArtist' property....
Tim Kathete Stadler's user avatar
4 votes
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Apple Music API - Create a Playlist

I have been exploring the Apple Music API to see what kind of functionality I can expect to be able to use in an iOS app. I have created a little test app that gains permission from the user and ...
scgough's user avatar
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Disconnecting iTunes COM

I'm currently working with the iTunes COM with .NET, and something I came across previously, which stopped me using it, has happened again and I can't for the life of me figure it out. When I go to ...
Laim McKenzie's user avatar
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Get iOS app logs by command line

is there a possibility to get the app logs (not crash reports) from iOS devices by a command line tool? The goal is to provide an automation to get the logs from the device. Greets.
Steve Murdock's user avatar
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iTunes COM - add track to playlist

I'm using the iTunes COM for retreiving information about the playlists that the user created. My goal is to add a new song to the library and then to the given playlist. That is what I have now: ...
Christian Klemm's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to get the iTunes Store ID for an MPMediaItem?

Is there a way to get the iTunes Store ID for a song from an MPMediaItem? I'm trying to pull the user's playlists, transfer those to another device, then play the songs using MPMusicPlayerController'...
Jay Whitsitt's user avatar
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Run a Continuous Windows Background Task without Eating Memory

I wrote a short C# script to execute when my computer starts up. Its function is to monitor iTunes and display a fun message as my Skype status stating what artist I'm listening to. It creates an ...
HaveSpacesuit's user avatar
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Is iTunes search API working correctly?

I’m trying to search all film with word “Seven”. It found 50 films. But some films and its description does not contain word “Seven”. For example film with trackId = 421072264 not contain word “Seven”....
Voloda2's user avatar
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Finding which region's app store iOS app is downloaded from

I need to show legal information based on which app store user used to download the app. I understand i can't access user's iTunes account information from my app. Are there any alternate ways to get ...
Kalaivani's user avatar
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iTunes Com Interface The track is not modifiable

I add a file to iTunes through com interface and write in it a comment, but sometimes when writing comments occurs error - com_error: (-2147352567, '\xce\xf8\xe8\xe1\xea\xe0.', (0, None, u'The track ...
Clampson's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Applescript to Swift Language (application control)

I wasn't sure what to call the title, but I'm working on an Applescript that pulls/pushes information from iTunes and save it. During the development of my Applescript I figured that if I'm going to ...
Throdne's user avatar
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How to combine entity type searches in apple itunes search api

In the itunes search api doc there is an example of searching for an artist called maroon and the url is like so:
abbood's user avatar
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iTunes SDK COM found on one machine, but not on another

I'm creating a program that does multiple things, and one of them is using the iTunes COM to open iTunes and play music. The one machine I'm compiling on has iTunes, the other does not. On the one ...
Dustin Jensen's user avatar
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Delete a published book using ITMS Transporter

I have a program which properly published books to iBook Store using ITMS Transporter command line. Now i need a functionality which i can send a command which will un publish/delete by book from ...
user2539602's user avatar
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is there an iTunes javascript api

is there any javascript API to access iTunes ? for example, I want to retrieve the list of my iTunes albums in a web page using javascript. i read something about a COM interface, but this should ...
Tudor Danes's user avatar
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OSX Sandbox: Launch a different executable based on OS version

I have an application in the Mac App Store. I'm trying to support users going back to Snow Leopard but this is becoming increasingly difficult. Recently I've hit a roadblock due to the iTunesLibrary....
Tim's user avatar
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itunes JSON request in iOS returns an XML object

I want to access information from iTunes within an iOS app. I am doing the regular http request (sending the parameters both as POST or directly in the URL) The URL works, because if I use the ...
eharo2's user avatar
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Where can I find a API for interacting with Apple Devices (via USB)? [closed]

I want to develop an iTunes alternative such as iTools, i-FunBox,... Does Apple provide any API for this job? Or is there any unofficial way to do this? Please help me,Thanks for reading my question. ...
Amir Hashemieh's user avatar
2 votes
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iTunes win32com Python - AddTrack not working

I've been using the following code to try and create a new playlist in iTunes and a song from the main library - its example code i've found but i keep getting the following error when it runs. I've ...
andy2013's user avatar
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iTunes TrackID and DatabaseID persistency

I'm using a COM object to read an iTunes library (version 11, Windows). I call the GetITObjectByID function to retrieve a bunch of tracks from a list saved in a text file in a previous iTunes session. ...
JnLlnd's user avatar
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Retrieve an iTunes Track object from its high/low persistent ID

I'm trying to retrieve a track object from its persistent ID using AutoHotkey (v1.1) and iTunes Windows 11. The script works well until I try to use the ItemByPersistentID method. objITunesunesApp := ...
JnLlnd's user avatar
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iTunes method SaveArtworkToFile failed, called from AutoHotkey COM object

I'm trying to extract the artwork file from my iTunes MP3 files using AutoHotkey (v1.1). The script works well until it gets to the SaveArtworkToFile method. objITunesApp := ComObjCreate("iTunes....
JnLlnd's user avatar
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Developing iTunes like application in c#

I need to develop an application in c# that could automatically detect an iPhone when it is connected to the system and read a particular file for the iPhone file system. I basically want this file to ...
Rajat Saini's user avatar
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Access iOS Apps List in iTunes via Win32 COM?

I've been using Python to script Win32 iTunes, and it's been rocky but doable. However, I wanted to move beyond just media (songs, etc.) to analyze what apps were on my devices. Can anyone recommend ...
Michael Wexler's user avatar
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iTunes Search API returning extra, incorrect results

I've been using the iTunes API in my app for a while now, but as of the last few days I've noticed that it is returning odd results. I currently use it to search for software however it's now started ...
Mackey18's user avatar
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Is the iTunes Library writable via COM?

I'm trying to increment playcounts via the iTunes COM API, and I'm getting this error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : The track is not modifiable. I haven't been able to find any ...
devlord's user avatar
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How to Change App name in iTunes Connect

Is there anyway to change the app name in iTunes connect.Previously we followed the the below procedure to change app name, 1. Log in to Itunes Connect 2. Click "Manage applications" 3. Click on your ...
maren iOS's user avatar
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applescript transforming a list into a txt file

I'm trying to write all the song names my iTunes to a txt document. The first issue I had was that I can't seem to correctly loop the operation. Here is my test case with the first 15 songs in my ...
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ITunes album artwork is not ready for retina display! how to solve that?

I'm developign an app that display the image from itunes store album covers, and the biggest immage available in the itunes api is 100x100 image which sux in the retina display off couse...unless I ...
RollRoll's user avatar
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How Can I sort ITunes store API entity=song by popularity?

I don't see the popularity field in the song entity json, am I able to sort by it? something like that: it seems like a ...
RollRoll's user avatar
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Using new iTunesLibrary Framework to access iTunes library on Mac OS-X

I've been looking at adding iTunes Library access to a Mac app I'm developing. I looked at some of the existing open source implementations, such as EyeTunes and iMedia - but found them to not be ...
sckor's user avatar
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iTunes COM for Windows SDK IITUserPlaylist::AddFile access violation

I am just try to write simple program for some practice. But iTunes COM for Windows SDK threw me a little surprise. I am want to create playlist and add file to it but when i call IITUserPlaylist::...
silverrulezz's user avatar