Questions tagged [object-persistence]

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2 answers

C# Equivalant of Javas @DynamoDBTyped(DynamoDBAttributeType.BOOL)

I had this question but there was no C# answer, only Java ones (DyanmoDb is storing value 1 instead of boolean value true) so posting this. There is no way I know of that allows you to use the Object ...
Dhruv's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem querying a DynamoDB GSI Composite key using .NET Core Object Persistence Model

I want to query a GSI composite key using OPM. I followed the documentation example the link for which is as follows:
Gowthaman's user avatar
1 vote
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Store a headerFilter with a persistent layout in Tabulator 3.5

I try to store my filter field into JSON object during the navigation process and get this Javascript issue in tabulator.js: Options Error - Tabulator does not allow options to be set after ...
Adrià MC's user avatar
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Assigning persistent object on a controller's constructor that uses DI in ASP.NET Core

So maybe there were several ways to phrase that question, but that's clear enough. I have a regular class library separate from my web project (which is built on Angular2 and Asp.Net Core) and I must ...
makoshichi's user avatar
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Spring Data JPA check if a SET contains an object

I have a domain object called Device with this property @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Set<Driver> authorizedDrivers = new HashSet<>(); I would ...
Nuñito Calzada's user avatar
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shelve module on windows

I'm trying to add object-persistence to my python app. I'm currently using python 3.4 on windows. The only module I found useful was shelve but on windows, it appears, it creates three different ...
Daniel Levi's user avatar
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Load Object from MongoDB with JPA (hibernate)

I created an @Entity and stored it in a MongoDB via Hibernate using the Java Peristence API (JPA) to be able to switch to another JPA implementation (like DataNucleus, EclipseLink etc.), but now I ...
loresIpsos's user avatar
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3 answers

Restarting app without worrying about onSaveInstanceState

How do I simply just restart my ENTIRE app instead of trying to worry about saving the instance perfectly in onSaveInstanceState and reinitializing everything perfectly when resumed/restored in ...
zdanman's user avatar
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2 answers

How to correctly stream a TCollection property of a subcomponent, e.g. the Columns property of an embedded TDBGrid

I've been trying to boil down to an MCVE some code the author of another q sent me to illustrate a problem with a custom component. The component is simply a TPanel descendant which includes an ...
MartynA's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why doesn't IEnumerable.Where() find my objects in DynamoDBContext.Scan() results?

While using AWS DynamoDB "Object Persistence Model" in C#, ran into an interesting issue; parsing results of a Scan operation. In the code below, my entries in Datastore.userIndicators (which is a ...
Rick Riensche's user avatar
1 vote
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A non pesistant super class for 5 persistant classes w/same 3 sometimes persistant fields?

I can't solve this problem. Can anyone tell me it it is possible to solve it? I have a five-table database that requires 5 persistent classes. All 5 need to carry these 3 String fields: field1, ...
George's user avatar
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How to delete instance of persistent object when last client has finished

I'm trying to implement an object persistence model in C++. The idea is that there is a Database object that acts as a factory for various PersistentObjects, each of which being associated with a row ...
Cartmo's user avatar
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How to contain an Entity inside another Entity when persisting EMF models, when such a relation is defined in meta-model?

I am trying to create a.XMI file for some Data I got from database, from an already defined metadata. The ecore has defined entities like : Entity A |_Entity B |_Entity C |_Entity D. ...
EclipseSucks's user avatar
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In python, how to make a list or dictionary persist across sessions without being overwritten immediately the code is run?

This is my first question on StackOverflow so please excuse any deficiencies. I am trying to make a leaderboard for a game. It needs to add +1 to the rankings for the player that beats the game, ...
SAnderson's user avatar
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2 answers

Second level Cache in hibernate disabled by default

The session factory Cache needs to be explicitly configured in hibernate to fine tune the query performances. Is there a relevant reason that can be agreed upon, why first level Cache(session ...
Karma-yogi's user avatar
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Are POCO objects just "persistent ignorant" or something more?

RPM1984 in this question speaks about POCO are "persistent ignorant" objects. But he doen´t speak about how much logic can hold. For example: class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } }...
Andoni Ripoll Jarauta's user avatar
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Easy object persistence in Vala (like shelve/pickle)

I would like to transfer my code from Python to Vala, but i ran into problems. Is there an easy method to store objects created in Vala, like you can do it with pickle/shelve? I would like to avoid ...
fahrradflucht's user avatar
4 votes
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How to migrate an object which has been persisted with NSKeyedArchiver?

I'm using a version of Archiver and have run into an issue. In a previous version of my project a class, Challenge was serialized to disk //v1.0 @interface Challenge : NSObject<NSCoding> { .....
Damo's user avatar
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In Domain Driven Design, does the Repository pattern maintain a reference to the objects?

I understand that the repository pattern abstracts the persistence of domain objects, allowing a developer to read/write/delete objects from persistent storage without knowing how the object is stored ...
Magnus's user avatar
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How should I persist complex objects as strings in javascript [closed]

I would like to persist a complex object tree as a string, that can work in a browser or in nodejs. The most obvious thing to do is to use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse - however I just get the values ...
nwaltham's user avatar
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How do I create a G-Wan global variable properly?

--- config.h extern char userurl[3]; char userurl[3]; --- index.c include "config.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *req_g="",*req_p=""; get_arg("g=", &req_g, argc,argv); ...
stashfree's user avatar
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What object persister should I use for POJOs?

I know that RoboSpice provides some built-in ObjectPersisters. Can I use one of them or should I write my own to cache lightweight POJOs? I tried using the built-in ones, but I got an Exception that ...
Daniel Rusev's user avatar
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File Upload Error in Classic ASP

Set PersistsUpload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1") PersistsUpload.Save set persistsfile = PersistsUpload.Files("file") When I am uploading the file the following error is returned: ...
user2717544's user avatar
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How to persist instance of a class in Python

Is there a way to persist instances of a class in memory or file system in Python? Can I do this with shelve? The following line is part of this tutorial which takes a long time to execute, and I ...
hpn's user avatar
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Using joda DateTime Range Key with AWS DynamoDB Object Persistence model

I've got a dynamodb table with a timestamp ("creationDate") as a range. The model is using a joda DateTime to make it easy to use (compatibility with the rest of the code). To be able to make between ...
cplc's user avatar
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Can't figure out why Sereal encoder/decoder round-trip is not returning proper object

With all the hating on Storable -- I decided to check out Sereal for serialization needs. Plus I was having some issues with 32bit/64bit cross platform issues with Storable, so I figured this would be ...
mikew's user avatar
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Object Persistence in Python with many files open

I'm trying to save the state of my program using pickle, so that I can jump to different states with objects created on a different run. The issue is that virtually all of these objects (there are ...
H X's user avatar
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How to Override GetChildren and GetChildOwner to persist objects?

I have been trying to choose a solution to store/restore some objects from files in my new Delphi project, and so far the most promising and more educative option I found was in a blocko blog post but ...
NaN's user avatar
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Bindings, properties and object persistence

First: I really hope I placed the question at the right place so please correct me if I am on the wrong track..! I have a window to display data that is updated in intervals in a table view. This ...
Simon's user avatar
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3 answers

Large list of dictionaries as a lookup table on disk

I have a very large list of dictionaries (GBs in size) obtained from an API. I would like to use it as a lookup table for other functions. There are several object persistence methods in Python, but ...
dust's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

DynamoDB and .NET Object Persistence Model, using 'ADD' values instead of overwrite

I have several DynamoDB tables that will act as aggregate data stores (we are 'rolling up' reports on the fly). I was hoping to use the .NET: Object Persistence Model (where you build classes that ...
Richthofen's user avatar
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Persistent Object defined by a CronJob on Rails

I have a report that takes too long to be assembled, so I would like to make a CronJob (with rufus scheduler gem) to generate the report after midnight when there´s no traffic on my application. The ...
Hamdan's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there an NSCoding-like facility in Python?

As an iOS developer recently experimenting with Python, I'm curious to know if there's something like NSCoding that would allow me to implement a method or a pair of methods which would define how my ...
Moshe's user avatar
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CoreData: base class attributes not persistent

I have created a simple base class with 3 parameters (OBJECT1, see below) and implemented a Core Data model where there is one entity derived from this class, with one attribute (order). Problem is, ...
user1595462's user avatar
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2 answers

Spring repository generation versus property naming convention

I'm using javax.persistence and Spring and I have a simple entity class and a simple CrudRepository that are working well until I try and add my own findByXXX() method. My entity class is as follows: ...
dave's user avatar
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2 answers

Storing a NSArray of my Custom Objects in NSUserDefaults

The requirement is that I want to store NSArray of my custom objects in NSUserDefaults. Following is the code from my example - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; sampleArray=[[...
TryinHard's user avatar
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Using two tables, where does the data retrieval go (First step in MVC)

I am new to MVC proramming (And even object based). So coming from PhP 4.* I moved into OOP, MVC and Cake.. I am building a site which Insitutes from difference COUNTRIES can use to store their data ...
Jelle Ferwerda's user avatar
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How to regain the cached object in android for a music app

Well this question of mine doesnt relate to any code especially, but what I wanted to ask is that How do I achieve something like 1: Play the music on my application. 2: Then press the home key on ...
user2714061's user avatar
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Tracking unique identifiers over a large dataset

I've a standalone JAVA applications which operates on a large amount of elements read from an input file, each element being associated with an identifier. For each element, I do the following (among ...
ecniv's user avatar
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Tapestry 5: initialization of persistent page data

Consider following scenario. Have a page with some persistent object obj: public class SomePage { @Persistent @Property SomeBean obj; @Property @PageActivationContext private ...
Andremoniy's user avatar
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Share objects between tasks in a thread pool but not between threads in Java [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a multithreaded application in Java using ExecutorService thread pools. The application basically queries a third party service for data about a given keyword. Since I have many ...
Yiling's user avatar
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Automatic persistance of node.js objects in database

While experimenting with some data indexing using node.js objects (arrays, maps...) that takes some time to populate (from DB data) at every startup of the script, I wished my node.js objects could be ...
Adrien Joly's user avatar
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Keeping a PHP variable throughout several HTML pages/stages

I'm getting that the variable $email is undefined. I know that the emailParser() method works as it does everything it's supposed to do. How to I make it so that the variable $email persists so that ...
Pinwheeler's user avatar
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GAE datastore will not persist owned 1:1 relationship within embedded JDO class

I have three @PC classes: @PersistenceCapable class A { @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) @Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "gae.encoded-pk", value =...
comeGetSome's user avatar
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Spring Hibernate JPA not persisting cloud foundry

I'm working on a project using spring hibernate & jpa and I'm deploying it on cloud foundry. My problem is that when I call the Dao to persist my entity to the mysql database nothing happens. No ...
user2143767's user avatar
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Java web application storing large objects available best options

Java - spring - webapplication I have a web application which has wizard based processes to create complex entity and, there are atleast 10 screens to complete one process but problem is at any step ...
d-man's user avatar
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Persistence with embedded forms

I am trying to set up some embedded forms using this guide. I have two models set up in my application, Lesson and Evaluation. Each Lesson can have multiple Evaluations. I have a form set up where ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 answers

Implements save (or commit) and rollback methods to a Map

I'm searching for a fast and convenient way to add save() and rollback() to a standard Map. Let's say i have an object 'table' of class Table which in turn has a private Map called 'rows'. What I'm ...
Gabriele B's user avatar
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Any experience with Karvonite NoSQL document database / persistence store for .NET?

Has anyone used Karvonite as a persistence store for .NET desktop applications? I see they just came out with a new version 5 in November, 2012. Looks very promising: mapping of data model looks ...
Tom Bushell's user avatar
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Why am i getting NullPointerException when i try to save image?

I am trying to save image in my app. But i am getting null pointer exception when i try to persist image object. Here is my Image class: @PersistenceCapable public class ImageObject { @...
Piscean's user avatar
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