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Generate OWL from RDF generated data

I have simple relational database tables drugs (drug_id(PK), traditional_name, category, factory_id(FK) ....) chemical composition (Id(PK), scientific_name, ... ) drugs_compositions (Id(pk), drug_id, ...
Eng. Samer T's user avatar
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How to Develop a Dynamic Schema Handler for Scalable Dataset Management on a Website?

I'm currently working on my final project, which involves creating a website for storing, managing, and visualizing datasets uploaded by users. My inspiration for this project comes from this https://...
Báu Trần Văn's user avatar
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Is the linear regression the best fit for this study?

Since I found out that there is a correlation between Timeliness and Semantic Accuracy (I'm studying linked data quality dimensions assessment, trying to evaluate a dimension quality -in this case ...
amine4392's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent WebVOWL creating undefined union classes?

I'm working on a digital humanities project where I'm trying to use WebVowl to visualise an ontology I made in Protégé. When I import the ontology into WebVowl it generates a lot of undefined union ...
HEWalker's user avatar
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How to set up the ID of a json element in rdflib

Context I am loading a rdf file in rdflib, and am trying to export it in json-ld. The original rdf looks like: <cim:Substation rdf:ID="_1234"> <>A ...
Guillaume's user avatar
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With multiple SERVICE clauses and large numbers of relationships in the path, how to execute SPARQL federated query statement?

Regarding the following SPARQL federated query statements: There are over 10000 ?s2 related to ?s1 There are over 10000 ?s3 related to the previously found ?s2 There are over 10000 ?s4 related to the ...
chenkun's user avatar
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What's the principle of SPARQL `SERVICE` clause query?

I know that SPARQL federated query engine (such as Jena) decomposes it into individual SPARQL based on Service, then sends it to the specified SPARQL endpoint for execution, and finally combines the ...
chenkun's user avatar
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DBPedia Query not returning All I need

I want to retrieve from DBpedia all the states and territories in India as well as all the cities contained in them. I have a long query that does a UNION and returns the territories but not any ...
Michael DeBellis's user avatar
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What is the logic of the SPARQL CONSTRUCT LIMIT?

What is the logic of LIMIT when using CONSTRUCT queries in SPARQL? When I use CONSTRUCT to query DBpedia, I find that the results sometimes don't match the LIMIT Example SPARQL: CONSTRUCT { ?s a ?...
chenkun's user avatar
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Specify subframe for elements of id-value property map in a JSON-LD frame

I am trying to write a JSON-LD frame that serializes some RDF documents in a consistent way. Currently, the RDF is being parsed out from JSON-LD that is correctly structured and I would like the frame ...
qqq's user avatar
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Is the Knowledge Graph and the Linked Open Data the same thing?

I started to dive into the topic "Knowledge Graph" and I get the feeling that this is the same as the "Linked Open Data". I have some questions 1) If so, why did they need to ...
iroli's user avatar
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Are there some Linked data websites use distributed sparql Endpoints and provide cross-domain data search services?

Is there a website x: Searching rdf resources from distributed sparql Endpoints. Rdf resources come from multiple subject areas and are related . Provide some semantic services such as QA, route ...
chenkun's user avatar
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Rdflib and activitystreams

so I'm investigating rdflib to use with ActivityStreams. My current main goal is to input an Object and get the same one back! My current try looks like this import rdflib G = rdflib.Graph() G.parse('...
Helge's user avatar
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4 votes
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SHACL - Attribute is optional, but if it exists, it has to have once a specific value

a class has an optional attribute. If you use this attribute, you have to set it once to a specific value. All other uses of this attribute are not restricted. The real world example is dcat:...
Ludger's user avatar
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Wikidata SPARL query by generic property return object instead of statement

I want to disseminate the query by spreading the nodes like in the below query. SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?prop ?object ?objectLabel ?prop2 ?object2 WHERE { VALUES (?item) { (wd:Q12418)} ?item ?...
cuneyttyler's user avatar
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Using shacl to validate a property that has at most one value in its properties

I'm trying to create a shacl based on the ontology that my organization is developing (in dutch): The objects described have attributes (properties), that ...
David Vlaminck's user avatar
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How does SPARQL queries automatically read namespaces for abbreviations in virtuoso?

I've set up some namespaces in virtuoso, but when I used jena to do sparql queries in virtuoso, some namespaces were not abbreviated: @prefix sio: . @...
chenkun's user avatar
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The process of creating knowledge graphs [closed]

So I am new to the world of the semantic web, RDF's and Ontologies How does the process of creating knowledge graphs work? Say I want to create knowledge graphs about a specific team and link ...
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How do I define a custom @context for a verifiable credential?

Here is an example of a verifiable credential I want to create { "@context": [""], "credentialSubject": { "id": &...
Frank Weslien's user avatar
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Whether cross-domain URIs are supported by rdflib.js? [duplicate]

Whether cross-domain URIs are supported by rdflib.js? The following URIs are not parsed by fetcher.nowOrWhenFetched:
chenkun's user avatar
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How to get RDF data returned by remote HTTP IRI through linux curl (e.g. DBpedia, GENEPIO ...)?

I know that the following remote HTTP IRI can be parsed directly with 'curl http://xxx' because they return RDF data directly:
chenkun's user avatar
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How to parse arbitrary RDF IRI through javascript?

RDF IRI such as:
chenkun's user avatar
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How do linked open data datasets linked together?

I'm learning about RDF databases and the concept of "Linked Open Data (LOD)". According to what Wiki saids about LOD, many open-accessible datasets are published online and some of the ...
Trams's user avatar
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How to discover the paths of two nodes in an endpoint or different endpoints

How to discover the paths of two nodes in an endpoint, preferably the paths of different endpoints. Can sparql be implemented , or is there any other way to do it
gaos's user avatar
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How can I only download the individuals that I have created in Protégé?

I like to download the individuals that I have created in Protégé and upload them in GraphDB as a file. When I downloaded the whole ontology, I saw that the individuals were also downloaded in the XML/...
Arbo94's user avatar
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How to show "2022-09-12T00:00:01"^^xsd:dateTime only as 2022-09-12 or at least without ^^xsd:dateTime in my SPARQL results?

How to show "2022-09-12T00:00:01"^^xsd:dateTime only as 2022-09-12 or at least without ^^xsd:dateTime in my SPARQL results?
Arbo94's user avatar
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Sequence with conditional nodes in OWL

I want to represent a sequence of action in OWL using protege. What I want to be able to represent is statement like : "if this action is true, then the next action is X. If it's false, then the ...
Shamhus's user avatar
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Adding and storing json-ld to an existing website / database

I've seen that there is a vote for a close request because the question is too broad. Let me rewrite the question: There is a need to add metadata to different database tables (and thus records) which ...
juFo's user avatar
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retrieving the countries details from geonames using a sparql query

I am trying to get specific countries informations from geonames using "Linked Data HTW Chur sparql endpoint" (url: ): PREFIX gn: <http://...
amine4392's user avatar
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Cannot create blank nodes from D2RQ mapping

I have one table (FCT_POPULATION) with the following structure, representing a quantity of a range over the years for a single city. So, in the same year, I have two quantities, varying according to a ...
Bruno's user avatar
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skos:related vs skos:relatedMatch

Can someone explain to me the difference between skos:related and skos:relatedMatch predicates? My current understanding is that skos:related applies to concepts that are related "within" a ...
AnonymousMe's user avatar
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Sequence in OWL using protege

I'm trying to define a sequence of action in OWL using protege. I have read the following topics: Modelling sequence order in OWL-DL ontology Assigning sequence in OWL using Protege The problem I ...
Shamhus's user avatar
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JSON schema nesting based on linked data

I've dataset pulled from a linked data platform. The dataset looks like this: label relationClass Organization Department Department Employee I want to create a JSON Schema based on this data ...
Sef's user avatar
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Why does Activity Pub make servers wrap "Note" objects into "Create" activities?

What I've gathered is that new posts are published by POSTing a JSON-LD Activity Streams object of type Note to an actor's outbox. {"@context": "
Gian's user avatar
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SPARQL Federated Query takes too long to respond

I have a SPARQL federated query where I join data from wikidata and dbpedia. When I run the first two queries it takes reasonable time. However, when I add the 3rd service it takes too much time. In ...
cuneyttyler's user avatar
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How to import multiple ontologies into neo4j with multiple labels for the owl:Class

I have 3 ontologies and I want to import them in the same graph in neo4j, but I would like to import each owl:Class of each ontology under a different label. Any guidance or suggestions are greatly ...
Curious's user avatar
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Sparql Querty to DBpedia endpoint

I am new to SPARQL, and I need to write Sparql query to retrieve all the entities and links that DBpedia use from the Ordnance Survey ontologies. In words, I need to find out, how DBpedia is linked ...
Satoti's user avatar
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Alias a JSON-LD keyword and simultaneously provide a @context for it

I have the following JSON document (based on GitHub API output): { "@id": "", "license": { "key": "mit", ...
Anatoly Scherbakov's user avatar
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Realizing and Retrieving information from a producer-consumer OWL model

I have the following scenario modelled in OWL: Producer ----producesResource---> Resource <------consumesResource ---- Consumer Producer, Resource and Consumer are OWL Classes, while ...
user0221441's user avatar
3 votes
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URI to identify certificates

Are there some commonly used or standardized URI schemes or patterns that are used to identify SSL certificates, for example for description in linked data applications? The URI does not necessarily ...
IS4's user avatar
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How to import the OWL classes as a Node in Neo4j?

I am working on Neo4j, and I imported my ontology, but I didn't understand how Neo4j import the class owl:NamedIndividual or the other class other than owl:Class, because it gives me just one node ...
Curious's user avatar
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Title Case Conversion in SPARQL Query with REGEX

I am one inch away from the solution to my problem. I am attempting title case conversion of strings retrieved via SPARQL. I am using the REPLACE function in combination with LCASE and REGEX: BIND (...
Menelao's user avatar
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How to match on non-existence of property and not output a default value in JSON-LD framing?

I have a graph of schema:ProductGroup and schema:ProductModel nodes, and I've written a frame to output it in a nested structure, conceptually similar to the library-book-chapter examples. Everything ...
King Chung Huang's user avatar
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How best to describe material of parts of a in JSON-LD?

The type has a material property for “[the] material that something is made from.” I'd like to describe the materials that each part of a product is made from. For example, suppose ...
King Chung Huang's user avatar
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Sparql: Query DBPedia and follow redirects

I'm trying to query DBPedia for some animal pictures. The species I'm querying for is Pan_troglodytes. When one visits in a browser, one gets redirected ...
duhaime's user avatar
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How to compact an @id?

Is it possbile to compact iris in @id via the context? I didn't found a solution for that, without using @base. { "@context": { "MaxMustermann": "http://...
frm's user avatar
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Showing both the custom message and default message in a shacl validation report

When validating my shapes with a shacl Validator, I get a validation report which includes the value I input for sh:message. However, the default message sometimes contains useful information that my ...
Robin's user avatar
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Query wikidata for wikipedia urls in multiple langauges

I'm trying to use Wikidata as an intermediary to get from a unique identifier listed in Wikidata (for example VIAF ID) to a Wikipedia description. I've managed to piece together this query to get the ...
zkwsk's user avatar
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SPARQL and linked data: Getting the attribute of an external property

I think I'm having a logical problem that might be connected to the understanding of the linked data structure, but it could also just be a SPARQL issue. I inserted the following extract of a turtle-...
Nebukadnezar's user avatar
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How to restrict units in property shapes?

I'm looking to make some SHACL shapes for certain properties in my ontology that have a speicified unit. Example: My instance data would look something like this: otlc:surgeprotector_1 rdf:type otlc:...
Robin's user avatar
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