Questions tagged [openvino]

OpenVINO™ toolkit, short for Open Visual Inference and Neural network Optimization toolkit, provides developers with improved neural network performance on a variety of Intel® processors and helps them further unlock cost-effective, real-time vision applications. The toolkit enables deep learning inference and easy heterogeneous execution across multiple Intel® platforms providing implementations across cloud architectures to edge devices.

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How to find the exact name of the output node in .pb file?

I was trying to freeze a pb file for using in the OpenVino. For freezing, i need to know the output node name. For that, i tried loading the pb file and reading the output names, but, it got an error. ...
Ashna Eldho's user avatar
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2 answers

Use openvino from docker

I am trying to use OpenVINO from docker container. I use docker file from official web site FROM ...
Danil Kononyhin's user avatar
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Unable to convert VGG-16 to IR

I have truncated version of vgg16 in .pb format. I am unable to convert to IR using OpenVino Model Optimizer getting following error: [ ANALYSIS INFO ] It looks like there is IteratorGetNext as ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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How to use multi Intel NCS2 on one task?

I saw some docs on Intel openvino website. And there is some docs about how to use only one NCS2, the performance is great. Now I have two NCS2, I want to test both of them on a platform, but there is ...
user12701639's user avatar
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Openvino with python is returning some error

I'm trying to run this application using openvino, but I'm getting the following error: /usr/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: compiletime version 3.7 of module 'openvino....
Felippe Trigueiro 's user avatar
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OpenVINO - Toolkit with YoloV4

I am currently working with the YoloV3-tiny. Repository: To import the network into C++ project I use OpenVINO-Toolkit. In more detail I use the following procedure ...
Giosuè Nardi's user avatar
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Deploying OpenVINO models on AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda limits the size of code and dependencies to 250mb and so installing OpenVINO is not viable. However, OpenVINO offers a Deployment Manager which creates a deployment package by assembling ...
Sharan's user avatar
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RuntimeError: Error reading network: cannot parse future versions: 10

I am trying to run the from the PyCharm using the openvino library which I installed as follows: conda install openvino-ie4py -c openvino Then I try to run ...
shraddha maurya's user avatar
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Run multiple networks on the same Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 (NCS2/MYRIAD)?

I want to load and run multiple networks on the same NCS2: a one-class object detection network (like a person detector), and a network for some recognition on that detection (like gesture recognition)...
Fardo's user avatar
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Raspberry PI4 - OpenVino - Open CV DNN - net.forward - Segmentation fault - NCS2 - Myriad

I am using OpenVino recent kit : l_openvino_toolkit_runtime_raspbian_p_2020.2.120.tgz Raspberry - Pi4. Open CV 4.3.0-openvino. Trying to use the OpenCV DNN with tensorflow net and also caffe. But ...
Himant's user avatar
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RuntimeError: Unsupported primitive of type: PriorBoxClustered name: fc7_mbox_priorbox

I am trying to run the from the PyCharm using the openvino library which I installed as follows: conda install openvino-ie4py -c openvino Then I try to run the ...
shraddha maurya's user avatar
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converting Tensorflow Object Detection API (ssdlite_mobilenet_v3_small) to openvino IR failure

I have trained my ssdlite_mobilenet_v3 in tensorflow and export as frozen_inference_graph.pb. I am able to run it. Now I would like to convert to openvino Inference Engine files (.xml and .bin). But I ...
Paul Wang's user avatar
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How to pass an array to OpenCV dnn

I'm using OpenVino pre-trained models for action driver action detection... the driver action detection pipeline consists of two parts, encoder and decoder which can be used with openCV dnn class. ...
lofy's user avatar
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OpenVino on MacOS using Anaconda

How do you go about installing OpenVino using Anaconda. Will this be possible with prerequisites like OpenCV and CMake that are required for installation. (IntelEnv) ChrNinja@ChrNinja demo % ./...
Chr Ninja's user avatar
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FFMPEG split into two frames with BGR convertion instead of RGB | OpenVino

I don't know why this happen because when i pass the normal frames directly, it didnot split into two frames but when i do some post-processing to count the person at 2nd person it flips into 2 frames....
Mayur Kanojiya's user avatar
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TypeError cv2.rect

Am trying to implement an object detection model on an image using ssd_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28 model. Am trying to get the output with a bounding box on top. 1) ssd_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28 ...
Aditya Nikhil's user avatar
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Unable to use openvino model

I am using person-detection-action-recognition-0005 pre-trained model from openvino to detect the person and their action.
Naveen Verma's user avatar
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Fear and disgust in openvino Model Emotions-recognition-retail

In model Emotions-recognition-retail-003 not include fear and disgust classes. Will there be 2 classes in the new release? Is there a openvino model now that has these classes
Сергей Меньшов's user avatar
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openvino yolo-v3 inference error cannot convert float NaN to integer

Hello i have followed all the steps to make an inference and successfully run it on the model in this link : but when i tried it on a model i trained ...
Dia Islam Moumeni's user avatar
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OpenVino model outputs zeroes

I have an acoustic model that successfully converted from ONNX to OpenVino. However, in OpenVino this model outputs tensor that consists of zeroes from some position. #include <iostream> #...
0x1337's user avatar
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Runtime error on loading intermediate representation open vino

This question follows from my earlier question . I had converted this keras model to .pb. The I also successfully converted this .pb to intermediate representation of Open VINO. The model is ...
Deepanshu Yadav's user avatar
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Openvino-opencv videocapture abnormal behaviour

I have been using IP camera's rtsp stream for video capturing. For capturing and display,I've found openvino-opencv is almost 10x faster than system python-opencv. BUT some abnormal things is going on ...
mmrbulbul's user avatar
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Howto build mkl_tiny?

OpenVINO has some 30MB, which is "The special version of MKL dynamic library packed specially to use within Inference Engine library.", as stated in version.txt. MKL-DNN has 125MB ...
banderlog013's user avatar
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Q: How can I get dldt buildinfo?

I am able to get opencv's build info via getBuildInformation(), is there a way to get dldt's build information?
banderlog013's user avatar
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Cannot convert tf.keras.layers.ConvLSTM2D layer to open vino intermediate representation

I am trying to convert a trained model in tensorflow to Open VINO Intermediate Representation. I have a model of the form given below class Conv3DModel(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self): ...
Deepanshu Yadav's user avatar
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Converting a TensorFlow* Model

I want to convert my 1 tensorflow model to IR currently I am following the instructions here:
Đức Long Hoàng's user avatar
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Failure to process openvino dnn recognizer on NCS2 on Raspberry Pi

I am trying to run a face detector/face recognizer python script on my Raspberry Pi 4 with the Intel NCS2 device. I am running on the Pi 4 with OpenCV and Openvino installed per the excellent blogs at ...
JeffR's user avatar
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Running an OpenVINO Python script on boot for Raspberry PI

I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 running Raspbian 10 (Buster). I want to run a python script on startup that uses OpenVINO and OpenCV to detect objects and display a stream from a webcam. ...
nullcline's user avatar
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PyInstaller: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

I have a GUI application made using PySide2 and it some major modules it uses are OpenVino(2019), dlib, OpenCV-contrib(4.2.x) and Postgres(psycopg2) and I am trying to freeze the application using ...
SajanGohil's user avatar
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squeezenet1.1.caffemodel" is not existing file

I have installed all the required steps for openvino. but while running the demos, to make sure that every thing is working fine , I am recieving this error : The "C:\Users\OGNGHAFF\Documents\Intel\...
narmin's user avatar
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Dynamic batch is not supported on Intel NCS2 vpu

I'm trying to run FP16 person-detection-retail-0013 and person-reidentification-retail-0079 on Intel Neural Compute Stick hardware, but once I run the application to load the nets on the device I get ...
ll_gzr's user avatar
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Opencv ip camera bad memory access exception using rtsp protocoll in Mat.inl.hpp header

I'm trying to connect to a ip camera by rtsp protocoll to solve a object detection task, my issue is the access to the camera. I use the rtsp protocoll, and when I launch the system in release mode, ...
ll_gzr's user avatar
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CMake could not find any instance of Visual Studio, openvino

Because of avx instruction not available in my cpu, i used copy the cpu_extensionavx2.dll removing avx2 and copy in the build folder I had already run setupvars.bat using the command: "C:\Program ...
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OpenVINO demos: multichannel-face-detection demo; TBB LINK 2019 error

I'm trying to tune the multichannel-face-detection demo of the OpenVINO library, but when I try to use TBB for parallel processing, the IDE give me this error: error LINK 21019: reference to ...
ll_gzr's user avatar
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OpenVino Model Optimizer Error when converting TensorFlow model

I have created a custom image classification .pb model file using the python scripts in the TensorFlow for Poets 2 repo ( I tried converting ...
Gino's user avatar
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OpenVINO GPU performance optimization

I'm trying to speed up the inference on a people counter application, in order to use the GPU I've set the inference engine configuration setting as described: device_name = "GPU" ie.SetConfig({ {...
ll_gzr's user avatar
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Get parameters/weights for each layer of the model using the c++ API on OpenVINO

I have been looking for a way to get the tensor of weights/parameters and biases for each layer of the network using the C++ API on the OpenVINO framework. I can't find anything on the documentation ...
César Gouveia's user avatar
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Can openVINO model optimiser be used to convert tensorflow ann models?

I trained an ANN model as saved it as .h5 file.Then I converted the model into tensorflow model and got 'savedmodel.pb' and 'variables' folder. Then I used model optimiser openvino to generate IR ...
Fasty's user avatar
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Unexpected exception happened during extracting attributes Open Vino

I was trying to convert a Caffe model using script. I always get errors like below, but in random nodes (all have the common "BatchNorm" op). Trained the model using Nvidia-Digits (https://...
Sumsuddin Shojib's user avatar
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OpenVino: how to add support to FusedBatchNormV3 in model optimizer?

I am trying to understand how to add support for the TensorFlow layer FusedBatchNormV3 at the model optimizer of OpenVino. I am running on an Ubuntu 18.03 and using Tensorflow 15. My goal is to do ...
tuscasp's user avatar
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4 answers

How to use intel openvino toolkit in google colab?

Due to unfortunate reason of cpu, CPU dont support avx instruction and so Openvino toolkit not working in my machine. I have model in my drive , How can i use the openvino run convert the model in ...
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OpenVINO - Inference library plugin cannot resolve dependency

I am experimenting with OpenVINO APIs and below is the sample code snippet: plugin = InferenceEngine::PluginDispatcher(<params>).getPluginByDevice("CPU"); However, I get the below error: ...
pree's user avatar
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Unable to write feature map to video using OpenCV in Python

I have a feature map that is converted from a video frame. When I plot the feature map using OpenCV VideoWriter. It doesn't write anything to video. out = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4',cv2....
Muhammad's user avatar
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CMake Error: Could not create named generator Visual Studio 15 2017 (while running Verification Scripts for intel openVINO toolkit)

i have installed all dependencies as requires for Intel OpenVINO Toolkit. as shown in guidelines of installation of OpenVINO toolkit for windows10.
Rakesh's user avatar
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Intel OpenVINO: Error Verifying Installation

I'm new to Intel OpenVINO, I've downloaded the Installer and Followed their Installation Guide: Note ...
Hussein's user avatar
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Speech Recongnition Using OpenVINO

I want to implement a python project in which the input will be a .mp4 file and the output will be the transcript or subtitle of the video. The constraint is to use OpenVINO. How can I do that?
Shayekh Bin Islam's user avatar
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Downloading pre-trained models from OpenVINO™ Toolkit Pre-Trained Models by Ubuntu Terminal

I am trying to use some pre-trained model from the intel Pretrained model zoo. Here is the address of that site Is there any specific ...
Shaiful Islam's user avatar
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How to detect openvino devices in cpp code

I am using OpenVINO 2019 and I need to detect the CPU and VPU for my project. Previously in 2018 version I had used some API, but now they are missing in new version. So what is the proper way to ...
Remi_TRish's user avatar
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How to integrate deep learning algorithms and tcp transmission video services

How to transfer real-time video processed by artificial intelligence to other platforms through tcp protocol. I will use the computer as a server to accept the video, and the Raspberry Pi as a client ...
AAA's user avatar
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Exporting TensorFlow 2 model to OpenVino

I want to export (optimize) a TensorFlow 2 model to OpenVino. The only documentation I found regards Tensorflow 1. When followed the instructions, the OpenVino model optimization failed to work with ...
Gal Hyams's user avatar
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