Questions tagged [jdbc]

JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) is the base API which enables interacting with SQL database servers by executing SQL statements using the Java programming language.

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Debezium-JDBC connector handling operations using other columns aside from pk (id)

I created a cdc set up using debezium for source and jdbc as my sink connector which is the data is in a Postgres db. The process is working fine as expected. Now we’re facing some use case issue ...
john's user avatar
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Hibernate ClobJdbcType bindings: what are the diferences?

Hibernate ClobJdbcType provides several binder types, but it's not documented and not so obvious for all developers. What are the "benefits" of: Stream vs simple String binder? (guess ...
radistao's user avatar
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Update a MySQL row depending on the ID in Google Sheets Apps Script

I'm looking to update rows of a MySQL database from a Google Sheet. My current workflow is to import the existing table into one sheet in Google Sheets, copy it to another one where I make changes, ...
JRUK's user avatar
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How RowSet works java?

I am trying to understand the internal workings of RowSet. How does it set the properties data and create a connection? RowSetFactory factory = RowSetProvider.newFactory(); JdbcRowSet jdbcRowSet = ...
Manish's user avatar
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java ee jdbc jstl servlet connection to db [duplicate]

hi guys hope you re doing well please i ve connect a file with class name singletonconnection to my database and it s all working and i created a class to implement some sql querys like selet from and ...
Reda Malki's user avatar
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VSCode Libraries not showing for New Java Project

I was hoping someone could help me resolve some issues I'm having when creating a Java project in VSCode. I want to use the project to connect to a DB on Oracle and use JDBC to do so, but I can't seem ...
CortadoLover's user avatar
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Java cancel task running Oracle query through JDBC - connection broken because of SQLSTATE(08006), ErrorCode(17002) IO Error: Socket read interrupted

Starting from Java custom ThreadPool - pause task submission and cancel current queued tasks I'm implementing a mechanism to close ongoing queries on a specific connection for a period of time. ...
RBA's user avatar
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How to connect to mysql inside a Kubernetes cluster?

I have a java app that needs to connect to a MySQL instance running inside a Kubernetes cluster. The MySQL instance comes up just fine and I can log into the container from the shell. The ...
Issues-Java's user avatar
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How to specify multiple databases when connecting to DolphinDB Server with JDBC interface?

My data is saved in multiple databases. Can I specify the databasePath with multiple paths to DFS databases where various tables are saved? That said, the script is as follows:
Claire's user avatar
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Connecting to MS SQL DB from Java thows error [duplicate]

I have MS SQL running on my Mac, installed and configured over Docker - As instructed in - Below is my code, which I tried to ...
user434853's user avatar
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Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in eclipse when connecting with jdbc

I'am trying to access sql database from eclipse Java IDE using jdbc connectivity. But I'am encountering with a error "Error: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)". ...
Charan Kondaveeti's user avatar
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databricks / pycharm sql connection

I want to add my databricks hive database to pycharm. I installed the JDBC drivers etc. like described here. I'm using the latest driver: DatabricksJDBC42- downloaded from https://www....
HeyMan's user avatar
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How to query jsonb column with spring data

I have a repository which has a simple query for reading the products: import; import; import org....
Ock's user avatar
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Willena's sqlite-jdbc-crypt driver for sqlite3 database encryption

I am trying to get a sqlite3 encrypted database by using Willena's driver: I have added the driver and the rest of required dependencies to my NetBeans ...
Fernando Aranda Fernández's user avatar
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How to select correct ojdbc version accourding to Oracle FAQ?

I know there is some questions about this but none of these are not telling how to choose. So I have oracle database version 19c and jdk 17 microservice. When I look Oracle FAQ I have 3 options to use....
Kaepxer's user avatar
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org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database ... does not exist

Can someone explaining why I am receiving this error when I run 'mvn test' at the root of my project? It is a Spring JPA application. Database configuration is in the file in ...
Dominic Keefe's user avatar
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unable to start my java spring boot project from spring initlizar

this is coming i got the jist of it some kind of driver not found but i am unable to fix it need help 2024-03-25T21:40:09.961+05:30 INFO 24152 --- [ main] .s.d.r.c....
lakshit gupta's user avatar
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Creating a table on a remote db from a databricks notebook using jdbc

I'm able to connect from databricks to the db and run queries on it using query = "select count(1) c from dbo.my_table" df = "jdbc" ).option("driver&...
Carlo's user avatar
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Unable to determine Dialect without JDBC metadata

In my springboot application properties file, I have set wrong passwword, and hence application fails to start. But logs instead of saying anything about connection issues due to wrong credentials, ...
Mandroid's user avatar
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How to get the values from individual columns in an SQL Database with Java: UcanaccessSQLException

I have a table in a database which I have displayed in a JTable on a JFrame. I made the connection to the database and everything displays perfectly when I run the program. When I try to get the ...
RedKite's user avatar
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Access FairCom DB without using drivers provided by FairCom

I m trying to create an application that requires access to FairCom data base running as part of another application. Is there a way to query the data base without using the JDBC driver provided by ...
 Ruth Reji's user avatar
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How to connect remote postgresql database with datagrip by ssh tunnel?

I want to connect to the remote Postgresql production server with datagrip, using ssh tunnel. I had successfully setup the ssh tunnel configuration and the connection works. But when I try to connect ...
Davidaa_WoW's user avatar
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Microsoft SQL Server Express Java Connection

I installed on proxmox a SQL Server Express and now I want connect with a Java program to it, to write and read data. But no matter what I do, I don't get a connection. I tested different types of ...
Fritz Möhring's user avatar
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"No Suitable Driver Found..." SQLite JDBC jar [duplicate]

I am trying to create a small proof-of-concept program with JDBC. I was able to get it working on one of my machines (an older Mac with an x86 processor), but when I moved it to a newer laptop (...
cryptic_star's user avatar
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No suitable driver found for com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver

I want to know why I get this JDBC connection error. I already added the SQL driver in classpath. When I try use init parameter @WebServlet(urlPatterns="/addServlet",initParams= {@...
Ashhh's user avatar
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Servlet not displaying data obtained from dao [duplicate]

in dao public class DAO { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; public List<Product> getAllProduct() { List<Product> list = ...
Ngo Thu Trang K18 HL's user avatar
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Erreur "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver" [duplicate]

I start a project with Java (8, SDK 21.0.2) on IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2022.1.1. MMy database is on PostgreSql (16). I created the class + method below, in order to test my database connexion :...
Mylène Brieux's user avatar
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Failed to load the sqljdbc_auth.dll cause : no sqljdbc_auth in java.library.path

I have a Javafx program that I'm trying to connect to a SQL Database through Windows Authentication mode. I have put the mssql-jdbc_auth-12.6.1.x64.dll file in the - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17\bin. ...
Kameron's user avatar
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I don't know why this error appears. "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"

It worked fine in a Windows environment, but an error occurs in Linux Ubuntu. my wrapper.log INFO | jvm 1 | 2024/03/19 15:11:11 | Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot ...
asdasdasd's user avatar
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Spring JDBC - SELECT on table after executing stored procedure

I have a scenario where my service executes a stored procedure which populates a certain database table (let's call it SERVICE_TABLE, and after it is executed, the same service perform a query on this ...
Nicolas Cunha's user avatar
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Not able to fetch precise double value

@Column(name="tax-rate) Public Double taxRate; For above column in particular table, I am not able to get precise value. Actual value in database = 5.0004 Value I am getting during execution= 5....
Palash Tirpude's user avatar
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JDBC call function with custom type parameter

I have a Postgres custom type as below: create type custom_type as ( a text, b text, c boolean ); And the function is as follows CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test(strings custom_type[]) ...
Redone's user avatar
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Connect to Splunk from DBeaver

My question is a simple how to. I'm aware of this link, but can't get the driver for it is not free to download! Maybe, somewhere out there, there is another jdbc driver for Splunk?
Damon's user avatar
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Refused connection in SQL Server

Here is my connecting function: public void connect(){ String url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=qlsv"; String user = "sa"; String password ...
Mai C Tam's user avatar
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MySQL database returning inconsistent results for queries involving `in (...)` clauses with long lists

My Java program used JDBC to run the query SELECT * FROM foo WHERE versionEnd = 0 AND barId IN ( '01HRCX6QP5CQY5T4EN6N7KZP0P', '01HRCX6QPKCKB2HBKAVPTFSR2C', '...
Jake Mirra's user avatar
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Does Postgres JDBC LazyCleaner cause a classloader memory leak?

I have a Spring Boot web application which is deployed multiple times a day, so a clean undeploy is essential. Tomcat is reporting a memory leak, and MAT points me to I'm using postgresql-42.6.0.jar, ...
Simon's user avatar
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MariaDB connection problem mysql protocol

Until MariaDB 10.3, JDBC connection was possible even using the mysql jdbc driver. (I used jdbc:mysql://... ) However, this does not work in 11.0.2, which is currently in use. Since what version have ...
bsjy's user avatar
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Invalid connection string format, a valid format is: "host:port:sid"

I have the error: "Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Exception IO: Invalid connection string ...
Davide's user avatar
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JDBI connector performance anamoly with aws lambda

I am trying to use AWS lambda with postgres and JDBI as a connector but I see a performance difference in how I query with JDBI First Way: Using interface Lambda: static{ jdbi = JdbiConnector....
arsh katyal's user avatar
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JDBC sink connector can not consume delete operation but can consume update and delete (postgres)

I have a source connector and a sink connector running on docker. I have built a cdc to allow sync from source to sink db which is both postgres. I got the update and insert working pretty well but I ...
john's user avatar
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JDBC.NET returns "Task Cancelled" error on .NET 6 Web App

I am trying to create a JDBC connection using JDBC.NET library in my .NET 6 Web App in Azure. I have followed the instructions in this thread but the application keeps returning "Task was ...
Talib Nawaz's user avatar
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Connect Superset to a database with JDBC Driver (.jar)

Is there any way to connect to a database with a JDBC driver that does not have a python driver or SQLAlchemy dialect. I have read the documentation and everywhere they mention the need for these two ...
o_FMG's user avatar
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How to use JPA and JDBC transactions within the same Spring transaction scope?

We are migrating an existing application to new platform with very minimal rewriting of the code. The legacy app uses EJB's and JDBC for the database operations. We have now replaced EJB with Spring ...
Adi Prasanna's user avatar
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Connect Jdbc to Sql server using SSMS 19

I am trying to connect a script i wrote for a google sheet in App script which ideally should connect the Database (local) to the sheet. But i always run into error : Exception: Failed to establish a ...
Atif Ibrahim's user avatar
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Can't load or find the main class in java eclipse

So I was doing a JDBC connectivity program I made a new project on eclipse and created a class then I installed the connectivity driver and uploaded the path into the modulepath then after writing the ...
Janvi's user avatar
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Connecting to local database from Android studio emulator

I am trying to connect in a Postgres database from an android java app. Postgres server and android studio emulator are running on the same machine. I am getting this exception: org.postgresql.util....
mvasileva's user avatar
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Why does IntelliJ IDEA give java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver error when MySql jar file is added?

I get the following error when I try to run a simple program to connect to MySql database in IntelliJ IDEA: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver at java.base/jdk.internal....
Kelli's user avatar
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How can I use Passwordless authentication via JDBC through Azure Pipelines?

My goal is to use Service Principals for authentications instead of passwords in my Azure environment. In my Azure Pipelines I have a database migration script that I'm struggling to get working with ...
Atli's user avatar
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How to run tens of thousands concurrent transactions on PostgreSQL

Many of modern programming languages use lightweight threads (virtual threads/coroutines/goroutines) and thus scalability does not limited by number of threads anymore. But if these lightweight ...
Dmitrii Apanasevich's user avatar
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How to fetch into multiple classes?

Let's say I have 3 tables that are related. How can I query all 3 inner joined and get the result in 3 different record types for each table? e.g. something like: dslContext .select(A.fields()).from(B)...
Mahdi's user avatar
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