Questions tagged [pgp]

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication.

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27 votes
2 answers

Encrypt files using PGP in PHP?

I want to use PGP encryption to encrypt a CSV files, I am generating through a PHP script and then send that file to client via email. Client will give me the encryption key, which I need to use for ...
djmzfKnm's user avatar
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2 answers

Standard format for digital signature

I want to make a javascript library for signing messages. I expect the format to be something like... --- BEGIN SIGNED MESSAGE --- This is a plain old message It goes on and on... --- BEGIN RSA OF ...
Billy Moon's user avatar
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1 answer

openpgp and golang

I have some problems with the documentation. Here is my program: package main import ( "bytes" "" "encoding/base64" "fmt" ) func main() { ...
Bussiere's user avatar
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0 answers

How to generate a pgp public keyring with bouncycastle without having a private key

I'm trying to perform pgp encryption/decryption operations via Camel / Bouncy Castle PGP where I store the used keys in a JKS files and generate PGP keyrings on the fly from the public/private keys in ...
vap78's user avatar
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Can't decrypt OpenPGP data I encrypt with BouncyCastle C#

I'm trying to encrypt strings (not files) with OpenPGP using BouncyCastle. I generated a public/private key pair using GPG4win (Kleopatra) for testing. My code works, and outputs the encrypted file, ...
Matt Jadczak's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Any way to PGP encrypt data stream and save it directly to the FTP without having to save it locally?

I have to send PGP encrypted file in asc format to FTP folder via sFTP. Is there a way to PGP encrypt a stream (which is CSV formatted stream) and push it to the sFTP without having to save it on ...
Learner's user avatar
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Best Python way to harvest user entropy from keystrokes a la PGP? [closed]

Does anyone recall PGP prompting a user to "generate some entropy" by striking random keys? PGP would measure the entropy as it was being collected, indicating to the user with a cool little progress ...
Cris Stringfellow's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

PGP encryption from client side (js) with JSF 2

when client select a file with upload component, I need to implement PGP encryption from client side with JSF 2 (Create a faces component) or primefaces 2.2 (I dont see anything from client side in ...
JavaWarrior's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does Nexus Pro auto-verify the authenticy of the downloaded artifacts?

I have done some research on the Maven Central Repository security, especially the Cross Build Injection attack (XBI). I read a few links, which I listed below:
Lan's user avatar
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How to encrypt a file using PGP Hex ID and PGP Name instead of a public key file in C#

I am currently working on a application which will create a text file, encrypt the file using PGP public key(which is not a file but a hexadecimal number and a pgp name) and post it to an FTP on ...
senthil's user avatar
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1 answer

GNUPG decryption failed in php

I am using GnuPG library to encrypt decrypt messages. I have successfully confirgured the GPG extension on my server and generated a key pair. Also I am successfull in importing another public key and ...
Syed Rizwan Ali's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

python-gnupg: retrieve public key of a signed message

I would like to know the public key of the user that generates an encrypted/signed PGP message. I looked at the python-gnupg API but I just found how to check that the signature is OK GPG().verify(...
Antoine Pinsard's user avatar
0 votes
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DIDISOFT - OPEN PGP Null pointer exception on decrypt

I am using OpenPGP from didisoft to encrypt and decrypt files. I have an encrypted file and the private key corresponding to the encryption key. But when I try to use the DecryptFile () method, I get ...
Ron's user avatar
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Decrypting PGP with multiple files merges them gpg

I'm using an SSIS (2008) process task to decrypt a PGP file. It uses the gpg executable. Basically, I use a ForEach loop, store the file name as a variable, and execute the following expression as ...
Kary's user avatar
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1 answer

Extracting the files from a windows pgp executable self extracting archive on linux [closed]

I have a customer who sends me (via their legacy system) a file containing some data. The issue is that they encrypt it via PGP and then create an executable self-extracting file to encase it. I am ...
Richard Green's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Must GnuPG to have installed keys for every username profile?

I'm running (on my local machine) the GPG (wingpg ) - command line version. My login name at win7 - is RoyiN. ( so I have a profile for it) When I logged in - I've installed the keys (using PKA....
Royi Namir's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can I decrypt a PGP Self Decrypting Archive programatically? [closed]

Everyday I receive SDA files for whom I have the passphrase. The decryption is done by running the file and manually entering a passphrase in the program window that pops up. I'd like to avoid this ...
Diego Saa's user avatar
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GPG: secret key & check passphrase

How to check that GPG secret key does not contain passphrase? I wouldn't like import this key.
avokhmin's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Using two public keys to encrypt a file

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this question as this might be more of a theory based question. But I was also interested in the C# implementation of the following. And how feasible it ...
Ron's user avatar
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Multiple keys in same keyring

This might be a very basic question and might have been discussed, but I want to make sure I understand it right and hence stating along with problem My company is to get files from 5 different ...
Vishal Biyani's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Exception on decrypting file using BouncyCastle PGP

I was trying to decrypt this sample file given by the client, using a class called PgpDecrypt. But when the code comes to this line: Stream clear = pbe.GetDataStream(privKey); it returns an error: ...
iceheaven31's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Revoke pgp key using Bouncy Castle API

I want to revoke my PGP public key using Bouncy Castle API. I have generated a revocation certificate. But I wasn't able to find a way to revoke a public key using a revocation certificate. How would ...
Sohan Badaya's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

PGP encryption with international characters

I have a web application built with C# that creates a txt file based on user input information. This txt file is then converted to PGP in the application via a command line tool. If a user enters ...
jpsnow72's user avatar
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Java signing files with BouncyCastle - Create signature of a file using secret keyring

I'm trying to write a Java program that signs a file with a private key. The program takes 3 arguments - file, secret keyring and a password. The output should be in a detached file *.bpg. The problem ...
B.B10's user avatar
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2 answers

Check if GPG/PGP public key is valid

Through a web interface I'm trying to check if a given public key is valid or not. The bash command gpg --import returns import successful/failed based on the given key, but I don't want to ...
Schutzstaffel's user avatar
2 votes
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Reading an email address from a Bouncy Castle PGP key

After fighting with the library for some time, I am at a loss for how to get this simple piece of data from a PgpPublicKey object. I've tried the most obvious route, GetUserAttributes() but it returns ...
amphetamachine's user avatar
4 votes
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Restore PGP public key from private in bouncycastle

In algorythmic level it is possible to restore public key from private. But is there a way to do it in bouncycastle library with PGP keys? Thanks!
Mitya  XMitya's user avatar
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Fix Gpg4Win PGP encrypted binary files corrupted by upload to CoreFTP server using VB .NET

This post is similar to an earlier post about preventing the corruption of PGP binary files when transferring those files to an FTP server using C# (
user1777803's user avatar
0 votes
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Linux / Windows Shell Scripting to Unlock PGP File

I have a sequence of scripts which downloads PGP files from a FTP server. I then unzip these files with a private key using PGPKeys. The unzipped files are then picked up by a SQL Server job which ...
Lloyd Banks's user avatar
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Security protocol for server-side shared secret generation

I am trying to implement a security system that has the following requirements: All clients share a password, which is not known to the server Each client has a unique client-id, which is known to ...
Markus A.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Perl PGP in memory encryption that uses GPG

I tried using Crypt::OpenPGP but encountered some issues decrypting GPG encrypted messages. So now I'm looking for alternatives. I would like the module to be able to do its encryption/decryption ...
xenoterracide's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Encrypt a string with PGP public key in C without external DLLs?

I see ton's of examples of this for C++ and C# but no luck with C. I'm trying to do a simple encryption of a string without referencing external DLLs. I started out trying cryptlib (just basic ...
Fmstrat's user avatar
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Crypt::OpenPGP Symkey decrypt failed: Invalid secret key ID

I am having a problem where Crypt::OpenPGP is unable to decrypt a message encoded by GPG. It seems that I am not the first to have this problem. But no solution was found on that thread. my $pgp = ...
xenoterracide's user avatar
41 votes
5 answers

Encrypt in Javascript, decrypt in PHP, using public-key cryptography

I'd like to encrypt in JavaScript, decrypt in PHP, using public-key cryptography. I've been trying to find libraries that can accomplish this, but am having issues. I am currently looking at ...
oxygen's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Error uploading PGP key to Google

I am uploading the BASE64 encoded key to Google using the instruction here but when I make the post request, I get the following response Content-Type application/xml is not a valid input type I'm ...
vishesh's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Secure method for storing/retrieving a PGP private key and passphrase?

I have a web application that needs to store server login information. I'm using a 2048bit PGP public key to encrypt inserted passwords (see the insertServerDef) and a private key with a passphrase to ...
Elliot B.'s user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

BouncyCastle PGP Encryption / Decryption: Caused by: premature end of stream in PartialInputStream

When attempting to encrypt then decrypt a file I run into the following exception: com.example.common.crypto.CipherException: org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException: Exception starting decryption ...
Conner McNamara's user avatar
0 votes
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Was given a GnuPG v1.4.5 public key file. Is there a simple dummy proof tool that can encrypt files on OSX?

I almost had to deal with PGP encryption before and all I remember was that it confused the heck out of me. Today, a client threw a curveball at us telling us we have to encrypt our CSV files before ...
user1418227's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Getting PGP private key [closed]

I would like to know how data encryption and decryption works in PGP. As part of encryption, "gpg --gen-key" is used to generate the keys, And I got a public key, however I am not sure how to get ...
Swamy's user avatar
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generating digital signatures using PGP in java [closed]

I am developing a tool which generates digital signatures using DSA, RSA algorithms. I would also like to generate digital signatures and verify using PGP algorithm. I have googled and found some ...
kirankar's user avatar
1 vote
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Decrypting PGP using gnupg in Python

I am trying to decrypt a PGP file using this module: Here is my code snippet: #!/usr/bin/python import gnupg gpg = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome='C:\\Users\\GSquire\\...
squiguy's user avatar
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-1 votes
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PGP/GPG Sign and Encrypt using different key size [closed]

Is it possible or compatible when encrypting file with gpg/pgp, our client is signing it using 1024 bits key (their private key) and then encrypt it using our public 2048 bits key? Will this cause ...
Eka's user avatar
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1 answer

Empty PGPKeyRing or PGPKeyRingCollection in Bouncy Castle

How to create an empty PGPKeyRing or PGPKeyRingCollection in Bouncy Castle ?
Saurabh's user avatar
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Approach for ASP.NET, HTTP/S and PGP framework

Scenario: Multiple clients to upload files to server over HTTP/S. Files are to be encrypted with company public key, for later decryption with company private key on a different environment. On ...
John Smith's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Public Key Encryption/Decryption of data [closed]

When some data is encrypted with PGP, no password is provided. What is the password used in the symmetric algorithms portion of PGP? this is the output of a small string encrypted with AES 256. ----...
calccrypto's user avatar
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Length of data to hash for PGP

I have finally managed to verify some simple PGP signed message blocks. However, I discovered that for some reason, my implementation limits me to verifying data that is 9-16 bytes long. no less. no ...
calccrypto's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Bouncy Castle PGP Decryption Issue

I've had a application using Bouncy Castle for PGP decryption which has run without any issues for the past 8 months or so, and the past 2 days all of a sudden an issue has come up where the ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the difference between this sign-and-encrypt code and encrypt and sign a file sequentially?

This page has a code snippet for signing and encrypting a file in one step (under SIGNING AND ENCRYPTING CODE). What is the difference between this and sequentially encrypting and then signing the ...
Louis Rhys's user avatar
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PGP library for C [closed]

I am developing an client server communication application in C. I want to encrypt the messages between then using some public key encryption. I found PGP (pretty good privacy) is a good policy. So is ...
theB's user avatar
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8 votes
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Bouncy Castle C# PGP Decryption example

I have been looking all day yesterday, and I can't seem to find a working example of PGP decryption using Bouncy Castle in c#
Ron Harlev's user avatar
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