Questions tagged [iview-ui]

A high quality UI Toolkit based on Vue.js

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View UI how to set DatePicker week start day on Monday

Now it defaults to Sunday, but I need to set it to Monday View UI I searched for a long time but couldn't find the answer
jianjun0230419's user avatar
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Issue passing array to field

I would like to show all permissions associated to the role i am editing. issue is i dont get a value but when i console. log the issue it seems to exist showEditModal(role,index) { role....
Kevin Wakhisi's user avatar
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Vue.js, iView UI how to increment and decrement input value

I have this input field with + and - icons. I would like when i click on + icon, the input value increment by one and when i click on - icon, the input value decrement by 1. the default input value is ...
LaravelCoder's user avatar
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Laravel/Vue image upload i-viewUI

I'm making an admin dashboard with Laravel and VueJS. I'm trying to upload an image to the database but I can't even get it to load to the page. I'm getting a 404 (Not Found) error and I have no idea ...
CasaCoding's user avatar
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DatePicker and Calendar Display format Year+543 for thai year (buddhist year)

How display format for Thai year because Thai-year uses Buddhist-Era (B.E.) that is 543 years greater than Christian-Era (C.E.). Example. 2019-01-31 format for Thai year 2562-01-31 Thanks you.
MahaDoang's user avatar
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Cannot load fonts in Laravel 5.7 & Vue 2 project using Element UI & iView UI Toolkit

I recently installed laravel v5.7 and vue 2. I then installed Element UI and iView UI Toolkit, everything works perfectly, but anything that uses icons in any iView UI component shows square blocks, ...
Julian Tabona's user avatar
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How can I select tags using multiple select in iview UI

I want to select not only from select drop down options, also I want to add custom tags from users input. In current select, I can only select multiple items from the available itemlists array. But I ...
Hkm Sadek's user avatar
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Select a specific row in a table with single select

I want to implement a method that cancels moving to the next row if data has changed. My thought was to use the on-current-change event as this provides me with the oldCurrentRow. What event should I ...
BeDare's user avatar
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Laravel Mix and Vue custom Loader (iView)

I'm kinda new to programming with frameworks like VueJs and webpack is completely new for me. Right now we are working with Laravel 5.6 and laravel mix. I don't know if vue-loader is already in ...
dnx's user avatar
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How to customize CSS of input element in iView?

I use Vue's single file components and wanted to try iView UI framework. Consider there is following piece of code: <template> <div> <i-input class="cred"/> </div> <...
fbjorn's user avatar
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iview-ui - Can't get admin to go full height. iView example shows min-height: 200

Does anyone know why iView admin template only scales to preset height? Can anyone help me set the height of admin to be a full browser (100vh or 100%)? Thank you in advance. Example on the site ...
Igor M's user avatar
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iview-ui in English language?

The official docs of iview are mostly in Chinese. This link iview Installation contains code which is in English but when you run the code, the modal options - "Cancel" is showing in Chinese. Is ...
RupamDotInfo's user avatar
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How do we use multiple inputs on iView Ui modal

This is an example of code i used render () { this.$Modal.confirm({ render: (h) => { // input return h('Input', { props: { ...
Kevin Muchwat's user avatar
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Vuejs Modal. Avoid changing props, nuxt.js iview

I need help with modals, i tried to get this question sorted yesterday but then it got even worse. So please any help would be appreciated. I have a parent component and inside of there i have a modal ...
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why iview slider automatic decrease height of iview-caption div after one slide

iview slider automatically decreases the .iview-caption div height after every slide and thats why my content cut last line. Please anybody Solve this problem. Here is Code:- <div id="iview"> ...
Rishu Goswami's user avatar