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python list comprehension -- two loops with three results?

I can ask my question best by just giving an example. Let's say I want to use a list comprehension to generate a set of 3-element tuples from two loops, something like this: [ (y+z,y,z) for y in ...
bob.sacamento's user avatar
-2 votes
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A simple debugging print statement in python changes the logic of execution. Expected output occurs after removing the debugging print [duplicate]

Here is my code on an attempt to convert a simple list comprehension to one using a map function. A = range(4) B = range(4) # Step 1: Generate pairs using map result_pairs = map(lambda x: ...
Ramesh Varadarajan's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to optimize this Python loop with list comprehensions? [duplicate]

Here's my current code: result = [] for item in my_list: if condition(item): result.append(transform(item)) I'm trying to optimize a Python loop that iterates over a list, checks a ...
Prinan-99's user avatar
-4 votes
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Python comprehension with different number of elements

The general problem I have a case where I'm generating an element comprehension with a different cardinality to the input source. This cardinality should not be a multiple of the original (data-driven)...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Two if statements in a list comprehension [duplicate]

Looking at another question, I saw what I assumed was a simple typo or misunderstanding of list comprehension syntax -- but it actually worked! This is a simplified version of the code in that ...
John Gordon's user avatar
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update dictionaries in the list comprehension

There is a dictionary: d = [{"a":1, "b":2},{"a":3, "b":4},{"a":5, "b":6}] I'd like to update values of keys b. d = [{**m}.update({"b&...
Honza S.'s user avatar
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3 answers

printing out a sequence using list comprehension instead of for loop

Using python,I want to generate a sequence [0,2,6,12,20,30,42,56,72,90]; The logic that I've figured out is like this i,j =0,0 for i in range(1,10): j+= 2*i print(j) Instead of for loop, I need to ...
Raphael Von Eigendorf's user avatar
-2 votes
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Getting all elements in a response into a list for further usage? [duplicate]

I have fixed this issue: Get IDs from JSON response with great help, but given a helper function as this: def get_pp_for_bid(data): return next(unit["reference"] for x in data ...
Magnus Jensen's user avatar
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3 answers

Moving corner points of a rectangle in Python: is there a more elegant/compact solution?

I need to move the corner points of a rectangle by a given amount. I'm given an list of 4 3D points, each of which is a list of coordinates ([x,y,z]). I have this, and it works OK, but feels awkward (...
dogrocket's user avatar
3 votes
8 answers

Is there a way to do this with a list comprehension?

I have a list that looks something like this: data = ['1', '12', '123'] I want to produce a new list, that looks like this: result = ['$1', '1', '$2', '12', '$3', '123'] where the number after the $ ...
bontchev's user avatar
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How does the parenthesis affect the walrus operator?

I was doing question number 238 on leetcode and I wanted to use the walrus operator as practice. Here's the part of the code that I have an issue with: def productExceptSelf(self, nums: List[int]) -&...
Vishal Singh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Use list comprehension with if, else, and for-loop while only keeping list items that meet a condition

I use list comprehension to load only the images from a folder that meet a certain condition. In the same operation, I would also like to keep track of those that do not meet the condition. This is ...
sabeansauce's user avatar
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R function vector comprehension

It is surprising that I do not seem to able to find any source on this topic. How to do vector comprehension in R? That is, suppose that : foo <- function(a,b,c){ print(c(a,b,c)) } x <- c(1,...
温泽海's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are all rows of my matrix the same as the last row?

Can someone please help me find fault in my code? If I create a blank 2D matrix with static initial value, it returns the correct transposed matrix. Whereas if I create a blank matrix using a for loop,...
Suyash Nachankar's user avatar
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2 answers

temporary variable in list comprehension [duplicate]

Is there a concise way to rewrite the following code fragment as a list comprehension? nsms = [] for line in lines: fields = line.split(';') if len(fields) > 4 and fields[4] == 'NSM': ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
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How to get the name of column with second highest value in pyspark dataframe

I have a PySpark dataframe looking like this: id trx_holiday trx_takeout trx_pet max_value MAX 1 12.5 5.5 9.5 12.5 trx_holiday 2 3.0 14.0 6.7 14.0 trx_takeout I want to create a second column ...
NHUV's user avatar
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2 answers

How does this Haskell List Comprehension evaluate?

I'm learning Haskell and I came across this example in relation to list comprehensions: [x | xs <- [[(3,4)],[(5,4),(3,2)]], (3,x) <- xs] The answer given is: [4,2]. Why isn't the answer [(3,4),(...
kesarling's user avatar
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Trying to get dict[k] from a dict in a list of dicts for k in list or string

I have a couple dictionaries with differing values for the same keys. I have a list of these dicts and I want to return the values from only 1 of the dicts based on the matched keys inside a different ...
AquaBearing's user avatar
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Condition in python lists comprehensions

friends-coders! Help with condition in lists comprehensions at python code, please. Where are mistake in that syntax? matrix = [ [matrix[i][j] = '.' if matrix[i][j] % 2 == 0 else matrix[i][j] = '*' ...
Ruslan199's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using list comprehension while creating a pandas pipeline throws function object not iterable error

I have to create a Pandas dataframe from a csv file using a pipeline. The src csv file may contain any number of columns with header/name containing the string 'SLA'. Sample data below: While ...
rams's user avatar
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Iterate to a nested list in a pythonic way [duplicate]

I have the following payload: payload = [{ "identification": { "corporationName": "Test", "code": 1234 }, "locations": [ { &...
CooperativistKid's user avatar
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How to create vector elements in pairs in a FOR loop in OpenSCAD

My aim is to create 2D vector elements in pairs, using a FOR loop. Consider the following example (not my real example - just something simplified to describe the problem): step1 = [ for (i=[1:5])...
Chris's user avatar
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Why does comprehension only work with tuples when unpacking in Python?

I tried to use list comprehension on a tuple and it worked fine when unpacking, but not when assigning to a single variable. If I run the following code var1, var2, var3 = (i for i in range(3)) var1 =...
Jme's user avatar
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replace() and if/else in list comprehension to create a new list

The quiz problem is supposed to replace the file name .hpp with .h while keeping the rest using list comprehension. Some posts suggest that I must put in [do_something else if condition for x in range]...
Nubie coder's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to improve a List Comprehension in python

I'm attempting to convert this function to a List Comprehension but I have to do a work around using set() to prevent False from repeating. And the locations are not in order. e.g. {0, 12, 5} instead ...
LennyC's user avatar
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search for elements of a list as substring in another list python

I have 2 lists. I want to find the elements in ls2 where any element of ls1 is a substring. I would like to return a list of ls2 elements along with the substring that was searched and found from ls1 ...
frank's user avatar
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How do I create an arithmetic progression as a list of lists [closed]

I want to create a continuous arithmetic progression as a list of lists. I came up with this solution: def foo(start: int = 1, end: int = 20, step: int = 4) -> list: """Return ...
hebrodoth's user avatar
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Create deck of multiple decks of cards using list comprehension [duplicate]

I've created a Card object: class Card: def __init__(self, rank, suit, d=0): self.rank = rank self.suit = suit self.deck_index = d I can make a list of Cards that ...
WeCanDoItGuys's user avatar
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normalizing weights efficiently in python

I want to normalize weights within subgroups in a list/array. I have a working version now but it looks cumbersome and i feel there is a much more efficient way to do this. Btw, I have experience with ...
Jung Hun Kim's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to efficiently filter a large list in Python using multiple conditions?

I'm working on a Python project where I need to filter a large list of dictionaries based on multiple conditions. Here's a simplified example of the data structure I'm dealing with: data = [ {&...
Wiltord's user avatar
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5 answers

How to get an tuple of coordinates from a list inside another list

I have the following list: list = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]] My goal is to return from this list, a set of tuples that contain the coordinates (row, column) of each value ...
Luan Pacheco's user avatar
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Remove permutations of tuples of a Pythagorean triple in haskell

the haskell function: pytri that I have written is a comprehension that takes an integer value n as input and returns a list of all triples (a, b, c) with a, b, c ≤ n that satisfy the Pythagorean ...
Simplicissimus's user avatar
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Pandas timedelta in List Comprehension [duplicate]

I am attempting to create a new if-else column in a df with a list comprehension: df['col'] = ['y' if (x - df['a']).dt.days < 365 else 'n' for x in df['b']] Columns A & B are datetimes. If ...
thesimplevoodoo's user avatar
2 votes
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List comprehension to return list if value is non-existent [duplicate]

I'm aiming to use list comprehension to return values in a list. Specifically, if 'x' is in a list, I want to drop all other values. However, if 'x' is not in the list, I want to return the same ...
tonydanza123's user avatar
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Is it possible to populate list of values in ansible's defaults/main.yml

Having a custom inventory data structures and input arguments of a role, I want to populate those input arguments from inventory data structures. Is it possible to somehow populate list in a loop? For ...
X bl lJJ H i K's user avatar
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How to compare cells data with columns using python

I have an excel with some data like below imageexcel data If you compare column A WITH column C(A4 present in C18 and A5 present in C17) so these two will true and other is false, how to write code in ...
Amar's user avatar
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convert range(0,10) to a list of lists in Python3 [closed]

I need to create a list of lists from a range: for example range(0,10) -->[[0,5],[6,10]] I think possible to do it using list comprehension but cannot figure out a way for the same I tried this ...
Nawendu Singh's user avatar
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Do comprehensions in python call a function in the background?

I defined the following factorial function using recursion : def factorial(n): if n == 0: return n else: return n*factorial(n-1) Then, I defined the following function to ...
Rajdeep Sindhu's user avatar
-1 votes
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How would I modify an outside variable within a list comprehension?

Python code: i: int = 1 table: list = [[i, bit, None, None] for bit in h] Expected behaviour: i needs to be incremented by 1 per iteration. Pseudocode: i: int = 1 table: list = [[i++, bit, None, None]...
kesarling's user avatar
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Regular expression matching variable at end of string

I have some histograms in a .root file which are called "Name/NameEvent1Ch0", "Name/NameEvent1Ch1"... "Name/NameEvent1Ch31" ... "Name/NameEvent2Ch0"... "...
Beth Long's user avatar
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Combing two lists together with zip() function through list comprehension or plain function

I am new to this site. If anyone wants to combine two list I found the zip function works for both list comprehension and just as a function to combine both lists. The best explanation I heard for the ...
user23568016's user avatar
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List comprehension to remove element from python list if it is only digits (even if there are "_" or "-" in it)

I have many lists like this synonyms = ["3,2'-DIHYDROXYCHALCONE", '36574-83-1', '36574831', "2',3-Dihydroxychalcone", '(E)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one', ...
Brandon Kieft's user avatar
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Checking if any item in one set is in another set using a single comprehension possible?

I have the following check in my unit test: assert any(pass1_task in (task for task in all_downstream_task_for_dl_task) for pass1_task in {'first_pass', 'first_cpp_pass'}), 'the test failed ...
user21641220's user avatar
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Can I made use of comprehensions for comparing these lists of dictionaries?

As title. I'm trying to figure out a comprehension for this. Getting stuck adding complexity to the basic code I built so far. I feel like this would actually be easier in a comprehension, but I ...
severance26's user avatar
-3 votes
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Python list of lists to one dimensional using comprehension [duplicate]

What would be the syntax to convert this loop into one line comprehension operator? lst = [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10,11,12] ] all_records = [] for entry in lst: all_records....
Roman Toasov's user avatar
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2 answers

How to speed up word removal in a dataframe of word lists?

I am trying to remove non-dictionary words from a medium-sized (18k rows) pandas dataframe, but my approach is extremely slow. Basically, I have tried doing list comprehension and applying it to the ...
Max Garza's user avatar
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Python function to return a new list containing the strings that are palindromes and have an even length

Practice Question: Given a list of strings, write a Python function to return a new list containing the strings that are palindromes and have an even length. For example: Input: ["radar", &...
SkyMonkey's user avatar
-4 votes
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Can some help me the list comprehension of the below for loop? [duplicate]

Create a list of all elements in the string “Yellow Yaks like yelling and yawning and #yesturday they yodled while eating yuky yams” by ignoring a,e,i,o,u in the element I wrote the for loop: ...
gsnetwork's user avatar
-3 votes
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Converting For Loops To List Comprehensions [duplicate]

I was trying to understand List Comprehensions because I needed to improve performance on my project. I believe this is how they work but please correct me if I am wrong. To convert a for loop into a ...
Raahil Mohunta's user avatar
2 votes
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List comprehension using take

I am having trouble understanding they way the next two lines of code work. ghci> take 6 [[(i,j) | i<-[2,4]] | j<-[1,3,5]] [[(2,1),(4,1)],[(2,3),(4,3)],[(2,5),(4,5)]] ghci> take 6 [[(i,j)]...
ruscanca's user avatar

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