Questions tagged [keep-alive]

A feature of HTTP where the same connection is used for multiple requests, speeding up downloading of web pages with multiple resources.

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Flutter: KeepAlive Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget

Try to keep drawer alive (do not rebuild when open/close drawer): import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp(...
eastwater's user avatar
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flutter: how to prevent Scaffold drawer from being rebuilt?

flutter: how to prevent Scaffold drawer from being rebuilt? Scaffold( drawer: Drawer(child.MyWidget), body: ... ); Everytime the drawer is closed and opened, the widget tree inside the drawer ...
eastwater's user avatar
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Is there a way to make keep-alive setting specific to one instance of

I know you can set keep-alive by using System property jdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout, and this value is only read once when the class is loaded. Afterwards, it ...
Patrick's user avatar
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NAT KeepAlive Package in Android

I wonder that NAT keepalive can work with TCP packet or not? Or only for UDP package. NAT keepalive package & keepalive package are different? I have read post:
Manh Cuong Nguyen's user avatar
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Keep the code running Even If I closed the Visual studio code app - Python language

I will keep it short. I built a Telegram bot using python on visual studio code. I want the code **to keep running even if I close the app **or my laptop. But unfortunately, when I turn off my ...
Business Heroes's user avatar
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NGINX Reverse Proxy Server sending RST and FIN every 5 Minutes of inactivity

My current nginx setup always kill the TCP connection after 5 minutes of inactivity, i.e no transaction. I have this setup which requires TLS1.2 connection connecting from my internal network [client ...
KSKS's user avatar
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ReactPHP memory problem with keep-alive connections

I have a API Rest developed with ReactPHP and FastRoute. If I call it from a web interfaz with header "Connection: keep-alive" the memory starts to increase until memory crash. I tried to ...
acastro's user avatar
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why chrome finish a keep-alive connection after there is no data exchange after a while

I'm using java's nio to test the keep-alive connection, just wondering if I don't close the connection at the server side, what will happen, I thought the connection will keep util server side close ...
jinshan's user avatar
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Apache2 server gather all the KeepAlive response together

I have a server with Apache2 where my php runs. For my IoT application I send 5 requests via KeepAlive and I see that the server responds but at once as soon as it has fulfilled them all, getting 5 ...
Fincato S.'s user avatar
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Difference between RabbitMQ Heartbeat Timeout and Delivery Acknowledgement Timeout

I am building a microservices product using RabbitMQ as the connector between a task creator and worker nodes. The task creator (producers) will push tasks onto a single RabbitMQ queue. We will have ...
Brendon's user avatar
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How to properly implement keep-alive connection for a C HTTP server?

My server is implemented using edge-triggered epoll(). I basically need a way to do the following: process_request(client); client_timestamp = curr_time; // do some other stuff, possibly call ...
Sgg8's user avatar
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Nginx http2 - browser creates new connection even after a few seconds idle

I have a NGINX server running with http2 that serves my REST API. Works great for concurrent requests. But if there is even just a few seconds between request then the browser creates a whole new ...
user28906's user avatar
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Nginx VIP ip address redirecting me to wrong destination

I'm currently running Nginx as a reverse proxy for two applications: RocketChat and JFrog. At the moment, I've configured: RocketChat IP: (DNS: rocket1.tec.local) JFRog IP: 192.168....
JakePaul's user avatar
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keep alive spring websocket connection

I have an spring boot application with the messaging module dependency. I have the following scenario: The client connects, it sends an identifier (so as to associate the identifier with the session) [...
Agustn Ernesto Cardeilhac Bans's user avatar
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Track server open connection

I've configured my web server using NestJS with a keep-alive time of 65 seconds and a header timeout of 67 seconds like this: const server = await app.listen(appPort, appHost); server....
Nikunj Aggarwal's user avatar
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No KeepAlive requests after setting it for SocketOptionLevel.Socket

I have and two applications The 1st one opens the TcpClient: client = new TcpClient(); client.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, true); client.NoDelay = ...
Sheinar's user avatar
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Passing postgresql parameter keywords via RPostgreSQL

I would like to pass some parameter keywords (specifically keepalives, keepalives_idle, keepalives_count , or connect_timeout) using the R package RPostgreQSL to connect to my DB. I have searched the ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to disable "TCP Keep-Alive" in a XMLHttpRequest

I am working with an embedded firmware project that has an internal HTTP(S) server. It uses an XMLHttpRequest to perform an update to the device. The core of the AJAX code is this: var oReq = new ...
SpacemanScott's user avatar
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vue watch superimposed operation

I used vue component to cover my component,My component has a watch to listen to a certain value,When I jump to the next page and then return to the current page, when the userTypes of the watch ...
xiaofeng's user avatar
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keep-alive doesnt return always the last state

I have a search form which is divided into 2 parts, a first part made up of a component (which has the inputs where the user must write their search) <!-- Search Form --> <keep-alive&...
navS02's user avatar
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KeepAlives and MaxConnectionIdle for bidirectional GRPC streams

so for context I have an issue where my GRPC server is not aware of outstanding GRPC bidi streams being closed. This is because idle connections are closed by NLBs in AWS without notifying either the ...
whattheellman's user avatar
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TypeError: Object(...) is not a function at eval (eventtargetinterruptsource.js) while using ng-idle/ng-keepalive in angular 8

I want to use ng-idle/ng-keepalive in my angular 8 project, I tried installing many versions of them, but in console it is showing this error only Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Object(...) ...
Salvi Rawat's user avatar
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HTTP keep alive with console application and iHttpHandler is losing connection

I have this simple HTTPHandler which simply sets keep-alive to true and saves the response object to a list so we can write to it later. Then the global module further down has a timer which writes ...
user2728841's user avatar
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How to keep-alive a Doctrine DBAL connection on a long-running process that is idle for hours awaiting input?

I have a long-running process, a symfony command that uses ReactPhp behind and lasts running for hours. If the DBAL $connection is not used, it breaks and the next time a request enters and is ...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
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How to keep Leantween animation alive until server response is handled in Unity

I'm developing a slot game in Unity. For every spin, I send a spin request to server and get the results from server and set final position of symbols on screen. I want to keep wheels rolling till ...
diyapesen's user avatar
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How to make two requests using the same socket?

This code makes two requests. However, they use different sockets. How can I configure the Server or request Agent in order for both requests to use the same socket? import { Server, IncomingMessage,...
stackhatter's user avatar
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PHP-FPM+Nginx set keepalive cause response error?

I set up PHP-FPM and Nginx to maintain persistent connections. However, in high concurrency scenarios, the responses are incorrect, causing the frontend to display the source code of the webpage ...
shichen's user avatar
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In gRPC, why enable grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls?

From, grpc.keepalive_permit_without_calls is described as: This channel argument if set to 1 (0 : false; 1 : true), allows keepalive pings to ...
cozos's user avatar
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Reactor Netty - keepalive

I have an application that uses Webflux and I'm trying to enable keepalive on the server. I did the following: @Component public class ServerConfiguration implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<...
TheSQLGoat's user avatar
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Why doesn't Flask establish persistent HTTP connection with multiple requests from Java application using HttpURLConnection?

I have a minor project which will involve repeated HTTPS communication between a Java application and a Flask web server such that keeping the TCP connection alive is important. In order to test and ...
capalloc's user avatar
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KeepAlive still fire onMounted every time visit component

My project made from parent layout and nest layout nest many child components I used <router-view> and nest <router-view> too when I applied KeepAlive to one of child component and debug ...
Meas's user avatar
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Does Java Apache HttpClient reuse keepalive connection?

I have nginx with enabled keepalive. I create simple java code, which sends 2 requests to nginx: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { var apacheHttpClient = ...
Kreans's user avatar
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Is it ok to keep TCP connections alive throughout the serving time?

I'm making a socket TCP server with python that handles multiple connections simultaneously. so I defined a dictionary to hold the clients socket addresses, so I could access them and traffic the ...
atiya khodari's user avatar
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Python with Flask: How to keep the connection alive while the user is waiting (preventing a timeout error for user)?

I have an online app running Python and Flask that provide files to users. The files are built on demand, that is, when the user place the request, the app will build the file and deliver to the user. ...
Nanno's user avatar
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Conflicting keep-alive and idle timeouts

I have an AWS Application Load Balancer with Apache HTTP 2.4 behind it. I've been getting sporatic 502 errors, and I think I've determined that it's because of the Event MPM module. When I switched to ...
Matt's user avatar
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openjdk setting keepalive time in windows 10

I'm working in java (openjdk14) on a project that sends files to a webservice. The server takes its time to process this files so I need to set the TCP keepalive time in order to not lose the ...
Eduardo Sabaj's user avatar
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How to set oracle CONNECTION_PROPERTY_NET_KEEPALIVE property in Java

I am getting sudden drops in connection in my java application when connection has been idle for sometime. IO Error: Connection reset; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException Found below:...
Doofenshmirtz's user avatar
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HiveMQ KeepAlive Mechanism not working in Hivemq ce broker or client

I am using hivemq-mqtt-client-1.3.0.jar and creating a hivemq mqtt5 client. I have specified a keep alive time of 60 secs from client side. String id = "1"; Mqtt5ClientBuilder builder = ...
YDev01's user avatar
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How can I set TCP connection timeout using Keep alive in Linux?

I have a TCP connection that I want to get fast feedback that the connection is broken. My device transmits data every second or every couple of seconds (definitely not longer than 4 seconds). There ...
blinkbetter's user avatar
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Is the HTTP Keep-Alive timeout refreshed by new requests?

I found two types of explanations online and on SO about the Keep-Alive: timeout=N directive in a server response's headers: The timeout value indicates the maximum duration that the underlying TCP ...
Ewaren's user avatar
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How can I keep a HTTP connection alive if I am making the first request outside of the main fetch function in NodeJS?

I have the following fetch function which I use with the undici fetch library: async function call() { return await fetch('', { dispatcher: new Agent({ ...
Optimus Servers's user avatar
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Android studio keep internet connection alive when key is locked

I'm on android studio. 10 minutes later it disconnects the internet. I want to keep it on all the time without disconnecting the internet in the background. Always keep the internet on in the ...
berumsu's user avatar
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In Java despite being configured as keep alive, HTTPS creates multiple client ports

A chunked encoded response is provided by a simple web application I have deployed. Just to be sure that the keep-alive is honored, I call this URL connection twice in a loop. It is clear that the ...
Ashwin's user avatar
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Flutter: Should I specify keep-alive in my headers or use an http.Client throughout the app?

An app we have in production has a lot of http requests dealing with authorization, fetching data, and posting data to the backend. It's been reported to us that it load times were lengthy and I ...
Louise's user avatar
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Do keepalive options exists in asyncpg like in psycopg2

I am trying to migrate from sync SQLalchemy to async, so I decided to use asyncpg instead of psycopg2. My sync code for initialization is SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL = f"postgresql://{DB_USER}:{...
Ivan's user avatar
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Unable to set response header "Connection" in ASP.NET Core 6

I have an ASP.NET Core 6 Web API and the requirement to set a Connection: Close header in certain situations to put some legacy terminals (client) in a maintenance mode. I can set the headers in ...
Martin Brandl's user avatar
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How to keep input data after browser back using keep-alive in vuejs?

I am a newbie to VueJs I would like to use Vue2 to create a validation form Index.html <div id="app"> <form action='process.php' method="post" name="submit_form&...
JessciaLau's user avatar
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Artifactory satellite pass-though keepAlive

we have 6 Artifactory Server (no HA cluster): Artifactory satellite pass-though topology Between all artifactory server we have firewalls to connect each network together. How it is possibly to ...
mobios's user avatar
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HTTP keep-alive with TCP in Go

I'm trying TCP in Go and trying to make an HTTP call from a TCP client to another HTTP server. I run another HTTP server locally. I noticed that whenever the header connection: close is present in the ...
Jeffy Mathew's user avatar
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Advice needed with keep-alive

My c++ client app runs on Windows and uses WinHTTP API functions to send a request to a web service and receive response data. The web service is a FastCGI server which I also wrote in c++. I ...
Roland Smith's user avatar

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