Questions tagged [purge]

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Discord.js v14 - Delete a channel and recreate it with the same name

Purge Channel Command I want to make a slash command that deletes the channel specified, then recreate it with the same name. Like this. /purgechannel [channel] I don't know how to make this. I have ...
Nolan Petto's user avatar
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How to create a stored procedure that iterates through a table and pass the id to another stored procedure?

I have an enormous orders table that I need to purge having certain city_id's. I created a stored procedure that accepts 1 parameter and deletes 10,000 records at a time and it works well. The city_id'...
Michael Bernardo's user avatar
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How can i clear messages via slash command in Pycord?

Since Pycord is kind of a fork, i thought i could just use ctx.purge(limit=X), but it does'nt work. Can anyone help me? This is my code: @bot.command() async def purge(ctx, amount: int): ...
ZenithGuy's user avatar
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Not showing image and CSS animation after nuxt generate (Nuxt 2.14.6)

I made a banner where the title is work with CSS animation along with static image: .strike { position:relative; } .strike::after { content:' '; position:absolute; top:84%; left:-1%; width:0; ...
1988's user avatar
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How to use purgecss for WordPress with Gulp

I am using Gulp for WordPress and would like to purge my css, but am getting this error when I run gulp: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. Below are my gulpfile.js and package.json files. /...
Ruben's user avatar
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How to handle CouchDB deleted documents with replications

Using v.3.1.1 CouchDB. We are replicating a database to many clients. We are deleting many documents on the server. Is it suggested following be run on some kind of schedule (daily maybe): https://...
obautista's user avatar
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When using purge with slash commands: i can only delete 1 message or i get an error

I can delete one message or else i get this error message in discord: "The application did not respond" Or this error message in the console: "discord.app_commands.errors....
Kyren's user avatar
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How to integrate Akamai FastPurgeAPI into AEM using Java code?

I am trying to integrate FastPurge API into my AEM Event listener. I have read documentation but couldn't follow it. Below, I have attached my listener. public class PublishListener implements ...
Bhavani K's user avatar
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Issue in java code while purging cached url's in Akamai

I'm using java code to purge the cached url's in Akamai. I'm getting 200 response but it's actually not purging the cached url's. where am I going wrong? import; import
SKola's user avatar
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Regex in purge check?

Is it possible to implement a regex check in the check argument of discord.TextChannel.purge? I believe that I have to use lambda or something, but I'm really not sure. Any example would be ...
Fy17's user avatar
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how to remove gcc-13-base while dependecy is unmet?

I had somehow messed up the library function. And there's a dependency chain going on. If I wanna delete gcc-13-base. It says pegasus@pegasus:~$ sudo apt purge gcc-13-base Reading package lists... ...
NobinPegasus's user avatar
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How to purge a queue in ActiveMQ Artemis programmatically using Java?

I am new to using ActiveMQ Artemis, and I am trying to purge one queue programmatically. I have searched through the documentation, and online but have not been able to find anything to help with this....
NewDev_X606's user avatar
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How to make nginx proxy_cache_purge faster?

I have multiple different caches on nginx for my product_id=24133994 depending on GET params: For example:
Anatolii Motornyi's user avatar
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MYSQL Stored Procedure to purge the data for definite period of time

Please tell how to create a stored procedure in mysql that will purge the data of table for definite period of time like actual detail for 1 day and history for 3 weeks. How to create stored ...
user21387267's user avatar
-1 votes
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how do i fix my purge function in

this is my purge command. I am very new to slash commands. @bot.command(name="purge", description="Purge a specific amount of messages.", guild=guild_ID) @commands.guild_only() @...
Mads's user avatar
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Free Up Space Oracle Tablespace (Users)

I'm newbie in Oracle Database. I want to ask related to Oracle Tablespace, especially for Users Tablespace. Every week, I always view and control the capacity of tablespace. However, tablespace user ...
Ripki's user avatar
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How to format data purge email report

I need to send an emailed monthly report which has the results of a data purge and in that report I need to have the 2 columns below. Table name Number of records deleted Emailed report needs to ...
Michael Daniels's user avatar
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Unable to move the cache access is denied. (0x5) python

I am having issues with running simple python script (just printing "hello"). I don't know what I have done because I was able to run scripts on shell but for the moment, the same error is ...
RubTest's user avatar
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How to dynamically disable PurgeCSS?

I'm using PurgeCSS alongside Vite and I would like to disable PurgeCSS for some stylesheets. It is possible thanks to comments /* purgecss ignore */but I'm importing some CSS from libs directly in ...
Kevin's user avatar
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purgecss + react-semantic-ui + nextjs

I have a problem of using purgecs in order to remove unused css (need for performance improvements). The problem is that purge css deletes css styles i don't wanna be deleted. Maybe somebody can share ...
Олег Войтинський's user avatar
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why my Loki log retention is not working?

"12h" old logs are not deleting even after specifying "retention_period: 12h" due to this I'm facing storage issue because, log are not deleting. please help me with config loki: ...
Vinayak Pawar's user avatar
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Automate data purging from RDS postgresql instance in AzureDevops Pipeline

I'm looking for pipeline setup to purge data from RDS PostgreSQL instance using AzureDevOps pipeline. If anyone can share the idea or steps it would be very helpful.
Admin's user avatar
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Azure Container Registery: How to clean all repositories

I want to clean azure container registry repositories with schedule. This shows how to filter and more but this is only for one repository:
uğur özdemir's user avatar
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Regular Expression or wildcard on AWS S3 bucket Lifecycle Rule

I have a s3bucket which has the structure below Now I want to purge only the objects within the success folder. I tried to set the prefix filter as data/*/success/*.zip. but it didn't work. How can I ...
user1570345's user avatar
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Schedule data purge job using Apache Camel

I have an Apache Camel microservice that reads data from Kafka and writes it DB. I want to write a purge job that deletes the data older than N days from DB. The only thing is, DB contains a variety ...
Sachin Mhetre's user avatar
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Discord.JDA query

I am recently into discord.JDA and have been learning and trying to code my bot. I wanted to ask something about it as I was making the purge/delete command with the help of some source codes and my ...
n1ckool's user avatar
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table manager does not purge chunk in loki 2.4

I wanted to have a deletion of chunk data older than 31 days so I made such config schema_config: configs: - from: 2020-10-24 store: boltdb-shipper object_store: filesystem ...
Baptiste Mille-Mathias's user avatar
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How to purge Front Door Standard/Premium (Preview) endpoint using code

In the subscription (name: test-subscription) in the resource group (name: test-resource-group), I created Front Door Standard/Premium (Preview) (name: test-front-door-profile) with endpoint test-...
Pero's user avatar
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What to use as PurgeCSS extractor for Tailwind 3?

What to use as PurgeCSS extractor for Tailwind 3? With Tailwind 2 we could have used a default extractor that they made available in an internal file, but it was not a public API and in fact it is ...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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How to send PURGE method and check response in python

Now I create a project. And try create a unauthenticated cache purge scanner program. I tried this but not work #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import requests with open('...
Ugroon's user avatar
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Kafka topic purge programmatically

I tried to purge Kafka topic from Java as below by setting retention time to 1sec and then returning back to original value. But the the messages were not deleted from topic. What is wrong? Map<...
Benzion's user avatar
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Cloud-flare Cache Purge does not work when having specific rule

Cache purge does not work (even not purge everything) if I add a rule like following (Image#1) => set both Browser Cache TTL and Edge Cache TTL to 4 hours By does not work I mean, url is still ...
Sami's user avatar
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Purged XDG from RPi 4 Raspbian Buster

I accidentally purged XDG from my Raspbian Buster using this command: sudo apt purge -y xdg* I've installed XDG and any other components back few minutes after the deed, and I thought I fixed it but I ...
Ron's user avatar
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Purge an IMAP folder in Outlook 2016 using VBA

In Outlook 2016 I have connected an IMAP folder. Outlook is configured to mark items as deleted in IMAP folders. This is necessary because I want to process those items, that are marked for deletion ...
erwrock's user avatar
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Why is purgeCSS removing styles used by my React-Bootstrap app?

I am trying to purge unused styles from my app. But when purging it still removes used classes and the site looks broken. I am using the following packages: "dependencies": { "@...
Mark's user avatar
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Purge command throws error after purging - Discord.js V13

I'm made a purge command which targets a particular member and deletes the given amount. The problem is it deletes the messages correctly while on completion it throws a unknown error. Help me fix it! ...
Jacy Harrington's user avatar
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Cloudflare purge cache by prefix is not working

I need some help with Cloudflare, I'm not being able to purge the cache using the prefix option. For example if I go to Cloudflare portal and go to Caching section -> Purge Cache -> Custom purge,...
User12838393's user avatar
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How do you delete the discord bot's most recent message? -

I tried to make a purge command, here is my code: @bot.command(pass_context=True) @commands.has_permissions(administrator=True) async def purge(ctx, limit: int): await ...
Aarav Saini's user avatar
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Removing unused styles when using tailwind with react vite app

I am trying to remove the unused css during build process. npm run build => "build": "tsc && vite build --base=/root/", I am getting error message like below cannot read ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Azure CDN "Purge" command doesn't work as expected with Custom Domain

We are using Azure CDN from Microsoft with a Custom Domain (with HTTPS enabled) to serve content in a WebApp. The caching rules behavior is set to "Cache every unique URL", and we use rules ...
ksune4ka_00x's user avatar
5 votes
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Using Firebase Hosting, how can I restrict PURGE request to specific IPs

I have a website hosted on Firebase, using static html, no server-side function is used to deliver the result. When running curl -X PURGE -v -L the result is: { "status"...
Ribal's user avatar
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Purge in Discord.js

I am trying to create a purge command. In my research so far, this command was created in a separate file, in a commands folder, but I would like to put the command in my main.js However, the ...
Mohid Mushtaq's user avatar
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I want to delete every message until 10 seconds ago

Title mostly says it, i have tried various ways, i tried making a variable = 1 and appen every message in a list, then after 10 seconds say that list = [], I got help from the pyhton discord server ...
Vampante's user avatar
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Clear Oracle queue after propagation

Good day, respective all! I found, that for every queue , that have multiple subscribers, Oracle creates an supplementary view AQ$<queue_table_name> where it keeps a history of propagated ...
Andrew Klimov's user avatar
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Azure cdn purge cli

I do have some problem to understand how the azure cli can purge works and affect the cdn caching and engine rules. In my resource group I have a CDN Endpoint, and this endpoint have some engine rules ...
Nayden Van's user avatar
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865 views purge command not working and no error

So I want to purge the message of a particular member. This is my code. @commands.command() async def purge_member(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): await, check=...
levi's user avatar
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Does the 'PURGE' method in HTTP only removes the object from cache memory?

I have searched for purge method but didn't found anything precise. A purge is what happens when you pick out an object from the cache and discard it along with its variants. Usually a purge is ...
Amna Mushtaq's user avatar
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(No errors btw) Why isnt my purge command working?

@bot.command() async def purge(ctx, limit=100, member: discord.Member=None): await ctx.message.delete() msg = [] for m in if == member: msg.append(m) ...
user avatar
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Nginx proxy showing old content

I'm having some issues with our setup that contains: Proxy -> CDN cache -> Origin. It's setup so that if we update content on the origin, we purge the CDN cache, and with this I expect to see ...
Melz's user avatar
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discord.js unlimited purge command

Is there a way to make this better? I'm trying to make unlimited purge command... But it seems like only gets message the time you used it and I don't really know how to ...
why lookin here e.e's user avatar

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