Questions tagged [pusher]

Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality to web and mobile apps.

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31 votes
12 answers

Laravel /broadcasting/auth Always Fails With 403 Error

I have recently delved into Laravel 5.3's Laravel-Echo and Pusher combination. I have successfully set up public channels and moved on to private ones. I am having trouble with Laravel returning a 403 ...
LorienDarenya's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Invoke pusher when mysql has changed [closed]

How possible is it to get mysql database changes to be pushed to a an admin screen without admin interaction using pusher? Can pusher run some kind of listener for changes on the mysql or will ...
Tennesha Rigg Stewart's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Pusher one to one chat structure

I'm a bit confused on the presence-channels in Pusher's platform, as I'm building a chat application from scratch. Now, I know some of you guys have seen tons of "realtime chat app" topics around, but,...
Eduard's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Why do we need products like Pusher and to establish a websocket connection?

I've been reading about websockets and SaaS like Pusher and recently, while working on my Laravel chat practice application. What I don't understand is, why do we need external software to ...
Simon Suh's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

flutter share received pusher data between screens using Riverpod

In our system we used Pusher on both of our Admin Panel and mobile application, in flutter i want to wrap whole application screens with Pusher and Riverpod and using providers with Hook widget in ...
DolDurma's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Laravel: Pusher events do not broadcast from within eloquent's event listener

I'm having issues doing event broadcasting using Pusher from within an Eloquent event listener. My event are being fired and sent out from Laravel controller perfectly. However, it seems that the ...
Naveed's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

http://localhost:8000/broadcasting/auth 404 (Not Found)

I am trying to make my app app connect to pusher on a private channel. But I am getting the following error: pusher.js?b3eb:593 POST http://localhost:8000/broadcasting/auth 404 (Not Found) ...
YaSh Chaudhary's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Django celery worker to send real-time status and result messages to front end

In a django app I'm running async tasks and would like to show progress, errors etc to the user. If there are errors, the user should be redirect to a page where additional input or some action is ...
citynorman's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Class 'Pusher' not found

When I install Pusher package, I got an error "Class 'Pusher' not found".
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Preloader wont ignore websocket - pace js

I added preloader to my website which runs with ruby on rails, it seems it works perfectly, but because of pusher websockets, preloader does not end, it waits all the time, i tried this at my footer, ...
Yunus Hatipoglu's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Real-time push update to only one user (not channel) at a time. How to do that?

I'm creating a web app/site in which my server will push real-time update to clients some info (using Pusher api). So, the USERS that subscribe to a CHANNEL can receive the update when the server ...
jasonlcy91's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

PubNub or Pusher and storing data on my own server

I have a mobile application where users can talk to each others via a chat (user to user only, not chatroom). Today, everything is synchronous. We are considering switching the solution to something ...
Flo's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Laravel Pusher array_merge: Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given

i'm following a tutorial from pusher to display notification on the website. Everything has been in line with the tutorial, however this particular error showed up when i try to access the ...
ckaryuusai's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property roomClickedInterface has not been initialized

I am trying to follow Pusher Chatkit's tutorial for "BUILDING A GROUP CHAT APP USING KOTLIN AND PUSHER CHATKIT" however I am running into an issue with the Recycler View adapter. FYI, I am still ...
Cflux's user avatar
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1 answer

Laravel 5.4 event broadcasting not work with vuejs

I want create a chat with laravel 5.4, vuejs and pusher api with Echo. I did it two time to communicate with pusher but i have no callback and my vue. I work in local with MAPM if its can help. i ...
john's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Exception: Illuminate \ Broadcasting \ BroadcastException No message in PusherBroadcaster.php:119

Laravel 5.8 I am new to this whole pusher functionality and I've been following this tutorial and trying it out, Create Web Notifications Using Laravel and Pusher Channels. I've followed it step-...
Jason Ayer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

why pusher works on localhost but not on a live website

I've used Pusher API to put a simple push notification in place. I've tested everything and Pusher works on my localhost. When I put the same code on a live website, Pusher doesn't publish my message. ...
Alireza's user avatar
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0 answers

How to generate Pusher authentication string from VBscript?

Please see this post for the same issue in bash. Here is my main code: loadFile "md5.vbs" wscript.echo "md5('test') = " & md5("test") loadFile "sha256.vbs" wscript.echo "sha256('test') = " & ...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Python Pusher AWS Lambda

Using AWS Lambda to send push notifications to Pusher app in Python. When I install Pusher and all its dependencies to a directory and zip up to Lambda I run a simple test and get this error. No ...
jamesmpw's user avatar
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How Pusher Connection is calculated?

I am trying to understand the pricing shceme of Pusher. According to their pricing, the Boostrap allows 100 max. Connections. My question is this: if I have 10,000 daily visitors to my page, each one ...
Liron Harel's user avatar
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1 answer

Pusher client side /pusher/auth returning Error 500 (Internal Server Error)

I'm working on developing a quick chat application to develop my skills with pusher and decided to start getting into private channels. The public channel application I had on the same client-side ...
Nathan's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Pusher is not defined! Laravel 5.4 with Laravel Echo

I don't know what is wrong with my codes Here's my app.js /** * First we will load all of this project's JavaScript dependencies which * include Vue and Vue Resource. This gives a great starting ...
Jrey's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to debug a '4005 Path Not Found' error?

I am trying to integrate Pusher with my web application that uses backbone.js. I'm following the Pusher with Backbone guide in the Pusher docs. So I'm seeing this error pop up in the web console on ...
Robin Rosicky's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to use Pusher with Django?

I am trying to build an app using pusher and django. I went through few of the links like, but it lacked an example and thus was difficult to understand! ...
user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Laravel Event exceeds Pusher allowed limit

I have an event in my Laravel application that for specific records it exceeds the allowed maximum limit (10240 bytes) of Pusher. Is it correct that Laravel serializes every public attribute on the ...
sarotnem's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Laravel pusher Illuminate \ Broadcasting \ BroadcastException No message

I'am using Laravel 5.5 with pusher to make a real time notification , the notification made from the Api after i made the configuration in the Api public function store(Request $request) { ...
Mohamed Zayed's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Laravel Echo cannot subscribe to Pusher private channel

I am not able to listen to an event in a private channel. However, I can listen to public channel. The problem This works:'Foo.Bar') .listen('MyEvent', (e) => { ...
Wistar's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to integrate Angular.js with a realtime messaging service like Pusher or PubNub?

Is it possible to define Pusher or PubNub as an Angular Service? Does someone have code examples of such an integration?
Franck's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Pusher fails to connect in Laravel 5.8

I used Pusher with laravel 5.4 and and no issues but now i'm trying to use laravel 5.8 and i get the following error. I've tried everything i can think of and even changed the encrypted to false just ...
Yosef's user avatar
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1 answer

Application crash upon receiving a notification

I'm trying to setup a push notification system, to do that, I'm using Firebase Cloud Messaging with Pusher. I followed this tutorial, in order to implement it. When setting up FCM, I was able to send ...
Kairos's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Pusher with Laravel 5 Authentication

I'm making an app with Live Chat in Laravel 5 and I'm following this tutorial, I already followed all of them but I'm having an error in my web console: ...
jackhammer013's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Android Pusher Request Body implementation in HttpAuthorizer

I am new to Pusher. I had successfully implemented public channel subscription in my app. I am currently stuck at Android private channel subscription. We are supposed to pass request body parameters ...
Siraj Sumra's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Pusher on Android

I'm trying to get Pusher working on Android. Here are my needs. Must support "private-" channels Must support secure connections Must be able to override the pusher/auth endpoint. Note: I've already ...
Ryan Pfeffer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Receiving events in Pusher client

I'm trying to connect to the BitStamp Websocket API with Python. However, I cannot find a decent tutorial or explanation of the process anywhere. What I need is to receive the live price ticker. I ...
Dan's user avatar
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1 answer

Pusher send presence event to specific member

Is it possible to specify the member id of an event so that only that member would receive the event? If for instance I want to send a notification to a user (who's user ID I know) how would I do ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Error: adaptive icons with no fallback drawable for FCM notifications, can cause irreversible crash on Android Oreo

When developing an Android app today, I got the following error message in the logcat: You are targeting Android Oreo and using adaptive icons without having a fallback drawable set for FCM ...
Suragch's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

send pusher notification to specific user - Laravel

In my laravel app, I want to send a notification to a specific user using Pusher. I put this code in my method : $pusher = App::make('pusher'); $pusher->trigger( 'notification-channel', ...
Rowayda Khayri's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why firebase is needed for android notifications along with third party notifications provider such as OneSignal, Pubnub & pusher?

I'm working on react native push notifications. i'm looking for some answers before i make a purchase to any third party notification provider Why do third party notifications providers such as ...
Balaji S's user avatar
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4 answers

Pusher on route not sending event in Laravel

I am creating a test app using Pusher for real-time notification on Laravel 4. As I am testing the said API, I am having difficulties on making it work. I have this on my routes.php: Route::get('...
Jay Marz's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to generate Pusher authentication string from Bash?

I'm having trouble generating the "right" authentication string to use when sending a message to Pusher via curl Here's my script, the secret bits cut out of course: #!/bin/bash key="my_key" secret=...
Adam Laughlin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Laravel Pusher exception: "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastException"

I get "Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastException" when trying to broadcast event. I've checked my .env file - it's set correctly, I'm on localhost so I set 'encrypted' to false aswell, ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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2 answers

Laravel - Pusher - Detect when a user is no longer in the website or leaves the page

I'm facing a problem with a real time app that i'm developing. My problem is about user's status using Pusher. I would like to get the correct way to detect when a user leaves the page or keep ...
Zalo's user avatar
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1 answer

Using Pusher API notify Particular User

i have one mobile web app using jquery mobile and phonegap and other is php website .i want that send notification just to particular user who's online and on mobile app as well, recieve notification ...
Wajihurrehman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Push data to a websocket server with php

I'm trying to push some data to a websocket server. The handshake is working fine but when i send data the server is simply ignoring it. I read that data should be wrapped by the "\x00" and "\xFF" ...
CarlosCarucce's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to fix 419 error with broadcasting auth

In my Laravel Framework 5.7 / Vuejs 2.6 I use jwt.auth and installing pusher I check xsfr token for my page but I got 419 error in http://local/broadcasting/auth ...
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Laravel 5.4 pusher error

I am using pusher in Laravel 5.4 but I'm getting following error: WebSocket connection to 'ws://' ...
Jeetender Sharma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Laravel Echo not listening for pusher events

Trying to create a kind of chat app with laravel and vuejs. Once the message is sent, I fire the event from laravel which reflects on the pusher debug console with the right event class but the listen ...
Johhn's user avatar
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2 answers

Difference between SignalR and Pusher

I want to create a web app using React as the front end technology. A requirement for the app is that the server will be able to update all the clients with information about changes (not have to be ...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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Show the connecting user login status using Websocket and Pusher

I'm building a chat room web application using Pusher for the first time. I read a lot in the documentation of Pusher to learn how it works. My question is more about mechanism and not about code. So ...
David Edgar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Pusher : : [{"type":"PusherError","data":{"code":4009,"message":"Connection not authorized within timeout"}}]

I am using Pusher in React native. Trying to get message from debug console. Success to get 2 message and after I got this message in console: Pusher : : [{"type":"PusherError",&...
yoc's user avatar
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