Questions tagged [javacv]

JavaCV provides wrappers to commonly used computer vision libraries, OpenCV in particular. Note that JavaCV is now superseded by an official OpenCV Java API. Do not use this tag for the official OpenCV Java API, use [opencv] + [java] instead.

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0 votes
1 answer

Cropping of Aligned face image in OpenCV

How do the cropping of Image is done after face alignment. The reason I'm asking this question is that, the landmarks are used to Align the image and after the alignment is done the old landmarks are ...
-2 votes
0 answers

I am working on a face recognition system using JavaCV. I am using both OpenCV and JavaCV

but i could not covert my org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_coreMat cannot be converted to org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core.mat how to resolve this problem i want to use jar file for my code compatible to ...
0 votes
0 answers

JavaCV ffmpeg video/audio not syncing

i have cut two videos into multiple segments and i am trying to rearangle them randomly. The problem is that the audio wont sync properly... All the segments have the same frame rate, 30 fps, same ...
1 vote
4 answers

Is there a way of storing Opencv/javacv Mat objects in a database?

After reading endless documents and trying to understand the examples about opencv/javacv for extracting keypoints, computing features with some DescriptorExtractors to match an input image against ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to pass fps_mode option when recording rtsp stream?

I am trying to record RTSP stream and store it into hls so that I can stream it to UI as and when it is required. But the rtsp stream is having a variable frame rate and as per requirement I have to ...
1 vote
0 answers

loading Tensorflow model in Opencv 3.4.1 failed: Input layer not found: convolution2d_1_b_1

i'm using opencv 3.4.1 DNN in java in order to load a "LeNet" model trained using keras and tensorflow in python. The model is saved as a tensorflow frozen model ".pb" where i'm using the following ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot open RTMP stream with FFMPEG Java Cannot assign requested address

I am trying to open an RTMP stream with avformat_open_input and for some reason i keep getting Cannot assign requested address error. My RTMP URL is correct because i can watch the stream using VLC ...
0 votes
0 answers

Could not initialize class org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector

I have a problem with the following class org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.MatVector. These are the related dependencies that I added to my POM: <dependency> <groupId>org....
0 votes
0 answers

How to add gif as a top layer to video with javaCV?

How to add gif as a top layer to video with javaCV? I try to add GIF over a video and continuously loop. When I use ffmpeg command, everything works well. But I have no idea how to implemet it wwith ...
0 votes
0 answers

Error recording audio with FFmpegFrameGrabber

I am attempting to combine an Audio source with Buffered images to create a video like so: public static void compileVideo(BufferedImage[] bufferedImages, String audioPath , String savePath) throws ...
0 votes
0 answers

Convert Frame to BufferedImage using JavaCV

so I have a Frame from a video: FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber(videoFilePath); grabber.start(); grabber.setFrameNumber(frameNumber); Frame frame = grabber.grab(); and I want to ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to Gradle load JavaCV binaries only for current platform?

I'm building a Java desktop app using JavaCV. When my app builds, it's supermassive (1.2GB which is almost all unused JavaCV dependencies). I'm trying to pare down the deps that get loaded, since all ...
0 votes
1 answer

JavaCV error in the AndroidStudio java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core

I am working on a face recognition system using JavaCV. I am using both OpenCV and JavaCV. I am also using AndroidStudio. However, it shows me this error. 12-20 00:22:25.315 6018-6018/com.example....
1 vote
1 answer

How to Set up JavaCV for Android Studio?

I am trying to implement these techniques and algorithms: Image Filtering, Edge Detection, Image Binarization, Contour Detection, Cell Segmentation using JavaCV But I don't know how to set up JavaCV ...
0 votes
0 answers

JavaCV: jniavutil.dll - Cannot access the file. The file is being used by another process

I am trying to use JavaCV in a JavaFX running in OSGi container. The bundle that is using JavaCV as dependency is resolved correctly, but once started it creates an instance of org.bytedeco.javacv....
0 votes
0 answers

android gradle file having duplicate classes

I am trying to add javacv to my build.gradle however it already has opencv imbedded in the sdk(this is for a robitics competition). Duplicate class found in ...
1 vote
1 answer

JavaCV error AAC with no global headers is currently not supported

I'm trying to transcode dhav (one of the container format) to RTSP By JavaCV(FFmpegFrameGrabber + FFmpegFrameRecorder) , It's fine when i transcoding dhav to RTMP , but when I change to RTSP ,error ...
2 votes
2 answers

JavaCV Create Mat from Resource (InputStream)

I use JavaCV (not OpenCV). My goal is to obtain a Mat object from an image that is stored as a Resource. Then I'm going to pass this Mat into opencv_imgproc.matchTemplate method. I've managed to write ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it feasible to create FFmpegFrameGrabber one by one for single FFmpegFrameRecorder and maintain video stream keep alive?

The reason why I ask these question is I got byte [] of container data(name is dhav) one by one and I need to push that data continuously to RTMP to play。 What's the current progress I made? For now ,...
1 vote
0 answers

JavaCV DNN RetinaFace Model how to get the face and landmark information

I am using the JavaCV DNN module to build a face detector using the RetinaFace model. Here is the model: I am referring to the OpenCV C++ version to develop the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Error setting option use_wallclock_as_timestamps to value 1 in FFmpegFrameGrabber - avformat_open_input() error -22

avformat_open_input() error -22 Error setting option FFmpegFrameGrabber grabber = new FFmpegFrameGrabber("rtsp://xxxxx"); grabber.setOption("use_wallclock_as_timestamps", "1&...
5 votes
0 answers

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "../../lib/" not found

I compiled face-recognition and was successfully running on an LG Leon (armv7I). When I installed the app on a MyPhone UNO with similar CPU architecture (armv7I), the error below occurs: 06-03 22:09:...
0 votes
0 answers

Failed to decode h264 key frame with DXVA2.0 because returned buffer is to small

I hava a strange problem on Windows with DXVA2 h264 decoding. I recently figured out a ffmpeg decoding limitation for DXVA2 and D3D11VA on Windows and how to solve it, this solution completly fixes ...
0 votes
1 answer

FFmpeg invalid data found when processing input with D3D11VA and DXVA2 hw acceleration

I'm currently porting my Android streaming app to Windows and for decoding the h264 video stream I use FFmpeg with possible hardware acceleration. Last two weeks I was reading a lot of documentation ...
2 votes
0 answers

FFMPEG Video conversion

Working on a project which requires conversion from video of quicktime to mp4 format Using the javacv maven library <dependency> <groupId>org.bytedeco</groupId> <...
13 votes
4 answers

opencv manager package was not found?? how install automatcally?

I am working on openCV, and whenever i run code it gives me package manager is not installed, So how can i installed this through my application.Is it compulsory to download it from play store or we ...
7 votes
5 answers

How to install JavaCV on Android and use FrameGrabber

Could someone tell me where I'm doing wrong? These are the steps that I have followed: Downloaded the adt-bundle-windows from android developer website Created a new project and a libs/armeabi ...
3 votes
2 answers

Decode a proprietary H264 network video stream

I have incoming byte streams probably encoded in H264 from a RTSP camera through a websocket in my spring boot application, I need to decode the incoming H264 streams to transmit the video to my ...
0 votes
1 answer

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jniavutil in java.library.path:

I am getting the following error while adding and testing javaCV to project in intellij in ubuntu 22.04. I hava read the documentation( but didn't understand what to ...
0 votes
1 answer

bytedeco javcv OpenCVFrameGrabber.grab is too slow for 25 fps

I've got the following code and somehow the logged time between 1 and 2 is 65-95 ms all the time so I can only record a video grabbed from my webcam with 10-12 fps :-/ (For instance) Looking at How to ...
1 vote
1 answer

OpenCV Android(Java) --- Extract frames from MP4 file

I am trying to read an MP4 file in OpenCV Java on Android Studio but having no success. I create a VideoCapture object and pass the video as the argument to it but the method ...
1 vote
1 answer

Finding the corners of a puzzle piece

Scenario: Scan a puzzle and let a computer solve it (Java application). I'm searching for a way to find the corners of a jigsaw puzzle piece. I don't know if I can approach this problem using a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Convert BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB to CV_8UC3 with JavaCV

I've been working on something similiar to OpenTrack in Java. I have working example with Demo Video opened with FFMpegGrabber but now I'm trying to implement it with PS3 Eye Webcam. I'm using JavaCV ...
0 votes
1 answer

JavaCV FFmpegFrameFilter does not work for fps filter

I am trying to change the frame rate of a video using the FFmpegFrameFilter and -grabber of JavaCV. However, filter.pull(); always returns null. I have tried basically every combination of pulling ...
8 votes
3 answers

Making ffmpeg/javacv less verbose in java

I have a Java application that uses ffmpeg library and javacv to load and process video files. I am currently using following code, for loading videofile to my data container. public boolean add(...
0 votes
0 answers

Printing Mat Object - Java (OpenCV, JavaCV)

Okay, I have to compare some outputs. I need to be able to see the content of the Mat object I create by reading an image. I tried a few approaches but some functions that exist according to the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Spring boot application -OpenCV : Unable to stop the stream: Inappropriate ioctl for device

I am using OpenCV frame extraction from video in spring-boot application. I have following openCV related mvn dependencies defined <dependency> <groupId>org.openpnp</...
1 vote
1 answer

How to Iterate in OpenCV4Android

I had this piece of code to be converted into Java using OpenCV4Android. But their are no Java-Wrappers for matiterator in OpenCV4Android. void show_result(const cv::Mat& labels, const cv::Mat&...
0 votes
1 answer

Why and how apply thresholding to get better matched features

in the below code, i am doing descriptor matching using BRUTFORCE algorithm. i read som tutorial but they were writtin in C++, and i found that, always after the matching process, the resultant ...
0 votes
1 answer

Error in loading libraries in JavaCV in Android

I'm trying to implement a simple face recognition code using javaCV. I'm getting a error and don't know why. I have copied every .so file to almost all directories -> app/libs/armeabi and app/src/...
0 votes
2 answers

JavaCV in Android

I downloaded JavaCV-1-3-1. Now I have 2 questions: How can I import JavaCV to Android Studio for using? Can be used from FFMPEG commands with JavaCV?
4 votes
4 answers

How to set a mask image for grabCut in OpenCV?

How can I set a mask image for the grabCut function in OpenCV? I want to do GC_INIT_WITH_MASK with the options GC_BGD = 0, GC_FGD = 1, GC_PR_BGD = 2, GC_PR_FGD = 3, If you can answer this with ...
0 votes
2 answers

Webcam capture for opencv in Android ,built with ffmpeg and compiled for android

I just purchased an onwave ip camera ,the main aim was to do image processing and monitoring using Android tablet.While coding natively and when cross compiled for java,python and C++ with FFMPEG .The ...
0 votes
0 answers

Image Stitching: not generating result

I have run this code. It seems to be that result.png is not generated as a result: public class ImageStitching { public static void main(String[] args) { MatVector images = new MatVector(); ...
0 votes
1 answer

JavaCV Insufficient memory, failed to allocate memory

I am developing an OMR(Optical Mark Recognition) application using JavaCV,java interface for OpenCV.The application runs fine for 200 images but after that it fails to allocate memory for IplImage in ...
2 votes
2 answers

Merging 2 videos using JavaCV, second video has no sound

This is the code I use: public void stopRecording() throws Exception, com.googlecode.javacv.FrameRecorder.Exception { runAudioThread = false; if (recorder != null && recording) { ...
0 votes
1 answer

OpenCV Java SimpleBlobDetector does not detect any Keypoints

I am new to OpenCV and I use this repo to import OpenCV Java into my project. I imported the latest version there 4.3.0 and I want to try Blob Detection feature but cannot. I found SimpleBlobDetector ...
1 vote
1 answer

ProcessBuilder is not called when trying to start a process

I am trying to understand more about the ffmpeg usage in JavaCV for android studio and for said task I am trying to use ProcessBuilder. I tried writting a simple program to debug the pb.start(); ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I get a frame sample (jpeg) from a video (mp4) using javaCV

I'm trying to create a Mendix Java Action which generates a thumbnail jpeg from a movie. I'm using javaCV 5.4 but I'm struggling to generate a Frame from the frameGrabber, for some reason it's always ...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to open FFmpegFrameRecorder stream on a UDP port on Windows

I am trying to stream a webcam video with FFmpegFrameRecorder and play it with "ffplay" command, but the ffplay command fails with the following message 'udp:// Invalid data ...

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