Questions tagged [mono]

Mono is an open source implementation of .NET that runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This allows running .NET applications on platforms other than Windows with little to no modification. Do NOT use this tag for questions about Java/Spring - use [spring]/[java] instead.

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Activity.SpanId is 0000000000000000 on .NET Framework

I've got the following csharp program: using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; var listener = new ActivityListener() { // This is only for internal Sentry events ...
James Crosswell's user avatar
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How to get Assembly when loading assembly using mono_assembly_load_from?

I load assemblies into the application using Mono methods. The problem is that when I load the assembly I get only IntPtr, but I need System.Reflection.Assembly. How to get it using IntPtr? Methods I ...
Cat's user avatar
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Facing issue when running xbuild after building mono via meta-mono version

I am trying to do build in an yocto environment where I am using meta-mono version from kirkstone branch). But after this, during build, when I am trying to run xbuild, its not ...
user3443213's user avatar
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Debugger not hitting in the vs code when trying to attach the mono process

I’ve set up an ASP.NET 4.0 web application using Visual Studio 2022 and deployed it on Linux (WSL Ubuntu 22.04). I’m using Mono and VSCode for debugging. Here are the steps I’ve followed: Created the ...
UmeshT's user avatar
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How to Enable Runtime Code Changes and Move Execution Pointer in Blazor WASM Client-Side Debugging with Mono/C#?

I'm currently working on a Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) .NET5 application and facing a challenge with client-side debugging: I'm looking to enable runtime code changes and move the execution pointer, ...
Arileth's user avatar
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Why does Unity give not detect enemies and run the TakeDamage() function after running the OverLapCircle() function? (UNITY 2D)[ANSWERED]

Here is the enemy health script with the TakeDamage() function // Import the necessary Unity libraries. using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; // Define a ...
CreatoMan's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I obtain static property value through mono debug wire?

I am trying to control Unity Editor over Mono Debugger Wire Protocol. I want to obtain value of public static property. The following is my attempt: using VirtualMachine = Mono.Debugger.Soft....
user-id-14900042's user avatar
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Use Mono to load and access simple DLL in Linux

I am wondering if I am misunderstanding what Mono can do? I am not a C# or .NET person, so bear with me. What I need is to be able to load an external (third-party) .DLL which was built to be used ...
Jokubas11's user avatar
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compiled & installed mono 6,12,0.199 on RHEL8, vbc complains, csc succeeds

Trying to compile hello.vb: Imports System Module Module1 Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("Hello world") End Sub End Module $ vbc hello.vb Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version ...
Steve's user avatar
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-1 votes
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EventToCommandBehavior RelativeSource in Xamarin.Forms

Why it is not work? <Editor Text="{Binding OptionText}"> <Editor.Behaviors> <xct:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="Focused" ...
Winteriscoming's user avatar
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GetModuleHandle return null

this artical that what i am trying to do, but I faced the following problem the GetModuleHandle return null always ...
Ahmed Jihad's user avatar
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Xamarin - SMPT OFFICE365: sending emails has stopped working for me

I developed an application with xamarin, a few months ago, to send emails, here a piece of my code: public Email(string To, string CC, string Subject, string Body) Server = new SmtpClient { ...
user2171002's user avatar
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How to stop C++ app from crashing when an Access Violation exception happens in a C# function?

I am building a C++ application that uses Mono to load in C# code and execute it from within C++. I have a MonoMethod* to a C# function that can have code that may cause an Access Violation exception ...
ChrisHusky's user avatar
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Why does the SQLite3 ASP.NET Connecters for Membership provider does not work

I am new to ASP.NET, I am using mod_mono in Apache with Debian. I am using ASP.NET Web Forms. I am trying to implement ASP.NET Membership in my web application. First, I followed the instructions in ...
hey hey's user avatar
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Create integrated terminal in C# (Mono) application

I'm working on a project where I would like to add an integrated terminal just like modern IDE's have (cross-platform Windows/Linux/MacOS). I have tested most of the basics by simply using a System....
Ruben Hamers's user avatar
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.NET Android App can read textfile in Documents only if created by itself

I'm writing an Android app in .NET using Avalonia. I'm attempting to read a textfile from the Documents folder, but am hitting an odd behavior: I can read the file only if it was created by the app ...
J23's user avatar
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Rider only build resources into dll

I tried to build my project with mono version 6.12.0 installed, it compiles without errors, but the classes don't seem to be compiled, when i test the file, it doesn't work and when im decompiling it, ...
AureumApes's user avatar
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Linux: convert pfx to snk - or: How to Strong-Name an Assembly

I am on Linux. The platform is a devcontainer, so the underlying os might vary. I am using dotnet build to compile a .csproj project. (The .csproj is in the new sdk format.) I need the resulting ...
Sebastian Meine's user avatar
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Why is my device marked as unknown device when using "Mono.Nat.NatUtility.StartDiscovery()"?

I'm using Unity to make a simple coop game for me and my friends, I saw that using Mono.Nat I could port forward without making the user do it manually, but when I tested it, my PC is always found as ...
JordiDev's user avatar
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Build self-contained Mono application

A Linux toolchain I'm managing contains a legacy .Net application. This is fine on Ubuntu, where an official Mono runtime environment to run .Net applications is available. But I would like to run my ...
Dreamer's user avatar
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What is the way of creating custom Reactive attribute?

I work with Reactive UI library for my WPF applications and was curious about how does the [Reactive] attribute work. I found out that there is nothing there in the attribute itself so there was a lot ...
crackanddie's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Xamarin Support for Android 14

Following the announcement by Microsoft that Xamarin will now support iOS 17 and Android 14 we are now looking to build our Xamarin based app to target these newer OS versions. We are aware that ...
MobileDev's user avatar
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How to use mono_add_internal_call properly if C++ project and C# dll are under different directory

I have a C++ project which want to invoke function in C# dll, therefore I followed the mono-document, and have below code in C++ project: static MonoString* Sample() { return mono_string_new(...
LoneliNerd's user avatar
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Where does TeamCity's build agent look for the .NET Core SDK / Mono?

I'm having trouble configuring my build agents for TeamCity. It appears that the agent (I'm running with the image provided by Jetbrains) doesn't see the .NET Core installation on my host machine, nor ...
Grant Sanders's user avatar
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How can I import a ttf file as Font in Unity at runtime?

I'm working in a project and I need to load font, cuz these fonts can be customizable I'm trying methods like just Font class ctor, trying using TMPro but I can't find some info about that and looks ...
Tiziano Kraft's user avatar
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Mono Cecil - nullify method / remove method body

I am trying to nullify an existing method in a DLL with Mono.Cecil. By nullify I mean that the method should not do anything. Simply removing it is not possible, because it is called by other methods. ...
Zulakis's user avatar
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Npgsql - Mono.Security.dll - Could not load type of field 'Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection:CertificateSelectionCallback'

I have a c# application that use a Postgres DB. It is in .NET 4.0 and use Npgsql, for backward compatibility I cannot change these versions. It runs fine in Windows and in a linux board with ...
Dino BPG's user avatar
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MissingMethodException when invoking injected method call to a public method in parent class that is located in different assembly

I have two assemblies called game and core. The game assembly I manipulate with Mono.Cecil: I search for specific classes with specifically marked properties in whose setter I inject a method call to ...
Sebastian Barth's user avatar
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How to deal with memory by calling the Dispose(),and Destory() method correctly?

I'm learning GTKSharp library. When I dispose my widget ,i found it cannot free all my memory. I test by this demo that I write. One button for add more button in the Vbox, and one to remove them When ...
CianoLu's user avatar
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GTK# and Wayland

I use GTK-Sharp3 under linux (ubuntu 22.04) to do some drawing : context.SetSourceColor(color); context.MoveTo(x1, y1); context.LineTo(x2, y2); context.Stroke();` everything works well on xorg, but ...
looping's user avatar
-1 votes
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File 'sample.docx' is corrupt therefore can't be opened, cause due to of document manipulation or damage due to data transmission, using C#

After lots of debug, I am able to find out about size discrepancy between the document size. Actually, I am trying to send .docx file to client-end, here is my C# block code look as FileInfo file = ...
Sawan Meshram's user avatar
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63 views mono apache2 multiple sites url not found ubuntu [Solved]

Using apache2 with mono.It works with one site but not with more than one when I add it to /etc/mono-server4/ where I have <apps> <web-application> <name>...
rchrdp's user avatar
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3 votes
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Mono vs dotnet runtime

According to MS sources, Mono ( is the ...
Divan's user avatar
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MCS: error CS0161: not all code paths return a value

I created simple C# app, and this error appeared after compilation using MCS tried: src/Program.cs(6,24): error CS0161: 'Interpreter.runCommand(string)': not all code paths return value What the ...
TeenProgrammer's user avatar
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Docker: Unable to use pythonnet inside a docker image and | Failed to create a default .NET runtime, which would have been "mono" on this system

I am trying to use clr from Pythonnet to convert one file type to another using a .DLL reference. This is how my code looks - import clr clr.AddReference(dll_path) import RxLibrary # Convert to ASC ...
Suprava's user avatar
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2 answers

Reactor Flux remains blocks till getting response from server

I'v created a Flux which emits API response on subscription. The API takes few seconds to respond. I'm also switching the flow to a sceduler with 2 threads. private Scheduler sc = Schedulers....
quintin's user avatar
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Package gtk-sharp-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config

I tried to run mcs hello.cs -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 on ubuntu but it showed this error: Package gtk-sharp-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `...
moa biru's user avatar
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issue in using reactive apps with lambda

I am pretty new to use of reactive in Java. Here below is the issue that I am facing. I have developed a springboot-REST application with contoller, service and repository layer with R2DBC driver. ...
Ram's user avatar
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MSBUILD .NET 7 Path Linux in Makefile

I want to use MSBUILD from .NET 7 directly in Makefile and not the old mono version with MSBUILD 15.0 Old Path from Mono MSBUILD_PATH=$(MONO_DIR)/msbuild/15.0/bin New one in .NET 7? Mono MSBUILD ...
MakiWolf's user avatar
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Why DllNotFoundException in mono

Linux debian 10 Mono 6.12 .net framework 4.5 I runned a c# program on linux with mono. Now I want to add a function : change a file permission to 755 on linux. I add Mono.Unix from nuget to the ...
kimitop's user avatar
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Mono 5.x version on bookworm

We were looking at updating all our software and architecture as everything is extremely outdated. We updated to Debian 12 bookworm but ran into issues with our application only supporting up to mono ...
Boonya's user avatar
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Compiling VB.NET library with multiple .vb files under Linux fails

I failed to compile library under Ubuntu When I run the command vbnc *.vb -t:library -out:mylibrary.dll I am getting the error Visual Basic.Net Compiler version (Mono 4.0.1 - ...
roman mashchak's user avatar
4 votes
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How to correct "Mono.Btls.MonoBtlsException: Ssl error:1000042e:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION"

I've upgraded an Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 VPS. Then I've also upgraded Mono runtime, which is now Apache is 2.4.41. I've a "mixed" application PHP + some web service in / ...
stighy's user avatar
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Mono Framework on Mac behind proxy - Safari can access, but HttpClient cannot

So, I am having issues with a Mac (macOS 13.3.1) running Xamarin / Mono Framework. The system is behind a proxy (no credentials required). The proxy is fixed, configured in the system settings (no ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Is it possible to install Mono 5.18 under Ubuntu 20.04 ('focal')?

I need the very specific Mono version 5.18 under Ubuntu 20.04 (focal). However under only the snapshots for Mono >= 6.8 are ...
Juri's user avatar
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Installing IronPython on Ubuntu Using Mono

I am trying to install IronPython On Ubuntu 22.04 using Mono. I've followed each of the steps mentioned here -, but I'm still unable to ...
suman paul's user avatar
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Specify to use native .Net class and not Mono's implementation in Unity

When working on a Unity IL2CPP .Net Framework project, is it possible to force the application to use the native .Net 4.8 version of a specific class instead of the Mono implementation? I don't ...
Reahreic's user avatar
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Mono on Linux Ubuntu - Some Unicode characters will not display at the end of a string using DrawString()

I'm making a cross-platform .NET Framework 4.8 app where the same EXE needs to run on Windows and run on Linux using Mono. The app allows the language to be toggled dynamically between English and ...
KrisK's user avatar
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Mono library assert when starting application for profiling

I have a Xamarin application that I am launching in debug from Visual Studio. I have followed a Microsoft blog on enabling the mono profiler using :- adb shell setprop debug.mono.profile log:calls ...
Pete Roberts's user avatar
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How type arguments are passed to functions in .NET runtime?

While it is an implementation detail, it is still interesting for me how .NET runtime passes type arguments to generic functions. Consider following C# code: using System; void PrintT<T>() =>...
kp2pml30's user avatar

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