Questions tagged [google-maps-markers]

Markers identify locations on the map. By default, they use a standard icon, though you can set a custom icon. Markers are designed to be interactive and are often used within event listeners to bring up info windows.

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Icons and Click Events with Google Maps API Advanced Marker Elements

I am looking to convert some legacy Google Maps markers to Advanced Marker Elements. I am a bit lost and the documentation is limited. There is a lot of custom behavior in the code around these ...
Jon Stephen's user avatar
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google.maps.Marker is deprecated. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead [closed]

I am updating the google.maps.Marker library to google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement, I have already applied the corresponding code, here it is: const procesarMapa = async () => { ...
Darwin Cedeño's user avatar
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Marker icon not loading on map [closed] This API is not working do we have any alternative. var marker = new google.maps.Marker ({ position: myLatlng, ...
ashwin shahane's user avatar
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map migration : google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement

I am trying to migrate in accordance with the changed regulations of Google Maps. google.maps.Marker --> google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement however, It is difficult to edit the information ...
KeeP Kim's user avatar
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How to get two Google Maps Markers at a fixed pixel distance

I've been struggling for hours looking for the solution to my question: I need to place two markers around the center of the map, allowing enough space for not having any overlay between them, ...
massic80's user avatar
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Remove markers on a map

so I try to make a website in HTML, CSS and javascript where we can add markers from a csv and remove them if we want. Vue.createApp({ data() { return { map: null, ...
Lisette 's user avatar
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In chrome, The pin is placed somewhere other than where click on leaflet

I have a leaflet map in an html page (I put my code below). When I open it in chrome browser and click on the map, it puts the pin somewhere other than where I clicked. But it works fine in FF browser....
Mostafa Zahedi's user avatar
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google maps E/FrameEvents( 8755): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame

I have implemented google maps (maps SDK for android) in my flutter app to show users on the map which used to work very well without any problems. However, all of a sudden, the next day I am running ...
user19978912's user avatar
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Add SVG marker to SVG Map using JS

I would like to add a SVG marker to a SVG Map that is in an iframe tag. The add is done via the press of a button on the HTML page. <input type="button" onclick="addMarker()">...
Zenex's user avatar
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3 answers

Google Maps API: Unable to Generate Custom Map Pins using ""

I'm currently working on a project where I need to customize map pins for markers in Google Maps API. I've been using the URL format provided by Google Maps API to generate custom map pins dynamically,...
Lakhvir Singh's user avatar
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Why the callout is not above the AnimatedMarker ? (React Native Maps)

I don't know why the callout is having this behavior, my theory is because of the AnimatedMarker. The callout is not lock above the marker. return <MarkerAnimated ref={(el) => (marker....
GabrielCampelo's user avatar
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MarkerInfoWindow doesn't hold the clicked marker position after list refresh in Compose Map

I am using to show map with markers. There are not so much of them, so I don't use clustering. I have a mutableStateList of markers which fetches data ...
Sergiy Skyrda's user avatar
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'map-advanced-marker' component not found after upgrading @angular/google-maps

I'm using the google-maps Angular component here: and I'm getting a deprecation message when running the <map-marker> component in ...
chuckd's user avatar
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How to make pressing on marker fill in the textViews

I just started building my first application and I can't find any information about it. I have 2 markers and an onMarkerClick() function. I can manually create an else statement for marker2, but when ...
Enderuf's user avatar
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How to get loaded ref array on the first component load

I'm having some issues updating a reactive object in a Vue.js 3 project. I'm creating an array of google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement, and I'm creating the array like this: localizaciones.forEach(...
francesco14's user avatar
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Flutter Google Maps - Custom Markers From Firestore string

I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with the following code as it has no errors... I am trying to pull from a firestore collection which contains String fields that have the url to the ...
matthew holdsworth's user avatar
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Android Maps Compose | MarkerState.setMarker IllegalStateException

I currently have an Android application built with Jetpack Compose on the Play Store with android-maps-compose librairie. For several days now, I've been receiving reports of recurring crashes from ...
TheoG's user avatar
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Add shadow to MarkerComposable of Google Maps in Compose

I have a map implemented with Google Maps and I use a MarkerComposable to create a custom marker. So far, so good. But I need to add a small elevation with its shadow, and even though I pass it as a ...
Jose's user avatar
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MarkerComposable content (Google Maps) doesn't recompose in Compose

I have created my own marker with MarkerComposable because I want to add an animation when the icon is clicked. I want the selected marker to become larger when clicked. I can think of two options: ...
Jose's user avatar
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MarkerClusterer class not found, cannot construct a marker cluster

I am using "@angular/google-maps": "^17.3.0" in a angular 17 standalone application. After implementing the map-marker-clusterer I am getting error in the browser console. Error: ...
Ariyan Ashfaque's user avatar
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Manage actions on a marker with flutter_map 6.1.0

I cannot perform actions on my markers. I would like to be able to open a popup when clicked. I cannot use version 3. I am unable to implement GestureDetector and I cannot find a compatible module ...
Le Chacal's user avatar
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How to get the exact coordinates of a marker with Matplotlib

Im am working with a data base and charts. My problem is that i need to see in the charts where markers are. I need to see it precisely. I ve been looking for it for a while, but found nothing. This ...
Leandro Zárate's user avatar
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Live location and placing clickable markers on Openlayers

I am brand new to using Openlayers and coding in general I have, through much frustration, created a map on Openlayers, but it needs a bit more functionality. I would like to add in the Geolocation of ...
Shane Beckett's user avatar
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Google Maps Ground Overlay malfunctioning when zooming, moving or panning

I created a Ground Overlay on top of the UK with some markers and reestrictions but when i zoom, move or select a marker that pans to the marker positions the overlay breaks, the image it's quite ...
Inti's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add custom properties to AdvancedMarkerElement in Google Maps API

I am migrating map markers to AdvancedMarkerElement and I want to add custom properties to AdvancedMarkerElement. Like this: new AdvancedMarkerElement({ map:, position: data.position, ...
asad nextstair's user avatar
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Call enableLatestRenderer cause flicker children in <Marker />

After a recommendation from Google Maps Platfrom I decide to update to the latest renderer for the Maps SDK for Android. Following react-native-maps documentation I call enableLatestRenderer() in App....
Georgi Uzuntonev's user avatar
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Google advanced marker animation don't work

I'm trying to migrate my custom map markers to the new advanced marker library, seems the animation options is no more available, it give me this error: Unknown property 'animation' of ...
GGKMNTN's user avatar
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how to pass Excel file name via command line to pytest [duplicate]

I am running my automation scripts on 2 portals(STAGE AJS, STAGE IAM). So I have stored those portal URL and credentials in a .xlsx file and I am using the .env file where I am reading the filepath. **...
kavya s's user avatar
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AFrame and ar.js - custom markers not working

I've been trying to use custom markers... but it does not seem to work. Anyone else have this issue? I can get the hiro marker to work, as well as the barcode markers. <a-marker-camera preset='...
Albert's user avatar
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I am facing an issue while achieving collision behavior in android it was working few days ago

I am using '' and using advance marker for achieving collision behavior this is my code block int collisionBehavior = AdvancedMarkerOptions....
Saurabh Rathore's user avatar
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How to Display Marker on an Network Image in given co-ordinates (x,y) in Flutter?

I'm making a mobile app using Flutter where I display an image from a website (URL). This image serves as a base map. On top of this image, I want to add a marker at specific locations (x, y) that can ...
Aashbin Sunar's user avatar
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Google Map Composables with Markers Flickering

I'm developing an app using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin, featuring an option to display routes in both perspective and overview modes. To achieve this, I use two Google Map composables within the app, ...
notShehanz's user avatar
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How to ensure markers in Google Map Flutter don't overlap each other?

I have a Google Map with about 100+ markers with custom icons using Canvas and Painter. If the map is at a small zoom level, the markers will overlap. I want every time I zoom or move the map, if any ...
An Tran's user avatar
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apple_maps_flutter - I want to use an image as a marker on the map [duplicate]

I get the following error when using the code in the photo: The argument type 'Future' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'BitmapDescriptor'
Bayindir's user avatar
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How to animate the GSM marker when its tapped - iOS Swift?

I'm working with a GMSMapView in my iOS app to display multiple location markers. When a user taps on a marker, I'd like to apply a bouncing animation to it. Is there a way to achieve this? Any ...
Dhanaseelan's user avatar
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Markers in the Google Map are not responding to any click actions

I have been working on an application, which uses the Google Maps and Firebase Firestore database to showcase a static list of locations stored in the Firestore database. I want the markers in the pre ...
OP SHIVA's user avatar
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Change zIndex of custom marker or move to front or mimic marker pressed on react native maps

I have a react-native-map that works by loading data in an array and displays images as markers from info in array. I have a react-native-snap-carousel running on the map that when it snaps into place ...
JulesUK's user avatar
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How do I set a selected marker with a ref and animate using react native and react-native-maps

I am trying to animate a selected marker using ref. I have it so far that if I press a marker one of them jumps but not the selected one but I cannot seem to change which one is selected? Ideally I ...
JulesUK's user avatar
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markers won't show up on google map(kotlin-android)

first of all sorry if my grammar is bad also i am not professional in android programming here's the problem: i call api to get some data(including latitude and longitude of stores) i enabled paging ...
Amirreza's user avatar
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In canvas image change marker svg after click button

I have a canvas image and I have add a marker in it. The marker is a svg type. then when i click a button i want to change the svg into another svg. how do i do it? It works. Now I want to click on ...
Grazy's user avatar
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What is the difference between those two Google maps api markers?

I have two different apps that uses google maps api in android studio. In one the markers demand a state and the other demands a position. I cannot change one for the other because it causes an error. ...
Deusnominus's user avatar
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Google Maps Compose : MarkerComposable Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 0

I'm working with Google Maps Compose and now I get some Firebase crashes related to markerComposable I know that this exception happened because of createBitmap but I don't have access to it even to ...
Sattar's user avatar
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GMSMarker infoWindow - data not updating

What I am trying to accomplish is to refresh the map every X seconds. When doing so, I want to update the content of info window of selected marker. However, the marker data is updated (tried with lat/...
Andrija Randjelovic's user avatar
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Placing Marker in MapKit using SwiftUI

I am trying to adjust the extent of map in the Map() statement. This is for a golf app, and depending on the hole location I want to limit the map extent for that particular hole. The current code ...
Khalid Soofi's user avatar
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google_maps_flutter custom markers by RepainBoundary does not move from StreamBuildeer in Flutter

I am fetching Latitudes and Longitude from cloud firestore and than i am converting those into custom markers. Than I am passing those markers into google maps Widget. Everything is working fine and I ...
Usman Mehsud's user avatar
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How to insert a svg image marker inside canvas image

I have a problem to solve. In my canvas image I put a marker but this is image type "png", I would like to have an icon svg so I can change the colour. This code is working, i need to change ...
Grazy's user avatar
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No Info Window for markers

From external file: const pos=[ [50.739,7.0894,0,9,0], [50.839,7.1894,10,10,100], [50.939,7.2894,10,11,50] ]; This is my code: <script> function initMap() { const map = new google.maps.Map(...
fischimportstationde's user avatar
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on iOS with mapkit "multible" how do display markers

Getting a single marker was easy, trying to click on main points an leave behind a marker seems easy but I am getting a weird error. Anybody been down this path? Define array for markers @State ...
TomHa's user avatar
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I can't set a default latitude and longitude for the marker

I have a form built with react-hook-form in which I enter the longitude and latitude, which is then reflected in the form and I also have a button to view the record, where I set the information in ...
Peter Alexander's user avatar
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Google Maps API Integration in React: Achieving Stable User Location and Device Orientation

I'm working on a Google Maps API integration in React to display a user's dynamic location, orientation, and tilt based on their mobile or tablet device. However, I'm encountering an issue: even when ...
Ali Bhutta's user avatar

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