Questions tagged [mailboxer]

mailboxer is a gem for private message system.

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How to move ONLY messages that have attachments?

I have the following code moving all emails in a folder to the "Old" folder using Mailbox package: with MailBox('').login('[email protected]', 'yu', initial_folder='INBOX') as mailbox:...
Max's user avatar
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How to add a new participant to existing conversation in mailboxer?

I would like to add a new participant(not current_user) to one of my conversations. I created a conversation with receipt = user1.send_message([user2, user3], 'body', 'subject']) user2....
tomekfranek's user avatar
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GET with one controller POST to another

I'm trying to post to the messages controller from a form rendered by the conversations controller I'm passing the conversation_id by hidden_field_tag but I get the error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (...
fugee ohu's user avatar
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Is there any possible to limit only 10 message number from PHP imap_search() result for pagination purpose?

I am working on a mailbox module, almost all kind of mailbox process were completed, finally, i set search functionality, search list is working well, but some searching keywords return huge number of ...
Eibs's user avatar
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How to restrict read permission for users in mailbox outlook

In outlook i want to create the mail box which is like common mailbox e.g so that many people can send mails to that common mailbox, i want to give permission to some users to that ...
yuvaraj sekaran's user avatar
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How to write logs from multiple processes to a single file sorted by timestamp?

Consider there are 3 processes that needs to log messages to a single file. The rate of messages from the 3 processes are different. Ex: P1 logs 10 requests per second; P2 logs 20 requests per second ...
Vinay's user avatar
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How to differentiate between user mailbox and shared malbox from Microsoft Graph API explorer

How to differentiate between user mailbox and shared mailbox from Microsoft Graph API explorer. I want to build app which should work with only shared mailboxes. Use of powershell is not possible due ...
Manojkumar's user avatar
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How can I set the user_type in the mailboxer_notifications table?

My problem is that when users reply to each other, it's hard examine the database via SQL and differentiate between user types (so admin, and individual users). The default is just "User", as a string....
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ArgumentError in Messages#create for Mailboxer in Ruby on Rails

I followed this site's tutorial on implementing mailboxer into a Ruby on Rails web application. Right now I'm getting this error: ArgumentError in Messages#create Missing host to link to! Please ...
layaslaya's user avatar
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How can I have an "unread message" next to each message show in the inbox section of the mailbox?

Question: How can I have a 'Message not read' appear next to each message within my inbox? I have created an internal mailing system for my app, using the mailboxer gem. My issue is when I go into ...
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How can I have the recipient field default to specific users?

QUESTION: How can I have the recipient field, automatically filled out, with a user's username, for example, using the MailBoxer gem? I have a user admin account, and I want to have the recipient ...
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(undefined method `receipts_for' for nil:NilClass - MailBoxer Gem Rails

I'm using the mailboxer gem to build a messaging system between users for my rails application. For some reason, I'm getting this error: (undefined method `receipts_for' for nil:NilClass) Maybe it'...
Aly Dabbous's user avatar
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Direct link to send a message to a user Rails

I'm new on Ror, I would like to add in my app, on my product show: a link which permits clients to send a new message to the product-seller. The new message created should include: the ...
SamyCha's user avatar
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Add custom attributes in the mailboxer gem

I have used mailboxer gem for the messaging between users in my website. Which is based on spree module. I want to add the product id with the conversation so user can filter the conversations ...
chetan chaand's user avatar
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Exchange Server: create a separate database for each mailbox?

I have read a number of articles that seem to suggest that Exchange Server 2013 can be configured with a separate database (EDB file) per mailbox, but I can't find an article that says how to do that. ...
Neil Weicher's user avatar
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How to implement 'search function' for Mailboxer' Gem in Rails

Now I'm using a gem called 'mailboxer' for messaging system. I'd like to implement 'keyword search function' , with that I should be able to search conversations and ...
Anand's user avatar
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How to implement multiple attachments to messages? in mailboxer gem

I am using the Mailboxer gem. What is the best way to set up my controller so it saves all the attachments? (loop through it?) Would making a new model called message_attachment be a good idea? In ...
Anand's user avatar
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Laravel 5.4: how to use mailbox username instead of email address for sending emails

I want to sent emails to clients from my Laravel project. Following are my mail configuration: MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_PORT=465 [email protected] ...
Ajmal Razeel's user avatar
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Mailboxer N+1 Query detected

I managed to install Mailboxer with this tutorial but i have a recurring error : N+1 Query detected Mailboxer::Message => [:sender] Add to your finder: :includes => [:sender] N+1 Query ...
Iriel's user avatar
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Mailboxer: recipient inbox not showing conversations

On the product listing page of my marketplace, I've create a button the send a message to the user of each product, with the link_to: <%= link_to "Contact", new_conversation_path(...
Tomas 's user avatar
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Mailboxer - All recipients except the originator of a conversation

Using Mailboxer I can find all participants in a conversation as @participants = @conversation.participants I can find the originator of a conversation using @originator = @conversation.originator ...
Tony Vincent's user avatar
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Mailboxer: creating link to new conversation on a product page

I am working on a marketplace. I have a page with all the products. I want to create a link on each of this product, to allow user to send message to the seller, creating a new conversation. I am ...
Tomas 's user avatar
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Adding more send options using the mailboxer gem in rails

I am using the mailboxer gem in rails for an app. It shows how to create a mailbox page in which I can send messages to other users. But I want to know how to add these options for other pages. For ...
Jay's user avatar
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Rails - Mailboxer : delete from database if both participant deleted conversation

I am trying to delete a conversation with MailBoxer gem. There's nothing included in the gem itself, but I think it's possible to do something like: If both participants deleted the conversation, ...
Jai Day's user avatar
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Mailboxer: cannot destroy object

I am trying to destroy an object within my ROR app. But I get the following error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "mailboxer_conversation_opt_outs" does not ...
Augustin Riedinger's user avatar
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How to display sender and receiver avatars in Mailboxer?

New to ruby/rails, and just implemented mailboxer messaging for my users. I want the users profile avatar to display during messaging, but can't seem to figure it out. Avatars display fine on the ...
ChrisJC2017's user avatar
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accessing current_user in mailboxer mailer notification

I'm trying to print user name into a mail template which has been created via rails g mailboxer:views. Whenever I try to call the method, raises an "method or variable current_user not found", ...
zamuro's user avatar
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How to debug Mailboxer gem?

I believe I setup mailboxer gem correctly. Messages work. In my User.rb model I have: def mailboxer_email(object) email end However no email gets sent to the receiving user when said user ...
user3180's user avatar
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Mailboxer html formattting

How can I allow Mailboxer gem to send HTML formatted messages? For example, I want the first message user A sends to user B to be pre-formatted with certain text and HTML tags. Currently any kind of ...
user3180's user avatar
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Mailboxer validation

Hi where can I edit the mailboxer gem message validation settings? For example I'd like to restrict certain types of messages to be a certain length. Is there any way I can edit the inner models of ...
user3180's user avatar
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Getting multiple buttons for the same action

I have a blog rails app where users can comment on an article and the article author can message the user directly from the comment for which i have added a send message button, i am using mailbox for ...
Ahmed Reza Siddique's user avatar
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Unknown key: :order in Mailboxer Gem

I am currently trying to use the Mailboxer Gem. I have added the following line in my Gemfile: gem "mailboxer" In the konsole I did these: $ bundle install $ rails g mailboxer:install $ rake db:...
Mestica's user avatar
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Filtering messages to unread and read rails

I want to filter my messages in the website to read and unread. when i click to the unread button there must be just unread messages and this should work as well as reads. I use rails to make this. ...
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How to limit Mailboxer inbox to conversations between specific users?

I am creating a messaging system in which a particular user may be a member of one or more organizations. Therefore, if they are signed in to an organization they should only be able to see ...
Angela Kay's user avatar
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ActionMailer works for Devise but not for Mailboxer

My application is configured to use actionmailer to send emails. I have the smtp settings in production.rb as follows: ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { address: '', port: 465,...
Alex's user avatar
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Mailboxer error "unknown attribute 'delivery_method' for Mailboxer::Receipt."

Anyone come across this error in mailboxer? Was working fine for the past weeks, but suddenly I get this error each time I send a message. Has anyone had this and how did you handle it? I'm working on ...
Alex's user avatar
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why actor module not support concurrent mailbox?

I'm fresh to akka, also actor,I wonder why can't find a concurrent mailbox to use. As a result, I must define a dispatch actor send to its work actor.Many times, I not care about data's sequence and ...
LoranceChen's user avatar
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Seeing a lot of SendGrid Activity marked "Deferred" after disabling a mailbox

Using SendGrid through Azure (free version). I recently disabled a user's email because it was receiving way too much SPAM. Prior to doing this my activities list was about 1-2 pages long with ...
REMESQ's user avatar
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RoR Mailboxer Monkey Patch works only a few times

I am adding a method to Mailboxer::Conversation to retrieve a link using mailboxer's emails to reply (i.e. reply_link). I've decided to monkey patch mailboxer within my application. What I've done ...
fbelanger's user avatar
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mailboxer error in rails

I want to make my user model act as messageable. I added gem 'mailboxer', github: 'mailboxer/mailboxer' in the gem file. I added acts_as_messageable in the user model. I assiged u1 = User....
Radu Artene's user avatar
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Mailboxer gem active record error on the conversations page

I'm trying to setup the mailboxer gem. It is mostly setup but I get the following error when I send a message and it tries to display the conversations page Couldn't find Mailboxer::Conversation with ...
Rob's user avatar
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Using the Rails gem 'Mailboxer' and the sender_id is always zero

Just integrated Mailboxer and I'm running into one problem. When I send a new message the sender_id in the mailboxer_notifications table is always zero instead of the id of the sender. I'm using the ...
Rob's user avatar
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Mailboxer with two user models

I use Devise for user authentication and create to models, student and teacher. Now, I want to use mailboxer. With mailboxer, we just need to add the acts_as_messageable to both models. However, I'm ...
Arief R Ramadhan's user avatar
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Limiting Mailboxer Conversations to be between specific users

I've followed the tutorial here: to implement the mailboxer gem into my application and its working as it should. However after implementing I am ...
Yoklan's user avatar
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rails showing ActiveRecord_Associations error while adding a send message link

I have a rails app where users can add a post and other users can comment on them i was trying to add a direct message link with the users who comment, i tried something like this following a ...
Ahmed Reza's user avatar
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Ruby on rails. Mailboxer, move multiple conversations to trash. Undefined method for #<Array

I am struggling with sending multiple items to the trash folder using checkboxes. I get an undefined method `move_to_trash' for #<Array:0x007...etc... move_to_trash works fine on single ...
Rob Hughes's user avatar
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Adding direct messing links

I have a simple rails app where users can post and others user A can create a post and all other users can comment on that post and after that user A can send messages to the users who had commented ...
Ahmed Reza's user avatar
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Ruby on rails. Mailboxer send message button

I'm having trouble making a send message button work with mailboxer gem. I used this tutorial as a guide '' where as many ...
Rob Hughes's user avatar
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Mailboxer gem's mailer results in ActionController::UrlGenerationError when no locale is passed

I am trying to use the Mailboxer gem to get a user-to-user messaging system in my Rails 4 app. However, I am getting the following error in my browser when sending messages: ActionController::...
DaniG2k's user avatar
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The method to redirect from one page to other on ruby on rails

In my code, I use something like: <li><%= link_to "Find a meal", {:controller =>'microposts', :action => 'index'} %></li> to redirect to another page. When I studied the ...
TIANLUN ZHU's user avatar