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How Can I Connect to a Kubernetes RabbitMQ Cluster Using a Pika Connection in Python?

I am trying to establish a connection to my RabbitMQ Cluster running in a Kubernetes Service using a Pika connection in Python. I've successfully created my RabbitMQ cluster by running kubectl apply -...
Timmons's user avatar
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How to pass connection url to celery task?

I've got this config for celery app: from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from datetime import timedelta from celery import Celery from celery.schedules import crontab from django....
NONAMA's user avatar
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Errno 98 Address already in use

I have a class that creates a connection to RabbitMQ and has a method that contains the below code. I pull 5 million records from a database and iterates them in a loop calling the below code to push ...
Joe Stagner's user avatar
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RabbitMQ/Pika: Stream connection lost: ConnectionResetError(104, "Connection reset by peer")

Below is my rabbitmq snippet. I am running long running task, connection is getting closed though my task continue to run in the background. Once the task is complete and I am trying to acknowledge ...
r ram's user avatar
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Decide which consumer get the message from Queue

i have Queue that has 3 consumers each consumer should consume type of message based on binding keys(which are 3 and all of them binded the that queue) i want to decide which consumer consume the ...
ahmed tahri's user avatar
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aio_pika and rabbitMQ : message get treated but never gets published

Using rabbitMQ 3.12, python 3.8 and aio_pika 9.4.0, I have an architecture consisting of 9 different microservices that treat text. Each is in its own Docker container. Text is input in the main ...
Cyriel Mallart's user avatar
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Why I got UNKNOW status when using grpc and pika(python client of rabbitmq)?

I combined grpc and pika in a Class but I got problem both in client and server of my system when a grpc function in client get start. The client got grpc Exception calling application, the server got ...
HuXinjing's user avatar
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What is the function of the 'await' keywords when no asyncio.gather(), asyncio.create_task(), etc. is (visibly) used?

I am trying to create a RabbitMQ client based on aio-pika, as I need to handle messages asynchronously. This is the quick start code for asynchronous message handling: (see original code on the aio-...
Jens's user avatar
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Pika function is not beign called inside Celery delayed task

I'm trying to run a rabbitmq message from inside a celery task. I'm trying to notify another service that the task finished. The weird thing is that if I deactivate .delay() it works perfectly. But, ...
Jhon Sanz's user avatar
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RuntimeError: This event loop is already running when using AsyncioConnection

With the following code I am trying to connect to my Rabbit instance using the pika AsyncioConnection adapter import asyncio import pika from pika.adapters.asyncio_connection import AsyncioConnection ...
asant-leitha's user avatar
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Import Queue parameters into python file rabbitmq?

I have 3 consumers that connect with the broker. How can I import a external config file which contains the queue parameters so that I dont have to re-write them in all the python files. Thanks, Dhruv
dhruvguptadg's user avatar
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Unable to get the on delivery confirmation from the broker using publish confirm

import pika import pika.exceptions from pika import spec, DeliveryMode connection = pika.BlockingConnection() channel = channel.queue_declare(queue= "test", durable=...
Kushal Kumar's user avatar
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Python 3: TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class BaseConnection with abstract method create_connection

I am upgrading some very old Python code from Python 2 to Python 3. There is a simple method to check rabbitmq connection using Pika. from contextlib import closing from pika import ...
user7692855's user avatar
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Something wrong with pika/rabbitmq arguments? (Error while passing arguments in pika)

I'm trying to use pika and rabbitmq to test dead letter exchange, but this keeps happening: pika.exceptions.ChannelClosedByBroker: (406, "PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'x-message-ttl' ...
Alin's user avatar
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Unable to connect to rmq hosted on openshift from my local machine

I'm trying to connect to rabbitMQ hosted/installed/deployed on openshift container from my local machine, and i'm facing issues. connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(...
Abhi's user avatar
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How to remove an inactive consumer from rabbitmq queue?

I have a simple setup where a message is sent to a queue via an exchange and the consumer binds to it and receives the message for further processing. The problem is whenever I forcefully stop the ...
dhruvguptadg's user avatar
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Perform Action after prefetch processing is complete

I have a script consuming a queue on RabbitMQ and writing it to Postgresql I am prefetching a 1000 records and writing them, but the only way to commit the data is to run a commit in the callback ...
juanschwartz's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform an action at the end of a consumption cycle?

In a test, I am consuming messages with prefetch and manual ack using callback where I am also performing a database write with a cursor. However, I have to commit after each call. Is there a way for ...
juanschwartz's user avatar
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How can I set TTL for a RabbitMQ queue from MATLAB?

I have been trying to get this to work but I am stuck. I have two systems and one runs python in which I declare the queue as following: channel_task = pika.BlockingConnection(pika....
dhruvguptadg's user avatar
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is ConnectionClosedByClient exception from pika a problem

I recently upgraded to a newer version of pika and these logs started showing up where they have not been there before: User-initiated close: result=BlockingConnection__OnClosedArgs(connection=<...
MaryB's user avatar
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How to consume messages from RBMQ queue using b-rabbit library

I am trying to consume RBMQ messages. Actually I was using pika library but it is not thread safe. So I am going to use b-rabbit library. But in the library doc, it is mentioned about only publishing ...
todayforfuture's user avatar
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Synchronous call using python pika with RabbitMQ

I'm new to RabbitMQ and am trying to use the pika library to get messages. I can get this to work with basic_consume() but I want to use basic_get() instead because this will be running in an AWS ...
Dennis Jalbert's user avatar
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Django + RabbitMQ multiple Tabs

In my project, I'm using pika/RabbitMQ to send a SQL script from my web page to a remote database. This database processes and returns the conclusion. My problem is that I want to give my users the ...
missingNO's user avatar
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RabbitMQ and GCP Pub/Sub integration

I am working on integration RabbitMQ and GCP Pub/Sub. I am using Pika library with Python. Connection is established by BlockingConnection. My consumer is running as separate thread. Max expected ...
MarcinO's user avatar
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no analogue for pika.SSLOptions in aio_pika

I want to move from pika to aio-pika. So, my project uses ssl and I specify ssl-related settings in pika.SSlOptions class. Firstly I create ssl.SSLContext instance and specify CA, certfile, keyfile ...
Pavel Demeshkevich's user avatar
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Python custom logging handler tries to log itself during emit()

I am trying to implement a custom logging handler, which should post to a rabbitmq server1. A basic setup of this would look something like this: class RabbitMQHandler(logging.Handler): def ...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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is there a way to prevent my FastApi server from stopping as a result of my rabbitmq listening to incoming messages using pika client?

My FastApi server calls a function called consume_messges(), the consume_messages() is a function that creates a pika connection and startsconsuming for incoming message the function is called ...
Oladapo Kolawole Osagie's user avatar
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Is there any way to use custom Consumer Tag with pika

I am using pika to work with RabbitMQ. I have a queue with a dozen consumers. I want to map consumer information in Rabbit with my application logs. So is there any way of either getting the attached ...
 GhostKU 's user avatar
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Handling long running Tasks in Pika/RabbitMQ Threaded Consumers for enabled client heartbeat

I am running threaded consumers (~20 to 30 threads - configurable) on my server for concurrent message processing. My consumers are daemonized so that I can use a CLI like utility to start and stop ...
Biswadeep27's user avatar
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Durable queues do not survive container stop

I have the following setup: version: '3.8' services: rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:3-management container_name: 'rabbitmq' volumes: - ./rabbitmq.conf:/etc/rabbitmq/...
Edgar Navasardyan's user avatar
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Ensuring that aio_pika consumer runs forever alongside FastAPI

I wrote a aio_pika consumer task that is supposed to run forever in a FastAPI app. This task is part of a manager object which implement a pub/sub pattern: from aio_pika import connect_robust from ...
DurandA's user avatar
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send 1 million messages to queue in 1 minutes

I am using rabbitMQ to receive the message. I have 1,000,000 messages need to send out in 1 minute to queue. I am using multiprocessing by python.My code can send over 5 minute. Is that possible to ...
trung's user avatar
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How can I avoid a RabbitMQ producer disconnection?

I am trying to set up a simple message producer along with its consumer using RabbitMQ in python with the pika library. Whenever my producer stays idle for too long, the connection closes and I get an ...
Anloubie's user avatar
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How do I run the rabbit MQ consumption on another thread?

I want to be able to use the RabbitMQ consumer to listen for new messages but the thread is blocking and the application does not start up. What's the best approach to handling the listening handler ...
Kwaku Biney's user avatar
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when retrive result of a task with "reply_to" it result tuple. and says " Received and deleted unknown message. Wrong destination?!?"

i am using celery and RabbitMq create a simple task and send results of the task to the "result" queue when i connect to this que to processing on the result of the task it say " ...
Hosein Sargoli's user avatar
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Pika ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer') having 2 connections using threads

I am running into the following error with pika pika.exceptions.StreamLostError: Stream connection lost: ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer') I've read on stackoverflow and other ...
Raphael Hippe's user avatar
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pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError in Python pod when trying to connect to RabbitMQ in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes I have deployed RabbitMQ pod, service and ingress. I have access to RabbitMQ UI and I added a user that has access to virtual host "/" and a password. I tried to create a ...
jos97's user avatar
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Can't connect to rabbitmq - ACCESS_REFUSED

everyone! I want to connect to rabbitmq with aio_pika using an admin level login and password. async def send_rmq(message) -> None: connection = await connect("amqp://login:password@url&...
sportul's user avatar
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Sharing Pika Connection Singleton Object between gunicron workers on django application

I am trying to connect to email queue from django application. I have created an EmailPublisher which will be a singleton object which extends RabbitMQProducer object which has actual code of ...
Ayush Srivastava's user avatar
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pike.exception.StreamLostError python pika rabbitmq

I get pike.exception.StreamLostError: Stream connection lost: connectionResetError(10054... when I call p = pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost') c = pika.BlockingConnection(p) ...
Rony Tesler's user avatar
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How run pika consumer and publisher in two threads?

I use library pika 1.3.2 and threading. I want run one connection with two channels: to consumer and to publisher. I run two threads, and all Ok. But how can I stop consumer and close channels and ...
AlexanderKondrat's user avatar
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Executing celery task through a listener on a RabbitMQ queue

I am trying to run a script for a messaging consumer that listens to a rabbitMQ instance and executes a celery job based on that message value. I am receiving issues with circular dependencies and ...
sclem72's user avatar
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pika.exceptions.StreamLostError: Stream connection lost: ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')

I use pika basic_get method to get message from rabbitmq and basic_ack method to do ack. import pika connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters( host="rabbitmq&...
haojie's user avatar
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Pika RabbitMQ Error: Stream connection lost: ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by a remote host' )

I am trying to run a worker model where I have single program that sends youtube urls and an index into a queue called the process_queue. Then I have defined a worker program called reciever....
KeTroy's user avatar
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Modify and re-queue a message using pika on python

I'm using Pika/RabbitMQ lib for processing messages in a python 3.8 project. When processing the messages the function can fail due to several reasons. There are a few cases when the message can be ...
zetacu's user avatar
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Pika example

I have read some post in this group and I don’t understand what is the point of using: I mean, why we need one additional ...
ElbowPlayer's user avatar
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Why do Consumers disconnect from the queue silently during long idles using Pika RabbitMQ?

In my company we are currently facing a strange behavour using rabbitMQ. One of our microservices hosted in a Kubernetes Cluster is built in Python (the others in Java and they don't show this problem)...
Stefano Falangone's user avatar
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stomp.js cannot receive message sent from pika (RabbitMQ version: 3.11.7)

I have a web page that should receive messages from RabbitMQ using STOMP: <body> <script src="stomp.js"></script> <script src="
qwerty_99's user avatar
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How to make timeout callback funtion in rabbit ioloop

I need to make a function to be executed every n seconds. I have found a call_later method, but the problem is it executes only once: self._connection.ioloop.call_later(self.timeout, self.callback) ...
Sergei Petrov's user avatar
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unable to connect django sevice with rabbitmq service using docker

I am trying to connect RabbitMQ with Django application. But when I run the command "docker-compose up" I get this error "pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError" can someone explain ...
Usama Hameed's user avatar

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