Questions tagged [monetdb]

MonetDB is an open-source implementation of a column-oriented database. It is focused on analytical applications on a main memory resident database. MonetDB is a relational database and provides an SQL top-level interface. It is actively developed at CWI in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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4 answers

Replace an entire field value in a file using awk or other

I have an export from postgresql table with multiple fields, including boolean (exported by postgresql as t and f character), and I need to import it in another database (monetdb) that won't ...
ant1j's user avatar
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SQL concatenate many tsv files into single table in a database, while keeping track of file source (MonetDBLite)

I am using the MonetDBLite R package to create a MonetDB. I can create database tables just fine using the instructions from here, with the following code: library(DBI) library(MonetDBLite) # Write ...
lmrta's user avatar
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monetdb remote table: cannot register

I have two nodes and am attempting to create a remote table.  To set up I do the following: on each host: $ monetdbd create /opt/mdbdata/dbfarm $ monetdbd set listenaddr= /opt/mdbdata/dbfarm $...
Kelly Burkhart's user avatar
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Can't access existing MonetDB with dplyr

I created a MonetDBLite database yesterday, populated it, and was accessing it with dplyr, however this morning I don't seem able to use dplyr. Here's my connection: statcast_db <- MonetDBLite::...
BillPetti's user avatar
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(MonetDB) available main-memory

I'm testing MonetDB in CentOS for a BI database, and during inserts, reaching 8 million records, my database has crashed with the message "database 'olap1' (9111) has crashed (dumped core)" (from log)....
Fasolo's user avatar
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Load CSV with blank values in MonetDB

I am trying to load a CSV file where values that should be NULL are simply blank. For example, consider the following schema: CREATE TABLE test ( float a, float b, float c ); I am trying ...
agg212's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a function that creates smaller column than input column

I'm working on a Monetdb Database with embedded R. Now, I want to process the data from a column, which basically reduces the amount of values. The question now is if it is possible to create a R ...
Frank's user avatar
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importing tbl file to monetDB on windows 10

I am having trouble importing the data of the TPCH-Benchmark (generated with dbgen) into my monetDB-Database. I've already created all the tables and I'm trying to import using the following command: ...
Ruben Alves's user avatar
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monetdb : there are no available connections for 'voc'

Me & my computer (mac) are trying to follow with the monetdb tutorial ( We went up until running this mclient -u monetdb -d voc, entered "...
Pelican's user avatar
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MonetDb: Embedded R aggregate function with multiple output columns

I'm using MonetDB and embedded R with a huge amount of accelerometer sensor data. I created an aggregate function which calculates a Fast Fourier Transformation on the sensor data and extracts a ...
Frank's user avatar
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2 answers

monetdb select last n rows

My monetdb table has over 100k rows. I want to select the last n rows from the table. Will it be possible to query only the last n records without scanning the entire table?
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Drop a local temporary table within a function in MonetDB

Consider the following scenario. I have a bunch of user defined functions, f_i, that create, populate, and use a local temporary table with the same name res: create function f_i() returns table( … )...
영민 카이 앤절's user avatar
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Does MonetDB support thousands of sparse columns efficiently?

Does MonetDB support thousands of sparse columns efficiently? E.g.: empty fields don't incur overhead, not a lot per-column overhead, etc.
Geert-Jan's user avatar
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How to execute a query string in MonetDB

I'm attempting to declare a query string to execute in MonetDB. The documentation is not clear if this is possible, but other engines allow this functionality (such as MySQL and MS SQL Sever). ...
영민 카이 앤절's user avatar
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MonetDB: Enumerate groups of rows based on a given "boundary" condition

Consider the following table: id gap groupID 0 0 1 2 3 1 3 7 2 4 1 2 5 5 2 6 7 3 7 3 3 8 8 4 9 2 4 Where groupID is the desired, computed column, such ...
영민 카이 앤절's user avatar
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Dplyr backend is not able to find applicable method for 'sql_translate_env'

I try to run a simple dplyr command, on an monetdb SQL-backend. The connection itself seems to work, but the dplyr call fails. I restarted the RSession and tried to reinstall the MonetDB.R package ...
NaN's user avatar
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How to enable (force) compression in MonetDB?

I installed MonetDB and imported a (uncompressed) 291 GB TSV MySQL dump. It worked like a charm and the database is really fast, but the database needs more than 542 GB on the disk. It seems like ...
NaN's user avatar
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Monetdb unable to execute queries with a where clause against remote tables

I have been trying remote tables in monetdb. I have setup a remote table mapped to an existing table on a monetdb instance running on another host. I am able to perform some basic queries, However I ...
Manuel Pagliai's user avatar
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Monetdb query cancelling

I am using Monetdb in a java application via the JDBC driver. I need to cancel long running queries, or queries that are no longer relevant. Since monetdb JDBC driver does not support jdbc statement ...
Manuel Pagliai's user avatar
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MonetDB database shut down error

After cleaning up some tables in MonetDB, trying to connect to mclient and getting kicked out. monetdbd: internal error while starting mserver, please refer to the logs merovingian.log -> 2017-02-...
marcin_koss's user avatar
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not in clause, is there a better way

I am trying to exclude id numbers that have been seen before, my query is select id from table1 where date1 >= eDate1 and date1 <= eDate2 and zId = 256 and id no in (select id from table1 where ...
flavour404's user avatar
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monetdb, group by

Working in MonetDB, I have an 'entrytime' column that contains a time value. I have: select "minute"(entrytime) as unitTime, period from schema1.zones where date1 >= eDate and date1 <...
flavour404's user avatar
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Selecting single row by ID in MonetDB

It seems MonetDB still performs full table scans even where one record has to be pulled by some ID column. select a, b, c from mytable where id = 100; Is there anything that can be done to improve ...
marcin_koss's user avatar
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I cannot establish a connection to MonetDB using pymonetDB in Python

I'm trying to use MonetDB in Python to perform some tasks on a huge dataframe. I've installed the suggested API and it has successfully loaded. But when I try to establish the connection, I always get ...
Evangelista's user avatar
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Loading TPCH in MonetDB

i am having trouble importing the data of the TPCH-Benchmark into my monetDB-Database. I am creating the first table like this: CREATE TABLE "tpch"."customer" ( "c_custkey" INTEGER NOT ...
uv239's user avatar
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Problems with user-defined aggregate functions

I'm having some trouble when defining aggregate functions. Here’s a reproducible example: library(MonetDBLite) library(dplyr) library(DBI) dbdir <- tempdir() con <- dbConnect(MonetDBLite()) ...
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How to implement AUTO_INCREMENT properly in MonetDB?

I have two MonetDB tables using auto-increment to generate unique IDs for each row. Each row in the child table refers to one row in the parent table (modeling a 1:n relationship): CREATE SEQUENCE "...
dasup's user avatar
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Is there a way to get FIND_IN_SET functionality in MonetDB

I am migrating some of my workflows from MySQL to MonetDB. One thing that has hampered my progress so far is the lack of FIND_IN_SET functionality in MonetDB: > SELECT FIND_IN_SET('b', 'a,b,c,d');...
ostrokach's user avatar
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ADO.NET or OLE DB for MonetDB

I am looking for either ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects) or native OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding, Database) provider for MonetDB. - I am trying to access MonetDB from ...
x Zanon's user avatar
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MonetDB is timestamp guaranteed to be unique

The temporal definition in MonetDB says that: "TIMESTAMP [ '(' posint ')' ] date concatenated with unique time, precision" That this mean that if two rows are created with a DEFAULT TIMESTAMP that ...
kenwri's user avatar
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MonetDBLite - problems installing package

I've been trying to run this script: But on this line install....
Roberto Dumke's user avatar
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Does monetdb support cursors?

My boss wants me to use monetdb to do some tasks. But I've found many documents and still not sure whether the newest version of monetdb support cursors? if monetdb supports, could you give me an ...
shabao's user avatar
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SELECTing the column names for another SELECT - possible?

I have a table t1 with a 'foo' column, and records containing 'bar' and 'baz' in column 'foo'. I also have a table t2 with columns 'bar', 'baz' and 'quux'. I want to do something like the following: ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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MonetDB: How to count in last N rows?

This one is not working select count(*) from table where col = 'value' order by id desc limit 100 Error: identifier 'id' unknown This also not working select count(*) from (select * from table ...
redexp's user avatar
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Extract (year from timestamp) in MonetDB

I try to extract year from timestamp in monetdb using select extract(year from ts), ts from orders; but this query obviously returns false result: | year | ts | ------------------...
Anastasia Osintseva's user avatar
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How can I EXPLAIN several consecutive queries without executing them?

Suppose I have a pair of arbitrary SQL queries, each one depending upon the former ones, e.g. CREATE VIEW v1 ( c3 ) AS SELECT c1 + c2 FROM t1; SELECT sum(c3) FROM v1; DROP VIEW v1; (but note I am ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Run two MonetDB databases simoultaneously in Windows

I'm trying to run two MonetDB databases simoultaneously in Windows. I changed the database name in M5server.bat to mydb, and added -database=mydb to mclient.bat Then I copied the M5server.bat file ...
ps0604's user avatar
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How to start monetdbd from other process (node.js)?

I'm trying to start monetdbd from node like var exec = require('child_process').exec; exec('monetdbd start ~/my-dbfarm/'); But it stops runing my code after exec(...).
redexp's user avatar
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Monetdb bind function Parameters

I am trying to understand the MAL statements for joining three tables. I came across the bind function in MAL statement. I have a table named lineitem with l_quantity in it. So what does the ...
Pradeep's user avatar
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Does MonetDB support parallel query execution when using merge tables?

I have partitioned my data set into two separate sets of 5M rows. Each partition is loaded into a table on a machine of its own. I use a central monetdb instance where I register both tables as remote ...
vdeurzen's user avatar
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MonetDB BEFORE INSERT TRIGGERs are just not working and I need some hlep to sort it out

in the MonetDB docs there is a simple "AFTER UPDATE" trigger example: That one works, but I tried to change this to a BEFORE INSERT, and ...
Keeper of the Grove's user avatar
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how to add a column after another one in monetDB

I am trying to add a new column in a monetDB database and I want it positioned after a specific one. In mysql this is possible using the AFTER keyword. ALTER TABLE myTable ADD myNewColumn VARCHAR(255)...
Elzo Valugi's user avatar
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How to monetdb log settings (merovingian.log)

How to MonetDB log settings. I want to change the log level of "merovingian.log". I want to output the ERROR and WARN the merovingian.log. But now merovingian.log is outputting only MSG log. 2016-...
tthr's user avatar
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Accessing MonetDBLite outside R

I created a big database using MonetDBLite in R and now I want to access the database outside R (e.g., with a general database GUI). Is there a way to do this? I do not want to replicate the data as ...
flippke's user avatar
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How to find Intrumentation in Monetdb

How can I get instumemtation in monetdb ? I need thedetails like planning time , execution time for each MAL statement in monetdb . Is there any command for it ?
Pradeep's user avatar
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How to implement a top n filter in Monetdb?

I want to do a top 10 filter like this: SELECT t0."A" AS d0, t0."B" AS d1, t0."C" AS d2, t0."D" AS d3, SUM(t0."SA") AS m0, SUM(t0."SB") AS m1 FROM "mock_table_1" AS t0 INNER JOIN ( ...
luochen1990's user avatar
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"ORDER BY" in subquery - not avaliable in MonetDB?

I found that, when using order-by directly, it is ok. SELECT t0."D" AS fd, SUM(t0."SD") AS top FROM "mock_table_1" AS t0 GROUP BY t0."D" ORDER BY top ASC LIMIT 10 but when using it in a subquery, ...
luochen1990's user avatar
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Executing mySQL queries in R with MonetDB

I am new to SQL and am using MonetDB to load a large file into R studio. I have loaded my data as a db using monetDB, and would now like to execute the R code below on the data in this database: ...
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Initial value of these pointers in Monetdb

While coming across Monetdb source there are three structures which were used most often. They are MalBlkPtr mb MalStkPtr stk InstrPtr pci What are they meant for? What is their initial value and ...
Pradeep's user avatar
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monetb: what does bind function does with access argument?

I am looking into the MAL code of an execution plan for a query. Can anyone explain what the bind function does in detail? Specifically, what does the following MAL statements actually do? X_6:bat[:...
Pradeep's user avatar
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