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Serving data to the Integration test

I'm designing currently the integration tests. In the test object there are several entities and a quite complex data structure. The application is itself a modular monolith for now, but targeting to ...
alexDuty's user avatar
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Using python with custom spreadsheets; is it best practice to do the maths in python or with spreadsheet formulae [closed]

My question is whether there is a best-practice rule on what to do preferentially when you need to do mathematical operations on numbers stored in a custom spreadsheets via a Python app. Say you're ...
Jaime's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How can I practice DDD on my own without access to a domain expert? [closed]

I'm trying to learn DDD, I see it have a lot of potential and I want to apply it and bring it to my company. But I am currently away on leave so don't have access to a business expert. How could I ...
Django's user avatar
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Am I applying weights indiscriminately to my survey data?

I have a large dataset (N=12000) from a survey. I am using weights in my regressions, because this sample gave blood for analysis (from the whole eligible sample). My results make sense until the ...
Yacila's user avatar
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Should I create a block or an element BEM CSS?

** Bem official website says ** Create a block If a section of code might be reused and it doesn't depend on other page components being implemented. Create an element If a section of code can't be ...
coding journey's user avatar
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git: freeze/unfreeze working directory according branches

I am working with git developing a feature, for this I have created a topic/1 branch The development of this feature has been stopped, as I am waiting for a response I have a lot of changes in my ...
user60108's user avatar
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Ways to imply return values are not meant to be stored

We can use nodiscard attribute to imply that the return value of a function should not be discarded. Are there any attribute (or other ways) to imply some opposite semantics: the return value of the ...
Oasin's user avatar
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c cmocka running the same test function with different parameters

I'd like to write a test in cmocka and run it few times with different parameters each time (so I could test different input cases). Something like Python's decorators @parameterized.parameters. There ...
A-mit's user avatar
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2 answers

How to accurately measure performance of sorting algorithms

I have a bunch of sorting algorithms in C I wish to benchmark. I am concerned regarding good methodology for doing so. Things that could affect benchmark performance include (but are not limited to): ...
DuckHunterZx's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to build large software projects without cloning the entire repository? [closed]

Thinking of big companies like Google and Facebook, what methodology is used when these companies create big projects without cloning all the code on each computer of each developer?
Divino Borges's user avatar
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How to decide whether to keep the duplicate rows or remove them. I have two duplicate records but they refer to two different persons

I am trying to build an NLP model on this data set where I have data from some accidents where I need to predict the Accident Level. There are a total of 13 duplicate rows. But on looking into them I ...
Priyanshi Tyagi's user avatar
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what is the meaning of "after Angular first displays the data-bound properties"

I'm following the Angular documentation about the ngOnInit lifecycle until it gets really confused by saying "after Angular first displays the data-bound properties". Btw, you can check the ...
Hunq Vux's user avatar
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CFA in data with 3 levels - estimating factor scores at level 2?

I am working on a dataset with 3 levels: Teacher School Country Using survey responses from the teachers, the aim is to use Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the ultimate goal of having the ...
Anders's user avatar
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Swift method chaining, how to reuse classes and methods?

Consider the following example class ClassA { func createAnInstanceOfAnotherClass() -> AnotherClass { return AnotherClass() } func callMeA() { } } class ...
sago92's user avatar
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Custom class ideology / design

I have two objects profile1 and profile2 that both inherit from a generic class called profile. Many profile2s can relate to a profile1 but only 1 profile1 can relate to a profile2. For the most part ...
NoobGingrich's user avatar
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Standardizing or Normalizing discrete variable?

When we have discrete variable such as age, number of sick leaves, number of kids in the family and number of absences within a dataframe which i wanted to make a prediction model with binary result, ...
Audi Chandra's user avatar
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Looking for a Git branching methodology to allow 2 staging environments

We've been happily using this branching methodology for years whereby we have our master branch auto deploying to our production environment, ...
Steven Oddy's user avatar
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How to adjust population weights block wise along with adjusting the religion weights?

For example, in a particular block with actual population of 100 000 and with religion ratio as 60-20-20 as Hindu, Muslims, other respectively. and the sample we have collected is 1000 and religion ...
Sreevatsa Panigrahi's user avatar
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Adding BEM classes to html TAG

Recently I started learning BEM methodology and I'm struggling with one thing, to wit: if I code webpage using BEM should I use BEM classes in every html TAG or only there where in my opinion they are ...
vadelbrus's user avatar
-1 votes
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In what order should I develop my N-Tier applicaition?

The problem, a team of developers getting an assignment to create big project from scratch, after considering pros and cons of some architectures, they decided to go for N-Tier architecture. For an ...
matan anavi's user avatar
-6 votes
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Making hundred of cosmetic changes to the code at the last minute [closed]

A programmer keeps making cosmetic changes to the code while we have a strict deadline and the contract stipulate "no changes to the existing code". I am wondering where this "attitude" comes from: ...
gharel's user avatar
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Methodology: Implementing Logic for User Actions? (Without Code Duplication Between Client and Server or Unacceptable UX)

Let us make up a toy case: Suppose we have an app that has a "thumb up" button for each post - you know, when clicking it, the button should become blue, and the server should store that this guy ...
ch271828n's user avatar
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To nest conditionals inside your Main, or to not nest conditionals

Issue Attempting to identify which is the best practice for executing sequential methods. Either, nesting conditionals one after another, or nesting conditionals one inside another, within a main ...
Justin Byrne's user avatar
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Comment on the Methodology of Primary Research investigating "The Effect of Hardware Variances on the Performance of the Merge Sort Algorithm"

I am a highschool student and am conducting primary research on "To what extent do variances in the performance of CPU, RAM, and storage affect the performance of the merge sort algorithm when it is ...
Devul Nahar's user avatar
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In MVP how can a View know if it is allowed to be displayed?

We have used the MVP methodology within our embedded system (using the LittlevGL library). With our current implementation its our Views which first get activated, these then in turn activate their ...
TheGrovesy's user avatar
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Sharing of information between back end and front end developers [closed]

This question is not related to code or any bug. I have an organisation related query. I am a front end developer. I consume web API's developed by the back end developers in my company. The problem ...
Ashish Kirodian's user avatar
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Automatically update my webserver when I update a branch using gitlab

Here is my scenario: I have a Laravel 5.8 project with which I'm using to manage version control. I also set up a virtual private sever with a LAMP stack to host my site online. Currently ...
natral's user avatar
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What is the best approach to take to make sure that previous versions of your app don't crash when changing database design?

What is the best approach to use to make sure that previous versions of your mobile app don't crash when making changes to your backend database on a published app? I've tried putting a check for ...
mohammaddiari's user avatar
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Best methodology for storing files from website and then push to CRM

Currently from our website users upload files (images, pdf etc) These will be pushed to our CRM system Current approach is, we are storing the uploaded files in blob stream in our database and then ...
Guru Prasad's user avatar
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3 answers

Interface per base class design

consider i have a Customer Class and it got CustomerTypeA, CustomerTypeB, CustomerTypeC as child classes. Would it be a better design to implement a ICustomer interface to Customer class and create ...
Ramu's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Best practice for keeping accurate stock prices

I am building a service (web via html/css/nodejs and iOS app via swift 4 for now) that will calculate how much you have total of all stocks across multiple brokers, in your country's currency. The ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to send user information when using jwt token?

I am developing 'write comment' using angular5 and jwt. When a user writes a comment, it send the comment content to the server along with jwt token. In this case, should the server handle the ...
fly high's user avatar
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API to get all OVM component handles

Is there an API to get all OVM component handles in a verification environement? The reason why I am asking is, I need to convert down OVM_FATAL to OVM_NOPRINT using OVM report handler. This report ...
user1978273's user avatar
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When can TLM peek fail?

I was working on OVM driver sequencer communication. I am using try_get_item() in ovm driver but it is still getting stuck. In my sequencer I redefined try_next_item and just printed a display ...
user1978273's user avatar
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Linux tool to bulk change a website from http:// to https://

I need to change an entire PHP-based website from http:// to https://. The SSL certificate has already been installed and shows validity. Now, the website has many many subdirectories, shops, ...
mtjmohr's user avatar
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Creating non-random matched pairs

I am looking for an R package that would allow me to match match each subject in a treatment group to a subject in the general population that has similar characteristics (age, gender, etc).
GuillaumeL's user avatar
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Best way to design Users and Contacts

I have two tables (e.g.): Users (ID, firstName,middleName, lastName) Contacts (ID, userID, serialNo, phoneNumber, eMail). I shall be communicating (sending messages) to Users via phoneNumber or eMail ...
vat69's user avatar
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How override modifiers in nested rules

I have a question concerning BEM specificity. I want to be sure to use that methodology in the best way possible. Lets say I have generic style for a headline applying a color. Then my parent ...
Dynomite's user avatar
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Apply CSS display:none or use if(false){content} to block content at clients?

Approach 1: Using CSS display:none means that the content is sent to the client but is hidden from view. In other words; the content does exist but without occupying any space. Approach 2: Using if(...
Saleh Rezq's user avatar
-2 votes
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Organizing C# code into separate modules [closed]

I have the following code files in my solution: The configuration is stored in a json file. The shape of the data (model) is defined as a sealed class. The configuration has to be read and parsed ...
jujiro's user avatar
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Independent algorithm implementation irrespective of what it is targeting

I am wondering if there is any architecture or guidelines already existing for defining algorithms and problems in way then can addressed N->N on demand. I have developed many algorithms (like brute ...
VyshuRam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can user stories be used for requirement gathering in prototyping methodlogy? [closed]

I am developing a project using prototyping methodology. However, since end users are involved, I am thinking of user stories for requirements gathering. I can see that user stories are generally ...
luke's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the proper 'workflow' of modern React.js development? [closed]

Let's assume that I am a decent JS programmer. I can easily do React.js development. I also can write HTML and CSS to some extent. I cannot, however, build a webpage from the ground up, i.e. define ...
Hedin's user avatar
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Git Flow with branch unmerging

Here a long explanation with a simple problem at the end. I'm working with a team on a pretty big project and we use a git-flow-like methodology for our versioning / deployment. So we have 3 major ...
Jiedara's user avatar
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Handling add fields, edit fields and delete fields with React JS and Rails

I have a React App for handling the front-end, and Rails for back-end. So I have a Forms Manager, in which a field can be added, previously added fields can be edited or deleted. Once made all the ...
Suthan Bala's user avatar
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How do I connect information to countries or locations on a map?

Being a n00b would-be programmer, I want to create a simple memo program that allows the user to tie data (notes, etc.) to specific locations or countries on a map. Books like Head First Python didn't ...
Xinxi_66's user avatar
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how does kanban prevent workers from too much multitask [closed]

I was researching on a popular agile method, Kanban but I couldn't really find any helpful material. Most importantly, I don't really get how WIP can be helpful in Kanban. According to this wikipedia ...
user avatar
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What is the limit about testing/checking variables?

I have a javascript class which can be extend. When I was writing unit tests, I see errors I can catch. So I add tests for checking class attributes in my first function ...
rancoud's user avatar
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How can math programs accept equations of any form?

For example, I can type into Google or WolframAlpha 6+6, or 2+237, which could be programmed by asking a user for a and b, then evaluating return a+b. However, I might also type 5*5^(e) or any other ...
Alex G's user avatar
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Selecting an ontology methodology for developing ontology

My question is that is it mandatory to follow any ontology methodology while developing an ontology? As per my understandings: You can develop an ontology without following any specific methodology ...
user584910's user avatar

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