Questions tagged [ocl]

A formal specification language used with MOF meta-models (including UML) to express queries or constraints that cannot otherwise be expressed in diagramic notation.

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2 answers

Can derived attributes be persisted and derivation disabled in Ecore and OCL?

I want to port a legacy data format, which consists of concepts similar to Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Ecore: Elements with Parameters which have different datatypes and default values. A custom-...
Hauke's user avatar
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2 answers

Linking opencv nonfree components (SIFT features and OCL specifically)

I am having trouble compiling some code after a OS upgrade (Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04) and a re-install of opencv. The general issue is with the "nonfree" parts of opencv which I compiled from source ...
ianrust's user avatar
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1 answer

Using hashCat with a RAR file?

I'm pretty stumped, is it actually possible to use hashcat for a RAR file? The forum says "yes" and points to a sample... They appear to be calling: ./oclHashcat64.bin -m 12500 hash -w 3 -a 3 ha?l?l?...
XeroxDucati's user avatar
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3 answers

UML constraint {xor} between two associations

I am currently struggeling with contraints in UML. Considering the following example: The class A have an association to the class B and an association to the class C. Both associations are ...
Balburus's user avatar
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1 answer

OCL constraints checking on Eclipse Papyrus

Does anyone manage to check OCL constraints on a class diagram modeled in Eclipse Papyrus ? I have definied a simple test profile with only one constraint on a stereotype attribute : {OCL} self....
Vincent's user avatar
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2 answers

OCLinEcore and Regex to create valid IPv4 string

I have an Ecore model, where I'm trying to add some OCL constraints. My problem comes when I try to make a property (a string) that is in valid IPv4 form. I guess I should use a regular expression, ...
Mario Corchero's user avatar
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1 answer

OCL is it allow to write constraint on an operation and attribute

Imagine the following class Person ================ | Person | |--------------| |- name | |- age | |--------------| |+ drinkWater()| |+ drinkBeer() | ================ Using OCL, ...
S12000's user avatar
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6 answers

Why allInstance not for isUnique?

I have a class Client with attribute noClient, I wan to verify there is no client with the same noClient. I have the solution below, but the teacher said its not appropriate. Because the contraint ...
Kim's user avatar
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0 answers

ocl-facedetect sample of opencv

![enter image description here][1]On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with NVidia GeForce 8 series GPU card, I am trying to run the ocl-facedetect sample of OpenCV and seeing following error: $./ocl-example-...
arm's user avatar
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2 answers

Acceleo M2T - Write timestamp into a generated file

I am generating some files by using different Acceleo templates defined into a *.mtl file. At the top op these files I need to write something like: #-------------------------------------------------...
pedromateo's user avatar
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1 answer

OCL write constraint on an operation of class A and attribute of class B

Follwing another post: I would like to know if OCL allows the following. Imagine the following UML diagram. How to use ocl to model: "a person can drinkWater() only if he is from country name '...
S12000's user avatar
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1 answer

How to write OCL contraint

I am new to OCL, I am using papyrus on eclipse luna 4.4.2 I have a class diagram named CLIENT with the constraint {all attributes are out of scope} a second class named Customer with the constraint {...
P.Proco's user avatar