Questions tagged [pow]

pow is a function that exists in various programming languages that usually takes two numbers as input and returns the first number to the power of the second number. DO NOT USE THIS TAG for questions relating to the Rack server, use [rack-pow] instead.

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AVX512 log2 or pow instructions

I need a AVX512 double pow(double, int n) function (I need it for a binomial distribution calculation which needs to be exact). In particular I would like this for Knights Landing which has AVX512ER. ...
Z boson's user avatar
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pow() returning wrong result under specific conditions (and an unexpected fix) - Why is all this?

I have been creating a short program for implementing Sieve of Eratosthenes. In he program, I have used int startingPoint which held the value of the current prime number, which had it's ...
MrLumie's user avatar
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3 answers

Three argument pow for arrays

pow accepts a third argument for modulo pow(x, y, z) that is more efficient computation than x ** y % z. How can you do that with arrays? What I've tried: >>> import numpy as np >>> ...
no step on snek's user avatar
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Python - pow(-1, 0.5) returns non-zero real part

Python's builtin pow function pow(-1, 0.5) and exponentitaion function (-1)**0.5 return non-zero real value as 6.123233995736766e-17. Why is the real part of the complex number not absolute zero?
Preetkaran Singh's user avatar
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Tensorflow 2 gradient gives nan results for pow

The following simplified code outputs nan for derivatives when x=0. I'm running tensorflow 2.0.0. import tensorflow as tf x = tf.Variable([[-1.0], [0.0], [1.0]]) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=...
wopkins's user avatar
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Using Pow in C++ MinGW. Works hard coded but not with variables

This is hopefully a simple linker issue but I've spent hours searching and haven't moved forward in that time. I'm trying to use #include <cmath> double aA = 2; double result = pow((double)...
Steve B's user avatar
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Is precision of pow in C dependent on scale of parameters?

Legacy code I am to maintain has a function with a variable x of type double. This variable contains a position measured in meters. It is expected to hold a value in the mm range, let's say 0.0001 <...
slingeraap's user avatar
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RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in power

I'm trying to do this calculation: import numpy as np res = (vol).dot(dose[:, np.newaxis]**(1/n))**n where: n = np.linspace(0.01, 0.50, 50) and vol is a numpy array with x-number of values ...
Denver Dang's user avatar
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Pow 0.5.0 install error on El Capitan

I've been trying to install Pow 0.5.0 on my fresh installation of El Capitan. I'm using their direct install script. I get the following error: ~ $ sudo curl | sh % Total % Received % ...
Siddharth Arun's user avatar
2 votes
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how to exponentiate a number in Long format in Kotlin?

var count = 20L I need to raise the number to a power, but how to do it? this.pow() does not accept Long
chippa99's user avatar
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How to use pow() in Objective-C?

I have this solution, in nineteen languages. I needs a pow() function (or operator) to calc from increase to interest rate and from interest rate to increase. The only language I can't calc it is in ...
Ricardo Erick Rebêlo's user avatar
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Elixir / Pow Auth / ETS Cache - test raises error even if function works perfect

I created custom reset_password controller which works well during manual testing. Then I decided to write tests. Then problems started to appear. I read that I should mock cache and according to ...
Mateusz Babski's user avatar
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How to derive power function for real number base and exponent in C

I am trying to implement fixed point C code for power function i.e. without using math.h library For example % base = linspace(-10,10,4) % exp = linspace(-5,5,4) I want to implement fixed point power()...
Coder's user avatar
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FAST get 10 to the power n(10^n) in C/C++

I want to calculate 10(yes only 10) to the power n[0..308] fast. i came up with some methods. 1) double f(int n) { return pow(10.0, n); } double f1(int n) { double a = 10.0; double res = 1.0; ...
DexterDong's user avatar
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How to show numbers in cout without the "e" notation?

I tried to print a 'power table' of numbers without having them displayed using the "e" format but I can't figure out what's wrong. Here's my program: #include <iostream> #include <...
winter73's user avatar
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Why is there a great difference in run times of pow() and ** while taking modulus in python?

import time start_time = time.time() c = (2**100000000) % 1000000007 end_time = time.time() print(end_time - start_time) start_time = time.time() c = pow(2, 100000000, 1000000007) end_time = time....
Siddharth Rai's user avatar
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BigInteger exponentiation with negative number fails

I want to make numbers with negative exponents, how do I make them in Java? This is the formula I want to create in Java using BigInteger: ( k^-1 * (m + x*r) ) mod q. I made it like this: int expo = -...
adhiskara's user avatar
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Python's pow() function and fast exponentiation gives different answers

I am getting different answers for below two implementations in C and python. In Python print(pow(15, 47413144071, 94826288143)) Prints 1 But in C #include<stdio.h> unsigned long Power(unsigned ...
Shashank's user avatar
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RSA algorithm fails for some strings

Exercise 11.7 from Chapter 11 of Think Python, by Allen B. Downey, prompts the following: Exponentiation of large integers is the basis of common algorithms for public-key encryption. Read the ...
nsmedira's user avatar
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Optimal size of std::map

I am using std::map key is 2 double pair and value as one double value. I am using it to cache power values. My question is at what size of map (cache) I can say like searching/insertion will take ...
Himanshu Saxena's user avatar
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PHP wrong result with pow(11, 23)

I have a problem with pow(11, 23). The PHP result is 895430243255237361008640. According to this german encrypt tutorial (page 5)
ABSimon's user avatar
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why can't I verify a `pow` function in a `while` loop?

I've been trying to solve this for an hour now and it is very frustrating, I cannot understand why the next loop just doesn't verify itself while(p>1) { p--; if (pow(n, contor) == p) { ...
jaketherazvy's user avatar
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Computing powers in 64-bit assembly

I know that in 32-bit assembly, one can compute a power (the equivalent of pow(double, double) in C) using a combination of the x87 instructions FYL2X, F2XM1 and FSCALE. In 64-bit assembly, however, ...
DarkAtom's user avatar
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Math modified pow function for fractional exponents and negative bases

I've noticed that calculators and graphing programs like Desmos or Geogebra or Google (google search x^(1/3)) must have modified version the Math.pow() function that allows them to plot some negative ...
C9C's user avatar
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Power of elements in list

i have this example code: n = 11698030645065745910098695770921 e = 9569991810443215702618212520777 d = 7874909554574080825236064017913 m = 104228568138 m = int(m) e = int(e) n = int(n) def ...
Brian's user avatar
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how verifies the nonce produced by ethash through contract && add new opcode in EVM

I want to verify the pow of memory of one computer, then I use the ethash algorithm that used by ethereum to do the work. The problem is that the cache and dataset in the algorithm is too large for ...
Sanghai's user avatar
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Python 3 pow() / ** timing out

I'm undertaking a problem from Project Euler (#188) and I've run into a wall. The problem's specification is as follows: My solution in python is as follows: Q = input() List1 = [] List2 = [] ...
Jason_V's user avatar
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Someone know how to prove the result 'a^b % m = (...((a % m) * a) % m) ......* a) % m' from mathematical view?

Recently, I coded to realized RSA algorithm, I was confused by MOD-POWER problem, I couldn't why the equation is true, I can't give the proof of this equation: 'a^b % m = (...((a % m) * a) % m) ........
gann yee's user avatar
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pow() function in c produces truncation(or rounded) error?

Hi all:I am using pow() function in to calulate powers of primes.But some outputs don't show as expected. For example,when I feed 200 as input,I wish to print out all primes and their powers that do ...
vagrantlike's user avatar
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Primality Testing in Java

So I'm doing some primality testing, using Fermat's test, and also a method I call Precise, which takes way too long for large integers, but is a solid reference point to wether my Fermat method is ...
jimkokko5's user avatar
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Handling exponent when converting Excel formula to JS

I've got this Excel formula: (Assets*(1+Interest)^(CURRENT{age}+1‐Enrollment{age}))+(Salary*Employee{contribution}+Employer{contribution}))*((1+Interest)^(CURRENT{age}+1‐Enrollment{age})‐(1+Inflation)...
Keith Pickering's user avatar
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exponent pow function returns wrong ASCII total

I am doing a function that turns a string into a number encoded as base 31. For example, "cat" => 'c' * 31^(3-1) + 'a' * 31^(3-2) + 't' = 67510 My code prints out as follows: Enter text to ...
narue1992's user avatar
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Pow server suddenly stopped working

As the title says, Pow just stopped working today. I simply get "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to" when visiting the or IP address directly. curl: (7) couldn't connect to host ...
mike's user avatar
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Handling undefined, NaN or Inf Values in glsl. Thinking of matherrors

I still didn't get rid of some annoying bugs in my glsl shader (GL 2.0)... I searched for a solution of this problem for over 3 weeks now, but I didn't get any. There are many examples and ...
TheWhiteLlama's user avatar
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Why am I getting unexpected output when using floor with pow?

So, I ran this code on my code blocks: #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int a; a=pow(10,9); cout<<a<<endl; a=ceil(pow(10,9))...
kik20's user avatar
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Calculating power function in logn time and constant space

This question I encountered while giving the interview. Lets say I wanted to calculate power(x, n) which is x^n. The best algorithm I know is calculating pow(x, n) in O(logn) time but that is a ...
rajgaut's user avatar
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What if we Initializing variable with 'double' instead of 'integer' while using pow() function as equation in c++?

I have been trying to solve a basic Armstrong problem in C++ using the pow() function. I'm encountering unexpected behavior while implementing a solution to compute Armstrong numbers in C++ using the ...
Adityan Verma's user avatar
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Getting "ValueError: math domain error" in math.pow()

I'm getting ValueError: math domain error while running code like the one below (I simplified it): import math def f(x): return math.pow(x, -4) for i in range(10): print(f(i)) Also, I ...
Rumata_VII's user avatar
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MSE giving negative results in High-Level Synthesis

I am trying to calculate the Mean Squared Error in Vitis HLS. I am using hls::pow(...,2) and divide by n, but all I receive is a negative value for example -0.004. This does not make sense to me. ...
Nah's user avatar
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power function is giving wrong output in C++

#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int binary_conversion(int e,int w,int q,int n,int i) { while(abs(w)>=1){//abs(e) to ensure that for negative numbers if(abs(...
Sarala .D's user avatar
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What is the reverse of PHP function POW('base','exponent')?

I have gone through number of searches to find the solution to fine exponent or power of a value if we have base value and final value. Community helped each other a lot but didn't gave an answer ...
Shailender Ahuja's user avatar
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How can used x^y instead of pow(x,y) in code in android studio?

For parametric programming, I need to use (for example : (x^3 + y^2)^(x + y) )instead of (pow(x,3) + pow (y,2) ,... in coding in Android Studio. Can anyone make a suggestion for this?
saeedbayat's user avatar
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Discrepancy in Squaring a number stored in double format

I am trying to square a number x but there seems to be some discrepancy in precision while squaring it using Math.pow() and squaring it using multiplication. public class MyClass { public static ...
user91398's user avatar
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incrrect result in pow and gcd function in c++

this is my code for RSA cryptosystem but I have an error with using the pow function that git an error solution c = pow(m,e)%n; and for gcd (greatest common divisor) I'm using #include numeric and ...
PRO man's user avatar
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Representation of a pow function in the form of a loop

Hello I need help solving this task, if anyone had a similar problem it would help me a lot. I made a program that calculates the nth root of a number. Here's code: #include <stdio.h> #include &...
PC Safe's user avatar
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I have an issue calling pow function (c standard function ) from assembly

my code looks like so : extern pow global main section .text main : sub rsp , 8 movss xmm0 , [_1.2] movss xmm1 , [_2.3] call pow mov [result ] , rax add rsp , 8 ret section .data _1.2 : dq ...
Νίκος Αντωνετσής's user avatar
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invalid operands to binary + c programming

Hi I'm finding a sum of polynomial in c, without massive, and i have this error that says " invalid operands to binary+(have 'float()(int, int, int)' and 'float()(int, int, int)'" here is ...
learner's user avatar
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Errors on login with paypal with pow assent

I have trouble using the paypal api with my test app I am using pow_assent and using my own strategy... it sends me to the paypal page and everything works great until im redirected back to my site, ...
user15690889's user avatar
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habit of pow(a, b) function in c++ (IDE Visual Studio 2019)

please, if somebody can explain. I have some questions about habit of pow(a, b) function in c++ (IDE Visual Studio 2019). During exercises I found strange habit of x++ and ++x in library function pow(...
Violeta Apkhazava's user avatar
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pow() operator vs extended euclidan algorithm

I'm constructing a library that generates public keys and private keys for RSA encrypting. I got two big primes, p, q, that is 1024 bits. I want to compute the inverse of the public key e = 2**16 + 1 ...
Oskar's user avatar
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