Questions tagged [panel]

A panel is a simple container that allows other elements to be placed into it, especially visual user interface elements.

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33 votes
6 answers

Panel not getting focus

I am continuing to program some kind of keyboard navigation in my simple graphic program (using C#). And I ran into trouble once again. My problem is that I want to process the keyboard input to move ...
Igor's user avatar
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60 votes
10 answers

How can I set the opacity or transparency of a Panel in WinForms?

I was wondering how to change or modify the transparency of a Panel in C#, not the whole form, but the panel only.. I've seen many C# tutorials on Opacity, but its for the Form. im looking for how it ...
Gian Santillan's user avatar
51 votes
5 answers

Create Java console inside a GUI panel

How can I create an instance of the Java console inside of a GUI panel?
user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

WPF TextBox and Scroll behavior

I have a problem. I need to host grid with controls in ScrollViewer to prevent textbox from being either truncated or collapsed to zero-with at the UI. Also I want the with of textbox to be expanded ...
Oleg's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to print hidden and visible content of a Container with ScrollBars

I have a scrollable Panel: some of its child Controls are hidden and other are visible. How can I print all the content on this Panel, including child Controls that are hidden or otherwise not ...
IT PHARMA's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Chat Client emoticons window JAVA

I've been working on creating a chat client(java swing) and I've just made my emoticons fully useable but other than having users type ":)" for example, I want to provide a popup window with all the ...
martin's user avatar
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138 votes
3 answers

In what order are Panels the most efficient in terms of render time and performance?

There are many times when more than one panel would suitable for the layout I want, however I know there is a difference in render times for different panel types. For example, MSDN states that ...
Rachel's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Panel for drawing graphics and scrolling

I want to be able to use a Panel or similar to draw graphics onto a Winform. I cannot seem to see anything regarding adding scrollbars if the graphics become larger than the control? Is it possible ...
Darren Young's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Any trick to use opacity on a panel in Visual Studio Window Form?

I recently started exploring Visual Studio. I was trying to create a slide menu. More specifically, when the user would press the button a submenu would pop up to the right. To achieve that i have ...
Lio Chon's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Avoid panel to autoHide in Firefox extension

I am actually trying to develop a Firefox extension using the high level apis, and specifically trying to avoid a panel to autohide when you pick a file or when you click outside of the panel itself. ...
Manny42's user avatar
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75 votes
7 answers

'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'user' Django admin

When I trying to access the admin page it gives me the following error: System check identified no issues (0 silenced). June 21, 2016 - 15:26:14 Django version 1.9.7, using settings '...
Gonçalo Correia's user avatar
33 votes
6 answers

Twitter Bootstrap 3 - Panels of Equal Height in a Fluid Row

I am new to Bootstrap 3 and I would like to have 3 panels on my landing page of equal height, even though the middle panel has less content. When resized they become the same height, but are not upon ...
Milan Moffatt's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

copying free hand drawing from panel in visual studio 2013

I want to draw free hand in a form (picture box) on visual studio and copy the same figure (that I draw) on another panel/picture box. Also they should not be dots forming one line but a continuous ...
Parth Gargava's user avatar
25 votes
8 answers

How to Programmatically Scroll a Panel

I have a System.Windows.Forms.Panel with some content. I am trying to programmatically scroll the panel (vertically) either up or down. I have tried setting the AutoScrollPosition property to a new ...
Marwan مروان's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

How to display notice in admin panel on Plugin Activation?

I am trying to display a notice in admin panel when I activate my test plugin. How can I display that? What's that method?
Thompson's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Double buffering with Panel

Double buffering the whole form can be done by setting the value of the "AllPaintingInWmPaint", "UserPaint" and "DoubleBuffer" ControlStyles to "true" (this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint ...
AlexSavAlexandrov's user avatar
156 votes
5 answers

Using Panel or PlaceHolder

What is the difference between <asp:Panel > and <asp:PlaceHolder > in ASP.NET? When should you use one over the other?
user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

Removing dynamic controls from panel

I have dynamically generated controls on the panels of windows form and i have also generated a button for removing the controls, all in rows. int c = 0; private void button1_Click(object sender, ...
shariq_khan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

JQuery Mobile Sliding Panel with nested menu/ multi-level menu

I have been working on multi-level menu's or sub-menu's on my jquery mobile and generally 3rd partly jquery plugins have been deeply messing with my CSS relating to position:fixed footer and scrolling....
Shouvik's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

how to save panel as image in swing?

Hi i want to convert panel which contains components like label and buttons to image file. I have done the following code. The image was saved. but the content of the panel not visible or saved. Can ...
Babu R's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Delphi: sliding (animated) panel

Is there a sliding (animated) panel component for Delphi? For instance it can be found in Raize Components (a left panel with a "Hot Spot" or hide/show button). I need not a resizeable panel but a ...
maxfax's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why do my panels clip all the way around the panel when made smaller than the explicit size?

Probably a confusing question title. The Grid with the Red Rectangle is an example of how it should look. The Grid with the Blue Rectangle (not appearing in the image) has a margin that forces the ...
chrislarson's user avatar
61 votes
8 answers

How can I change the Java Runtime Version on Windows (7)?

How can I change the Java Runtime Version on Windows. I installed Java 7 for some tests, and now I need the old java6 as system default, but I don't want to uninstall the Java 7 (I need it ...
tomkpunkt's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

java TrayIcon using image with transparent background

I am using the following code to set a tray icon in Windows and Linux. It works wonderful in Windows and works okay in Linux. In Linux (Ubuntu) I have my panel set to be (somewhat) transparent and ...
Jack's user avatar
  • 21k
14 votes
3 answers

Dynamically changing Mouse speed

Guys, I have a C# Winforms application with a panel inside the form. What I want to do is, whenever the mouse pointer enters this panel, I want to slow the movement speed of the mouse by 50%. Once the ...
Icemanind's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

WPF - LayoutUpdated event firing repeatedly

I've been adding a bit of animation to my WPF application. Thanks to Dan Crevier's unique solution to animating the children of a panel combined with the awesome WPF Penner animations it turned out ...
Drew Noakes's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Move controls when Drag and drop on panel in C#

I want to drag controls on panel and when dragging I want to move the control and get its location to drop on to panel. I have tried out mouseUp, mouseDown, MouseMove events of control.But that is not ...
Dinu's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

C# WinForms: Make panel scrollbar invisible

I have a panel1 with AutoScroll = true.I have to make panel1 scroll with btnUp and btnDown. So far I've made what I was asked for private void btnUpClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (...
GugaMelkadze's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Can't set .Net panel to visible

I am designing a multipage windows form using panels. I'm displaying a login form and validating the button click, and want to hide the login panel and show the main panel. However, when I click the ...
mankand007's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Default button not working in panel

I have an panel with a default button setting but the button is never trigger when hitting the ENTER button. I searched SO for this question, but could not find any response that works. How ...
DNR's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I save a Panel in my form as a picture?

I have a form that has 2 panels. I'm trying to save the contents of Panel2 as an image. I saw a thread that talked about using the screen capture to do this, but I can't find the thread anymore. Also ...
Fuzz Evans's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Panel Drawing zoom in C#

I have a Form that contain a panel, and in this panel I draw shapes, like rectangles and circles, I need to zoom into this shapes, I saw couple options but most of them using PictureBox. Should I use ...
J-P's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Print an image of the content of a Panel excluding any external overlapping Window

I have some problems. I have a Panel and a PictureBox in a Form. I would like to open a Windows application (for example Notepad) and parent it to the panel. I then want to show an image of the ...
bozmech's user avatar
  • 53
1 vote
1 answer

Being able to drag around Dynamically created Panels

I keep seeing posts about adding Events to be able to drag around the panel. But how would i achieve this through a dynamically created Panel? Panel pn = wch.GenerateWorkspaceControl(space.Name, ...
sublimeaces's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Java Swing Card Layout change the displayed Panel?

so I have this jFrame with a Panel. Inside that panel there are two more panels and the layout is set to cards. Inside one of those two panels there is a button. How can I change the panel thats being ...
Dangerosking's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

generate id for each group with repeated and missing observations

I have a dataset with individuals observed over several weeks. Some individuals have no observations in some weeks, and some have several observations during the same week. I need to create a weekly ...
Svetlana Ko's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Subset panel data by group [duplicate]

I would like to subset an unbalanced panel data set by group. For each group, I would like to keep the two observations in the first and the last years. How do I best do this in R? For example: dt &...
Gary's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

Saving Panel to PDF not working nor getting errors

I am trying to save a panel to pdf using ITextSharp. When I set a breakpoint and debug, the code stops on this line of code, however it does not give an error and just stops. if (IsPostBack) { ...
user3012159's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to make Drop down panel in jQuery mobile 1.4.0?

I have the following Panel in my jQuery mobile app , I want to make it to be drop down as appears in the following image rather than to be slide from the page edge . Is this can be done in jQuery ...
user's user avatar
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89 votes
1 answer

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application?

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application?
Chetan's user avatar
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38 votes
9 answers

How can I scroll my panel using my mousewheel?

I have a panel on my form with AutoScroll set to true so a scrollbar appears automatically. How can I make it so a user can use his mouse wheel to scroll the panel? Thanks SO.
Sergio Tapia's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Custom ASP.NET Container Control

I've been trying to create a custom control that works exactly like the Panel control except surrounded by a few divs and such to create a rounded box look. I haven't been able to find a decent ...
Arthur Chaparyan's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Disable Parent Panel, while keeping child panel enabled

I have a WinForms app, and I have a massive Panel in it. And inside that Panel is a bunch of stuff, including a second, tiny panel. When a certain event occurs, I want the massive panel to become ...
user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How do you force refresh of a wx.Panel?

I am trying to modify the controls of a Panel, have it update, then continue on with code execution. The problem seems to be that the Panel is waiting for Idle before it will refresh itself. I've ...
Fry's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Dynamic panel element adding and scrollbars

I wrote a function to dynamically add elements to the "Panel". public int State; public Point Point = new Point(0, 0); public void DialogAdd(string message, string author) { ...
kopaty4's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Can't create ExpansionPanelList with Items in Flutter

I'm new to Flutter so i am trying to get into it. But I'm hanging on creating an ExpansionPanelList with ExpansionPanels in it. And Like the title says all created in googles Flutter. My code so far:...
Lukas Kirner's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to fix panel flickering when redrawing?

I have a panel that I've subclassed to and have set DoubleBuffered true, I constantly need to refresh the drawing but it flickers and have no idea why. private delegate void MyDelegate(); public ...
David Chavez's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Only horizontal scrolling in a panel

How do I set my panel so it will only scroll horizontal? I have tried: this.VerticalScroll.Enabled = false; But it doesn't work.
Klaasvaak's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

set linkbutton as default button for asp:panel in [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Link Button on the page and set it as default button, work fine in IE but not in Mozila How to set linkbutton as default button for asp:panel in I know a button can ...
ACP's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Semi-transparent custom layout panel

I have built a semi-transparent custom layout panel in WPF by setting the Opacity value of the panel to 0.5. Everything works as expected, except that the children of the panel are also semi-...
Philipp Schmid's user avatar

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