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How to use local variables in nested verbs?

Perhaps there's no facility to do this in the J language, but when I write: succession =: monad define greg =. 1 2 3 tom =. {{ greg }} tom y ) and then call succession 'season 1', I get the ...
Pig's user avatar
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How to reshape an array with an arbitrary size in one dimension?

How would you go about reshaping a length-N 1D array into an (N/2) x 2 array? In numpy, for example, you can use -1 in place of N/2 when reshaping: >>> x = np.array([1,2,3,4]) >>> x....
Pig's user avatar
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What does 'm' stand for in an inline function?

What's going on that makes this code work? It seems that using m in an anonymous verb (if that's what it's called) turns the verb into a postfix operator. 1 {{ 1 + m }} 2 If I replace the m with y ...
Pig's user avatar
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Why is Insert (fold) right associative

I expected -/ 1 2 3 4 _8 NB. ((1-2)-3)-4 but I got -/ 1 2 3 4 _2 NB. 1-(2-(3-4)) I there a reason for this? How do I get the associativity that I was expecting? If there are relevant sections in the ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
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Alignment issue when printing formatted prime numbers in J language

I am a relatively new programmer in J-Lang and recently discovered its efficacy in Code Golfing, where it excels in scoring. I am currently working on a coding problem that involves printing all prime ...
user21524036's user avatar
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Can Prolog-like unification be expressed in a point free way?

Pattern matching can be implemented using a point free style, and there are many articles on the internet about it. I'm wondering if the more generalized case also holds, i.e. is it possible to ...
Cs_J's user avatar
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How to unbox a list of boxed lists of differing lengths in J?

Given the following list of boxed lists of differing lengths… ┌──────────────┬───────────┬─────┬───┐ │0 2 3 4 7 9 11│9 7 4 3 2 1│1 2 3│3 1│ └──────────────┴───────────┴─────┴───┘ How can I create a ...
Gregory Higley's user avatar
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How to get user input in the J programming language

I'm very new to the J programming language, so I got interested in array programming languages and decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, It's a very niche language, meaning that there aren't many ...
George's user avatar
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3 answers

Print char of string uppercase if it is a vowel and lowercase if it is a consonant

I am trying to come up with a verb that will take a string as input and printa character uppercase if it is a vowel i.e. (aeiou) or lowercase if it is a consonant. s=:'authority' t=:<&>s │a│...
user3234709's user avatar
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Jconsole is complaining "file name error"

I am having trouble compiling and running J Programming Language The Jconsole binary file (From J Language) throws an error when executed: |file name error | 0!:0 y it compiled almost ...
Pepo__'s user avatar
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How can I fix 'noun result was required' error in J?

I'm trying to do the 4th Advent of Code problem using J, and I've ran into lots of problems, but now I have a code that looks like this: fn =. < 'D:/PyCharm/AOC/output4.txt' data =. freads fn ...
Oqueo34's user avatar
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Trying to understand why my custom function seems to be ignoring most of it's arguments

Defining a simple fibonacci function as: fib=: verb : '{. (({: , +/ )^:y) 0 1' I expected to be able to call it as fib 5 6 7 NB. expected 5 8 13 but instead I get fib 5 6 7 5 8 Trying to ...
madeofmistake's user avatar
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Convert boxed array to normal array?

Suppose I have a boxed array like; ┌─┬─┬─┐ │1│2│3│ └─┴─┴─┘ how do I covert it to a normal array such as 1 2 3?
M4X_'s user avatar
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Convert array of strings to array of integers

How do I convert types in J? For example, how to I convert an array of strings like "4" "78" "0" "_1" to an array of numbers like 4 78 0 _1
M4X_'s user avatar
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Replace atom in array of strings

Suppose I have an array of strings "31,793.1" "29,798.6" "30,455.7" "29,700.9" How do I replace , with nothing to give me "31793.1" "29798.6"...
M4X_'s user avatar
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Read column of CSV file as array

I am trying to read a column from a CSV file into an array. So far I have successfully read the file with the code below. load 'csv' data =: readcsv '/Users/max/Desktop/prices.csv' Typing data in ...
M4X_'s user avatar
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What is the "j" expression for the "maximum consecutive ones" problem?

In the paper "Combinatory Logic and Combinators in Array Languages" they give a solution in APL: vec ← 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ⍝ split (partition) on zeroes ⊆⍨vec ┌───┬─────┬─┐ ...
madeofmistake's user avatar
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How to expand memoization table in J

Previous discussion is on Memoization in J which doesn't answer the issue. The problem is that using memoization M. somehow makes the program much slower. I encountered the same problem. Consider this ...
Abang F.'s user avatar
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What does the dyad `=` do to boxed strings?

If x were a boxed string, I expect x=<'ABC' to compare the >x to 'ABC' to see if they are equal, but the following example shows that this is not the case. The J vocabulary document doesn't say ...
Recuerdos de la Alhambra's user avatar
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Building an array of verbs in J

Is it possible to build arrays of verbs? I've tried this: f =: >: f2 =: f f There's no syntax error but f2 is clearly not an array of verbs. For instance f2 yields f f $ f2 yields $ f2 0 { f2 ...
Attila Karoly's user avatar
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In j, how can I define a verb locally in one scope and pass it to a defined adverb?

I am getting an unexpected value error when I use a name to pass a verb as the argument to an adverb. The adverb (integer binary search with predicate u and bounds x): bsearch=: adverb define r=. y ...
Rik Renich's user avatar
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Amend with bond to new data shows unexpected behaviour

I have been using J for a couple of weeks now and recently started using it for simple problems rather than just toying with concepts. This problem needs to replace all x characters in a string into y,...
ljmc's user avatar
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How to turn a table or matrix into a (flat) list in J

I know how to reshape a list into a table. But how do I turn a table into a list or uni- dimensional array. my_list=:3 4 $i.12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 And is it better to perform operations on ...
user3234709's user avatar
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How to run dissect in J?

I have J9.02 installed in Debian-based OS. I try to run dissect but it fails: load 'debug/dissect' dissect '10 + i. 3 3' value error |value error: wd | wd DISSECT |value error: wd | ...
paweljakubas's user avatar
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2 answers

How to define selection using index function in J

Let's assume I have a following tensor t: ]m=: 100 + 4 4 $ i.16 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ]t=: (m ,: m+100) , m+200 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 ...
paweljakubas's user avatar
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How to exit the J console?

I recently downloaded j902 and can launch the console from my terminal, but I don't know how to exit. I tried “Ctrl + C” and "exit" but they did not work. How do I exit the J console?
eitanlees's user avatar
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Find 4-neighbors using J

I'm trying to find the 4-neighbors of all 1's in a matrix of 0's and 1's using the J programming language. I have a method worked out, but am trying to find a method that is more compact. To ...
N Matteson's user avatar
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Writing custom verbs in J

When you write your custom verbs(functions) should you use the following convention: convert degrees fahrenheit to celsius. centigrade =: 3 : 0 t1 =. y - 32 t2 =. t1 * 5 t3 =. t2 % 9 ) ...
user3234709's user avatar
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where does j save the result of its last operation?

In python's repl, _ holds the value of the last operation. Where is the value of the last operation saved in the j repl?
honestSalami's user avatar
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what does 1: mean in the verb train (100 $ - {. 1:)"0

the j solution to the 100 doors problem in rosetta code is ~:/ (100 $ - {. 1:)"0 >:i.100 >: i. 100 means 'make a list of numbers from 1 to 100' (100 $ - {. 1:)"0 >: i. 100 means '...
honestSalami's user avatar
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How to use arbitrary selector in interchange in J lang?

Let's assume we have a vector and matrix like below: r =: 100 + 5 5 $ i.25 r 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 v =: 100 + 5 $...
paweljakubas's user avatar
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How do I negate a selector in J lang?

I am playing with selection. Let's look at the initial example: rarg=. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 _1 (<(<0 1),(<0 1)) } ( 4 4 $ rarg) _1 _1 2 3 _1 _1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...
paweljakubas's user avatar
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2 answers

different result once square root is added inside tacit

Very new to J. I love it but still far from fluent in it. I have managed to hit an issue and I don't know why it is happening. If somebody could please explain why this is occuring I could learn more ...
jc52766's user avatar
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Sum of arrays with repeated indices

How can I add an array of numbers to another array by indices? Especially with repeated indices. Like that x 1 2 3 4 idx 0 1 0 y 5 6 7 ] x add idx;y NB. (1 + 5 + 7) , (2 + 6) , 3 , 4 13 8 3 ...
Jacob Jacob's user avatar
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Need help parsing the meaning of "i.~"

I'm trying to understand the solution for day 1 part 2: PART2=: >: _1 i.~ +/\ 1 _1 mp '()'=/read'input' I feel like I understand most ...
madeofmistake's user avatar
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How to drop columns of csv data in J

I have a lot of csv files that I have to drop the date column. I have a J line that reads in csv file into a numeric array, rdtabfile =: (0&".;.2@:(TAB&,)@:}:);._2) @ ReadFile @<
Abdool Bhollah's user avatar
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amend a subarray in place in j?

I've got two ways to amend a subarray in J but I don't like either of them. (Imagine selecting a rectangle in a paint program and applying some arbitrary operation to that rectangle in place.) t =. ...
tangentstorm's user avatar
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Using less trivial random generation in J lang

I am experimenting with random generation using J and would have a couple of questions that occured: If I want to pick random 10-character word I can use (?10 # 26) { 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ...
paweljakubas's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Get whole result when using J console

When using J console ijconsole I get only results up to some. For example, ijconsole -js "a=. 3 3 5 6 " "echo 200 $ a" "exit''" 3 3 5 6 3 3 5 6 3 3 5 6 3 3 5 6 3 3 5 6 ...
paweljakubas's user avatar
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J packages with sparse matrix algorithms

Are there any J packages with sparse matrix algorithms that enhance the functionalities mentioned here: ? For example, Singular Value Decomposition (...
Anton Antonov's user avatar
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Write 4 : 'x&{.&.;: y' tacitly

Conor Hoekstra recently solved a Leetcode problem in APL The problem is to take the first x words from a character string y In J, using &. (Under) and ;: (Words) I can ...
bob's user avatar
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Sorting words in a string by their length in J

I have the following string: s=:'when can we dance' I can find the length of each word with this: # each ;:s I can sort the lengths in ascending/descending order:(/:~) # each ;:s which gives me boxed ...
user3234709's user avatar
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Amend with multiple indices per substitution in J

In J, how do you idiomatically amend an array when you have: substitution0 multipleIndices0 ... substitutionN multipleIndicesN (not to be confused with: substitution0 multipartIndex0 ... ...
dukereg's user avatar
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How can I take the outer product of string vectors in J?

I'm trying to replicate the outer product notation in APL: ∘.,⍨ 'x1' 'y1' 'z1' 'x2' 'y2' 'z2' 'x3' 'y3' 'z3' which yields x1x1 x1y1 x1z1 x1x2 x1y2 x1z2 x1x3 x1y3 x1z3 y1x1 y1y1 y1z1 y1x2 y1y2 y1z2 ...
Brent's user avatar
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Is there an idiomatic way to print a vector(list) or a character string diagonally in J?

if I have a list a=:i.5, can it be printed like this(diagonally): 0 1 2 3 4 or in the case of a string like 'enigmatic' can a 'x' pattern be generated? e e n n i i g g ...
user3234709's user avatar
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Index of minimum element using J

In J it is trivial to find the minimum element of an array: <./ 5 6 4 9 4 But how to find the index of the minimum element using J? (In case this is an XY problem, I should say that I want the ...
dukereg's user avatar
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J programming how to wait fo X seconds before executing the next verb?

I want to wait for X seconds before executing the next line in a verb. So far, I have tried this foreign command 6!:3 (2.5) found in time (delay) though it looks like the entire verb execution is ...
EricC's user avatar
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How to reshape data array from wide to long in J?

I like to replicate the reshape function in J. For example, Stata can reshape a dataset "from wide to long". Below is their Example 1 from their documentation: . use http://www.stata-press....
treesbugs's user avatar
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Run J script as if it were line-by-line entered into the interpreter

Is there a way to run the script as if it were typed into the interpeter? The benefits are that I don't need echos everywhere, the work done is saved as a file, and I can use vim to do the editing. ...
JDG's user avatar
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Print values and it's associated index when working with vectors / matrix in J

If I want to check how many values in a vector or matrix are less than a given value I can use +/ (a < 20). But what if I wanted to know both the specific value and it's index. Something like (2(...
user3234709's user avatar

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