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Benchmarking JS in Jest - Date to Number

I was trying to benchmark Number(new Date()) vs +new Date() locally. I've answered my own question for others to benefit but I welcome any improvement.
sybb's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

What is an efficient way to create the list [0, 2, 3, ..., 234] in python?

I want to create the list [0, 2, 3, ..., 234] in python, possibly within a row and without listing all numbers explicitly I know that following code works: list1 = [0] for i in range(2,235): list1....
Y H's user avatar
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2 answers

Grouping numbers in Powershell

I have an Array of string. For example: Array[0] = ‘4’ Array[1] = ‘7’ Array[2] = ‘8‘ Array[3] = ‘9‘ Array[4] = ‘10‘ Array[5] = ‘21‘ Array[6] = ‘25‘ Array[7] = ‘26‘ Array[8] = ‘27‘ How can I group the ...
HalfBit's user avatar
-3 votes
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Same Address in two different locations? [closed]

There are two addresses in google maps with the same street name and number, but they're in totally different places. I already tried to edit the wrong one in the Google maps tool, but it's never ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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Port in personal number

Currently working on an app that makes call to any number using twilio programmable voice but my country does not have any phone number available on the twilio phone number list, is there a way I can ...
horla's user avatar
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Tableau Public Data type from number to Date not working

Why can't I change Year column from number to Date format in Tableau? Change data type from number to date in Tableau public Tableau Public Data type from number to Date not working Tableau public is ...
Sharmin K's user avatar
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Qlik Sense not totalling several measures despite being numeric

I have a table with several measures. Only one of them is being totalled in the table: I have checked the data model viewer and all measures are numeric (and could be summed I asume). However, only ...
DutchArjo's user avatar
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Delphi Days to Year, Month, Days convert

My IDE is RAD Studio 10.3. My Project Setting in Version Info, "Auto Generate Build Number". This Release number is 9004. Rad Studio Wiki (Release = number of days since Jan 1 2000) My ...
Csanesz's user avatar
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Converting Numbers For Date and Time - Need Formula

I am running a query pulling data from a hourly call agent table. The problem is converting the loggedin and loggedout numbers. For example, my date column shows the date as 2020-08-20, the hour is ...
Lorraine Ferguson's user avatar
-3 votes
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Regular Expression for parentheses

Following on from Highlight characters in cell that are not Latin or numbers, since the codes that I need to examine now have symbols, I needed to upgrade the code. Problem got fuzzy when I tried to ...
zzfloP's user avatar
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How to pass float or double parameters to C functions in AArch64 assembly

I was trying to make a counter which add from 0.0 to 1, I first implement the counter via fadd, then I have trouble to print floating point number. Platform: Alpine Linux Aarch64 (3.20.2), GNU ...
JYL's user avatar
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Highlight characters in cell that are not Latin or numbers

I have a column of codes that should only have numbers or Latin chars, but some of them may have been input incorrectly, that is some of them maybe Cyrillic or other. For example: РE09000047 or ...
zzfloP's user avatar
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What is the storage method for the Oracle NUMBER data type?

I think there is a misunderstanding in the following introduction to the NUMBER data type. Could you please explain: does “calculate the decimal exponent” refer to the decimal exponent, assuming it ...
Molin Wang's user avatar
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I want to write a program with the help of a for loop, but I ran into a problem

I need a help I am writing a program and I want it to show the largest number when I give it a set of numbers I did it up to a point, but it seems that there is a mistake again numbers=[12,4,3,4,27,89]...
Narges Ekhlasi's user avatar
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My number swap program doesn't seem to be working as intended [duplicate]

So, I am currently learning C and while trying to replicate the code in the manual I was given, I noticed the output is different from what is demonstrated in the manual. The program is supposed to ...
mgmgmgmg1231's user avatar
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Kendo Field with 4 decimal places No decimal rounding

The problem occurs when the value is entered and it is automatically converted to decimals Rond! $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: dataSource, pageable: true,...
hitec's user avatar
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html input type NUMBER, pure CSS how to customize plus and minus buttons

I found many ways to customize a html input number, e.g. <input name="tgTxt" type="number" value="36.5" max="37" step="0.5" style="width: 160px;"> with non pure CSS. Is there a way to ...
user2718593's user avatar
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How to round all numbers to 2 in the whole flutter project?

I am working on a flutter app with banking numbers, and therefore only needs two decimal numbers. Is there a way to round every number automatically in my whole project at once ? The idea is to not ...
salomepx's user avatar
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Split out numbers in a column

I'm trying to split out the two numbers in the cell into separate columns I've tried "text to columns", using the delimitator "space" but it removes the second number in each of ...
William Bamber's user avatar
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Input string was not in a correct format in event textbox changed with VB.NET [closed]

I'm Trying to use event textbox change but I have an error "Input string was not in a correct format " Is there something wrong with my code ? or Is there something wrong with my code ...
dlaksmi's user avatar
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Reverse work out the mean using random number seed

In R language version 4.4.1 (the version should not matter, just for the sake of discussion), we write the code : set.seed(1234) x <- 5 y <- rnorm(1, mean = x, sd = 0.1) We will be able to ...
温泽海's user avatar
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Force float value when using JSON

I'm encountering an issue where my backend sends JSON data containing float numbers (e.g., 10.0, 20.0) to the UI side. However, upon receiving these numbers in the UI and logging them to the console, ...
Feel free's user avatar
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JSON data (mostly numbers), 1000+ characters long, making the QR code too crowded for scanners to recognize. Any ideas to solve it?

Here is my thing: so I need to generate a QR code for my data. My data is in JSON format, primarily numbers. I also use react typescript and nextjs on the front end. But my proof is super long, which ...
Simon's user avatar
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Change a number from a column to words in a different calculated column in dataverse tables

Is there a way to change a number from a column to words in a different calculated column in dataverse tables? for example 100 to one hundred; 2,345 to two thousand three hundred forty five. could not ...
Justin Vella's user avatar
-1 votes
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result of division of two number in python is not correct [duplicate]

I have part of code that divide two numbers in python, 22313.6/0.8 i expect that result of this code be a integer number but python return of a float number and this result s wrong. the correct result ...
Behnam Dabagh's user avatar
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Filter a new array which index is divided by two [duplicate]

I have a array of number. I want to filter a new array which have element which index is divided by two Example: let arr = [1, 4, 5, 2, 8, 9, 7, 10]; I want filter a 2 new arrays like: let odd = [1, ...
Trương Khôi's user avatar
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JavaScript - number in method is showing typeof string after I have performed a mathematical operation on it

I'm trying to figure out why something that should be a number is showing typeof equals string. Here is my code: const goToDinner = () => { const menu = [ { dishName: "Beef ...
apex2022's user avatar
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How to check for defined arbitrary numbers in bash, passed as value, string or reference?

I was looking for an extended checking method covering various valid numbers, passed as value, string or var reference to a method, but most solutions resort to basic cases like plain int or float ...
fozzybear's user avatar
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Add Twilio phone number to WHATSAPP by cloud API

Through a Twilio account, I purchase a number and add it to WABA by CLOUD API as follows: curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' ...
Hodaya Shalom's user avatar
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assembly 8086 random numbers

I am trying to roll a random number in the range 0-7 i wrote this code mov ax, 40h mov es, ax mov ax, [es:6Ch] and al, 00001000b this code always gives me 0 as a result and i don't ...
Kim Strugo's user avatar
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Regex to find digits not immedidately after certain word?

How to find invoice number from different companies which may have different order of invoice number, unit cost and total cost? Following is specific example of a company XYZ which I need to get ...
panes-rubrics's user avatar
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Select a random number for a certain seed, being sure the previous seed doesn't select the same random number

Say I have a random number generator which takes a seed and gives a number between 1 and 10. Say I have a seed '100'. This would generate a random number '4'. How would I be sure that this number isn'...
ComputerDoggie's user avatar
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Oracle decimal issues with float and number types

We have the following issue. There is a tool which process files for each daily report reads product names and quantity from them, looks for their prices in a database table. it inserts the ...
Szil's user avatar
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format input type number Thousand separator to 123.456.789 [duplicate]

When user entering 123456 , user will look 123.456 in the input field. I used my code but this display 123,456 What i want is exactly that Thousand separator is dot (not comma) My code in link https://...
latexforti's user avatar
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Google Speech API - numbers represented as digits instead of words?

While performing transcription from google speech to text API , the numbers and symbols are formatted. I want to have the raw lexical output from API without any number formatting. e.g. "पॉलिसी ...
Pratik Bhalerao's user avatar
-2 votes
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Intl.NumberFormat Decimal Style Cannot Handle Number More Than 17 Character

I tried to create a formatter for amount in Rupiah with Intl.NumberFormat with decimal format. But when the input number exceeds 17 digits, the number displayed becomes messy and does not match the ...
Rokkies's user avatar
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Is there a way to take a lists first element of a list and make it the first items key and second element make it the first items value in python

I have come across a small problem when working on a particular programming exercise In this exercise I am supposed to get data from a file which contains world series winning teams example something ...
Nevin Arushan's user avatar
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XSLT: Number position inside apply-templates with condition

I need to print the position number when calling the template, but with have the condition. I.e. "position()" is not suitable. <xsl:template match="property" mode="table-...
GoldenPumaMary's user avatar
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Can I get the carrier country on iOs if a sim is still not activated

Is there any way to get the country of a sim that is not activated (like a new not activated ultra mobile sim, so it doesnt have any number yet)?
bob's user avatar
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Why there is no std::numbers::sqrtpi_v?

I have a std::normal_distribution<RealType> normal_distribution and want to use its normalization constant in a constexpr. Unfortunately, I cannot use normal_distribution.stddev() * std::sqrt(2 *...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Rock Paper Scissors Turns Countdown and Score Counter

I have successfully created a rock paper scissors in Python but I'm having trouble when it comes to actually having the player play a best-of-7 game. I would like for the game to run 7 times, count ...
Pakoo_'s user avatar
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replace a number with a variable in the gfi function (PowerDynamics.jl)

I cannot replace a number with a variable in the gfi function (powerDynamics). V_ref=0.5; gfi = GFI(... V_r = V_ref, ...) Error UndefVarError: V_ref not defined I tried using "global V_ref",...
Igor's user avatar
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Why can't I convert this int to String in JavaScript?

So I'm pulling an array of collections from mongoDB and one of the documnets in the collection is a "price" document saved in the DB as a number (int32). const hotAssets = await Asset.find({ ...
Dror Salomon's user avatar
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Applescript : get hyperlink of cell associated

I encountering an error when trying to access the hyperlink of a cell in my Numbers spreadsheet using AppleScript. The error message "Impossible de convertir hyperlink of cell..." What is ...
Dhénin Jean-Jacques's user avatar
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How to get build number with empty code repository

In our group, test team is trying to use the "Test Plan" in DevOps. Developers are not using DevOps. So there is no code and no pipeline. When we execute a test case, we would like to put ...
user24837482's user avatar
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modulus maths question - competitive programming

I was attempting past competition questions and was stuck on this question. The solution was made public, but I still can't seem to get how did they derive the solution logic. question: Meow is ...
Jia Yee Chong's user avatar
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How many Integers in the range [0-n] contain at least one 9 in their decimal representation?

Is there a universal formula for how you could work this out? This is a part of a coding problem I'm attempting to solve and simple solutions like going through each integer and checking if it ...
konrad's user avatar
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Is there a simple way to do number operations in a limited number space in python?

I want to know if there is a simple method to do number equations in a limited number space like 0 and 40 or 0 and 1000? Even better if there is a way for numbers to go back. For example, have a ...
Arnas Lt's user avatar
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How to format numbers with thousand separators and 2 decimal places in Apache Superset (ie: 1,000,000.30)

Apache Superset in format number, I only see some format such as ,.3f or $,.2f. I can insert .2f but cannot insert ,.2f. It does not allow to input ",". As I need the number format in "...
Diem Phuc Tran's user avatar
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Trailing zero issue in angular

I have a method which returning a number In that method I have a string,='1.10' and converting to number using Number method Getting output as 1.1,but actually i need 1.10 Tried Number, parseFloat ,+ ...
Varun 007's user avatar

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