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Chess neural network playing good early/mid game but poor late game [closed]

I'm new to AI coding and I've coded a convolution neural network for chess with help of a youtube video, It is trained it on lichess elite database (games of high elo on lichess) the AI plays good ...
Ricardo Morim's user avatar
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Multi Output Classification - Outputs not making sense relative to one another [closed]

Let's say I have a Multi Output Binary Classification Problem, but where the classes are related. i.e if one class = 1, then the other must = 1. The standard is to have 2 output layers, each with 1 ...
the man's user avatar
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PINN is not learning [closed]

I am trying to get started with pinns so i build this simple script to train an mlp using only the ode. The ode im trying to solve is y = dy/dx. This ode is very simple but i am using it as a toy ...
StavrosN's user avatar
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Audio classification based on neural networks [closed]

I'm developing a project about a classification of audios, which are processed in another neural network, and transformed into a matrix of 32x300 that would be the input of the classification neural ...
Pablo's user avatar
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tried changing the output of vae model to satisfy loss function but something doesnt work

I tried to create a VAE model which generally contains a custom loss for which GradientTape() or a class is used for implementation. I didn't want to use these methods and instead tried a workaround ...
Tanishk Gopalani's user avatar
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How to create a custom regression model in PyTorch? [closed]

I want to train a neural network in PyTorch, with a single output neuron, to predict the output of a target function specified by me. Let's say a function of three real variables, so I plan to have a ...
Noumeno's user avatar
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I need to improve the precision of my electricity consumption prediction model (pytorch lstm) [closed]

I have a code in python to make energy consumption predictions using an lstm neural network in pytorch. I trained this model with 90 time series of length from one year to 1 hour to make predictions ...
Lolo Vázquez's user avatar
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Unexpected Spike in train/kobj_loss at Epoch 90 While Training YOLOv8m Pose Estimation Model [closed]

I am observing a peculiar behavior in the train/kobj_loss (Keypoint Objectness Loss) during training. Specifically, around epoch 90, there's a sudden spike in the kobj_loss, which increases from 0.149 ...
Uran Lajci's user avatar
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gradient becomes none after apply mask on trainable variable

When I implement the following code, gradient of x becomes none after apply mask on trainable variable. After removed the mask the gradient is able to be calculated. I am wondering what the reason of ...
Tian Lan's user avatar
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Is it possible to set different activation functions for different outputs at the final layer in the neural net?

I have a simple neural net - some linear layers with tanh between layers and after the end of the net. For example, I have input tensor with shape (100, 2) and I want the output to be with size (100, ...
Julier's user avatar
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Why is my AI agent exploiting other agents in ways I didn’t program? [closed]

I’ve been training a reinforcement learning agent for financial simulations, and something strange is happening. The agent consistently finds ways to maximize its own profits, but it’s also doing ...
Jengi829's user avatar
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Hello,I need help in pytorch. My train data and test data are very different from each other. Do you think this could be due to imbalance of classes? [closed]

colab link: Those who know how to avoid overfitting of train and tests, please help. If I changed the ...
Aydın Xudiyev's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'Dense' object has no attribute 'output_shape' in ann_visualizer with TensorFlow/Keras

I have this error: Epoch 1/2 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 391ms/step - loss: 6272135168.0000 Epoch 2/2 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 16ms/step - loss: 6272133632.0000 1/1 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 16ms/...
MOULI MONISH's user avatar
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I implemented a MLP Neural Network in C++, but if i normally compile it doesn't work, if i use the debugger with VS Code it works

I tried to implemt a MLP Neural Network for digit recognition using Eigen3, but if i normally compile and execute it at some point all the parameters (weights, biases, activations) become NaN. Instead ...
Patroid's user avatar
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Why can't my neural network model learn absolute function abs(x1-x2)? [closed]

I am trying to train a simple neural network model for multiclass classification. I have x1,x2,x3,x4 columns with 4 classes to predict. If just train on x1,x2,x3,x4 then I get accuracy of 88% With ...
Rushabh Kheni's user avatar
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How does the program change the size of the tensor?

Why does the onnx model create a tensor with size (1,16,16,48) into the zf variable in the Init method. and in the Update method it requires that the tensor be (1,8,8,48)? Below is the code. void ...
Никита Колпаков's user avatar
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How to solve : UnknownError: Graph execution error:

i have 2.14 version of keras and tensorflow. My cuda version is : I am trying to fit a simple model but I get the following exception : UnknownError: Graph execution error: The code is : ...
robintux's user avatar
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Train a neural network on tabular data - loss on validation data stagnates [closed]

I am training a neural network on tabular data. I have a training set and a validation set with 55000 and 20000 samples respectively. I have trained it with 200 epochs. I observe a steady decrease in ...
wasa's user avatar
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When I'm trying to train my segmentation model on a custom dataset the accuracy is stuck at the same numerical value & doesn't increase by a bit

I have tried changing the learning rate, loss & metrics but the accuracy remains 'exactly' the same (0.28) when run on a custom dataset. Loss decreases but very slightly Training loop details: It ...
QuesAtStack's user avatar
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How can I fix this neural network model so that it matches the scheme?

I'm starting to study neural networks and I can't complete such a task. Here's the assignment. Create a class called MyModel, with which you can create a neural network, as in the picture. In this ...
Мария Найденко's user avatar
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"Only input tensors may be passed as positional arguments" error in the artificial neural network model in Python

I am performing hyperparameter tuning on a ANN model in Python. While I have successfully received the optimized parameters, the final model fit isn't executing. Parameters optimization: params_reg=...
Sneha's user avatar
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I need to write complex-value neural network in tensorflow but I get an error

I have complex input to into the neural network, and I also need the neural network to have complex weights, but when writing the code, I get the error as below: ---------------------------------------...
Sajjad's user avatar
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Am I implementing my perceptron with backpropagation correctly?

I'm learning about perceptrons in class and how to use backpropagation to train the model. I'm currently having trouble with my implementation because it's only providing me a 50% accuracy rate with ...
Andrew Nguyen's user avatar
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The Laplacian matrix in GNN [closed]

I’m a bit confused about the role of the Laplacian matrix in GNNs. In classic GNN papers, such as GCN and GraphSAGE, we only need the normalized adjacency matrix for message passing. Why do many ...
user18093042's user avatar
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How to Handle Custom Fixed Operations in PyTorch with External Libraries (e.g., OpenCV) and Backpropagate Gradients?

I'm working on a PyTorch project where I need to train a neural network that uses a custom FIXED operation from a third-party library (specifically, OpenCV). This operation modifies the input data and ...
Puaison's user avatar
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how to customize loss function when using PINN and how to translate integral part into python code

How can I input the customized loss function when I use PINN in python, the customized loss function as below $$L_{data,i} = -\frac{1}{n_i} \Sigma_{j=1}^{n_i} log(p(X^j_{t_i},t_i))+\int_D p(x,t_i) dx$$...
Lego_10338's user avatar
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DeprecationWarning in neural network with python

I've been learning neural network implementation lately and after Dence, Sequential and prediction function when I want to reach the results VS Code give this warning: DeprecationWarning: Conversion ...
graychar's user avatar
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Cascade Segmentation - Are the channels set up correctly?

I want to train a machine learning model for fine masked details in 2D DICOM images. I have 500 images ready for labeling/annotating. Can I use this technique or have I misunderstood? Annotation of ...
Erlend's user avatar
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Using a neural network to separate inputs into groups [closed]

The original problem is the following: a number of particles hit certain detectors and the information we get from those events is the coordinates of each activation. There being layers of detectors ...
Edi Muratov's user avatar
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How to understand NN input and Output

I have a project where I want to do feature extraction in images. I have this CNN layer: model = keras.Sequential( [ layers.Input((2*imsize,imsize,3)), layers.Reshape((2,imsize,imsize,3)), #...
Squish's user avatar
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Tensorflow fit() function: steps_per_epoch = 1 causes oscillations in loss

I have a simple convolutional neural network that takes an input of size (5,5,3). The code of the training is added below. As you can see input is generated randomly and, only a single entry is used ...
a.j's user avatar
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How can I train the readout layer of a Liquid State Machine using PyTorch?

I am using Norse and PyTorch to train a Liquid State Machine (LSM) on the Heidelberg Speech Digit dataset. I've designed an architecture for the LSM, but I'm having difficulty training the readout ...
Samiulhaq Chardiwall's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras.layers.core'

I am trying to import LSTM in python from keras.layers.core import Layer, InputSpec However, I get below error message on compilation: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'keras.layers.core' Can ...
Hughie Phan's user avatar
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Neural Network Hyperparameter tuning and variable importance with burlee

I am new to neural networks. I was wondering how to do a few things using the burlee package. One, I am trying to figure out how to tune the hyperparamters (i.e., number of hidden layers and the ...
George's user avatar
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labels keeps getting none after training starts, Bert fine modeling

i'm trying to use Bert training for Italian for a multilabel classification task, the training takes as input a lexicon annotated with emotion intensity (float) format “word1, emotion1, value” , “...
Gennaro Ucciero's user avatar
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the problem with learning the LSTM neural network

I need to create a model that will predict the error of some signal in time, i.e. solving the time series regression problem. I use LSTM for this: class MyLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, ...
Tirnish's user avatar
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Code in mnielson book on neural networks not working [closed]

I am learning neural networks from the book and I have created the code, making sure to use the up to date version for python 3.10 from github, and ...
14sirs's user avatar
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Create a custom object detection model with CLIP Vision Encoder

Is it possible to create my own custom object detection model using just the clip image encoder? I have tried to extract the embeddings for images from CLIP Image Encoder. And I want to try to feed to ...
Mihir Mehta's user avatar
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Input shape argument isn't recognized for cvnn with cvnn libary

I have a problem with my little code project, where I want to program a complex valued neural network, which can take real number and complex numbers as inputs and approximate a simple function f(x,y) ...
Multi2_0's user avatar
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train an NN model independently for different input versions

I am working with PyTorch to train a neural network model, referred to as 'top_model.' Below, I have outlined my setup, followed by a detailed description of the challenge I am facing. class ...
sindhuja's user avatar
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Though having enough RAM and testing the model with literally small number data, I am getting error for session crash after using available RAM

I am building a PINN model. My model works fine while training. But when I am doing the testing, the system is automatically getting crashed. I am using google colab enabling the high RAM option. I am ...
Nafisa Mehtaj's user avatar
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Deep Neural Network Concatenation problem

I am looking to concatenate two neural networks. But after building the first one, an input warning occurs. At the end, this ValueError occurs. ---------------------------------------------------------...
Aftab Ibn Nazim's user avatar
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ml5js "Error when checking : expected dense_Dense1_input to have shape [null,2134] but got array with shape [1,37]"

I'm using ml5js to train a model to predict the number of items that will be sold at a bakery given these fields: day_of_week next_holiday days_until_next_holiday avg_cloud_cover avg_precip avg_temp ...
Scott Wilson's user avatar
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TensorFlow 2.17.0 Model Metrics Not Recognized - Showing ['loss', 'compile_metrics'] Instead of Expected Metrics

I’m trying to build and train a simple neural network using TensorFlow and Keras, but I’m running into an issue where the metrics I specify in model.compile are not properly recognized. Specifically, ...
Jeff Clark's user avatar
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Multi Input CNN with 5 input stream

I want to train CNN with 5 inputs. these 5 inputs are images with different types. how to configure Input pipeline with tensorflow dataset or ImageDatagenerator? my model make decision based on five ...
AmirezaSalehi's user avatar
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Pytorch neural net transforming 1d uniform distribution to 2d gaussian

I need to train a neural network to convert a 1d uniform distribution to a 2d gaussian distribution. I've constructed a simple feedforward network with leaky ReLu activation and trained using MMD as ...
intern5's user avatar
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How do I build the following neural network for stochastic optimal control in Keras?

I would like to emulate the following NN architecture, taken from this paper. The goal of the stochastic optimal control problem is to minimise a total cost C_T. In the diagram below, s_i, a_i and ...
Anthony's user avatar
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How to add new classes for trained model YOLOV8

I want to add new classes for my model so I don't have to re-train it how can I do that? My model is of type classify YOLOV8. I've already tried just training the model, but it didn't work. Is it ...
Lann Lain's user avatar
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Problem with Keras class weights and KeyError

I anticipate that I have seen the question: Keras class_weight error dictionary keys/values referring to the same problem, but the solution does not seem to help me. With this code, where I just added ...
Pinguiz's user avatar
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Query_ball_point function for pointnet++

I am working on pointnet++ model of deep learning. I have completed my preprocessing steps and defining neural network and PointNet++ utility function. But there is one function caled as ...
Nisha Wagh's user avatar

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