Questions tagged [plone]

Plone is a content management system (CMS) written in Python. Its strengths are in intranets, websites and document management. It has support for multilingual content and versioning.

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1 answer

How can I generate a registration number in PloneFormGen, using a TALES Expression?

I am trying to set up a registration form for a conference using PloneFormGen, and I would like to use a TALES Expression to count the number of existing records, add "1", then display this on the "...
raytheengineer's user avatar
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Customize the search portlet in Plone for specific content types

I'm using the search portlet in certain areas of my website, but I'd like to restrict the results to only search for a specific content type: for example only search the news items, or only show ...
feesh's user avatar
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Plone's portal_catalog(portal_type="File") does not returns all the objects I see in the ZMI portal_catalog page

I'm back to using Plone after a very long time without using it. We have setup an Intranet with Plone 4.0.5. We have upload lots of documents (mostly File) to the intranet. The site was installed ...
manu's user avatar
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My Archetypes-based content type can't be added

I'm developing an add-on package which introduces a few Archetypes-based content types; these are defined in the default profile of that package. After (re-) installing my package in the Quick-...
Tobias's user avatar
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4 answers

How to override template "" only for a Custom Type?

This question has evolved in a confusing way. Some of its parts though, and specially some answers, might be useful for someone. Therefore I'll let this question unmodified and I'll try to reformulate ...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Title and description aren't indexed with collective.dexteritytextindexer

I have lots of Dexterity content types, some of them are just containers and are left with just the Title and Description (from behavior). I can find ...
gforcada's user avatar
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Plone Intranet workflow and group permissions

Now, granted, this may be due to a misunderstanding of the roles/permissions model in Plone, as it's a little different than many systems I've worked with in the past, but here's the situation and ...
Khaibit's user avatar
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LXML failed to install on Plone 4.3 64-bit (MS Windows)

Been asked to update my answer in correct format - Question then Answer. running build_py creating build creating build\ creating build\\lxml copying src\lxml\...
Michael Wunderlich's user avatar
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local-name() support in Collective.xdv

I have a Plone 3.5 site and I am trying to embedded Simple Social's FB Like action for a content in a collective.xdv theme. The FB Like function is embedded in an XML tag <fb:like></fb:...
h2o's user avatar
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Make Plone give proper 403 Forbidden errors

Default Plone behavior is to display login box when the user tries to access content for which he or she does not have permission. How to change this behavior so that instead and Unauthorized page is ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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How to send mail with attachments in Plone using a template approach?

I've been reading the official docs about sending emails from Plone using some templates, and it's working so far. My question is: how do I add attachments using the template approach?
Somebody still uses you MS-DOS's user avatar
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Plone workflow: Publish an object, and all used/referred objects as well

I have a Plone site with Archetypes objects which refer to other objects (by UID). When, say, a news object is published, all image objects which are referred in the text attribute, should ...
Tobias's user avatar
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Plone - In an AutocompleteFieldWidget, how can I fix a glitch where (none) is still selected despite another selected?

I have a form.Form whose interface has a field that is a AutocompleteFieldWidget. (none) is displayed because the field is not required. There is a glitch where (none) will remain selected even if ...
Patrick Downey's user avatar
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Plone & CGI single-sign-on using mod_auth_tkt

A couple of questions have had answers suggesting making use of mod_auth_tkt to allow Plone 4 (Plone and Asp.Net Integration, Use Plone's authentication mechanism to login to other sites.) to ...
Auspex's user avatar
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Only site administrators should be able to set default display view of folders on Plone 4.3

All logged-in members of my plone site have the permission to edit, create and publish content. Unfortunately, they are also able to change the default display view of a folder. This leads to a lot of ...
nachtigall's user avatar
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How do I add extra fields (custom captcha) to the registration form in Plone 4.1

I am trying to add a custom captcha to the registration form for my Plone site. I recently upgraded from 3.1.x to 4.1.3 and this broke my existing customizations to the join_form template and ...
lambacck's user avatar
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Plone 4: changing the login name on the @@personal-information form

I have created a custom form to add fields to the @@personal-information form. I found that the login name can be changed by using set_own_login_name() which is provided by Products.CMFPlone.utils In ...
Stephen Moran's user avatar
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Custom font doesn't work in IE8 in Zope/Plone

I'm making a Web Portal using Zope/Plone4 CMS. Well, I used @font-face to declare the typography for headings. The code and font are from Font-squirrel. I made the website in local machine (without ...
Arkana's user avatar
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When I shutdown the Zope server it shows an AttributeError

I am using Plone 4.3.3 for creating my Plone site but when I shut-down the server it shows the following error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Plone/zinstance/parts/instance/bin/...
snipersnack's user avatar
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Failed Plone 4.1.4 install: lxml build failed: libxml2:

Expected Outcome: Successful installtion of Plone 4.1.4 Actual Outcome: Installation fails with: libxml2: cmmi failed: Stack: Ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04.4 LT (Lucid) Apache 2.2.14 Plone-4.1.4-...
flyingPython's user avatar
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Webfont not working in Internet Explorer

I'm using a webfont which is hosted by It renders normally in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, but not in any version of Internet Explorer. Even IE10 is not rendering it. The project runs with ...
jurihandl's user avatar
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How can I add a Dexterity content type as the default view?

I'm trying to set a folder default view as a Dexterity content type that I created. But I see that Dexterity content types aren't in the list of possible default content views for folders. Why? Is ...
Daniel Hernández's user avatar
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Plone 4.2.4 shows incorrect local time/3.5 hours ahead

A fresh plone 4.2.4 install (Unified installer for Linux) writes wrong time for all Plone/Zope events. My timezone is set to Asia/Jerusalem and the time is set to "local PC time". Plone is ahead of ...
Michael  P's user avatar
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Plone bin/instance start and bin/instance restart fail sometimes

Sometimes it looks like bin/instance start fails for a Plone site. Symptoms The site has been running for a while without maintenance One runs buildout: bin/buildout One tries to restart the site ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Customize Plone search

I'm using Plone 4.3 in a little intranet and the search fiel makes me feel annoying. Live search works fine but when you push enter, the search shows different results. The results can be obtained by ...
Antonio Salgado's user avatar
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According to german BSI, Plone does not use secure cookies OOTB. How do I change that?

The BSI has published a Security Analysis of various CMS Systems. Plone was quite successful, but got negative points for OOTB security functionality. Namely, no HTTPS by default and no secure ...
do3cc's user avatar
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How to restrict image file extension on Plone?

I have a Plone application in which I can upload images, which are ATImages. I want to validate the extension file (mainly to forbid pdf files). There are created with a url call like http://blablba....
Pixou's user avatar
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Master slave widget for PloneFormGen

Does there exist anything akin "Master Slave Widget" for PloneFormGen? Where the user choices first choice A which would generate the list of choices for choice B (below) to select?
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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TinyMCE-dialogs of Plone site are not translated

The main issue is a dialog for links: for external links the target dialog is empty. But the issue itself seems to be that this dialog and also other dialogs of TinyMCE and the control panel for ...
Katja Süss's user avatar
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Plone 4 dexterity viewform - add css Class to widget in fieldset X

I have a dexterity based content type with different edit views and fieldsets defined in the schema. Whenever I want to update a widget/field in another than the first fieldset, it gets crumpy. For ...
user avatar
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ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass zc.relation.interfaces.ICatalog>, '') with Dexterity references

The following is a snippet from a dexterity content type which I'm working on. There are two content types, Programmes and Projects. It should be possible to associate a Project with a Programme (I've ...
David Bain's user avatar
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Plone Workflow: How to check for multiple attributes of an object?

In our project we would like to have a workflow which checks whether all three signatures (implemented through booleans) have been added to an object of type "Project" before it continues to the next ...
MarkZ's user avatar
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Bad interaction between Zope2 XML-RPC and AT Image mutator?

I am creating a demo for mr.migrator and have run in to an annoying problem, showcased here: # create image proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url) # reset data = open('screenshot.png').read() try: ...
aclark's user avatar
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How to create a Plone 4 group who's sole purpose is to manage users?

I'm trying to set up a Plone group (Plone 4.0.7) that will be responsible purely for creating and amending users. I don't want them to have full admin access to the site, purely to the Users and ...
TonyR's user avatar
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Hints for title line breaks in Plone

Does HTML support any kind of hinting for (title) line-breaks? The problem is that often page titles or navigational titles have funny line breaking, as they happen to break wherever the current HTML ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
2 votes
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Navigation portlet: all childen always expanded

How can I make the navigation portlet show children even for unselected folders? I mean initial tree state is fully expanded (at least for one level, ie: direct children). I'm looking at ...
Davi Lima's user avatar
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External Methods for Plone/Zope

I have two instances of Plone running on a server - their locations are /usr/local/Plone/Inst1 and /usr/local/Plone/Inst2. I'm trying to setup external methods, but am having a difficult time ...
lightningmanic's user avatar
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"Unhandled exception in thread started by Error in sys.excepthook" during relstorage zodb pack

We have a reasonably large Plone instance running on its own mount point. The ZMI interface lists the size of the database as 7101.4M. We run a weekly pack of the database using the Relstorage ...
scarba05's user avatar
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How can I invert a criterion in a collection?

Honestly I don't know how this could be done (if it's possible). I'm not seeking for a development solution, i'm seeking for a solution with a plone ootb (or a plugin). For ex. is it possible to add ...
Giacomo Spettoli's user avatar
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How to inject template code in Plone?

My goal is to inject some HTML-Code in front of every Plone article (between the page's header and the first paragraph)? I'm running Plone 4. Does anyone have a hint on how to realize that? The other ...
ctp's user avatar
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Plone 4.2 - how can I change the logo in a diazo theme?

I have just installed a theme in Plone called beyondskins.responsive. Now I want to change the logo so that it uses the logo for my site and not the default Plone logo. I've spent an hour googling ...
tadasajon's user avatar
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IE7 and TinyMCE with Plone

In an out of the box Plone 4.1.4 (4113) on a windows server, some clientside problems occur on IE7 (I know...). Going to the main site: no problem logging in: IE raises a runtime error: Line 505: ...
Speediro's user avatar
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Logger does on work in RestrictedPython script in Plone

How to print in a .cpy file (python) ? I'm using Zope/Plone and I've just started with Python. I've tried this import logging logger = logging.getLogger()"hello plone") But it doesn't ...
user1499220's user avatar
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How to set `secure` and `httpOnly` for Plones `__ac` cookie?

I have Plone 4.3.2 (Zope 2.13.21) installed. As mentioned in the documentation ( cookies should be secure and httpOnly with Zope 2.12 or higher. ...
mara's user avatar
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Obtaining the "default" mockup TinyMCE configuration on Plone 5

I'm trying to configure TinyMCE inside Plone 5 template (so: not the z3c.form widget type). Using the TinyMCE Mockup patter you quickly learn how to display a rudimentary TinyMCE configuration (...
keul's user avatar
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How do I prevent values of custom registry entries to be overwritten on reinstall of my package?

My package introduces registry entries. Changes by site administrator should not be overwritten on reinstall of the package. Many ways to Rome. I chose ftw.upgrade. I like the declarative way of the ...
Katja Süss's user avatar
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Where is the main space used up in Plone file upload?

In plone I have uploaded only 800 GB of data (mainly pdfs), it has occupied already 2 TB of hard disk space. Where exactly is the space being used up? I am using collective.documentviewer with its ...
user956424's user avatar
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How to correctly set Documentroot in Apache serving Plone

I have a Plone site called located at /var/www/Plone (I think). I have the following settings for the site located in sites-available for vhosts (excerpt): <VirtualHost
wiedhas's user avatar
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How to override template “”?

This question is a reformulation of this question which had evolved in a confusing way. Please refer to this question if you search some in depth details or are interested in workarounds and ...
wolfrevo's user avatar
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Customise file_view to view pdfs in the browser

I am still running Plone 3.0.6 for our Intranet. I have tried to upgrade to current version, but always come up against a road block. I'll have another go at that later when I have more time. For ...
Random Guy on the Internet's user avatar