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Encountering Strange Issues When Installing CUDA 12.3 and Visual Studio 2019 on Windows!

VS Version: VS2019 Version 16.11.8 CUDA Version: cuda_12.3.0_545.84_windows Windows system: Windows Server 2019 Standard Install Steps: First, I installed VS2019. Then, I installed CUDA 12.3, ...
guohw's user avatar
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How to stop nvcc from reordering clock instructions?

In the following snippet nvcc (CUDA 12.5) 'helpfully' reorders the clock statement. This causes the timings to be off by a factor 26x. #include <cuda.h> #include <stdio.h> __device__ int ...
Johan's user avatar
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How to evaluate the vector dot performance on Nvidia Gpu

I want to evaluate the vector dot efficient. I recursively launch vector dot operation cublasSdot. The result is very far from the official metrics. My hardware is H20 with 40TFLOPS cuda core ...
CarryPls's user avatar
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NVCC 12.2 and g++ 13.2.0 on CUDA 12.4

When I compile a program with NVCC using CUDA 12.4 and g++ 13.2.0 I get the error /run/current-system/sw/include/crt/host_config.h:143:2: error: #error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later ...
T.L's user avatar
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CUDA nvcc compiler from Windows PowerShell

I'm trying to compile a simple example from GitHub/cuda_samples on Windows PowerShell1: $ nvcc --version nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation Built on ...
OrenIshShalom's user avatar
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Load modules in the environment where vscode cmake runs

I have created a CMakePresets.json file for a project where I use some libraries that use Kokkos and uses a custom compiler called nvcc_wrapper. I have added two scripts as CMAKE_COMMAND to load the ...
Fuad Hasibul Hasan's user avatar
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Debugging REShAPE software mex and nvcc issue

I am running this software called REShAPE on Windows 10 using Matlab 2019b and VS Studio 2017. although I get this error: MATLAB: > In vl_compilenn>activate_nvcc (line 768) MATLAB: In ...
Reesh's user avatar
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Mex complier issue (windows 10, cuda 10.1, visual studio 2017)

I am trying to follow this github and to open the code I am running into errors with the mex compiler: % Apply pre-compilation modifier function to adjust the flags and % parameters. This can be used ...
Reesh's user avatar
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Difference between nvidia-cuda-toolkit and cuda-toolkit-12-6

I am trying to install cuda on my ubuntu machine. I followed instructions from to install the base installer for the cuda toolkit, which installs the cuda-...
Dwight Schrute's user avatar
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Problem with cudnn as well as cuda while running an old software called REShAPE (using matlab 2019b and vs code 2022)

The GitHub this is based off of: Here is the error message I am running using cuda 10.1, as well as a problem with cudnn and nvcc, not sure at all what this means or ...
Reesh's user avatar
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Cannot use GPU, CuPy is not installed

I have a GPU enabled machine. O.S: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS nvcc version: 12.2 Nvidia Driver Version: 535.183.01 Pytorch version 2.3.1+cu121 spaCy version 3.7.5 Python version 3.8.10 Pipelines : ...
Encipher's user avatar
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CMake: CUDA compiler found, yet "no GPU detected"

After upgrading cuda, cmake couldn't detect GPU for the following cuda project (it worked perfectly before upgrading): # CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.24) if (NOT ...
Rahn's user avatar
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Linking CUDA device functions

I have this file: extern "C" __device__ int test42(); __global__ void get42(int* toStore){ *toStore = test42(); } int main() { int host{0}; int* device; cudaMalloc(&...
James Toaster's user avatar
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cudafe++ died with status 0xc0000409 when switching to c++20 for nvcc

When I switch nvcc from using c++17 to c++20 through std flag, I get this error: cudafe++ died with status 0xc0000409 All compiles and works as expected with 17, but when I switch to c++20, my ...
h_uat's user avatar
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CUDA Error 101 with cudaMemPrefetchAsync Positioning on WSL2

I am running these snippets on WSL using CUDA 12.1. snip1 returns a CUDA error 101: invalid device ordinal, while snip2 runs without any issues. The difference between these snippets is only positions ...
CHEN Yunkai's user avatar
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nvcc doesn't produce any windows output

The nvcc compiler doesn't produce any output whatsoever when it is called regularly. Using --version gives me: nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2024 NVIDIA Corporation Built on ...
Dudder's user avatar
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cudaDeviceSynchronize() not found in nvcuda.dll

I'm writting CUDA code, compiling it with nvcc in VS2022, generating a PTX file, and running the CUDA code from Embarcadero Delphi. For running the CUDA kernels from Delphi I have written an API to ...
Thiago Rangel's user avatar
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nvcc - add flags to a specific file using cmake

I am writing a CXX+CUDA project, and I'm compiling using nvcc, with CXX compiler of icpc. I want to add different compilation flags for icpc for different files. In CXX standalone this is possible ...
Amit's user avatar
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Installing Tensorflow (building pip package)

I'm tring to install tensorflow 2.6.0 on WSL2. I follow the guide ( and after: bazel build //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:wheel --repo_env=WHEEL_NAME=...
Jakub Maciążek's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is nvcc giving the error "identifier "__builtin_ia32_ldtilecfg" is undefined" when including the SDL2 Library?

Relatively new to programming and I've been trying to make a 3D Rendering pipeline from scratch in C++ without the abstraction that OpenGL or Vulkan provide and I wanted to try implementing CUDA for ...
LobsterRoast's user avatar
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Is there a way to enable `-Wconversion` in nvcc for the device code (the kernel code)?

I am recently learning to write a prefix sum algorithm with CUDA. I had a stupid bug where I assigned a float variable to an integer variable losing precision: // Phase 3: populate last element o ...
Qiaoyu Deng's user avatar
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Compilation Error with Boost.Geometry and NVCC (CUDA 12.4): '__T0' does not name a type [duplicate]

I'm encountering a compilation error when trying to compile a project using Boost.Geometry with NVCC, part of CUDA 12.4. The project compiles fine with GCC alone, but when NVCC is involved, it throws ...
mRQwerTY's user avatar
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Compute and Data transfer not happening concurrently in cuda Streams on Iteration 2

I have written a basic program where a chunk of data is loaded in CPU memory (Pinned), and then I transfer it in chunks to GPUs (Asynchronously), and then do computation on each chunk. So for each ...
Lokesh's user avatar
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Missing functions for NVIDIA CUDA 12.3 CSR Formatted Sparse Linear Algebra

Does anyone know why the cuSPARSE documentation for CUDA version 12 references cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis and cusparseDcsrsv2_solve, but these functions are no where to be found in their actual cusparse....
alvrm's user avatar
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On windows Server 2019 nvidia-smi cannot show the correct installed version of CUDA

when I try nvidia-smi I am getting this: CUDA version:12.2 But i have uninstalled 12.2 version and installed 11.2, while trying in nvcc --version cmd am getting this 11.2 version only, **nvcc: NVIDIA (...
Sadhu's user avatar
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Error linking c++ shared library with CUDA

EDIT: I was able to reduce the problem a lot. Only three files, one .cpp, one .cu and one heather, and the same error as the original message appears when trying to link them. The code of example ...
user3066261's user avatar
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CMake fails to link a shared library decorated with a suffix (like Is there any way around it?

I'm experimenting with HIP/ROCm and I'm exploring the cross-platform capabilities. While, I'm impressed with how welcoming it is to port CUDA implementations on a AMD GPU, I'm having a difficult time ...
DrWho's user avatar
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Compiling cpp helper function with using NVCC compiler

I'm having an issue on creating a Makefile to compile my main file as a .cu file and my helper function as a cpp file. The reason I'm using cpp is that the helper function "sequence.cpp" is ...
samueltru99's user avatar
-1 votes
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Register usage count of kernel different with and without -lineinfo flag

I have a simple matrix multiplication kernel running on CUDA. When compiling using -lineinfo command along with --ptxas-options -v the register count is displayed as 28, whereas without the -lineinfo ...
Singh's user avatar
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CMake and Cuda separate compilation of class constructor on device fail during linking

I have problem with linking constructor that is on device via CMake. It causes troubles only when calling function within class. Do you have any idea? I tried to compile and link manually with nvcc ......
Václav Hrbek's user avatar
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couldn't allocate an array of size 2116800 on device code

I have a class Color with 3 double variable and another class Image with an array of Color. The problem is I can't allocate a Color array of size 1960*1080 on GPU code: #include <iostream> // ...
Rahn's user avatar
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L1/Texture cache enabling effect on nvcc(cuda 10.2) on jetson nano (maxwell architecture)

In an attempt to understand the usage of texture memory for bilinear interpolation compared to global memory. I implemented a simple bilinear interpolation kernel using global memory as follows : ...
rooody's user avatar
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clangd mangling system include paths

Running clangd I get something along these lines (simplified): I[13:05:09.356] Testing on source file /path/to/ I[13:05:09.362] Loading compilation database... I[13:05:09....
Sean Bone's user avatar
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How do I include Cutlass in a CuPy project?

kernel = r""" #include <include/cutlass/cutlass.h> extern "C" __global__ void entry0() { return ; } """ import cupy as cp raw_module = cp.RawModule(...
Marko Grdinić's user avatar
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CondaValueError: invalid package specification: nvcc --version=10.1

when try to create environment in anaconda, input: conda env create -f environment.yml Output: CondaValueError: invalid package specification: nvcc --version=10.1 enviroment.yml include dependency: ...
Qiren Dong's user avatar
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Compilation Errors with CUDA and MSVC: Identifiers from <atomic> Undefined

I'm working on a CUDA project using cl as the host compiler (Visual Studio 2019, MSVC v14.29.30133). I encountered an error related to the C++11 <atomic> header in CUDA standard library ...
user725757's user avatar
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icpx: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files

I can't seem to specify -xRAPTORLAKE to the intel compiler when also using nvcc. nvcc -ccbin icpx -Xcompiler -xRAPTORLAKE -o exe_filename icpx: error: cannot specify -o when ...
Jayen's user avatar
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Why does this code not compile in CUDA c++20 standard?

This code should compile but it doesn't and I don't know why: I get this error: <source>:1:20: error: expected identifier before '>' token 1 | ...
Saitama10000's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting CUDA version correctly reported by nvcc

I am trying to update CUDA in Ubuntu. Following the guide here, my initial set up had the CUDA version reported as: via nvcc - Cuda compilation tools, release 10.1, V10.1.243 via nvidia-smi - 11.1 ...
MikeB2019x's user avatar
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How to compile C++20 CUDA program on Ubuntu 20?

I am trying to build a program with some CUDA files using C++20 language standard on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) with nvidia/cuda:12.1.0-devel-ubuntu20.04: The CUDA compiler identification is ...
Fedor's user avatar
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Use of bitfields for arm64 architecture

I have a code base with following data structure. #pragma pack(push,1) struct points_t { uint16_t r, r2; uint16_t intensity : 12; uint16_t intensity2 : 12; uint8_t match, match2, retro; ...
SKPS's user avatar
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Compiling CUDA files that rely on a Protobuf message with a map field results in "return type is not identical to nor covariant with return type"

I am trying to compile a project that uses CUDA, gRPC, and Protobuf. The project was originally built with gRPC 1.20 and Protobuf 3.7, but I am using the latest version of gRPC (tried 1.55, 1.56.x, ...
ysan's user avatar
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Is there a way to output the closure type of an extended lambda from NVCC?

I'm trying to port parts of a large project of mine to CUDA/HIP and have been disappointed with the countless restrictions that there are on the use of extended lambdas. I encountered a nasty bug when ...
wvn's user avatar
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nvcc (cuda8, gcc 5.3) no longer compiles with -O1 on Ubuntu 22.04

I have a CUDA-8 program which compiled (nvcc) well 7 months ago on Ubuntu 22.04, following this procedure, the underlying compiler being gcc (Ubuntu 5.3.1-14ubuntu2) 5.3.1 20160413. After (not sure ...
ferdymercury's user avatar
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Does nvcc use cl.exe to compiler both .cpp and .cu files in windows?

I know nvcc only compiles .cu files, and pass .c or .cpp to designated compilers like gcc, g++, clang, clang++, etc... Here's my problem. Thrust headers in .h file in Windows which uses cl.exe ...
S.Y. Kim's user avatar
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why nvcc doesn't work while cmake works when compiling a CUDA C++ project?

I have a code written in CUDA C++, I can build this project using CMake, Make and run it as usual. But when I try to use nvcc to debug it, it throws an error like fatal error: ATen/ATen.h: No such ...'s user avatar
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nvcc fatal : A single input file is required for a non-link phase when an outputfile is specified

When using CMake 3.26.4 with CUDA v12.1 and Visual 16.11.25 and compiling a .cu file, I get the following error: 1>nvcc fatal : A single input file is required for a non-link phase when an ...
SebK's user avatar
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CUDA NVCC compiles very slowly without "-G" debug flag

This command works fine (with the -G option): nvcc -o test -Iinclude -I../boost_1_79_0 -std=c++20 --expt-relaxed-constexpr -DNDEBUG -arch=sm_86 -G But if I remove the -G option, the nvcc ...
Karbo Lei's user avatar
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CUDA using __global__ kernel as template parameter

#include <cuda_runtime.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; __host__ __device__ struct Cargs { int x, y; Cargs() {} }; using Func = void(*)(int N, ...
Huy Le's user avatar
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Thread block clusters and distributed shared memory not working as intended

I have written a simple CUDA program to perform array reduction using thread block clusters and distributed shared memory. I am compiling it with CUDA 12.0 and running on a hopper GPU. Below is the ...
Ricky Dev's user avatar

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