Questions tagged [ogre]

OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilizing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics.

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Error: map/set iterator not dereferencable

I have a problem with Ogre. When I start the renderer (either OpenGL or DirectX) I get an error: Debug Assertion Failed! C: \ windows \ system32 \ msvcp110d.dll File: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ ...
Light's user avatar
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Could not locate OIS using CMake and Makefiles

So I'm trying to compile a simple Ogre3D project: C:\OgreSDK\Projects\Physics> cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ./ -- Looking for OGRE... -- Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) -- ...
Vinz243's user avatar
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Can't use make and cmake on windows

I am trying to compile ogre on windows 7 x64. It's only the sample tutorial. The environnement var are: BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=C:\OgreSDK\boost BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\OgreSDK\boost\lib BOOST_ROOT=C:\OgreSDK\...
Vinz243's user avatar
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C++ Ogre Runtime error 'Assertion failed'

Debug Assertion Failed! Program: ...ments\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\OgreTest\Debug\OgreTest.exe File: f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c Line: 1424 Expression: _pFirstBlock == ...
Elias Kosunen's user avatar
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C++ OGRE3D VS2013: Error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1800'

I started to play around with OGRE and downloaded it. I use MS Visual Studio 2013 Express. I saw that there's no SDK for VS2013 so I downloaded the VS2012 one. Then I downloaded the Tutorial Framework,...
Elias Kosunen's user avatar
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In Ogre3D, how to export texture pixel value to physical memory

I am using Ogre3D. I have a texture defined as: rtt_texture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual("RttTex", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, ...
shapeare's user avatar
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Ogre Stereo Rendering

I like to add stereo rendering for my ogre application. I found a plugin for an early version of ogre. That plugin was meant for VS 2008 and Ogre 1.6 and does not compile in my Ogre version (VS 12 + ...
Anthea's user avatar
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Find the vertices on the outline of a 3d model

I have found a lot of materials on how to draw outline around a model with the help of a stencil buffer, like ...
shapeare's user avatar
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How to get correct size of OGRE::RenderWindow after its resize?

My program changes the size of OGRE::RenderWindow at some time and later I want to get the current size of the window. But, when I use getWidth() or getHeight() on the window, they return the original ...
Ashwin Nanjappa's user avatar
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How to enable per pixel shading in Ogre3d

I am lighting a plane with a spot light in Ogre3D. However, the edge on the hotspot shows zigzag effect. It looks like the shading on the plane is done at every vertex without any interpolation. The ...
shapeare's user avatar
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Linking boost & mygui 3.2.1 undefined symbol

I am trying to install myGui 3.2.1 on kubuntu. However while linking the files the following problems occur: /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/Demo_Colour.dir/DemoKeeper.cpp.o: undefined reference to enter ...
guppy's user avatar
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Compiling Ogre with LibTiff - undefined reference

I need to compile ogre as a dependency for gazebo with RoS. During the linking of it I get the following errors: Linking CXX executable ../../bin/SampleBrowser /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/../../...
user695505's user avatar
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Communicating between Android and NativeActivity

I am working on an android app where I have a 3D part with most of the app's functionallity written in C++ using ogre. Some features (like the UI for search etc) are implemented using normal android ...
matej.svejda's user avatar
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Assertion Failed error for Ogre RenderWindow

I am trying to embed Ogre in Qt using the code given at: And it runs fine on my system without any trouble but when I try to add the same in my Qt application,...
Gurjot Bhatti's user avatar
16 votes
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error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

Trying to use Ogre in the Qt project. Ogre is build succesfully. Running the project it gives me three errors: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error: error adding symbols: DSO ...
user3877872's user avatar
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SDL 2.0.3 with Ogre 1.9.0 and IOS

I am trying to integrate SDL 2.0.3 to work Ogre 1.9.0 for window and events handling, it works fine under Linux but I am having issues under IOS 7.1. I cannot get any input or window events from SDL. ...
sabotage3d's user avatar
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Ogre GLSL light y-inverted

I have a problem with my Ogre GLSL material lighting. I did everything according to the tutorials online but I can't seem to make my lighting code work properly. It seems the only way to correct the ...
Xolani Masemula's user avatar
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Boost Python and OGRE - Different results with equivalent code

I'll just re-post what I posted on the OGRE forums: I'm not sure if it would be better to post here, or in the "Using OGRE in practice" forum, but I'll give it a shot, as this is the most frequented ...
Ilija Boshkov's user avatar
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OGRE app does not run properly

I am creating an application using Qt and OGRE. I have followed this tutorial: I get the following output window on running the application: The image shows a ...
Kamalpreet Grewal's user avatar
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Cmake error while building OGRE

I am building OGRE source using cmake ../../ogre_src_v1-8-1 in my build directory. I have looked into many similar errors but nothing has worked out for me. The output of the cmake command mentioned ...
Kamalpreet Grewal's user avatar
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How to enable occulusion culling in Ogre3D?

In my scene, there are 30.000 cubes and even the invisible ones are being rendered by default and that affects fps in a bad way. I don't want to implement it from scratch, and I suspect there must be ...
anilbey's user avatar
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Error testing OGRE's tutorial code. incomplete type 'Ogre::MeshManager'

I am trying to go through the OGRE's tutorial #2. I successfully went trough the first part. My problem is when I try to compile I get an error in this method: void TutorialApplication::createScene(...
juanmanpr's user avatar
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Ogre3D with OgreBullet

Actual problem I'm working with Ogre3D 1.7 and I am trying to build the OgreBullet library (wrapper for the Bullet 2.82 Physics librairy) but I've got some casting errors : 1>..\..\src\...
Dali's user avatar
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OGRE error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

I'm trying to get some OGRE sample to compile in VS 2013 but I keep getting the same error no matter what I do: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class boost::system::error_category const &...
Georges S.'s user avatar
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Intersection with terrain

I try to realize a collision system with some Ogre::Ray but it seems that it doesn't work ... Here's is the code : Ogre::Vector3 robotPos = mRobotNode->getPosition(); Ogre::Ray robotRay(Ogre::...
wautelet tom's user avatar
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OGRE No suitable conversion function exists

I'm having a hard time trying to get an app to compile in Visual Studio 2013. I've solved a good amount of errors but I can't find a solution for the last one. here it is: void Application::...
Georges S.'s user avatar
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CEGUI doesn't work

I've Ogre3D SDK v1.9 and CEGUI 0.8 and here's my problem . I followed the tutorial in the wiki of cegui and it says me that I have to use cmake. That's what I did but when I click on the button '...
wautelet tom's user avatar
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Building Qt C++ project with Ogre3D for Android platform under Ubuntu 13.04

I have carried out the correct Build and Run for "Desktop Mode", and now I'm trying to deploy the same to Android. While building, I get the following error: "OGRE development package not found". ...
Constantine's user avatar
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Xcode cannot find headers

I am trying to build the OGRE sdk 1.9 on OS X 10.9 with Xcode 5.1.1. I downloaded the SDK from and have CMake 2.8-12 ...
David Carpenter's user avatar
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OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Cannot find required template

I am trying to create a fire in Ogre. However I only get this InvalidParametersException. I have no idea why the template can't be found. Here is a part of the .log file: 12:41:49: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:...
guppy's user avatar
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Ogre3d cant link boost libraries in visual studio 2010

I recently tried to set up an ogre 3d v.19 project following the tutorials on their webpage. After setting up the project i try to build it and I get the following error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: ...
user2466076's user avatar
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Could not load dynamic library /usr/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL

I am trying to run a program in C++ but I am getting this error: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::InternalErrorException' what(): OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): ...
Muhammad Omer's user avatar
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Threejs: can I show object boundingbox

I'm come from Ogre and C++, and now I'm developing with Threejs. In ogre, for debug, I often use method: Ogre::SceneNode* n = ... n->showBoundingBox(true); Just for debug and test. Is there a ...
Luca Davanzo's user avatar
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Compile to get shared library using CMake

I'm Using Ogre3D for this project which is a 3D engine. Actually i build the project using cmake ( add_executable function ) but for the good of my project, I need to get a shared library instead of ...
Gabson's user avatar
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how to use maya created objects in java?

We use Blender created objects in 'Jmonkey' XML file by installing 'Ogre Blender XML'. Is there any process for Maya as it is for Blender?? I didn't find anything for this anywhere
user3565603's user avatar
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How to move an entity with a mouse click?

Ok i now manage to figure out the problem but now another issue appear, my robot seem to move on its own to another point which i have no idea where its from. Here my code His code make this robot ...
Kivra's user avatar
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Ogre3D RTS Camera Style

i am currently trying to make a RTS camera for a mini-project i have. So far i research about detecting the mouse position to the side of the window and move the camera but so far i tried and can't ...
user2640299's user avatar
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Orbit camera implementation in OGRE

Since I am very new to Ogre3D, I only somehow managed to complete the designing features but finally got stuck with my camera implementation: implementing a 3rd person camera implementing an orbit ...
game go's user avatar
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Convert from Blender to Ogre3D

I just finished to setup Blender so it can export to Ogre. When I am exporting I get a bunch of mesh files and a scene file. I am loading the model that the Ogre SDK provides and it works like so: ...
orthehelper's user avatar
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Getting Ogre3D running with eclipse (windows) - how to?

I am trying to get Ogre3D to work unter eclipse (windows) with C++, using CEGUI for building the interface. Here the exact versions: Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers (Helios), with CDT CEGUI SDK 0.7....
Corak55's user avatar
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Coding toolset for Oculus Rift and Facebook combo

I want to code for Oculus Rift and have full access to Facebook API from my program. It's a bit of a jump in the deep for me but that doesn't matter. I have some programming knowledge and will learn ...
jshd's user avatar
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How to create Orbit Camera with zooming function

i am new to ogre and have read the basic tutorials but unable to understand how to create a orbit camera with mouse wheel zooming. here is my camera code // Create the scene node(orbit camera) node =...
user2640299's user avatar
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How to make simple path with alias in .bash_profile (Mac)

I'm setting alias in .bash_profile in mac, like below: alias XMLtoMESH='/OgreSDK/OgreCommandLineToolsMac_1.8.0/OgreXMLConverter' alias OgreSource='~/garage-project/tryCV/tryOgre/tryOgre/media/Export/'...
agnanzakariya's user avatar
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Using Ogre library locally for a project

what I would like to do is to have an application (I am currently working off the sample framework app) and include any ogre library files with it, as opposed to have it installed for the whole system....
Lenka Pitonakova's user avatar
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build ogre with emscripten

I have an Ogre project I'd like to port to the web with Emscripten. To build Ogre there is a cmake command where I can specify Emscripten em++ as the compiler. I generated the makefile. Then I ran the ...
Erasme's user avatar
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Qt ogre3d application - error loading scripts and materials

I am using Qt5 and Ogre3D 1.9 and I aim to have at the end an ogreWidget working on my machine. But first, I am trying to create a simple ogre app. (I am working with windows7) Therefore, I followed ...
Yvus's user avatar
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Computing normals on a cube : vertices or shaders?

I have a quite theorical question about normals in OpenGL. I could not find a clear explanation anywhere (my knowledge in this subject is not spot on). I would like to put textures on a Cube, one per ...
johnkork's user avatar
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CMake CEGUI / GTK2 Configuration Error

I am trying to build and use CEGUI (Crazy Eddie's GUI) as a library for Ogre. I am using CMake, but during the configuring step for the dependencies, I got the following error: Some or all of the ...
Alan's user avatar
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How to build zlib for arm64

I use an open-source rendering library (Ogre3D) which has a dependency on zlib. In XCode5, I noticed that when building for iOS, zlib will not build if 64-bit (arm64) architecture is indicated by ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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How to implement rigid body dynamics previewed by WPF 3D

I'm currently facing a problem with WPF 3D using C#. To put it simple, I need to animate some simple mechanical part by only moving two of them (one at a time or both together). Here is a simple ...
cid's user avatar
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