Questions tagged [polygon]

For issues relating to the creation, manipulation and rendering of polygons in graphical user interfaces.

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matterjs physics not behaving correctly

In my game, I have a scenario where (simple) polygons are created dynamically in parts from vertices. However, I am facing what appears to be a bug with the physics between these Polygons. Take the ...
Calcue's user avatar
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Trouble Creating Dynamic Polygons with JavaScript and CSS

I'm trying to create a polygon shape dynamically using JavaScript and CSS. I have a function that takes coordinates (x, y), radius, number of sides, and color. The function calculates the coordinates ...
Dinesh Basnet's user avatar
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Is there a convexhull / concavehull function in PyTorch?

I want to create a function for generating polygons for model training. I plan to use this as a regularizer, possibly using the polygon area as a penalty, along with the number of coordinates, etc. I ...
jaychung0302's user avatar
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Converting Here API WKTShapeType Multipolygon To GeoJSON?

I have access to a data source that looks like: "Shape": { "_type": "WKTShapeType", "Value": "MULTIPOLYGON (((-128.9102 50.82492, -128.90881 50.82422,...
Lloyd Banks's user avatar
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How do I implement a curved trapezoid navbar?

I want to implement this component in my project and I couldn't find too many good approaches to do this. I tried clip path and got a sharp edged trapezoid. I then attempted to make it happen using ...
Shaun Serrao's user avatar
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I need to detect which Polygon the marker in using flutter_map

I'm using flutter_map and Polygon to draw areas on the map i can detect if the marker in Polygon but I need to know which Polygon the marker in like area name when I start move the marker I'm using ...
Hamada Raouf's user avatar
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Complex polygon in ArcGIS Pro: Included "kitty-corners" and exclude floating polygons

I am working with a very large dataset, so I want to create automated processes where little to no manual work is required. The photos below are examples of what the datasets look like visually. ...
sci_girl's user avatar
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Issue with Safe Indexation on Arianee Supernet: Stuck at "Indexation" Stage

Background: This issue is a continuation of the discussion from Issue #124. Problem: I am encountering an issue with the indexation process of Safe on the Arianee Supernet. Despite following the ...
Stefdelec's user avatar
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Check if point is in convex polygon

I'm trying to check if point x, y is inside of polygon poly = {x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3 ...} But something goes wrong: local function pointInConvexPolygon(x, y, poly) -- poly as {x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, .....
darkfrei's user avatar
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Counting the number of polygons containing origin in 2D

Suppose we have n points in 2D space in convex position. There are precisely choose(n, k) different convex k-gons (non-degenerate). Is there any existing algorithm that runs in O(n log n) time (for a ...
Neremintos's user avatar
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How to dynamically set gas price for faster transactions on Polygon using ethers.js or viem?

I am working on a project that involves interacting with the Polygon chain using ethers.js. I am facing challenges with slow transaction processing and would like to implement a solution to ...
Rakesh Pradhan's user avatar
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Check if a line goes through a polygon in any way

I am making a program that find a path between 2 points on an image (soon to be frame of a video). What I have done is that I use Polygon objects to identify obstacles between the path, and with this ...
highjeans 's user avatar
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Simulating older 3D games per-polygon clipping in Unity?

I'm trying to emulate older 3D games that did per-polygon clipping. Using degenerate triangles, it works except when looking away with the camera. Here's an animated GIF, a sphere with that material ...
Eric Cartman's user avatar
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How to fix ERC20 token approve problem using web3js in polygon mainnet?

There is my own ERC20 token called XFI in several chains - Sepolia, Polygon mumbai and Polygon mainnet. And to transfer XFI to vault contract, user should be approve XFI first by using "Add XFI&...
Daniel Vidal's user avatar
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Converting Matplotlib's filled contour plot (contourf_plot) to GeoJSON

I am working on a project where I have successfully generated filled contour plots using plt.contourf in Matplotlib in a Google Colab environment. Now, I am attempting to convert these filled contour ...
John Smith's user avatar
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How to avoid polygons getting "filled" while using rasterio and geopandas

I have a numpy array that's filled with 0's and 1's. I'm trying to convert the cells filled with 1's into polygons. To do this I'm using rasterio, shapely and geopandas. def flooded_to_shapefile(array,...
stray_dog's user avatar
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4 answers

Remove slivers and gaps in polgons (PostGIS, R QGIS)

I have a large polygon dataset, with slivers between almost all polygons. I've tried buffering (and negative buffering) to expand each feature, but this results in both slight overlaps and also ...
threeisles's user avatar
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Leaflet draw polygon is rendering/drawn wrongly shifting bit away from selected position in Angular 17 with ssr enabled

We are using angular 17 and we have used leaflet and leaflet draw JavaScript plugin to plot the map and want to draw polygons, rectangle over it and get the boundary co-ordinates of the same. But when ...
Yogesh Shankar Naik's user avatar
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SVG polygon working on desktop but not mobile

I'm overlaying two polygons and distorting using filters, hooked to a "generate" button. Works great on desktop. No SVG shows on mobile (Chrome & Safari). Not sure what the issue is. ...
Ian's user avatar
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how to calculate the bounding box of an arc?

I have an arc with three known points B(Xb,Yb), C(Xc,Yc), and D(Xd,Yd).B and C are the two endpoints of the arc, and D is a random control point on the arc. Now I need to get the minimum bounding box ...
Zpg's user avatar
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OpenLayers 8.2, displaying a polygon or Geojson from WFS response (GML2)?

How can I render/display Polygon (from clicked WFS GML response)? I tried and tested many ways, including converting it to the Geojson. However, the Geojson has the coordinates in XYZ format, which I ...
ravindraji4's user avatar
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Find a concave hull of an array of integer points on a grid

I have arrays of thousands of points on an integer grid. I'm looking for a fast way of finding a concave hull for the points. Points are adjacent if they are 1 unit away in any cardinal direction. I ...
Josh Kidd's user avatar
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Is the Convex hull of a simple polygon, and the convex hull of the vertices on a Euclidian plane (that make up the simple polygon), the same set?

This seems pretty intuitive and obvious but I am unable to find explicit evidence. Consider a simple polygon (no holes, no intersecting edges) on a plane. Its convex hull is set A. Consider just the ...
DandiestOwl's user avatar
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Python World States Plotly Choropleth Map

After longer than I probably should have waited it's time to ask some experts. I am working with the following data set I have downloaded the world polygons as a .gpkg file ...
Risky_Business's user avatar
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Honeycomb structure or Polygon with react [duplicate]

I'm working on a project, and I have n numbers of array also I've created a polygon with CSS & I'm rendering the array over polygon but the problem is I'm not getting any desirable results. can ...
Kam125's user avatar
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How to show 3d polygon from three-dimensional coordinates array with javascript

I have JSON data like this. I have to show a 3d polygon with js exactly like the example. Can't change anything in the data. Need to fix it functionally. Have more similar data. // 2 features data { ...
Mohsin Uddin Abir's user avatar
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Fluttermap: Is there any way to make a polygon fill as an image?

I'm new to flutter. I want to make a mobile application where flags of countries will be shown as polygons. That is, the boundaries of the polygons will be the boundaries of countries, and the country ...
ReaLBERG's user avatar
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Compute Voronoi nodes of a polygon with CGAL

I have a polygon P given as a set of points, and I need to compute the radius of the largest inscribed circle. To do that, I am following the answer given by the user "Plow" here: https://...
cnewbie's user avatar
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Detecting unique Rooms (polygons) for a lista o Walls (lines) in Javascript

I have a script in javascript done to create points (Vertexes) and Walls (lines, connecting those vertexes). My next implementation now requires me to that that array of Walls and find the unique ...
SammuelMiranda's user avatar
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Feature to polygon does not retain field from polyline

Hello I am new with Arcpy. I have a polyline feature class and I used Feature to polygon for making polygon feature class.It works but it does not retain all fields from the polyline feature class. As ...
ITE's user avatar
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Filling irregular polygon with given number of rectangle

I have an irregular shape polygon in which I want to fit 'n' number of rectangle with known area of all the rectangle. The area of rectangle are not same. The other constraints is that sum of area of ...
NP2P's user avatar
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Problem creating dynamic Alpha Hull for multiple groups

how are you? I would like your help, please, to create alpha polygons in R for different groups. I would like these polygons to be separated by my "species" column. I understand that the ...
Álvaro Scuack's user avatar
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Personalization of superset geojson javavscript data interceptor

I try to reproduce the example provided by superset on path in the geojson graph but without success. The example works fine after modifying but the colors are not displayed ...
amelie's user avatar
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Extract polygon inside linestrings SQL Server spatial

I have thousands of SQL Server geography linestrings which draw boundaries of counties. Since the don't form polygons, I cannot use a T-SQL query with STContains(@point). How can I extract a polygon ...
Selo FR's user avatar
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How to extract values from a multipolygon that are inside another polygon

I have a shapefile with many (quadratic) polygons with values in them. shape class : SpatVector geometry : polygons dimensions : 3582951, 5 (geometries, attributes) extent : ...
Mike's user avatar
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Issue with merging polygons in R - Heavy Geojson file

I have a pretty heavy geojson file extracted from coral allen atlas. This file is composef of a multitude of polygons with an assign class. I am currently facing an issue while merging polygons of the ...
seb33's user avatar
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Comparing NDVI values inside polygons

I generated three NDVI images from Landsat5 imagery. Now I would like to see if the NDVI values (mean) are different inside three different areas in each image. If you check the image in the link you ...
Fabio Giacomelli's user avatar
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R filling in a matrix with values from spatial data

I have a matrix in R called “habitat” with latitude as the rownames and longitude as the column names. The cells are filled with NA right now. My end goal is to have the whole matrix filled with ...
E Norton's user avatar
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Generating a grid of coordinates inside a polygon, each 1km apart

Given a polygon in JSON, I want to obtain a square grid of coordinates inside a polygon, each 1km apart. Here is a function that I've written, it's generating coordinates but in some situations I get ...
Sameh H's user avatar
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How geolocalisate a new image with a polygon (json file)

l got an sentinel-1 image from Copernicus l downloaded it as TIFF. l did a python code to detect water so now l have a new plot. l would like this plot gets the same coordinate than the image to do so ...
jeremy's user avatar
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Split Single polygon into mulitple polygon geopandas

I have a shapefile I'm converting to a wkt to join with some other data. Unfortunately, some of the polygon field values are too long for excels's string limit (30,000). How do I split a polygon ...
Ponle's user avatar
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Smoothing of a polygon

I was wondering whether anyone could help me with what I was doing wrong in this code? I am very new to coding so simple solutions using the same logical coding would be greatly appreciated. The first ...
Astyanax's user avatar
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How to check if a point is inside a square using bivrp::is_point_inside

I am trying bivrp::is_point_inside to check if a point is inside a square, but no matter what I try, I always get FALSE, even in the most obvious cases... What am I doing wrong?? My code: polyg=data....
DaniCee's user avatar
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Shapely area of self-intersecting polygon

I am trying to calculate area between two curves. One is diagonal straight line and the other is arbitrary curve. The curves intersect so I cannot just take an area under one curve and subtract the ...
Liisjak's user avatar
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remove slivers, duplicate vertices in FME

Hello I am looking to implement these rules within my data: eliminating: polygons less than 1m2 polygons less than 1m in width duplicate vertices less than 1m apart any help is appreciated. thanks, ...
Curtisd54's user avatar
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How to curve a custom polygon element with a clip-path property?

I have a problem implementing a button with **CSS **and the concept of this button is like the picture below. I found that the better solution can be **polygon **and clip-path property, but it is true ...
Ali Katiraei's user avatar
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Problems installing python's library Polygon3 on MacBooks

I have python version 3.11 and a MacBook M2 chip, and I'm having trouble installing Polygon in pycharm. pip install Polygon3 -i There's been an error. ...
唐楚江's user avatar
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How to make sure generated random boundingboxes within another boundingbox are not overlapping?

I have a boundingbox a = [233.9259, 16.3902, 356.8651, 426.9131] import shapely.geometry bbox = (233.9259, 16.3902, 356.8651, 426.9131) polygon =*bbox, ccw=True) polygon....
S.EB's user avatar
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Calculate Overlap Area of 2 Polygons in React

I'm working on a tool where users can mark a specific area on an image based on a question and then evaluate if the marked area is correct. The user is prompted to draw a polygon on the image by ...
Milan's user avatar
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maximal and minimal raster mask using polygons

I have a raster and a polygon, and I want to make two masks: maximal raster: every cell inside the polygon, including all the cells that the polygon boundary touches minimal raster: every cell inside ...
we need a Mat. Stat.'s user avatar