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OpenGL window is unresponsive, fully white, and closes itself after a few seconds

I'm running this on Visual Studio 2022, with the Win32 (x86) platform. The same bug occurs on x64, though, I've tested it. I have found no errors in my code, but still I've tried adding compile error ...
LiterallyWize's user avatar
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How to retrieve compressed texture width and height with assimp [closed]

I’m having trouble using the Assimp loader library with OpenGL. I’m able to load meshes with Assimp, but I’m encountering an issue with compressed textures. Specifically, the getEmbeddedTexture() ...
Benzait Sofiane's user avatar
-1 votes
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Hello Triangle rendering incorrectly, mixing colors and position inconsistently from VBO [closed]

I've been following the tutorials trying to add a renderer to an engine I'm writing by abstracting its code into classes and am having some strange difficulty with adding colors to my ...
Michael's user avatar
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Unable to static build the application using QML

I am working on a desktop Qt (6.2.0) application with UI built on QML (used through resource). I am looking forward to create static build for this application, but it fails because libGLX.a is not ...
user22615348's user avatar
-4 votes
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Compiler can't find glfw3.h? [closed]

I have tried to set up my glfw stuffs: #include <iostream> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> using namespace std; int main(){ GLFWwindow* window; while (!glfwInit){ cout << &...
Phước Thắng Đinh's user avatar
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Smoothing normal on GPU (using geometry shader) without knowledge to adjacent faces

Smoothing normal on GPU might be a common question because you really can generate flat normal by triangle primitives , but you don't have adjacent faces so it is not possible to smooth normal . I ...
De Loris's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is ImGUI not rendering anything? [closed]

I encountered a problem while trying to set up ImGUI. I dont get any error messages or warnings but imgui doesnt render anything on my GLFW window and i dont get why. I played around with some GLFW ...
Flection GD's user avatar
-1 votes
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Compute shader not modifying SSBO [closed]

I am sending some SSBOs to a compute shader, so it can modify the buffers. Then I am using the elements of those buffers as positions to render multiple instances of a mesh. For some reason, when I ...
Maxim Ricardo's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can I link libraries directories in cmake instead of copy the header, cpp files of that library? [closed]

I started wanna learn cpp and opengl. But I saw the way many people set up the project is so time consuming and complicated. I am wondering if i can use a function in cmake to link libraries ...
Phước Thắng Đinh's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when running PySide6 with OpenGL

I took this example First Steps with python + Qt + OpenGL and tried to use it with PySide 6 but I get segmentation fault error when I try to run it on macOS with anaconda (didn't try on Windows or ...
m4rk0's user avatar
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How is CAShapeLayer implemented [closed]

I want to create a painting app for iOS and I saw many examples use a CAShapeLayer to draw a UIBezierPath. As I understand CoreAnimation uses the GPU so I was wondering how is this implemented on the ...
Udi's user avatar
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How do I render a non-default framebuffer to the screen? [duplicate]

I have a framebuffer with 2 attachments: GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 for color and GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 for custom integer data. However, the program is not rendering anything to the screen. How would I do ...
uysalibov's user avatar
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OpenGL rasterization performance across mandatory internal formats

Note that I'm asking about rasterization performance only. So, for the sake of this question, consider just the performance of rendering an untextured Gouraud-shaded triangle, perhaps with blending ...
cesss's user avatar
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Why is an OpenGL positional (spot) light interfering with non-positional light on MacOS

I have a legacy OpenGL fixed-pipeline app which has been ported from Windows (32-bit) to MacOS 64-bit. The problem is that if I have a scene with a non-positional light, everything works great. If I ...
Michael Wilson's user avatar
2 votes
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Freezing idle function in GLUT

I have an arduino that send data from accelerometer to computer, when i tried to read data exactly in idle() function it doesn't work, program just draw window with cube, and that window is freezing (...
Schkedy's user avatar
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QLayerFilter and QObjectPicker doesn't work properly in Qt3D, are there any alternatives?

There is a potential bug in Qt3D that prevents meshes instantiated with different QLayers from functioning properly with a framegraph containing two or more QLayerFilter nodes. But implementing ...
Sakthi's user avatar
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GL_INVALID_VALUE with EXT_external_objects_win32 [duplicate]

I'm trying to import texture from DXGI to OpenGL using the EXT_external_objects_win32 extension. Sometimes it works, but I often get an error GL_INVALID_VALUE error generated. Memory object too small ...
Husker's user avatar
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1 answer

How is gl_FragCoord generated? [duplicate]

I'm thinking it is generated when program is in process of rasterization , based on gl_position. And since its range begins with (0.5,0.5) , I'd think it becomes available after a primitive is ...
Shahashahaha's user avatar
-3 votes
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`glBufferData` and `glVertexAttribPointer` Not Working After Encapsulation in C++ Classes [duplicate]

I've encapsulated the glBufferData and glVertexAttribPointer functions into member functions of my VBO and VAO classes. However, when I call these class methods in my main function, the expected ...
vccookiejar's user avatar
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glReadPixels() returns background color?

I am trying to get the colour which was clicked on in OpenGL via glReadPixels(): #include <iostream> #include <glad/glad.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #include <glm/gtc/...
JadenJin's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's the point of having a single vertex attribute?

I notice that the size parameter for gl.vertexAttribPointer() can be 1, 2, 3, or 4. What is the point of having 1 attribute per vertex? Is it for rendering lines? If that's the case, then wouldn't the ...
zacoons's user avatar
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How many times vertex-shader , geometry-shader and fragment-shader separately are called to draw one frame?

In order to draw one frame , or to say given an array of vertices , while this array being transmitting and passing through stages of a shading program , is there a strict correspondence between ...
Shahashahaha's user avatar
-2 votes
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Characters centering weirdly in Freetype, OpenGL [closed]

I am trying to render some text inside a button (which is just a vec2 of button size and vec2 of button position), and I am trying to center the text inside the button. and it works for characters ...
Aseed Kid's user avatar
-8 votes
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How do I include GLAD and GLFW3 in C++ and avoid undefined reference errors? [duplicate]

How do I include GLAD and GLFW3 in C++ and avoid errors like: undefined reference to `glfwInit' undefined reference to `glfwWindowHint' undefined reference to `glfwWindowHint' undefined reference to `...
Mineluber's user avatar
1 vote
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PNGDecoder in LWJGL returning few negative values

I am using PNGDecoder to decode a png that is a height map. Howerver, when I am just printing the values returned in console I see few of the rgb values are returned as negative -128, -128, -128, -1 -...
Jitendra Tiwari's user avatar
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Why computed prefilter radiance map looks different in opengl api comparing to dx11?

I've got a shader that computes radiance texture in my DX11 renderer and I want to port it to opengl. //this ifdef is only for the showcase, it's not in the original shader // because version ...
Gerrard's user avatar
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How can I fix hard face translation when sampling lower mips of the texture cubemap?

I've got a texture that I want to use as a indirect radiance light. There is a problem that when I sample this texture's lowest mip the result looks like this: but actually should look like this: I ...
Gerrard's user avatar
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4 votes
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OpenGL viewport is of incorrect dimensions compared to window set to same dimension

I have a window of 600x400, the viewport on which OpenGL is rendering appears to be much smaller (pictured below). Picture of the viewport I'm expecting and the viewport I'm getting, note most of the ...
JadenJin's user avatar
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tbb freezes glfw window

When I use tbb::parallel_invoke to separate the input loop from the render loop into two different threads, both loops are running, but the window from glfw freezes immediately. The following is the ...
Steegi's user avatar
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LWJGL 3 sharing context between Swing and GLFW window

I'm creating an application in Java where there are two windows, a "game view" window, and a Swing window with debug options. Included in Swing window is another view of the game, where I ...
PjRock's user avatar
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Loading different OpenGL backend libraries under the same name

I am trying to build a fallback mechanism for OpenGL drivers in an application that uses GLFW and GLAD, where if the system provided library does not support 4.5 version, a Mesa implementation is used ...
User 10482's user avatar
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Problem with installation of open-gl in lisp

Using SBCL 2.0.3 the following script #!/usr/local/bin/sbcl --script (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") (ql:quickload :cffi) ...
Maxim's user avatar
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How to Maintain Image Aspect Ratio When Tiling and Using a Camera in OpenGL?

I am working on rendering a large image in tiles using OpenGL. My goal is to render images in tiles, but i am struggling maintain the aspect ratio of the original image when applying a camera ...
Iorp's user avatar
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Where is glClear and glClearColor defined using GLEW and SDL2?

I'm using windows 10, vs 2019, GLEW 2.1.0, and SDL2. I'm pretty sure that I have everything linked. I've triple checked. I have all the version information and stuff like that set, since I'm following ...
Anonym0us_C0d3r's user avatar
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Trying to get PyOpenGL Shaders to Work (Only White Screen Appearing); Maybe Vertex Wrong?

I attempted to use a pygame font surface and converting it to pixel data using data = pygame.image.tostring(img, "RGBA", 1) and then used a gl function to create an opengl texture and draw ...
DryWall's user avatar
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OpenTK render objects outside of Viewport to Framebuffer's texture

I am working on a Windows Form application, I am drawing rectangles onto a GLControl in one tab. After I'm done drawing the rectangles, I am trying to draw them into another GLControl that is inside ...
ThreeNamesGrace's user avatar
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Rust three_d crate. Setting cull mode has no effect?

I am trying to get the culling mechanism to work, but regardless of what culling option I choose I don't see any difference in what is being rendered. Perhaps i am understanding culling wrong, or ...
lobster's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I get world coordinates from mouse coordinates in OpenGL with Camera class?

I am trying to convert mouse coordinates to world coordinates in OpenGL and I am using the camera class from, which is this. And I'm using this function for converting cursor space to ...
Aseed Kid's user avatar
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Passing complex structure to Fragment Shader

I am generating some geometries, in this case the Mandelbrot Fractal. It is calculated entirely in the fragment shader. And there is a structure MandelbrotBase, containing different settings, like ...
armagedescu's user avatar
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What is the most efficient way to use VAOs?

Each mesh is the set of a VBO and an EBO, assuming you have multiple meshes with the same vertex format (ex: position, color), you could use the same VAO for each mesh, like this: ... GLuint ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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Access violation inside glfwPollEvents()? [closed]

When I start my program: #include <GL/glew.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <sstream> struct ...
Lemoine Maxence's user avatar
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Rotate camera around a pivot point calculated from mouse click on the screen

My model is shifted to another position on the screen after select pivot point on the 3D model. I'm trying to use the GL.LookAt to implement the rotation around pivot point feature. GL.MatrixMode(...
nghia_pham's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to render text using FreeType and OpenGL

Currently I managed to render quads which look like their corresponding characters if I'm not multiplying by sampled, but whenever I do so then the quads turn fully transparent and disappear Setup for ...
osk 's user avatar
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Reading from `out` function argument in GLSL

In GLSL, is it legal for a function to read from an out argument, after it has already written to it? For example void f(out float x) { x = ... x = sqrt(x); } Or is it needed to write it as ...
tmlen's user avatar
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Trying to load OpenGL 4.1 but only get OpenGL 2.1 on MacOS

I am trying to setup a OpenGL-based project in my Macbook Pro 14 (M2 Pro CPU, Macos Sonoma 14.5). I have basically managed to get everything working, BUT no matter what I do I cannot make the program ...
Naphat Amundsen's user avatar
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Confusing problem with local vs class variables and rendering with silk dot net and OpenGL

I'm trying to learn/implement OpenGL using the library and I've got a rendering framework functioning. I can add a shape to the render list from my Layer update method, and I can add a shape ...
Toblexson's user avatar
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OpenGL Bindless with sampler2DArray, samplerCube etc

Every bindless texture example I can find uses sampler2D but is it possible to use samplerCube/sampler2DArray/sampler3d as well? For example something like: layout(bindless_sampler, location=0) ...
iam's user avatar
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Multiple models not rendering together but rendering seperately

I am building a simple test to see if I can render multiple separate objects using multiple EBOs, VAOs, and VBOs. I've gotten this to work in the past with just quads, but now that I am using a cube ...
Connor's user avatar
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Only one texel rendering during mass batch rendering using SSBOs

First, this is my second time asking this question. The first time, I was given many different tips that I applied into this new question. Currently, I am working upon a 2D tile renderer. Switching ...
Austin Romney's user avatar
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Attempting to build a skybox in an OpenTK Rasterizer, no color output

I'm trying to build a simple rasterizer using C# and OpenTK. Most of my stuff is working, but when attempting to implement a skybox feature I got lost. I followed the tutorial at https://learnopengl....
Euranium's user avatar

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