Questions tagged [matlab-guide]

This tag is NOT for "guidance" on MATLAB questions. GUIDE, is a graphical user interfaces (GUI) design environment in MATLAB. This tag relates to the development of MATLAB applications with a GUI using the interactive GUIDE layout editor.

435 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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3 answers

guidata not updating in MATLAB GUI

I have a MATLAB GUI with: 1) A VLC window controlled by activex. 2) A bunch of radiobuttons to "annotate" the video on particular frames. I have working code, but I'm missing the output from the ...
Matias Andina's user avatar
4 votes
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How to catch TargetInvocationException raised from .Net BackgroundWorker in Matlab?

I am writing a small application in Matlab using GUIDE. This application calls on a .Net library. The library connects to a serial device. Using a BackgroundWorker, the library polls the port for new ...
RubberDuck's user avatar
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Making a row uneditable in Matlab GUI

How can I make a row non-editable, something similar to 'ColumnEditable'. I searched for a solution and only one came's to do with Java. Any other solutions? Here is what I'm trying to do, ...
abdulhaq-e's user avatar
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Matlab: Colorbar in GUIDE

I have been trying for a while to input a colorbar beside my contour maps in guide with no luck. axes(handles.firstcontouraxes); contourf(Y,X,z1) title('First population'); set(gca,'YDir',yinverse,'...
Mosawi's user avatar
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1 answer

Logarithmic Scale Slider for GUI MATLAB

I'm having trouble to create a slider for GUI in MATLAB. I really want a slider that ranges from 10^-1 to 10^-5. But that has intervals by factors of 0.1. So the the slider would have a logarithmic ...
milkyway's user avatar
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Matlab: getting GUI handle value from a callback function when calling by another function

I am new to GUI programming for MATLAB, so my question relates to that. Let's say that I create a GUI with GUIDE. In the creation function MyGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) I ...
user1340654's user avatar
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How to get exact position of text with respect to figure row, column in Matlab

In the following code segment I am trying to get the exact position of the text bounding box with respect to the figure pixel coordinates( row and column) to eventually be able to crop off that part ...
C graphics's user avatar
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Matlab Engine API OpenSingleUseFunction() and OpenEngineFunction() timeouts in 2 minutes

When I launch the Matlab tool in Windows machine, the tool launches but it is in "Initializing" phase for 4-5 minutes. The tool will not respond to any user commands. The issue could be due to usage ...
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How do we import a .pkl file in Matlab?

I trained a neural model in python and saved it in my directory in pkl format. I want to import this pkl file in Matlab. Thanks in advance.
Raj Shrivastava's user avatar
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impoly become slow in MATLAB deployed standalone application

I'm building a standalone guide application which uses impoly inside. When I drag the vertices of polygon created using impoly or drag the polygon itself, there's noticeable delay for actions, this ...
Z.Lyu's user avatar
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1 answer

how to use multiline edit textbox to get user-defined matrix data from users in matlab gui

I have written a code in MATLAB and it has worked. I started developing GUI for the code. However, I want to collect matrix data from user using multiline edit textbox, with new row distinguished with ...
Quddus A.'s user avatar
2 votes
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repetitive noise filter of an image in matlab

Good evening, I require some help with the following image processing in Matlab: By designing a suppressive band filter in the frequency domain lascomponentes remove periodic noise and try to ...
wolf's user avatar
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How to put MATLAB GUI made from GUIDE on a website?

I used MATLAB's GUIDE tool to create an application which takes 3 user inputs, has a button, when pressed plots a graph. It's a simple program, but I want to put this on a website so that I can use ...
racemic's user avatar
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Defining MATLAB GUI default values before object creation

I like to define variables (such as Appdata) before GUI objects are created. I couldn't immediatly find the following questions online: General question 1) What determines the order of execution of ...
Remco's user avatar
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building scrolling window with Matlab GUI

I am new with the matlab GUI and I am having a problem with creating a window with scrolling. The problem is as follow: Lets say I have 100 lines (every line is compounds from several edit text and ...
user1673206's user avatar
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In a MATLAB GUI, how does one implement a continuously varying slider from a GUIDE created .m file?

I'm trying to create a GUI with a plot and a slider. The slider should be continuously outputting as described here and here and here. The problem I'm having with these explanations is that the ...
josh_m's user avatar
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1 answer

Cursor position over an image in MATLAB

I have an image opened in an axes object inside a GUIDE MATLAB GUI. I want to be able to update some variables depending in the position of the cursor over the image. My effort in order to achieve it ...
jsalvador's user avatar
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image quality goes off when GETIMAGE is used in MATLAB

In my GUI I've so many operations to perform on image. Including crop,flip,resize etc., below code shows some of such functions. In my opening function i took the image from previous window function ...
Chethan's user avatar
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MATLAB, GUIDE, viewing the slice number on a dicom stack

I want to view the number of the slice that I'm examining via a simple previous/next slice GUI. I store number of the slice that I'm viewing on handles.index and I'm able to update it via the previous,...
andandandand's user avatar
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How to pass images created by GUI1 to GUI2?

I've got a problem about passing images. I've created two GUIs, one for processing data(GUI1) and the other for producing different kinds of images.(GUI2) I've tried using setappdata/getappdata ...
user1687617's user avatar
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Can I reuse panels\figures within a figure in GUIDE, Matlab?

I'm writing a matlab GUI and I want to display a panel with some lists and text fields in two different locations with different content. Can I somehow create the panel separately and then ...
codekitty's user avatar
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How do I save the whole matlab gui panel?

I can save a particular figure or an axes by using export_fig procedure. The command used is like the following: export_fig(handles.Myfigure, filename). % This code is available on line But I am ...
user1522310's user avatar
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How to rescale a STL surface in Matlab

I've imported a STL file in Matlab with the function stlread. My question is, how can we rescale it with an arbitrary size factor (for instance, suppose you want to halve its dimensions)? Here there ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Having a problem executing simulink from GUI, anyone knows what's the matter?

I'm trying to plot "t vs y" setting some values from the edit texts in GUI, between one of them the "tfinal" as the Stop Time, but when I run the code does not replace it and shows the next error when ...
user129270's user avatar
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Is there a way or option to create a custom shaped button in MATLAB?

How can we create a custom shaped buttons in MATLAB or is there a way to use an image and on-click do this %calculation?
raghavendra kandukuri's user avatar
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Draw a rectangle on an image in gui on mouse hover

This question has two parts. First I want to draw a rectangle on an image in gui only when the mouse hovers on the image. Secondly, if the user clicks the image, clicking should execute a set of ...
Kanjoo's user avatar
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How to get drop downs on top o figure Matlab App Designer

I want a drop down box to be in my figure. The figure will be updated based on drop down selection; thus I want drop down to remain on top. I think I want the drop down to be a child of the figure/...
Tim Jung's user avatar
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Matlab /Wait bar/ Progress bar/GUI

I'm trying to use the wait bar in a gui for a matlab program that recognises images. In simple words, a bounding box(rectangle) appears when there is a irregularity. The bounding box doesnt appear ...
noob's user avatar
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How to execute timer functions in MATLAB GUI in parallel?

I have designed a GUI using MATLAB GUIDE. I need to execute two timer functions in parallel. Let's say we have a timer and its function defined inside the GUI as follows: handles.data_acq_tmr = ...
Remy's user avatar
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How to convert the MATLAB GUI *.m file generated by GUIDE's export tool back to a *.fig file?

As described :, it's possible to export a GUI *.fig file (and it's *.m file) to a single *.m file, which is very useful for ...
mattboud's user avatar
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Low Graphics Crash in MATLAB 2016b

MATLAB show Low Graphics Error when it strats. Everytime I Execute my MATLAB 2016b, It runs properly, but after some time I got Crash message as shown in Fig. I have already update my Graphics Driver,...
Kartik Thakkar's user avatar
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How can I determine classes in k-nn

My problem is as follows: I have one unknown value and two classes. I calculate the distances from an unknown value to every known value, and I make one matrix. But now I have to take the three ...
Mtsoylu's user avatar
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Matlab GUI, draw arrow with annotation to specific axes

I´d like to draw an arrow with annotation in a specific axes in my GUI. At the moment I have this GUI with two axes: I already can draw an arrow to axes2 in my GUI but not to a chosen one. My Code ...
Paul's user avatar
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assign standard tolerance to isequal funtion Matlab

I am Using matlab 2012b, I came through a some simple problem when using the function isequal. I have to round the floating values. but, I got some basic errors because of some exceptions. In my file ...
Rohithsai Sai's user avatar
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Compile standalone Matlab guide program for Windows using Ubuntu

I'm using Matlab R2016a. I'm following this video to compile my Matlab guide program as standalone application. However I can only see options to compile it for a Linux platform. Is it also possible ...
mcExchange's user avatar
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How to refine the Graphcut cmex code based on a specific energy functions?

I download the following graph-cut code: I compiled the mex files, and ran it for pre-defined image in the code (which is rgb image) I wanna optimize the image ...
S.EB's user avatar
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imshow error in line 15 MatLab 2017a

I'm trying to display an image with matlab. From what I understand, the imshow function is supposed to do this, but for some reason it's not working. When I try to use it in the matlab interpreter in ...
Mg Sein's user avatar
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How do I fix this error "an error occurred while trying to determine whether " " is a function name"

I'm trying to make a stand alone application for computers without matlab. I'm using the deploytool and when I try to test the application I get this error an "error occurred while trying to determine ...
LampPost's user avatar
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Plot legend upon checkbox activation in GUI

I am new to matlab gui and working on my first program. I have ~10 datasets that I need to plot , but only when activated by a checkbox selection where two plots will be generated in axes1 and axes2. ...
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uicontrol clipping in 2016b

I have a figure with a Panel on it. This Panel has some uicontrols on it that are its own Children (let's say a checkbox, a popupmenu, an edit). These uicontrols are placed on the Panel in such a way ...
Parker Lewis's user avatar
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How to load data into uitable via button in GUIDE MATLAB

I'm currently creating a GUI using GUIDE (which I am relatively new to). I would like to be able to get the end user to select a .csv file to load into the GUI and for it to be displayed in a table. ...
Matt Griffin's user avatar
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How to display a point cloud inside MATLAB GUI?

I am building a GUI in MATLAB and I want to display point clouds in a figure inside this GUI. The GUI plays a 3D recording and enables me to pause/play, change speeds and change the video I am playing....
GaiusJulius's user avatar
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MatLab GUI plotting a line that updates with button press

So I'm working on MatLab GUI assignment right now. It's basically an estimation game. In every trial the user guesses the correlation displayed on the left axes. When they click submit my code ...
Ian's user avatar
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Using scatter for two different data set doesn't work

I want to show two different data in the same figure and I want to show densities of each data with colors. I used below code: scatter(xm,ym,[],c/(max(c)),'filled','d') hold on scatter(x,y, [], dens,'...
Sonia Sohi's user avatar
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2 answers

Showing density of something in 2d spacematlab

I have three 1 by n vectors: x, y and phi. x and y determine a position in 2D space and phi(i) is amount of particles exist in position(x(i),y(i)). I want to plot 2d region which shows the amount of ...
Sonia Sohi's user avatar
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Creating a movie of histograms in matlab

I used below code to create two movies of histographs in Matlab: h1 = figure hold on vid = VideoWriter('graph.avi');open(vid); for t=1:time figure(h1); cla hist(eighsum(t,:),40) currFrame = ...
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Matlab: consonance (superposition) of recorded sounds

I make a project - Piano simulator in Matlab. I am able to play multiple sounds in the same time: M=length(number); freq_sampling = handles.freq_sampling; for i=1:M filename_in=['audio/' num2str(...
adek111's user avatar
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How to convert a stack of medical images from the work space into .png without losing information in a specific folder?

I have medical images of 130 patients in a folder which includes two types of files for each patient. For example, patient1.mhd and patient1.rawfiles. I downloaded Matlab FileExchange to read these ...
S.EB's user avatar
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how to find Fourier coefficients in matlab?

i have vin which is the input voltage of circuit . (𝜏=taw) vin[(-taw/4)-->(taw/4)]=0.75 vin[(taw/4)-->(3*taw/4)]=-0.25 and the voltage is repeated,this is a square input voltage. 𝑉𝑖𝑛(𝑡) = ∑�...
kayan's user avatar
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i want to store elements in matrix and call number wise but there call in workspace it seems undefined function and consider only last entry

for d=1:18 parent=bitand(entry(d), 2.^(7:-1:0)) > 0; end (there is entry(18*1) matrix it has 18 decimal number) when i apply this code than this all rows named as 'parent' but i want to call ...
Pratik Ananadpara's user avatar

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