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Permission denied when Installing Memgraph on Ubuntu VM in Google Cloud with Docker

I'm trying to install Memgraph on a Ubuntu VM instance running on Google Cloud. I have Docker installed, and it seems to be working correctly. However, when I run the installation command: curl https:/...
Taja Jan's user avatar
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Are there predefined rules/schema in Memgraph?

Is it possible that I can have a predefined rules/schema in Memgraph? Like when ever the node would get created, on basis of its property it would get automatically connected to the resources which ...
Palazo7191's user avatar
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How to clear or flush the on-disk storage in Memgraph

I have my Memgraph database configured to use on-disk storage for memory management. I am wondering if there is any way to flush this storage using a query or command. Does Memgraph provide a specific ...
Martin Fonichy's user avatar
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support for strong consistency in memgraph

Does memgraph's Java client support strong consistency? I know that neo4j supports a variation called bookmarks. Does memgraph also support this? I looked at the memgraph documentation and could not ...
Ramesh Patil's user avatar
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Memgraph Stream Cannot resolve conflicting transactions

I am using a locally hosted Memgraph instance and streaming CDC data from a postgres through Kafka Connect and Kafka. I have been experiencing a transaction error recently, and I haven't found a ...
BigCodeMan's user avatar
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How can I slice a list in Memgraph similar to Python list slicing?

I am familiar with Python and know that I can slice a list using a simple syntax like this: my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] sliced_list = my_list[2:4] print(sliced_list) As output I get [3, 4] This way I ...
Schmetter's user avatar
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Applying Memgraph Lab Graph Style editor styles to an Orb instance

I'm visualizing a network graph using Memgraph Lab. I have customized the styles for nodes and edges using the Graph Style editor. I want to create a dynamic web-based visualization using Orb. I need ...
DeskoDesign's user avatar
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Dynamically editing edges based on node attribute changes in Memgraph

I have two nodes and created an edge based on certain similarity. If I change the similar part in one node, I need to delete that relation immediately. How can I do this? I want to apply this for many ...
Networkhopper's user avatar
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How to create a trigger whenever a new node is being created?

I want to create a trigger that activates whenever a new node is created. Here’s the scenario: imagine I’m building a social network application where users can create profiles. Whenever a new user ...
ztudents's user avatar
2 votes
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Data Ingestion Is Slow in MemgraphLab from Kafka

I am using Memgraph Lab with Docker on a EC2 instance. I am ingesting data from Kafka. I have realised that the lag is very high.I want to decrease it as much as possible. I tried to run the below ...
Koder's user avatar
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Can an index can be used for list/array properties in Memgraph?

I'd like to know if an index can be used for list/array properties. Say I have nodes that look like this: (n {members:['a','b']}) Will an index help me find nodes where 'a' is a member? Or will ...
KernLot's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform fuzzy matching for labels, relationships, or properties in a Cypher query in Memgraph?

I need to implement fuzzy matching in my Cypher queries. I want to account for slight variations or errors in user input. For example, if a user inputs "apartment" instead of "...
Zet Hund Pet's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the SIMULATION_END event in Orb?

When using Orb to draw a graph, then add nodes to the graph and render(), I find that the nodes then subsequently jump around the canvas. It's like their first position after rendering is not the ...
DeskoDesign's user avatar
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The Memgraph instance restarts when running DFS algorithm

I have some issues running DFS algorithm. The Memgraph instance restarts after a while and no result is returned. My query looks like: MATCH path=(n:LABEL {name: "node_name", source_id: &...
Martin Fonichy's user avatar
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I want to expand all the nodes connected to a node in Memgraph using Memgraph Cypher

Basically, just like in networkx where you get all connected_components to a node, I want to replicate that in Memgeraph. So basically if i have a node with a specific label ( lets say node named ...
Harshwardhan Fartale's user avatar
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How to replace environment field with command field in docker compose file for memgraph/memgraph-platform

how to replace environment field with command field in docker compose file for memgraph/memgraph-platform I'm trying to modify a Docker Compose file to remove the environment field and replace it with ...
Palazo7191's user avatar
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Equivalence between nested and or in a cypher query vs python gqlalchemy query

When querying the same data via memgraphlab with the following query: MATCH p =(m:ProjLibMainNode)<-[:PROPERTIES_OF]-(n {PropStatus:"Current"})-[:REFERENCES]->(q) WHERE n.ReviewStatus =...
Dewald's user avatar
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How can I provide my username and password in Memgrpah Lab 2.14?

I've updated Memgraph Lab to 2.14. Before on this screen I used to have username and passwords fields. They are gone now. How can I enter them now? Memgraph Lab 2.14 I've tried running Memgraph using ...
Palazo7191's user avatar
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How to convert a 1d array of country connections into a 2d array using cypher in Memgraph for k-means clustering?

I'm trying to use k-means clustering on a dataset where I have one kind of node, a country, and a list of connections between different countries. The connections are listed as a 1-dimensional array. ...
User738623020's user avatar
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How can I load CSV into Memgraph Cloud?

I'm currently using Memgraph Cloud, and I have a very large graph that I need to import. I've tried converting the graph to a .csv file, but I'm encountering an error in the query when attempting to ...
Schmetter's user avatar
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How to store tuples in Memgraph?

I have a design question regarding the best approach to store tuples of values, specifically for position (x, y, z), rotation, and scaling in Memgraph. I have an RPG node that is linked to an ACTOR ...
Juliette Gia's user avatar
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How to create a trigger to track the total weight of all edges in a Memgraph database?

I am working with a graph in Memgraph that has weighted edges. I'd like to set up a trigger that will keep track of the total weight of all edges in the network. Here is an example of the graph ...
Short River's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to integrate Orb with a React application?

I am trying to integrate Orb into my React application. To me it looks like Orb seems to write directly to its own canvas element. Is there a hook that I could use?
DeskoDesign's user avatar
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Why I can't delete label in every node?

I'm trying to delete names from all nodes using: MATCH (n) DELETE n:Name But I get the error in Memgraph Lab that reads: Query failed Edges, vertices and paths can be deleted. So how do I then ...
DeskoDesign's user avatar
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Timeout isssue with Kafka stream registration in Memgraph

I'm encountering a timeout issue when registering a stream with Memgraph. Whenever I register a stream named "test_stream", it times out during the CHECK STREAM command. Despite the initial ...
Schmetter's user avatar
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Why does the "match (n:Label1|Label2) return n" throw an error?

I'm looking into migrating one project from Neo4J to Memgraph as part of my CS class. I got stuck on issue with a query that works in Neo4J but throws an error in Memgraph. The query is match (n:...
ztudents's user avatar
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Why does my allshortest pathfinding query return paths with cycles?

I'm using an allshortest pathfinding query in Memgraph. The edges connected to the center node have weights that are almost zero, which might be contributing to the problem. Is it expected for the ...
ztudents's user avatar
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How get all the connected nodes of a starting node using gqlalchemy and Memgraph?

I'm going through the how-to-guide on gqlalchemy and I don't see a way to get all the connected nodes of a starting node. I tried supplying only _start_node_id, but I get GQLAlchemyError: Can't load a ...
ztudents's user avatar
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Problem with OpenSSL and Memgraph on Rhel 8

I've taken CentOS7 RMP packet and I've tried to install Memgraph on a box running RHEL 8. I've encountered the SSL related error. Is there a way to get this working? memgraph[13859]: /usr/lib/memgraph/...
Martin Fonichy's user avatar
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I get error Can't set property because properties on edges are disabled in Memgraph

When I to run Memgraph MAGE inside docker, I get the following error: CREATE ->(London)-[:LOCATED_IN {mark:['captial']}]->(England); I get the error: Client received query exception: Can't set ...
kontrapschoen's user avatar
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How to always pull the latest Memgraph docker image when using Docker compose?

I've seen last week that Memgraph 2.16 was released. I use the following docker-compose.yml file: version: "3" services: memgraph: image: memgraph/memgraph-mage:latest ...
KernLot's user avatar
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Is there a match query which will export the data as an hierarchical tree

I have the data structured in the following format: Node Type 1 (NT1) -> Relation Type 1 (RT1) -> Node Type 2 (NT2) -> Relation Type 2 (RT2) -> Node Type 3 (NT3) Sample Node Data in format ...
Pawan's user avatar
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Integrating Neo4j GraphQL with Memgraph for traversals

I'd like to use Neo4j GraphQL to connect with a Memgraph database for a project that requires some simple graph traversals. I've heard that setting up a GraphQL client with Memgraph is possible, but ...
Networkhopper's user avatar
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How to create a Constraint that has multiple labels in Memgraph?

I'm trying to create a constraint that encompasses multiple labels, which seems to be unsupported, or I'm missing the correct approach. For context, creating a constraint with a single label works ...
Mickay's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect changes in Memgraph and subsequently trigger an external action?

I want to implement a change detection and data syncing with another database (Amazon DynamoDB). The core requirement is to synchronize data to DynamoDB whenever there's a change in Memgraph. I know ...
Short River's user avatar
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Is it possible to create composite unique constraints in Memgraph?

I'm working with Memgraph and GQLAlchemy and trying to do the creation of unique constraints. According to the documentation, it's possible to specify multiple properties when defining a unique ...
ztudents's user avatar
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Can I use only Memgraph internal nodes IDs and relationships IDs?

When I was learning about SQL databases we were always told to use unique ID. It could be auto generated or set by user. I see that every node and relationship in Memgraph has autogenerated ID. This ...
Sven Martoen's user avatar
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Transaction was asked to abort because of transaction timeout

When I am trying to run LOAD CSV into my Memgraph instance (it runs on remote server, I SSH to it). I get the error Transaction was asked to abort because of transaction timeout. It looks to me that ...
CharlesTheMan's user avatar
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How can I stop Memgraph from writing logs on disk?

I don't need Memgraph logs on my disk. I just want to view them in my terminal on the same place where I see all of the OS errors. How can I set stderr to be the only place where log can be seen? I've ...
Mickay's user avatar
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How can I enable logs with Memgraph MAGE docker image?

I've downloaded Memgraph Lab desktop app. When I start it it says to run Memgraph using docker run -p 7687:7687 -p 7444:7444 memgraph/memgraph-mage. This works for my, but I don't see any logs. I ...
Mickay's user avatar
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Can I have a space in username that I use for logging into Memgraph?

When I try to run query CREATE USER `Mark Johnanssen` I get the error message Invalid user name. I suspect that the reason for this is space in username since CREATE USER MarkJohnanssen works. When I ...
User738623020's user avatar
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How to sync data from Elasticsearch to Memgraph as nodes and relationships

I'm looking for a way to synchronize my data from Elasticsearch into Memgraph to represent it as nodes and relationships. I've found blog post that talks about something similar (
HappyDuck's user avatar
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How to issue commands using mconsole that runs in docker?

I run the memgraph-mage image with docker run -p 7687:7687 -p 7444:7444 --name memgraph memgraph/memgraph-mage Most of the time I use Memgrpah Lab to send queries but I wanted to try out mgconsole. I ...
CharlesTheMan's user avatar
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How can I check if a node has a label?

I didn't fid a way how to check if a node has a label. I've found the documentation for HasLabel but this is related to graph output and visualization (
TenTonBonton's user avatar
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After ingesting data into Memgraph, I don't want to modify it anymore - what should I do?

After ingesting data into Memgraph, I don't want to modify it anymore. As far as I understand, manually creating a snapshot and then setting the storage mode to Analytical should speed up my queries. ...
Zet Hund Pet's user avatar
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How to paginate the result to a certain depth?

I'm using Memgraph and I was wondering about how can I paginate the result to a certain depth to build a knowledge graph and display it? I'm looking for a certain query I can use in Memgraph Lab in ...
MPesi's user avatar
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How to query a graph while mutation is happening in Memgraph?

Is it possible to query a graph while mutation is happening in Memgraph? What is the best practice to update a graph graph while the read operation is happening?
KateLatte's user avatar
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How do I filter a List in Memgraph cypher?

How can I filter this this list so as to keep only items over 3? [1,2,3,4,5] Memgraph does not seem to have a FILTER clause nor a filter function on the collections module. I'm unable to figure out ...
GGGforce's user avatar
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HOW TO fetch nodes with multiple edge type as starting point

Below is my dataset: MERGE (pNode:product_sku {model_id: 1}) MERGE (f1:formula {model_id: 1}) MERGE (f2:formula {model_id: 2}) MERGE (f3:formula {model_id: 3}) MERGE (f4:formula {model_id: 4}) MERGE (...
ephraim lambarte's user avatar
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Querying for parallel edges in memgraph

starting with memgraph so it might be obvious, but struggling to find the right query to find nodes with a number of parallel connections to another. For my use case I'm representing network devices ...
Francisco Sedano's user avatar

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