Questions tagged [jrubyonrails]

JRuby on Rails is a term to describe a Ruby On Rails application running on JRuby.

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409 views is moving to Jruby?

There is a post on from Oracle's Ted Farrell which has an interesting statement: We are in the process of migrating to the kenai technology. Does this mean will ...
arkadiy kraportov's user avatar
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jruby/activerecord-jdbc/tomcat/DB2 ready for enterprise?

I am trying to introduce RoR to my company and I have two ways of doing so in my mind: (1) rails/ibm_db2/passenger/DB2 - which is my preferable way but it is not really supported by company's ...
arkadiy kraportov's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

tomcat 5.5 web.xml change WEB-INF/lib directory

I have a jruby rails app that has some jar dependencies in rails lib/java. I prefer this to just putting them straight in lib as it separates my java libs from ruby libs. Works locally using jruby. ...
brad's user avatar
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using maven to manage java dependencies in a jruby rails app

I'm trying to write a pom.xml that will allow me to run a command locally and fetch all dependencies that my jruby Rails app has. I'm seeing two different configs though and I'm not totally sure ...
brad's user avatar
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2 answers

Rails Time Zone

I understand that default behavior of rails is to save the database records and any date/datetime related columns to UTC time. And we can control the display of date/datetime to the users with config....
Dharam Gollapudi's user avatar
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jruby include java class performance vs include a package

I have a jruby rails app with a ruby module in lib that is name-spacing my java objects so I don't have conflicts. I'm wondering what the difference is between including the specific classes in that ...
brad's user avatar
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jruby rails memcached unmarshalling error with java classes

I have a rails app that is communicating with some java services over JMS. I'm caching a few of these objects in memcached on the rails side like so: @my_objects = MEMCACHE["some_key"] || @service....
brad's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Automatically Refreshing Rails Metal In Development Mode

I am trying to develop a rails metal endpoint using sinatra, but is proving to be a pain because I have to restart the server every time I change the code. I am in Jruby and running from within a ...
iamjwc's user avatar
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jruby -S rake gems:install shows success but doesn't in fact install the gems

Has anyone used rake gems:install under jruby? running sudo jruby -S rake gems:install --trace give me the following output: ** Invoke gems:install (first_time) ** Invoke gems:base (first_time) ** ...
brad's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Is JRuby a viable alternative to the MRI for Rails development?

I am a beginner-verging-on-intermediate rails developer that is working hard to improve my skills. I am a little confused about the state of JRuby, and whether it is a viable alternative to switch ...
pakeha's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Logging inside threads in a Rails application

I've got a Rails application in which a small number of actions require significant computation time. Rather than going through the complexity of managing these actions as background tasks, I've found ...
Mark Westling's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I start JRuby on Rails from Java?

I need to start a copy of a Rails app from within Java. I would favor a lightweight HTTP server, as our installations will have a very small userbase (1-10, 10 being a huge installation). My design ...
Alex's user avatar
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4 answers

Good framework for Ruby web development [closed]

Basically I am java developer and exploring ruby and ruby related framework right now. I am mostly working on web based projects. I had heard about RoR and Merb for web development in ruby. I am ...
Silent Warrior's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

PDF generation with Prawn and Prawnto

Is anyone using Prawn / Prawnto with Jruby on rails? I installed prawn 0.5.01 and rails 2.3.2. I just installed prawn and prawnto and started playing with the PDF generation capabilities. I am ...
Joe Dean's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do you query a database in the middle of a jruby on rails webpage?

Not sure how to ask it so sorry if I mess up my terminology. In using jruby on rails, how would I query two (or more database) to serve back to the view page? I have seen where I set up my database ...
johnny's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

If I have jRuby on Rails installed can I use only Ruby?

What I mean by this is if I install jRuby on Rails, can I use only the ruby language to build my application? I wanted to install my rails application with jRuby in case I wanted to use Java in the ...
johnny's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

JRuby on Rails without a database

I'm kicking off a new Rails project in NetBeans using JRuby (v1.2.0) which uses Rails (2.3.2). I don't need a database, all my data comes from the cloud. I've uncommented this line in my environment ...
typemismatch's user avatar
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139 votes
6 answers

JRuby on Rails vs. Ruby on Rails, what's difference?

I'm looking to try out JRuby and JRuby on Rails. I'm having trouble finding information on what's difference between JRuby on Rails and Ruby on Rails. What's the differences I need to look out for?
epochwolf's user avatar
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