Questions tagged [programmers-notepad]

Programmer's Notepad is a Windows text editor designed for coders, supporting projects and extensibility through plug-ins and scripts (e.g. Python).

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1 answer

Karatsuba Algorithm Overflow

I've been studying Karatsuba's algorithm on Wikipedia and I stopped at this section that confused me ..Why is there an overflow in this algorithm , I don't understand the steps he made to resolve ...
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0 answers

How I solve this no main manifest attribute, in 2-Variable.jar error in my kotlin program

enter image description here fun main(args: Array<String>) { var name="Sujoy" name="Sujoy Maity" print(name) } When I save this code as 2-Variable.kt and run this code in ...
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0 answers

Finding a Structured Way to Learn Dynamic Programming

I started to learn dynamic programming... but was stuck on how to structrally learn ... I want to effective learning process with in a month I want to learn the dp with practice how I start and what ...
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1 answer

Notepad++ how to add some characters after some commas occurrence?

I have a long insert data sequences text like : INSERT INTO table (field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, field, ...
-2 votes
1 answer

how to add unlimited array or vector without using List? on c# because they Closed my question i am asking again

want to create an add method to add movies without any limitation however I don't want to use List and what i have used in this code is that i have used array and vector but it is limited i don't want ...
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0 answers

I am encountering an error E0003 which says that the #include file includes itself

Everything was going perfect with the header file but the moment I updated visual studio it started giving me and error the moment I write #include "std_lib_facilities.h" The error pops up ...
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2 answers

How to replace text & number and add a other specific text & number in notepad++

I want to edit a file using Notepad++, in such a way that I can replace a line containing a specific word, For example : edit 792 set name "XXXXX" set action accept next edit 957 set ...
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2 answers

How to create a table with data with a formula? (Python) [closed]

I'm learning Python by myself and I was doing an experiment, where I want to create two columns of data (column A and column B). However, my experiment needs calculated data. My goal is to create a ...
-3 votes
2 answers

Years display in Python from a age and print every year since birth [closed]

I want to create a code in Python that asks the user for their age and displays on the screen every year since birth, separated by commas. Using for. Like this example: How old are you?: 37 1985, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Backend and Frontend Developers. What are they?

What do back end developers specifically do? How important are they in the process of developing an app? What about the frontend developers? What do they specifically do? What do they also do?
1 vote
1 answer

The argument 'path' must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes. Received

ive been trying to run an old project of mine and i have this error massage in the console that says: The argument 'path' must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes. Received this is a react ...
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1 answer

Trying to resolve problem in pandas-python

I have one question. I have point cloud data, and now I have to read and plot the points. If anyone can help me, I would be very thankful. I am using python(pandas, matplotlib,...), and I got all ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to replace a particular character after '=' sign in all the rows in notepad++

My file content is as below abcd-12=jksjd-jkkj xyzm-87=hjahf-tyewg-iuoiurew zaqw-99=poiuy-12hd-jh-12-kjhk-4rt45 I want to replace the hypen with underscore sign after the '=' i.e on the R.H.S of the ...
32 votes
6 answers

How to connect IntelliJ with local MySQL?

I have been struggling to learn how the localhost MySQL and IntelliJ to connect and program a database related task. Is that Possible? If yes, how to achieve it?
-1 votes
1 answer

How to break line after every 10 words in notepad++

I've a list of username and gmails and i want to break the line at after every 5 or 10 words Please Help me this can save my hours
-2 votes
1 answer

How to filter with console.log JSON?

I need to filter in the console.log the data that I get from the json that I show in the image. How could I do it? Code This is my .JSON [ { "category": "FORMULARIOS", "items": [ { ...
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1 answer

Find the remaining elements in a matrix

Problem statement You’re given a multi-layered rack in the form of a matrix with m rows and n columns. Each cell is occupied either by a red pill (marked by r), a blue pill (marked by b) or a germ (...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can i use signed division

Hello, I would like to know how can i divide signed number (1001/0011) =(-7/3) , without convert to two's complement thank you.
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2 answers

How to remove specific characters in notepad++ with regex?

This is data present in my .txt file +919000009998 SMS +919888888888 +919000009998 MMS +91988 88888 88 +919000009998 MMS abcd google +919000009998 MMS amazon I want to convert ...
-1 votes
2 answers

PHP bug fixing - condition not working properly

In the PHP code when put $result variable more than 100. Then output should be "Your result is invalid". But it's showing "You have passed". Why? Can anybody help me please? Check code here - https://...
-3 votes
1 answer

How do i replace something but also keep it? Notepad++

Document1:Document2 Document3:Document4 Document5:Document6 Document20:Document21 Document22:Document23 Document24:Document25 So, i wanna split from the sixth document so it would look like this, ...
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1 answer

VisualStudio 2015 linker looking for VS 2010 library

I am trying to compile a old VS2010 project in VS2015 with boost.python 1_67_0 from 1_53 and python 35. Getting it compile was not too hard, just a few tweaks to include path and updating a couple of ...
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0 answers

How to pass string value into dialpad

I have one activity and I wanna pass the static value to dialpad the value is *#000#. Here is my onClickListener code : btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override ...
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0 answers

Notepad++ plugin for both 32 bit and 64 bit notepad++

I created one notepad++ plugin in Visual Studio.It is working only with 32-bit of Notepad++. When I am using it with 64 bit notepad++,It shows error that cannot load 32-bit plugin.Can it be fixed by ...
1 vote
1 answer

[Auto Select Text Between two given words in a notepad++]

I have a large text files.I have a given specific keyword [with spaces in between like "ABC DEF G"]. It either occurs in the text file exactly two times or does not occur at all. I want to have a ...
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0 answers

using setsockopt() for config Connections

How we can work with setsockopt and it constants for configure our connection for example: socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,1) what does SOL_SOCKET and SO_BROADCAST in code above?
-1 votes
1 answer

highlighting selected line in active window with some colour c#(notepad++ plugin)

Hi am doing a notepad++ plugin using c# what i need is ,show the active window between the given line number in some color. Lets say i have line number 2 and 8,then it has to highlight the notepad++ ...
-1 votes
2 answers

how to create login with using binary files system

i have used this code but not successes. can u give me solution or can u give me different way of coding it big help to improve my knowledge. public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...
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1 answer

Read lines from a text file in VB.NET

I have a text file format: ******************************************************************************* * Mitecs Test Plan * ***...
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2 answers

How to delete for every EndOfTheLine in notepad ++

My file looks as below Number: 31646322588 , disabled: 2 Number: 31654378842 , disabled: 2 Number: 31624883993 , Number: 31625010988 , disabled: 2 Number: 31640143191 , disabled: 2 Number: ...
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1 answer

I can't see comments in dark scheme for Erlang in Programmers Notepad

I made a dark colour scheme for Erlang in Programmers Notepad (PN). The problem is that comments starting with "%%" are not showing up (presumably because they are black on black). Comments starting ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to code this website?

I'm a Graphic Designer. I was wondering if it's possible for a programmer to code this website or I should redesign this? Because I have doubts about how hard the header and footer are, and I think ...
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3 answers

FindBugs issue for password [duplicate]

try { Class.forName(driver); con = DriverManager.getConnection(url + db, user, pass); PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO menu(menu.menuID,,,...
-2 votes
3 answers

Combine coding with multiple programmers [closed]

As I mentioned in the title, can anyone recommend me a software which is easy to use and higher accuracy to merge program coding mainly Java(Android). For example: 3 Programmers were writing ABC ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Java program loop not working [duplicate]

So I'm trying to get this to loop around after tests but it won't work. package one; import java.util.Scanner; public class ace { public static void main(String[] args){ //initiate game ...
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0 answers

Facebook Page category

I have a page with my own name. And I am a programmer. Now I wanna know what will be the page category of the Facebook page of a programmer? I can't understand? Would anyone please help me? I will be ...
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0 answers

Reading a text file in color

I have a program that posts messages in different colors, eg: GREEN for info, RED for errors, YELLOW for warnings. When I print them into a file, I see the codes for begin_color and end_color printed ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Notepad++ changing written format of text

Hey guys I have a bunch of information on one notepad but its all jumbled up and I was hoping you guys could help me put it together and make it in the form of: a,b,c,d a,b,c,d Where a,b,c,d can be ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Image insertion [duplicate]

Picture Insertion: How to insert a picture into a SQL Server 2005 database by using vb.net2008? I need code with explanation, for example I have a database table where I want to store a picture .. I ...
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1 answer

How to make pretty print in programmer's notepad

In programmer's notepad is my xml code in one line. How can I make pretty print? I made code with python.
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1 answer

NotePad++ Changing Few Number Entries

Here is a simple lists where I like to change the numbers: the entries are as below and it got over 300 entries like it tom112 smith113 harry114 linda115 cindy106 samantha147 It need to be changed ...
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1 answer

I see a character called xDB on notepad++. What character is this?

What is this character All I really need to know is what is this character. I have not seen anything like this before. How do i remove this using data = data.Replace(Chr(???????), "") Is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Using Programmer's Notepad 2 as editor for git

I've seen posts about using notepad++ and other editors for git, but not one about using PN2. I've tried variations on the following, but none of them seem to work: git config --global core.editor "'...
3 votes
1 answer

Haml and Sass for Programmer's Notepad?

Does anyone know where I can find some cool syntax highlighting for Haml and/or Sass for the Programmer's Notepad? Thanks!
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1 answer

Replacing unknown character with same+changes in notepad++

This one is a bit long winded so please bear with me! I've nailed most of the filtering I need to do with a huge (560,000+ lines) hex capture though I can't fix one problem. I need to filter out ...
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1 answer

replace spaces with underscores using regex replace in pnotepad [closed]

In pnotepad it has a regular expression replace feature. What I want to do is replace all spaces inside of POST variables with underscores. For example, lets say I have a post variable named $_POST['...
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2 answers

How to perform Find/FindNext operation in Notepad C# winforms

Please anyone suggest me some ideas regarding how to perform find/findNext operation in notepad program in C#. I want to search for all occurrence of strings in RichTextBox and highlight each ...
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1 answer

making a script so it types something

I am getting started with so keep in mind that I don't know much. I just want a script that could type something where I put my cursor and then I would press a hotkey so that it would start typing. i ...
3 votes
1 answer

Programmer's Notepad not Capturing Make Output?

I've been using Programmer's notepad for a while now, I find it to be an amazingly simple tool and I prefer to use it on projects where I know I don't need most of the standard IDE overhead. However, ...