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How to find the connected instances from a minimum spanning trees model in R

I am building a Minimum Spanning Trees model, and it succeeded. I generated a plot and wanted to identify which alternative data points are connected for each data point. Is there a way to do that? ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Auto-Clearing a Stop Reporting Alert in AppOptics

I have an alert in AppOptics that triggers after 10 minutes of a machine not reporting. Sometimes, machines are spun down as they are no longer used, and so 10 minutes later, I get an alert that they ...
Michael Goldstein's user avatar
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Multi Output Classification - Outputs not making sense relative to one another [closed]

Let's say I have a Multi Output Binary Classification Problem, but where the classes are related. i.e if one class = 1, then the other must = 1. The standard is to have 2 output layers, each with 1 ...
the man's user avatar
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How to Make My GPU Work at Full Potential on a Laptop? [closed]

enter image description here I have a laptop with two GPUs intel and nvidia I downloaded a repository from github of an AI model to create an image When I run it I notice that my GPUs are hardly ...
אופיר צברי's user avatar
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PINN is not learning [closed]

I am trying to get started with pinns so i build this simple script to train an mlp using only the ode. The ode im trying to solve is y = dy/dx. This ode is very simple but i am using it as a toy ...
StavrosN's user avatar
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Empty Columns in Confusion matrix

I am training on pre-processed APTOS 2019 dataset for disease grading and the last two columns of my confusion matrix are constantly zero every time. Data is distributed as: class 0: 1805 images ...
user169076's user avatar
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Issue with Partial Detection of Pages by Nougat OCR

I am using Nougat OCR model to convert the mathematical equations to latex format. The problem I have come across is that some pages are not being fully detected by the Nougat OCR model. In many cases,...
Saimon's user avatar
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Detecting Lines From Hand-Drawn Images [closed]

Click here to view Image I am working on an image processing project where I need to detect lines from a survey map. I would appreciate help with this task. About the image The image is a hand-drawn ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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How do I use MobileNetV2 model to use gray scale images

I am using the MobileNetV2 model as my base model, but I added 5 new trainable layers and I'm re-training it on two new categories: monkeypox positive and monkeypox negative. The monkeypox negative ...
Saketh Nandam's user avatar
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What does a single mutual information mean in R?

Given a dataset that contains multiple variables, say 10, I understand that we can get a mutual information matrix, in which each value is a pairwise mutual information value calculated from two ...
Phoebe's user avatar
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Using reverse prediction for multiple intertwined targets [closed]

I have a life stage prediction model which allocates points to each potential life stage according to a set of rules, and the life stage with the most points in total is deemed the winner. This ...
Andrew Eaves's user avatar
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tried changing the output of vae model to satisfy loss function but something doesnt work

I tried to create a VAE model which generally contains a custom loss for which GradientTape() or a class is used for implementation. I didn't want to use these methods and instead tried a workaround ...
Tanishk Gopalani's user avatar
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How to train a Neural Network with a shifting window?

I have a personal dataset that has seasonality and varies with time. Each seasonality is defined as a filtration cycle. I started off by extracting my training and testing data from a dataframe, and ...
NGA's user avatar
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Separate a ingredients/feature into separate columns that is marked with "0" or "1"

I'm looking at a some food waste data where I have a fair bit of data including the Ingredients for what was in the food. I'm trying to do some ML on the data, and I'm having some trouble getting it ...
Patrick Kenney's user avatar
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Suggestions & ideas for predicting a certain stations temperature based on surrounding stations data [closed]

I have data from X weather stations, each with its latitude, longitude, above-sea-level height, and daily temperature measurements spanning several years. My task is to predict the temperature at one ...
Donald M.'s user avatar
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Policies' directory not present in saved checkpoint

I'm using RayRL Lib, and after switching to the new API version, the checkpoint directory no longer includes the policies folder. Why this might be happening? Currently, the checkpoints contain the ...
Khashayar Ghamati's user avatar
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Unexpected Spike in train/kobj_loss at Epoch 90 While Training YOLOv8m Pose Estimation Model [closed]

I am observing a peculiar behavior in the train/kobj_loss (Keypoint Objectness Loss) during training. Specifically, around epoch 90, there's a sudden spike in the kobj_loss, which increases from 0.149 ...
Uran Lajci's user avatar
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How to run roboflow models offline in a React app?

I ran Roboflow Inference Server locally on my Mac, but I'm unsure how to use the inferencejs package to do inferencing on the local inference server, more specifically in Vite. I've used the ...
Sean C's user avatar
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detect text in format "number unit" using pytesseract OCR ValueError on converting number to float

This is from an online hackathon which has ended(extract entity values of objects from images), I'm a newbie but I tried first with the task of creating an ocr function for extracting text from ...
Shraddha Sharma's user avatar
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Whats the best way to recognize symbols in an image and output them as text? [closed]

Suppose I have an image like this and i want to convert the seen symbols in words (star,square,diamond etc.) keeping the right order, what is the best approach to the problem? I have seen online many ...
eddie felson's user avatar
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I'm trying to train an AI but I have low accuracy using rust and pytorch [closed]

I'm just starting out in the world of machine learning and I really like Rust. I've been testing and learning more. I'd like to thank you for your support in advance. I took the example of transfer ...
Tharyck Gusmao's user avatar
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How to overcome the issue of single-word translation in MarianMT? [closed]

I have seriously stucked on the problem of single-word translation within MarianMT model taken from HuggingFace. I'm currently developing Telegram bot for translation. For this reason I have chosen ...
Venom ___Manny's user avatar
-4 votes
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Is it correct to train a model with a single feature, while also using observation weights? [closed]

Is it correct to train a model with a single feature, in this case, distance, while also using observation weights? I am trying to train a machine learning model where the only input feature is ...
Alfonsomorenom's user avatar
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Alternative to device_map = "auto" in Huggingface Pretrained

I have a model that I was reading from huggingface using the following code: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) model = ...
Omar's user avatar
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roboflow tutorial using albumentations: TypeError: image must be numpy array type [closed]

UPDATE Switched to python 3.10.14 from 3.12.4 and it solved the issue. Run in a conda venv on mac with albumentations 1.4.15 opencv 4.10.0 Original I am trying to resize ...
Daniel Roberts's user avatar
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ML Model Confidence Issue [closed]

I am using CoreML model in my Xcode project but I am facing model confidence issue real time detection my model giving me confidence level of object above 95 but when I used this model on Android side ...
Sharukh Khan's user avatar
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Failure To Capture Different Hidden States

I am attempting to have different hidden market states detected by HMM. I am getting one state only. I cannot figure out why this is the case. I tried to capture 4 different states, and am only ...
Cooper Cardinale's user avatar
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What machine learning techniques can combine text and numerical/categorical data? [closed]

Problem Description: I am working on a project where I need to combine both textual data (e.g., customer reviews as an example) and numerical/categorical data (like age, product categories) to build a ...
LeondenBoer's user avatar
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ClassifierChain with Random Forest: Why is np.nan not supported even though Base Estimator handles it?

I'm working on a multilabel classification problem using the ClassifierChain approach with RandomForestClassifier as the base estimator. I've encountered an issue where my input matrix X contains np....
BSalvatori's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'Dense' object has no attribute 'output_shape' in ann_visualizer with TensorFlow/Keras

I have this error: Epoch 1/2 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 391ms/step - loss: 6272135168.0000 Epoch 2/2 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 16ms/step - loss: 6272133632.0000 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 16ms/...
MOULI MONISH's user avatar
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How do I create a model to predict which option will be chosen based on past choices? [closed]

I have a data set consisting of a sequence of purchases involving user choice. Each includes: 1 or more items available for purchase (items + prices + details about each item) Which item the user ...
Bobby Dore's user avatar
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Normalization in linear models [closed]

I know that it's necessary to normalize all our data for linear models. But if we get a prediction, it will be normalized too. How can I get this prediction in the original scales? For example, if I ...
fieldlover's user avatar
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Identifying spam users and genuine users using email ids [closed]

I am working on developing an Machine Learning Algorithm for detecting if the email id is genuine or fake. I have explored some of the features which can help me differentiate between the two. I ...
Ashlesa Goyal's user avatar
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Suggest some fine-tunable pretrained Object Detection model for using custom dataset [closed]

I need to find an object detection model for identifying objects within a household. That model should have been pre-trained and should be fine-tunable on household objects. Could you please suggest ...
user3298475's user avatar
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Using Local Computer as a Compute Target for Azure AutoML in ML Studio

Is it possible to connect a local computer as a compute target to an Azure Machine Learning workspace and use it as a compute target for AutoML within Azure ML Studio, instead of using a compute ...
rams's user avatar
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Measuring shoulder angle [closed] I have to measure the angle of each shoulder in Python. What is the best way to measure it with the highest accuracy? I'm very new to this, so any suggestions are ...
DSdev's user avatar
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Model Can't Predict Correctly Even Though Has A Good Classification Report

I have tried to run this model from the link: When I did it on colab with similar dataset (but smaller, ...
Eff Zoee's user avatar
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Creating a data asset in Azure but getting this Error

I'm trying to create a ML data asset and I'm following this link: to get it done but I am ...
Avi's user avatar
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Accuracy for Permutation Test is very high [closed]

I am a bit confused as to what is happening with my classifier. I have a dataset of ~220 features and about 4000 trials. Classes are perfect balanced, and I'm doing a simple binary classification task ...
Chris's user avatar
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Separating Systematic Errors and Randomness from a Measured Position Dataset

I am trying to figure out a way to separate systematic errors from a set of datasets, representing position and position errors of a mechanical stage. The data is in pandas dataframe. Background: A ...
user2307540's user avatar
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how can I integrate continuous data and static data using random forest machine learning model?

I am using random forest regression model to predict groundwater level changes. I am using continuous inputs (timeseries data) such as GRACE, Precipitation, Maximum temperature, Minimum temperature, ...
ahmed hamed's user avatar
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How to use parallel torch cuda streams without causing oom? (example included)

I'm storing a large amount of tensors data in a cpu memory, and the intended workflow is to process them using the GPU. And while one chunk is being processed, simultaneously transfer the previous ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Ray custom environment render

I'm creating my own gym environment to test the freeze-tag problem. I'm trying to use Ray to do MAPPO. I have two problems: 1: My simulation is not rendering 2: Its creating multiple PyGame windows I'...
SteveRodgers43's user avatar
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Unsupervised Image Clustering: Can't get the right results

I am working on a personal project that takes a dataset of images (metal nuts) and determines if there is a defect or not (coloring, scratches, bends, flipped, and good). I use a VGG16 model to ...
Manav Vats's user avatar
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FFN Model achieving 100% accuracy in predicting sums

I have a model that adds numbers between -10 to positive 10, but using neural networks to predict the outcome using a data set of adding two numbers. However when getting the train accuracy, its just ...
Joey's user avatar
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what is wrong with my diffusion training that is not letting the model to learn?

I am new to the diffusion models, and it is my first time traing a diffusion for image to image translation(super resolution).I want to train a diffusion model and I use UNet2DModel from the diffusers ...
Donya Khaledyan's user avatar
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Why can't my neural network model learn absolute function abs(x1-x2)? [closed]

I am trying to train a simple neural network model for multiclass classification. I have x1,x2,x3,x4 columns with 4 classes to predict. If just train on x1,x2,x3,x4 then I get accuracy of 88% With ...
Rushabh Kheni's user avatar
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Bank Churn Prediction Model - Advise on Predictive Power [closed]

I developed a bank churn prediction model, and I am using Logistic Regression. I cleaned the data - imputed the missing fields, handled the negative values, made the data consistent, handled the data ...
Saurabh Gupta's user avatar
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How calculate Real World object Size in DeepLearning [closed]

I am working on a project where i have a trouble, there is a requirement to calculate the real world size of any object through picture, and there is no boundary to specify the camera and distance. Is ...
Muhammad Arslan's user avatar
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How does the program change the size of the tensor?

Why does the onnx model create a tensor with size (1,16,16,48) into the zf variable in the Init method. and in the Update method it requires that the tensor be (1,8,8,48)? Below is the code. void ...
Никита Колпаков's user avatar

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