Questions tagged [logging]

Computer data logging is the process of recording events in a computer program or computer system, usually with a certain scope, in order to provide an audit trail that can be used to understand the activity of the system and to diagnose problems. Be sure to include appropriate software or hardware tags in addition to this tag.

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Oozie supress logging from shell job action?

I have a simple workflow (see below) which runs a shell script. The shell script runs pyspark script, which moves file from local to hdfs folder. When I run the shell script itself, it works ...
la_femme_it's user avatar
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Openshift Online v2 MySQL binary logging

We are using the MySQL5.5 cartridge in Openshift Online v2 and would like to implement binary logging. However, there is a warning at the top of my.cnf which says: "# WARNING: Changes to this file ...
robin's user avatar
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Logger does not work auto automatically when I use SQL Server

I want to write log texts into SQL Server, when U use Logger.Debug() method, it works well. But if the project throws some exception, it writes nothing into SQL Server. But when I use the log4net....
Super's user avatar
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log4j2.xml - How to exclude category

I have two AsyncLoggers inside my log4j2.xml file. They both have the same prefix of esb.api-vehicle-registration-v1. <!-- API specific Groovy files --> <AsyncLogger name="esb.api-...
Richie's user avatar
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Serilog structured data pretty print?

Is there a way to make Serilog format structured data into a formatted output? I've been using structured data structures in Serilog lately and even though there is an advantage of it being compact ...
jeanfrg's user avatar
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Laravel 5.4 listener to save users login

I want to save via an event listener users login and I have the following code in a custom listener. When I try to get the id of the user it returns each time null. Is this approach how should I ...
deroccha's user avatar
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Chrome crash after malware removal ( Failed to launch GPU process.) Windows10

After removing a malware withing chrome (which open ad tab and search with Yahoo) I got some issue. Chrome crash frequently. Sometime it came back without reason, other time after launching Canary. ...
Sammy Loudiyi's user avatar
3 votes
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what I've done to get ValueError in logging module python

I want to write log to both file and stdout, Hence I use this code but I always get this ValueError in stdout but not in file. I want logging from INFO level and above to get to both stdout and a ...
0xMH's user avatar
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4 answers

How to create different files for logger hierarchy in tomcat?

In my Tomcat application, I want to use two loggers to log general event informations and errors to two different files. Logger eventLogger = Logger.getLogger("event"); Logger errorLogger = Logger....
Franz Deschler's user avatar
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Tracking decorator not passing arguments

I'm working on an Alexa skill with Flask-Ask. I want to log all intent calls and their arguments, and since intents are all conveniently annotated with the ask.intent decorator, I figured that I could ...
Paulo Henrique's user avatar
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How to configure application audit log on a separate file in Wildfly-swarm

I have configured the Logging fraction and tried to add an additional handler to store specific logs in a different files, using a category, by looking to the answer in How to log application auditing ...
xsilmarx's user avatar
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python logging does not release file [duplicate]

I have been using logging and notice that after first compile, the output file for logging hangs, and I cannot remove it till I close IDLE. I believe that I should "close" logging before the ...
marafado88's user avatar
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Log messages via TCP, significantly slower than similar code in Java

In Python 3 I have a QueueHandler attached to a Logger and a QueueListener shipping the LogRecords to a SocketHandler which sends the logs via TCP to a Java app that's listening. Both programs run on ...
orangeInk's user avatar
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Remember exceptions raised to handle them later

TLDR: I'd like to be let a function run through certain exceptions, display them at the end and make the function raise an exception. I am building a function (see below) to get the path to each ...
sewdio's user avatar
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Logging handler namer annotations in mypy

I'm trying to annotate my logging module using mypy in Python 3, however, I'm having issues annotating the namer function: import logging def _namer(name: str) -> str: return name + '.gz' ...
mohi666's user avatar
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How to get the International Date Time in the log file from format "1497322467" [duplicate]

I am trying to read the log file for the application transition time and the format of the Date/Time is in this format in Windows C++ programming for the app transition exit time "1497322467". Could ...
user3457694's user avatar
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No Log File Created

I've been learning about logging, and got help here earlier on setting up a logger w/external config file. I've setup based on the example, however the messages only seen on the console and not in a ...
Simply_me's user avatar
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How to get output of a script in a txt file python

I am trying to get output of a shell command in a txt file. so far till now i have succeeded getting output of my script this way import subprocess import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging....
Alex's user avatar
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Log4j 2 lambda "lazy logging"

The Log4j 2 manual gives an example of how to use lambdas for "lazy logging": logger.trace("Some long-running operation returned {}", () -> expensiveOperation()); It also gives an example of how ...
Bennett Lynch's user avatar
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Sending log emails with monolog

I'm so lost right now. I'm trying to send an email of my logs via Amazon SES. I got that working, but I can't figure out how to send the log data?! Now I'm trying to take a few steps back and just ...
MortiestMorty's user avatar
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Right way to insert a variable in python logging format

Not able to get this one to work. Probably lack of understanding of python logging module. Use case - print one variable on all log messages. i.e. "jobID". When multiple instances of this utility ...
shamik's user avatar
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Yet Another Python Logging Setup

I've been reading on logging module in python and several blogs on how to set it up, however, no blog gave a scheme for more complex setup. I would like: Use external config file (see below). Have ...
Simply_me's user avatar
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SteamKit2 Log OutGoing Messages In C#

Any assistance with this would be highly appreciated: I currently have a sticky situation whereby I can use SteamKit2 to receive and log incoming messages from Steam friends (the code is written in C#...
Metallic Gloss's user avatar
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"Ambiguous Match Found" Error 1001 in MSI Windows Installer

I'm working on upgrading an application from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.0, eventually 4.6, which is currently crashing during the install process. I changed a lot when re-syntaxing the old Managed C++ code ...
Tyler L.'s user avatar
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Serilog with seq cant find System.Net.Http after publish on windows with 4.6.2

So I am having trouble getting apps to run after they have gone through a publish process. They work from the visual studios debugger, since a version of System.Net.hhtp is put into the debug ...
BillHaggerty's user avatar
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Annotate a class at compile-time if it belongs to a package

I like the @Log family of annotations in groovy.util.logging and want to use them, but it's awfully tedious to have to remember to add that annotation to every class. Is there a way to use Groovy's ...
allquixotic's user avatar
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How do I log the spark-submit command line that I typed?

How do I write a PySpark script that will log the spark-submit command line into its log output? For example, when I run: spark-submit arg1 arg2 --flag arg3 --out output in addition to ...
LC-datascientist's user avatar
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How to create a scipt that will pull urls from one file and put it into another?

I've been searching and I can't seem to find even just a simple grep code to do what I want. I want to take a url such as, but not r3---sn-2xouxaxq5u5-5cxs.googlevideo....
Stinsen's user avatar
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Log4j Zip file fails sometimes

I am using log4j rolling file appender with zip facility . Every hour it rolls the file and zip it . Sometimes it just fails to zip . so we have a unzip log file and also a zipped log file with same ...
Lone Developer's user avatar
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Logging over MQ

I am developing a game server, of course I need to implement logs to debug it in cases of crash. As far I documented myself, there are three different ways to do it : - logging on the console, - ...
FreeYourSoul's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

how to log my program every 10 seconds

hi I have a program that prints infinite random texts from server in a while loop and wont stop , how can I log the data every 10 seconds in a text file ? public class MyServer { public static ...
persian's user avatar
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Is there a good way to log my android app events?

Is there a good way or library to log each method in my android app using something like interceptors or anything else .. but without writing more code to add the below line Log.d("KEY", "Method ...
Ahmed Garhy's user avatar
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boost.log meanings and functions

I am making code to convert python application to c++. I am working on logging now. I use boost log ..but i find some things really difficult to understand i'm trying to make separate files for each ...
ahmed allam's user avatar
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NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.logging.Logger.debugf(Ljava/lang/String;I)V

I am developing a JSF + Spring integrated web application. I am using javaconfig instead of applicationContext.xml to configure. I got an error telling that NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.logging....
Newbie's user avatar
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Custom log level disrupts level highlighting

I'm using log4j 2 with a pattern layout that highlights different log levels. In my code, I specify a custom level. When this level is logged, it's not colored and shows null before the level in the ...
Half_Duplex's user avatar
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How to inspect outgoing HTTP requests of a single site on IIS with php installed?

I have a IIS on windows server 2012 with a site that has Wordpress installed on it (URL Rewriter). How could I Log or Monitor all out going requests from php (server side)?
Ehsan Zargar Ershadi's user avatar
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Odd behaviour with phalcon php logger

I am trying to use the logger ( in a micro application like this: <?php // Load required namespaces use Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault; // Initialize the ...
Latheesan's user avatar
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Eclipse Refactoring

I am trying to change my code from Java Utility Logging to Log4J2. To change the code I want to use code refactoring in Eclipse. For example change : import java.util.logging.Logger; to import org....
simar soni's user avatar
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Runtime error while deploying User-specified log class 'org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger'

I have developed new Application using the Springs, JMX , common -logging and log4j based on the client requirements . This Application consists of a Ear , one WAR file , main beanrefContext file ...
Rithesh's user avatar
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IBM Integration Bus requires broker restart to setup new log with log4j

Our ESB is IBM IIB 9. We use log4j to log messages. I am sure that I am doing something wrong when setting up logging because whenever new log needs to be setup the entire broker has to be taken ...
svager's user avatar
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Sending Python App logs directly to SOLR

I am currently using python logging with file handler to write the logs. However, was wondering if there is a way to send logs straight to an external system such as SOLR? I see there is a way of ...
redAlert's user avatar
7 votes
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Dropwizard Admin: Change loglevel for all

My config is the standard logging: # The default level of all loggers. Can be OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, or ALL. level: INFO # Logger-specific levels. loggers: # Sets the ...
Kousha's user avatar
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Python Logging: Module information in imported modules

I'm trying to get something that seems simple to work in python logging. During debug logging, I'd like to log the entire stack of module->function, but I'm having trouble getting the imported ...
bubthegreat's user avatar
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Disable "cache-disabled" in TYPO3 Log

I have developed some extensions in my typo3-instance, which gets/sends data from/to an external data-backend via an XML-interface. Obviously, caching needs to be disabled on certain pages, which ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Prevent HeartbeatServlet from writing nullpointer exception to log

I have the following code: public final void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession ...
M. Winnicki's user avatar
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Entity Framework Db interceptor creates a log for each item in the query

I started using the Dbinterceptor with Entity Framework to trace SQL queries. It works perfect, except it logs for each item in the query. For example: If I do a query like this: context.People....
Dilshod's user avatar
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Prevent forwarding of systemd service logs to syslog without affecting other service logs sent to syslog

My computer runs serveral java processes as systemd services.The systemd logs get accumulated in the syslog eventually leading to low disk space . How to re-direct the logs started by systemd services ...
achilles's user avatar
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How do I get the app log from a real Android device?

I have some log statements in my app that are shown in Android Studio's LogCat if the app runs on an emulator device. E.g.: public VocabularyTrainerModelImpl() { ... Log.d(TAG, "First line ...
ka3ak's user avatar
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Ionic 2: ngx-loggly-logger

I am using this to log in errors. In my app.components.ts : this.logglyService.push({ 'logglyKey':'xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx', 'sendConsoleErrors' : true, 'tag' : 'testing' ...
noor's user avatar
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Is there any way to view logger in google apps script without canceling run?

I notice every time I open the log in google script while the code is running, the run is canceled and also everything that was logged during the run is erased. This can get annoying because when code ...
Jaden Ranzenberger's user avatar

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