Questions tagged [n-tier-architecture]

N-Tier architecture refers to the architecture of an application that has at least 3 "logical" layers or parts that are separate. Each layer interacts with only the layer directly below, and has specific function that it is responsible for.

203 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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.NET Utilize Transitive Dependencies/References

I have a Visual Studio Solution with 3 projects: MyWebSite (A) BusinessModel (B) Persistence (C) Persistence, project C, depends on NHibernate and contains all of the repository interfaces, ...
Jesse Webb's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to manage injection of DBContext in separate Layer for Core Solution

Our core solution has is separated into the following layers: Web UI Projects (3 different web applications) BLL Entities (Models and View Models) DAL (DBContext, Repositories) All Web ...
Jason Baden's user avatar
5 votes
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Can/Should Data-Transfer-Objects implement Interfaces?

I was wondering if someone could help me with this "architectural dilemma", I'm retrieving some objects from different types (classes) say like: posts, docs and pictures turns out that in the ...
Jorge Alvarado's user avatar
4 votes
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WCF Routing/ESB Architecture?

I've been working on building a set of enterprise services using WCF 4 within my organization and could use some guidance. The setup/architecture I've designed thus far is similar to a lightweight ...
jrmack's user avatar
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3 votes
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Building MVC ASP.NET app with n-tier loose coupling using MEF

I have MVC project. the model, controller & View are all have a project of there own hence 3 dlls. I also have a IFACADE, IBUSINESS & IDATALAYER interfaces(dlls) with concrete implementaion in ...
ticklewow's user avatar
3 votes
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Entity Framework with Ntier

I just start studying Entity Framework, do i still have to create Business Logic and Poco models project on my Solution if i used EF as my DataAccess Class? In my Apps Lately i used to create ...
Newbie Developer's user avatar
3 votes
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DAL and BLL with Lazy Loading

How would one implement lazy loading in the context of three tiers? I understand the basic architecture of Presentation Layer, Business Layer, and Data Layer: You have your basic "dumb" classes that ...
colithium's user avatar
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2 votes
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Connect to Oracle with Entity Framework without app.config on n-tier WEB API

Trying to use web.config or another method to declare a connection to Oracle using Entity Framework in an n-tier Web API application (with an EF database-first approach). This is a Web API ...
Aviv Day's user avatar
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Spring Services - Avoiding recursive loops between services

I am working on a JHipser project ( So far I have been conforming the following "default" architecture. Description : The typescript client makes rest calls which are ...
fergal_dd's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core - Upload file stream and buffer through business domain layers

I'm designing a file upload API that needs to work with large files. I want to stay away from passing around byte arrays. The endpoint storage for the file will be a third party such as Azure or ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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2 answers

MVC and N-Tier Architecture

I started off wondering where in an MVC pattern the business Layer should be. That quickly led me to asking "what is the difference between n-tier and MVC". I read a lot of articles and Stackoverflow ...
ErickTreetops's user avatar
2 votes
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Multiple Data Transfer Objects for same domain model

How do you solve a situation when you have multiple representations of same object, depending on a view? For example, lets say you have a book store. Within a book store, you have 2 main ...
tlzg's user avatar
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Implementing ASP.NET Core Identity in a n-tier application using EF7 and SQLite

I'm creating an n-tier application in .NET core in which I try to keep the Identity framework out of my presentation layer as much as possible. Since I'm going to use a linux server to run my ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Refraining from adding Data layer reference to the UI layer project, with MVC Core and EF Core

I have created a project structure like below (using ASP.NET Core) MyProject MyProject.Data MyProject.Business MyProject.Web ... In this, Business project references the Data project and Web ...
Nalaka526's user avatar
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What is the proper way to create entities in data access layer in

I have a sample application, and I want to create it using n tier architecture, so I have a data base that contains tables and stored procedures (that perform (CRUD) operations on these tables)...
Osama Bader's user avatar
2 votes
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ksoap services accessing by maximum user and it crashes or not?

I want to clear my using ksoap services and it work successfully.but if multiple user accessing at a time for example 1000+ user are accessing then it will crashes or three tier ...
Mayuri's user avatar
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How can i resolve unitOfWork every request with Ninject

I use MVC,EF5 and three layer. (DAL,BLL,UI) I 've apply unit of work pattern to my project. And i want to resolve unit of work class every controller's request. And after execute i run commit method. ...
Yargicx's user avatar
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NTier logic layers with models, handling CRUD

NTier logic layers with models, handling CRUD My team is looking at rearchitecting some of our system to meet the following pattern Data Layer (Entity Framework backed, database-first) Models (POCOS, ...
bep's user avatar
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How To Handle and Propagate Exception in 3 tier architecture using C#

I am creating a C# web application using 3 tier architecture. Can any one suggest that , What is the best way to handle Exception in 3 tier architecture and how can I propagate my Exception from DAL ...
Jerry Manalil's user avatar
2 votes
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N-Tier Data Layer implementation with Entity Framework 5 Code-First and POCOs?

It seems as if using N-Tier architecture with EF implies that you're forced to instantiate a new DbContext object for your Data Tier's load methods, and then instantiate another one when trying to ...
bwerks's user avatar
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Repository, Service layer and Query objects

I'm trying to implement an N-tier architecture using repositories and service layer in mvc application. A Service object can own multiple repositories to collect all data it needs using the ...
Skog's user avatar
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Java EE - Splitting web and business tiers over different servers

We are debating the pros and contras of splitting tiers of java EE apps over multiple servers To clarify: Suppose I have a Java EE app with a .war web layer and an EJB .jar business layer. They ...
hyperman's user avatar
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how to expose business tier to a presentation tier?

I think I do understand n-tier concept. I however have problems figuring out how would I communicate with Business tier from presentation tier? What do companies use to expose their business layer? I'...
Stann's user avatar
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shared spring application context across mulitple ears

What do you think about the concept of sharing a spring context across multiple ears? Let's say i want to share an Interceptor or Filter because i don't want to have 2 instances of the same bean for ...
Andrés Oviedo's user avatar
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External API Calls - Data Access Layer or Service Layer?

I have an N-tiered application: Database Domain Layer Data Access Layer Service Layer Presentation Layers (iOS, Android, MVC 3) I am trying to employ the Google Api for Picasa for users to upload ...
user1409164's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Best method for a generic web applications 'features' / global properties

I'm creating a generic flexible site that I can use over and over again but with different features activated or deactivated. I'm looking for the best method to approach my solution. Specific areas ...
Lloyd Powell's user avatar
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Linq to Sql: Detaching/re-attaching entities for sending across the wire

I'm using L2S in an N-Tier environment and am running an issue when trying to send associated entities across the wire. I apologize in advance for the lengthy question but it's a very specific ...
joniba's user avatar
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Are there any best-practices or guidelines for naming conventions for the business layer in a n-tier architecture?

We are thinking of going with an n-tier architecture for a project that we are going to start. I just wanted to get an idea of naming conventions. I have read a couple of books and done some research ...
uriDium's user avatar
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System.NotSupportedException: Parent does not have a default constructor. The default constructor must be explicitly defined

I'm working with Ninject 2.0.2 Ninject.Extensions.Interception with DynamicProxy2 Castle.Core Castle.DynamicProxy2 The injection worked fine. Then I inserted the wcf between controller and bl layers....
Tzvi Gregory Kaidanov's user avatar
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.Net Declarative databinding in nTier

I have an existing .Net single tier web app that is built using declarative data binding in the markup using EntityDatasource objects. I am in the process of extracting out the layers (Business Logic,...
Jay's user avatar
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Using SignalR and SqlDependency with Asp.Net Core 8.0 N-Tier Architecture

I am developing an Asp.Net Core 8.0 API project. There are 5 layers in my project, EntityLayer (Class Library) DataAccessLayer(Class Library) Business Layer (Class Library) DtosLayer(Class Library) ...
Gökmen Ada's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core MVC (N Tiered Architecture) Insert Problem [SOLVED]

I am developing an ASP.NET Core MVC project using PostgreSQL db with N-tiered architecture. In my project, I can pull data from a table but I can't insert it and it doesn't give any error. When I ...
Gökmen Ada's user avatar
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Why I couldn't call Model inside my Controller

I have one problem and I have no idea what to do. I am try couple of method but nothing works for me. I have model Patient using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel....
don_julian's user avatar
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Decide enum storage which is uploaded to the server and shared by a Client app and an API

Technology stack: One REST API developed in .Net Core 3.1. Two client apps one in Android and other in iOS Scenario: Store enum value in the database such that when the data is uploaded to the API it ...
Kishan Vaishnav's user avatar
1 vote
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.Net MVC How to split web app to 2 server architecture (web & app servers)?

I have been deploying a .net web app to a single web server with a separate DB back-end server. What are the options if I am asked to separate this single web server into a web and app server? Is this ...
Camille Sévigny's user avatar
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How to register dependency injection in n-tier architecture application

I have made a n-tier architecture application where domain and services are on different project. The project is based on repository pattern. This is how I have prepared my project pattern But ...
Chris Hadfield's user avatar
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how to make a business layer working with different Models?

I am designing the architecture of a .Net project in C#. I will use EF. I want to set a MVC pattern architecture. Although I will start with a first Model implementation, I might have to use other ...
A.D.'s user avatar
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Where and how to map T entity to multiple different entities?

This post contains two different but cohesive questions: I'm creating an application with a multitier architecture. I decided to transfer multiple types of objects between layers, see image 1 ...
Salomé's user avatar
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Adding a property to a class from a different assembly

I have .NET solution that follows the Onion Architecture. According to the guidlines of this type of architecture, the Core layer, where my entities are, must be abstract and not reference any ...
kbaccouche's user avatar
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The implementation of a ContentProvider just feels wrong

A bit of history: I used to code on main frames with COBOL back in the 90s when top down programming was all that was needed. I then lived through 2-tier, 3-tier and n-tier programming, so I ...
Aaron Bar's user avatar
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c# N-tier architecture - should the BL or presentation layer know about custom types in DataLayer

I'm creating a 3-tier solution comprising of the box standard projects: DAL, BLL, Presentation layer. There are some custom types in my DAL such as: public class Clients { public int Id {get;set} ...
Sulphy's user avatar
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Is it a bad pratice to have classes under the WebContent Folder?

Suppose that I have this project Structure (In this case the classical WebContent Folder was renamed as Interface): (Eclipse IDE and omitting libraries) Java Example -src -businessLogic ...
Teddy S.'s user avatar
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Service layer validation - throw exceptions or have wrapper ServiceResponse type

This is a general, architecture question, not a request for code examples or particular code solutions. In a multi-layered applications we have 2 major options of handlings service layer validations: ...
tlzg's user avatar
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Entity Framework in an N-tier online game

I am trying to find a good design pattern for an online game (for an educational project, not commercial). Lets say I have a table of Players, and a table of Maps in my DB. So the entity framework ...
Bugale Bugalit's user avatar
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n-Tier Application and Helper Classes

I am learning the n-tier application architecture and writing simple imitation of Console CMS on Java. Let's say I've already modeled my DAL and BLL layers. However, it's a console application with ...
Iskander Raimbaev's user avatar
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how to CRUD operation in gridview using 3 tier

I am using n tier architecture Here is my aspx.cs code using System; using System.Web.UI; using BAL; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace GridViewThreeTierApplication { public partial ...
Khalil's user avatar
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Domain Model Entities and Entity Framework Generated Entity Models In N-Layered Design

I am using Visual Studio 2015 with Entity Framework 6 on an N-Layered solution which contains the following projects: MyProj.UI MyProj.Application MyProj.Domain MyProj.DAL In my DAL project, I have ...
Robertcode's user avatar
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In N-Tier Architecture Which Layer Asks A Security Layer To Authenticate A Login

I am putting together a WinForms application which I would like to be based on an N-Tier design. For now I have 4 layers which are as follows: Presentation Business Data Access Security My question ...
Robertcode's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Where to put business (game) logic in aspnetboilerplate

I'm new to DDD (Domain Driven Design). In a traditional project I would generally make a persistence, business, and user interface layer. Now with aspnetboilerplate there is a core, application ...
Zeroprox's user avatar
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How to organise a structure of n-tier app. for DI

I am new to n-tier application and I need a little help with starting and organising a structure of such applications. I have read a few articles and blogs about the advantages of this type of design ...
Celdor's user avatar
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