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Automatic Word Boundary Detection for German

I want to rephrase that: I need a corpus of German words so that I can check if a segment is a word. My solution so far is to take the string, check if it's in the dictionary and if not, delete the ...
kiwi-123's user avatar
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Can log2 be substituted with ln in logDice association measure in R?

I have a question about logDice association measure for collocational analysis. This is the formula for logDice: logDice = 14 + log2(2.w1w2/w1+w2) Where: w1w2 = the frequency of the word x and y w1 = ...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Using numeric column in dataframe within formula in R

I am a newbie and trying to do a transformation from one unit to another using the numbers that make up a column in a dataframe that I'm using. The formula is [(26.81x)/(1960+x)]-0.53. I've tried a ...
HaTo's user avatar
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Query Wikidata via SPARQL to get specific word etymology from Wiktionary

I'm trying to get the specific word etymology from Wikidata. For example, this query to get the word "exact" in Wikidata but I wasn't able to get the etymology part for this word. SELECT ...
Omar Al-Howeiti's user avatar
-1 votes
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What does "assign A to B" mean?

If I say "assign A to B", does it mean (a) A ← B or (b) B ← A? In other words, is it (a) A or (b) B that is being modified? (a) makes sense because A has responsibility over B, so A is ...
glibg10b's user avatar
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Problems with reproducing the training of the spaCy pipeline

I'm trying to reproduce the training of one of the spaCy pipeline for Italian language: it_core_news_sm. This pipeline is trained on 2 datasets: UD_Italian-ISDT for the conllu tasks WikiNer for NET ...
Andrea Lavista's user avatar
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In NLTK, how to generate a sample of sentences from PCFG, respecting the probabilities

NLTK has a generate method which enumerates sentences for a given CFG. It also has a PCFG class for probabilistic context-free grammars. Is it possible generate a sample of sentences with respect to ...
Albert Gevorgyan's user avatar
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Weighted Distance Matrix for QWERTZ Keyboard for Levenshtein Distance Algorithm

I have a weight Matrix for a Levenshtein Distance Algorithm which looks like this int[,] weights = new int[6, 6] { { 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 }, { 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2 }, { 2, 1, 0,...
Marco-rm-f's user avatar
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How to develop a corpus(corpus analysis)

I am goingt to build a linguistic corpus, but i don't understand which technologies should i use for it. Is it true, that for developing a courpus for any language i necessarily have to use IMS Corpus ...
Murad Mammadzada's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I study linguistic features of NLP libraries like spacy/NLTK in-depth? [closed]

My Objective I am trying to do Natural Language Processing(NLU to be precise) with spaCy. But the more I dive into this wonderful library, the more I realize that I need to understand some linguistics ...
Esa Anjum's user avatar
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Tool for detecting differences between text passages from two different groups

I have text data from two different groups. In total I have around 4000 text passages with around 300 words. I am searching for a tool that allows me to analyze the difference between these two groups....
Irazall's user avatar
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R - readtext and list of .xml files

I'm trying to create a corpus and a vcorpus with a bulk of .xml files, for quantitative linguistics With txt files I usually write library(tm) library(stopwords) library(magrittr) library(dplyr) ...
 SubotnikOne's user avatar
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How can I determine if a word is a part of an english word or is a portmanteau (a word created by combining parts of valid English words)?

I am trying to create a validator that takes in words and tries to determine if the word is one of the following: It is a valid English word It is a part of an English word It is an abbreviation It ...
user3188603's user avatar
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Reducing time for minimum edit distance in python?

I am trying to create a list with the edit distances between each word in a set of documents, ranging from 10k-42k words. If my idea of edit distance is correct, I would end up with a distance for ...
dmoses's user avatar
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Customization of Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer with rules

my goal is to fine-tune an ASR model, WavLM, that relies on the pretrained tokenizer Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer. I want to fine-tune this ASR model with another language and to perform the tokenization ...
Sara Picciau's user avatar
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spaCy custom tokenizer to separate word with underscore and also to include the whole word

After referring to the link: How to tokenize word with hyphen in Spacy I got to know how to tokenize by separating words containing hyphen/underscore but my requirement is to tokenize by separating it ...
Shakkir Moulana's user avatar
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How to do the post hoc test in the linear mixed model if I have three predictors (two factor variables and one numeric variable)

I'm using a linear mixed effects model to analyze the reaction time of learners of English as a second language. I have two factor variables - grammaticality (grammatical v.s. ungrammatical) and ...
Yang Cao's user avatar
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Can I use a vector as a regex pattern parameter in R?

I want to search a phonetic dictionary (tsv with two columns, one for words, another for phonetic transcription: IPA) for certain consonant clusters according to the type combination (e.g. fricative+...
marcocamilo's user avatar
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How do I recognize (spaceless) English text?

[Note. This question has mild spoilers, but no answers, for a crossword puzzle in the May 2022 issue of The MagPie.] In the puzzle, we are given a 52-character string. It is encrypted using Playfair,...
Frank Yellin's user avatar
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How to implement the theory of copy movement in Prolog?

Using this input: parse(Parse, [what,did,thomas,eat], []) I want to produce this output: sbarq( whnp( wp(what) ), sq( vbd(did), np(nnp(thomas)), vp( vb(eat), whnp( ...
madhatter's user avatar
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How to turn an adjective into a noun in python (pymorphy2)?

I have a word in Russian (which is actually where the difficulty arises). It's an adjective. And I need to make it in a noun form. I found an interesting library that can parse words, inflect and ...
kostya ivanov's user avatar
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Algorithm to rank the simplicity of a random name

I have been looking for a name for a new project. I want the name to have available domains and social media handles. For months, all those I can think of are taken. So I generated a list of names ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Tips for writing an algorithm for paraphrasing sentences(machine learning)

I am doing a project at the university and I need to train an algorithm to rephrase sentences, what can you advise for implementation? Is it possible to use a translator to translate into another ...
Zaytsev Alexandr's user avatar
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Relationship between vocab size and complexity

I have 2 corpuses, if one has a larger vocabulary size than the other, does it mean its language is more complex? Apart from complexity of the language, what else can effect the size of the vocabulary ...
daniel's user avatar
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Draw an FSA that recognizes: (A∗ | AB+). (The bar outscopes the other operators, so its equal to: (A∗) | (AB+).) Use as few states possible

I've attached what I have. My problem is that I don't know if its correct and if I've even used the fewest states possible to answer this question. Really appreciate any help on what I currently did ...
theworkforceof's user avatar
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Generating pronounceable digrams in Python

I am generating all two letter (digram) combinations of the standard alphabet import string import itertools UPPERCASE_ALPHABET = string.ascii_uppercase TWO_LETTER_PERMS = itertools.permutations(...
Robert Alexander's user avatar
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Chinese Whispers for NLP How to implement for my corpus file

I'm new to Python, I want to make this code to implement my corpus from (.csv)files Can anybody help me how to implement it like in the picture below. from chinese_whispers import __version__ as ...
elle's user avatar
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Sentence tokenization w/o relying on punctuations and capitalizations

Is there a possible approach for extracting sentences from paragraphs / sentence tokenization for paragraphs that doesn't have any punctuations and/or all lowercased? We have a specific need for being ...
ZZZZZZZZZ's user avatar
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Can Mandarin pronunciation be coded by ARPABET phone set?

The code doesn't need to be exactly correct. A pronunciation in English can be used to represent a similar pronunciation in Chinese, e.g. /ʈ͡ʂ/ can use "CH" to represent.
CharlieLei's user avatar
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Python - How to loop through each index position in a list?

Given a list [[["source1"], ["target1"], ["alignment1"]], ["source2"], ["target2"], ["alignment2"]], ...] , I want to extract the words in ...
c_metaphorique's user avatar
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Entropy Calculation as a Linguist Feature

I was going through a paper on Sarcasm Detection which proposed a Hybrid Attention Based LSTM. The Model included some linguistic features to be extracted first, which included Entropy of a word in a ...
ragingmartyr's user avatar
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What kind of encoding is this html encoding?

I am doing a project that involves searching words in the Arabic script on Wiktionary, and when I do a GET request on certain word pages, I get something like this for example: title="\xd8\xb1\...
AdmosJagashvili's user avatar
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Identifying phrases which contrast two corpora

I would like to identify compound phrases in one corpus (e.g. (w_1, w_2) in Corpus 1) which not only appear significantly more often than their constituents (e.g. (w_1),(w_2) in Corpus 1) within the ...
MRicci's user avatar
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Convert lower case letter 'ß' to upper case letter 'ẞ' in PHP [duplicate]

I'm trying to convert the lower case letter 'ß' to the upper case pendant. I already tried using the built-in functions strtoupper and mb_strtoupper. The following happened when I use strtoupper: echo ...
Tarik Weiss's user avatar
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Google Natural Language Syntax Analysis

I'm not sure this is a coding issue/question. I'm using Google's NLP to analyze the syntax of some sentences and I'm seeing some inconsistencies with Plural vs Singular designation. Perhaps I'm doing ...
Mcorv's user avatar
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NLTK.sem.logic cannot infer logical types of functions given types of argument and result, why?

I am working with NLTK.logic.sem to handle the logical structure of sentences. I also use NLTK to handle inferring the logical types of expressions. The NLTK book has an example of when it cannot ...
L. Suurmeijer's user avatar
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Find a word in a list of words that has minimum distance with a given word

let say given a word list ['windows','hello','python','world','software','desk'] and an input word 'widow', how to (quickly) find the word from the word list that has the minimum edit distance with ...
Leo's user avatar
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Removing from a text sequences of items from a list

I'm conducting research on code-switching. I have a collection of bilingual Polish text messages with English code-switches (say, corpus A) as well as an English dictionary (also a list, corpus B). I ...
Joanneboron's user avatar
3 votes
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PROLOG - Get a list of all the rules an entity verifies

I'm formalizing linguistic data into predicates and entities and doing some reasoning in prolog. Imagine I begin with: breathe(X) :- snore(X). sleep(X) :- snore(X). rest(X) :- sleep(X). live(X) :- ...
EndingBeginningCycles's user avatar
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Negative lookbehind in RegEx: Matching multiple POS-tags at once

I am still fairly new to regex, so I would appreciate any help. I am trying to use regular expressions to find specific grammatical patterns in a text corpus that was part-of-speech-tagged using the ...
Serendipity's user avatar
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NLTK - Access Brown corpus as one file

I have recently started working with NLTK, and I have downloaded the Brown corpus to do analyze its data. However, I see that the corpus is split into around 500 files. I need to run a script on the ...
The Philgrim's user avatar
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How to determine structure of answer for a WH-question

Consider a wh-question such as "Who closed the door?". Personally, I can determine that an answer will look like "NP closed the door.", where NP would be a noun phrase. Another ...
DebNatkh's user avatar
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Why mono sounds are preferred over stereo sounds when it comes to analyse acoustic parameters like intensity, RMS amplitude, fundamental frequency etc

In phonetic analyses, while using software like Praat, I have seen people's liking mono sounds over stereo sounds. Even if the recordings were done using a stereo microphone, the audio files are often ...
Pranav_b's user avatar
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Distance between strings by similarity of sound

Is the a quantitative descriptor of similarity between two words based on how they sound/are pronounced, analogous to Levenshtein distance? I know soundex gives same id to similar sounding words, but ...
Al Guy's user avatar
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Finding the rhyming words in a corpus with R, regex

I have the following corpus: corpus_rhyme <- c("helter-skelter", "lovey-dovey", "riff-raff", "hunter-gatherer", "day-to-day", &...
Viola Green's user avatar
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Tartar language and UTF-8

I'm working on a project that includes transforming latin symbols into the corresponding cyrillic ones. I'm talking about Tartar language which is used by one of many nations in Russia. I tried find ...
Rodj's user avatar
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What is the more natural parsing, the one that leads to the preferred reading of the sentence

I have those rules: and those two possible parse trees: I am asked for the next question: What is the more natural parsing, the one that leads to the preferred reading of the sentence? Can anyone ...
Ilya.K.'s user avatar
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Get rows from MySQL table that have a column in common but slightly diffrent value [duplicate]

Might not even be a programming question, but the problem I'm having is I have a big MySQL table with products from different sources (stores) and in many cases it's the same product with different ...
himmip's user avatar
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Python regex selection of verbs with present perfect

In a given string, I am trying to catch verbs that are in present pefect tense. I do that by using the following regular expression in python: import re sentence = "The Batman has never shown his ...
krasnapolsky's user avatar
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To remove non- pair entries in a dataframe?

A column 'Consonant' in my dataframe 'df' has two levels with numbers, 250 for 'Geminate and 214 for 'Singleton'. Because Geminates are more in number, how can I remove the extra entries for Geminates,...
Pranav_b's user avatar

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