Questions tagged [non-well-formed]

A non-well-formed expression is one that is inconsistent with a known set of rules for syntax, structure, or any of various constraints of a formal system.

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0 answers

What is wrong with this portion of my SSM document?

Getting this error when creating SSM document: invalidDocumentContent: YAML not well-formed. This is the line below that the error references "$version = '6.18'", I get the same error on ...
theJamester's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can i fix this checkstyle xml error about being well-formed? [duplicate]

I am trying to run a gradle build for apacheofbiz, but the checkstyle Main task keeps failing. The error being produced now is: lineNumber: 41; columnNumber: 12; The markup in the document following ...
fawn's user avatar
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1 answer

The element type X must be terminated by the matching end-tag

I am making a mod for dungeons of dredmor. When I run the code through a syntax checker or a formatter I get this error: Unable to parse any XML input. Error on line 6: The element type "...
just another fangirl's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Python ElementTree generate not well formed XML file with special character '\x0b'

I used ElementTree to generate xml with special character of '\x0b', then use minidom to parse it. It will throw not well-formed error. import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom ...
Jianwu Chen's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

error: A non well formed numeric value encountered

while ($strpos = strpos($text, $search, $offset)) { $offset = $strpos + $search_length .'<br>'; $text = substr_replace($text, $replace, $strpos, $search_length); } Notice: ...
Lisa Li's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

ViewFlipper in the relative layout along with another relative layout child. Non well formed markup

I get "The markup in the document following the root element must be well formed" error near ViewFlipper tag. What is the reason of that error? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <...
Nazerke's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

WebHarvest XML not well formed

I am using WebHarvest to try to receive data from and I'm getting a few different errors. I am able to get the website with the first process, but when I try to test xpath inside of the ...
user2330657's user avatar
0 votes
6 answers

how to display datetime type to this format: date("F j, Y, g:i a");? [closed]

I used datetime type in my table but I don't know how to display this using this format: date("F j, Y, g:i a"); to have it look like: November 9, 2012, 9:17 am I've tried echo date("F j, Y, g:i ...
user1802603's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

OptionWriteEmptyNodes break XML declaration using HtmlAgilityPack

Here is the super simple code i have: HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = true; htmlDoc.Load("sourcefilepath"); htmlDoc.Save("destfilepath", Encoding.UTF8); ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 answer

Parse html files in a directory and check if they are badly formed in Python

I am hoping to write a script that will go through a directory and check if the html files are badly formed. Please see my code directory = "html" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for ...
Ruth's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

jQuery ajax request causes 'not well-formed' error in Firefox

When trying to dynamically load a Javascript file using jQuery I keep getting a "not well-formed" error message. I have found people with similar problems on here but have yet to see a resolution ...
OrangeFrog's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

ASP.NET link button Server tag is not well formed

Im trying to add a button in my grid view that will redirect me to another page and pass the id of the movie. This is my code <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" ...
Chris Nickson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

can't read xml file on android

I am trying to open and read a xml file as a local resource with jdom. I can open the file but then I got an error saying that the xml file is not well-formed. Here is the code : Uri path = Uri.parse(...
user1086225's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Processing badly formatted XML in .NET3.5

Given a third party system that streams XML to me via TCP. The TOTAL transmitted XML content (not one message of the stream, but concatenated messages) looks like this : <root> <...
user256890's user avatar
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1 answer

HTML Well-formedness parser

Heyy guys, I need to determine if a given HTML Document is well formed or not. I just need a simple implementation using only Java core API classes i.e. no third party stuff like JTIDY or something. ...
rutruth's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I determine if a HTML document is well formed or not in JAVA?

Heyy guys, I need to determine if a given HTML Document is well formed or not. I just need a simple implementation using only Java core API classes i.e. no third party stuff like JTIDY or something. ...
rutruth's user avatar
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3 answers

Replacing characters in a non well-formed XML body

In a (Java) code that I'm working on, I sometimes deal with a non well-formed XML (represented as a Java String), such as: <root> <foo> bar & baz < quux </foo> </...
ryanprayogo's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Java saying XML Document Not Well Formed

Java's XML parser seems to be thinking that my XML document is not well formed following the root element. But I've validated it with several tools and they all disagree. It's probably an error in my ...
Pyroclastic's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

python xml error

I'm new to xml. I'm trying to parse an xml file to extract data from, but it shows the error below message when I call doc=minidom.parse('D:\\CONFIGRATION.xml') ... xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:not ...
Moayyad Yaghi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"Not Well-Formed" Errors in XML file after FTP

Using WS_FTP Professional, I have a backup process that runs every night. WS_FTP basically sets up the process to FTP to a remote server through windows scheduler. Specifically, It sends an XML ...
Bill H's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Finding a node (or close to it) using XPath in non well-formed HTML

I'm using XPath to locate a node (or something close to it) in a template that has non-well-formed HTML about 10 levels deep. (No I didn't write this HTML...but I've been tasked to dig through it.) ...