Questions tagged [pycurl]

PycURL is a Python interface to libcurl.

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Using Python requests to unshorten urls - slow (compared to pycurl) [duplicate]

This is about unshortening url shorteners to reveal the end url. I've been using pycurl, and looking up (for example) ~80 urls takes ~24s in real time. Using the simple requests code below, looking up ...
redacted code's user avatar
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benchmark HTTP1.1/HTTP2 in python

I did some benchmark on http1.1/http2 with python, the code is as simple as repeating a Google search request many times. The result is interesting: the http2 version is slower considerably. (i tried ...
4bo's user avatar
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Errors when trying to call pycurl in a lambda on AWS

I want to use pycurl in order to have TTFB and TTLB, but am unable to call pycurl in an AWS lambda. To focus on the issue, let say I call this simple lambda function: import json import pycurl import ...
edou_art's user avatar
-2 votes
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What happens when the python thread is in network call(HTTPS) and the context switch happens?

I am having a problem where a multithreaded download application that we wrote is sometimes getting 408 error . We think it might be because the user has increased the number of threads ,and this has ...
Amrit's user avatar
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Windows machine Installing pycurl module on Thonny

I am trying to install pycurl module in Thonny virtual environment but without any luck.. Whatever I try, I am getting the same error message: Please specify --curl-dir=/path/to/built/libcurl I have ...
Lukas Petrikas's user avatar
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Extract Id's from response.text()

I want to extract all the values of id's from the following response (finding). code: findings= requests.get('',headers={"Content-Type": &...
Johnst33's user avatar
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Execute curl command and fetch response

I have a curl command. I want to fetch the response after executing it in python 3. curl\ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "...
Johnst33's user avatar
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Pycurl keep alive works with Curl.perform but drops connection frequently when using CurlMulti

I want to use multicurl for the duplex capabilities. The normal curl.perform works fine in keeping the connection alive for a long time. c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(c.VERBOSE, True) c.setopt(c.URL, '...
Frtschaal's user avatar
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How to retrieve curl code, using pycurl python3

In c/c++, the return value of curl_easy_perform() is a curl code that tells you information, 0 on success etc. In python perform() corresponds to curl_easy_perform() as stated in documentation, but i ...
Noah's user avatar
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HTTP2 post request in pycurl

I am trying to hit a nginx server that is behind an alb. I am triggering a simple HTTP2 POST request using pycurl. My request looks like this' import io import pycurl curl = pycurl.Curl() curl.setopt(...
learner's user avatar
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Install pyCurl on Pypy

I am trying to install the compiled version of PyCurl, but I get the error: My system configuration:
Marmelattt's user avatar
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Why my pycurl is not compiled against Openssl?

I'm trying to run on kali linux 2020 wfuzz, but i got this error /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/wfuzz-3.1.0-py3.9.egg/wfuzz/ UserWarning:Pycurl is not compiled against Openssl. ...
Michael's user avatar
-1 votes
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typeError: unsetopt() is not supported for this option

class ContentCallback: def __init__(self): self.contents = '' def content_callback(self, buf): self.contents = self.contents + buf def ...
user avatar
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Could not install PyCurl on Python 3.8.8 | RHEL 8.3

Workstation details: RHEL 8.3 - x86_64 Python 3.8.8 libcurl 7.61.1-14.el8_3.1 I tried pip install pycurl== The error [traceback]: ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: /...
Rk..'s user avatar
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Cant install pycurl in windows [duplicate]

I have python 3.9 installed on windows and for some reason, it cannot install pycurl. Actually, I want to install wfuzz but it requires pycurl. I ran - pip install pycurl error - Collecting pycurl ...
user avatar
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pycurl login bad request?

I chose not to use requests because its slower. anyways i think im missing some csrf or cookies token as im trying to login to instagram. The problem with pycurl is it doesnt show the reason for the ...
Dan c's user avatar
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curl get request with python3

I am trying to execute a curl GET request with python3 the request is: curl -k -X GET -H "X-Some-Token: s.ggt5gvf344f"https://ip.address:port/v1/path/path how it can be implemented?
Miki's user avatar
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Pycurl Multi Max requests per sec

I am using below code to hit google geocoding api's to get longitude and latitude, but i need to hit max 50 api/sec. Is there any attribute to set value for no of api calls per sec in pycurl muti? ...
Rajesh kumar's user avatar
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pyCurl and BytesIO for scraping a website

I would have a need for scraping. Specifically, I use Pycurl and BytesIO. The following code: c = pycurl.Curl() page = BytesIO() c.setopt(c.INTERFACE, "tun0") c.setopt(c.USERAGENT, userAgent)...
Awenega's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's the fastest way to send 100,000 web requests with Python3? [duplicate]

I have about 100,000 URL lists. All are in the same domain and have different subdirectories. What is the fastest way to check the status codes for this 100,000 URL list? I am currently making a ...
神瀬来未's user avatar
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Trouble with installing pycurl in Windows 10 [duplicate]

I tried installing pycurl with the .msi installer on Windows. After installing, I tried to import the module pycurl. This is what I got: Python 3.9.1 (tags/v3.9.1:1e5d33e, Dec 7 2020, 17:08:21) [MSC ...
user3273814's user avatar
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Cant install PyCurl

i tried to install py curl but i get this error... pip install pycurl Collecting pycurl Using cached pycurl- (222 kB) ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 10: command: ...
LQ MK OnFire's user avatar
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Putting into a single loop response code and response time of a website

I want to request 10 times a website and to see each time the status code, the start transfer time and the total time response time. I don't see how to look for these 3 informations into the same loop ...
ap14's user avatar
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Pycurl is installed on my computer, but is not being recognised or found in PyCharm

i have been writing a script in python in the IDE PyCharm , but pycurl is not being imported. This is the error which I recieve: ImportError: dlopen(/Users/danielraad/PycharmProjects/VisualiseGrocery/...
Daniel Raad's user avatar
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When I use pycurl to execute a curl command, I get error 3 "illegal characters found in URL" but when pasting said URL in Chome, it can be resolved

Good day. I'm writing a python program that requests some posts from my Facebook page. To do so, Facebook offers a tool that they call "Graph API Explorer". Using something similar to a GET ...
Anthon Naivelt's user avatar
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Is there any way to stop pycurl perform() execution?

I'm currently working on a simple multi-threaded downloader with pycurl and python, now I can pause the download if I want but that simply eats too much memory and if the process is killed I cannot ...
Yash Ahir's user avatar
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How to get the original curl request from pycurl?

Is there any way if i use, crl = pycurl.Curl() crl.setopt(pycurl.URL, "") i need to print the original curl request for troubleshooting curl
Ajish Kb's user avatar
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how to install pycurl in windows?

$ pip install pycurl Enter file name: Collecting pycurl Using cached pycurl- (222 kB) ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: command: 'c:\users\mandar\...
mandar angchekar's user avatar
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Translating "curl -X POST http://something" to pycurl equivalent

I'm a total newbie to curl/pycurl and came across this situation. Help + additional explanation would be great appreciated! For whatever reason, "curl -X POST http://something" works for ...
user14301550's user avatar
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Translate cURL JSON data to pycurl

I have this cURL command that returns a JSON file from some website: curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{'item':'item-xyz',orientation:LANDSCAPE,choice:null}" https://api....
Aurélien Pierre's user avatar
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Rundeck API to upload job using python pycurl fails to upload file

I'm trying to implement rundeck job import functionality using pycurl in python, fails to find the file. Curl version of the same works fine. def importRundeckJOB(jobConfigFilePath): ...
KBP's user avatar
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How to fetch all the latest documents using elastic search based on timestamp [closed]

I'm new to elastic search, i need to fetch documents which are newly affected or last 1 days using "get" and insert to a postgres table The one i tried using search and giving now() - 1440m ...
sanjana jha's user avatar
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Python HTTP GET raise Exception after 300 seconds from Docker container

I'm trying to GET data from an external service using Python from a Docker container. I need to reach two different endpoints, let's say: endpointA = "https://myhost:1234/resA" # Requests ...
sergionsk8's user avatar
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Reading multiple urls from text file and find RESOLVE results using pycurl

I need to get the result of all urls present in text file with looks something like below with more than 1000 URL's in file and i need to parse one by one url ...
Darshan Mahalinge Gowda's user avatar
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Python pycurl post values to a web form really simple

All I want to do is convert this curl code to pycurl: curl -d "username=Bruce&submit=Submit" "" So all it's gonna do is send the username &...
agent_smith1984's user avatar
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pycurl.multicurl - Cant get my the returned results, only the object memory address

I have been trying to get this example code working for a bit tonight and it has me stumped (not difficult). m = pycurl....
RedChair's user avatar
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Python3 properly install PyCurl

I'm trying to install pycurl on my ubuntu 16.04 LTS, the module looks installed but it gives me "No module named pycurl" when I try to import it from python. my python3 version is 3.7.8 pip3 ...
Dany M's user avatar
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Why the pycurl response is different on my nginx server compared to the response on my computer

I use python pycurl for get this page On my computer pycurl return json object (that I want) but on my nginx server they return a page with javascript ...
Hugo Levet's user avatar
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how to install pycurl 7.43 at ubuntu 18.04 64bit

Help me, all I have some error while installation of pycurl on ubuntu 18,04 I tried follow as: apt-cache depends python-pycurl sudo apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev apt-cache search gnutl | grep dev ...
astrid_coder's user avatar
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Delete file on ftp server with pycurl

Is it possible to delete a file on ftp server in python with the pycurl-lib? My code so far, but not working, it throws: (21, 'QUOT command failed with 550') c = pycurl.Curl() c.setopt(pycurl....
coderone's user avatar
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How to send requests using curl through burp with python?

I'm trying to route certain requests through burp. These would be HTTPS requests I have burp properly installed, and placed the cacert.der certificate in the current working directory that the code is ...
user5423's user avatar
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@libext@ @LDFLAGS@ @LIBCURL_LIBS@ variables not being substituted in clang command when installing pycurl2

I'm trying to install pycurl2 with pip (pip install 'pycurl2==7.20.0'), but it's failing on this clang command: clang -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib -L/usr/local/opt/...
Edward D'Souza's user avatar
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Unable to install pycurl== on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Hi guys I have been trying to add pycurl on EB running with python 3.7 however when I try to launch my celery app it returns the following errors: "The curl client requires the pycurl library&...
Dr Jfrost's user avatar
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Python-requests 'verify' PyCurl equivalent

Normally when I use requests module I used to pass the certificate path in verify parameter: requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify='C:/Users/.../ca.crt', proxies=proxies) But in other framework ...
Raymond Reddington's user avatar
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What is the best way to know which protocols are supported by curl in python?

I am building a python application that is used to download remote files. In most cases, we use pycurl to do the actual download but we need to define a class that wraps the pycurl object. The class ...
Mathieu Dubois's user avatar
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How to execute a curl command in Python and get the response and pass it through other code

I have a curl command. I want to execute in in Python and fetch the response to pass it through other code. curl -d 'grant_type=refresh_token' -d 'refresh_token=...
Debasis's user avatar
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Problems downloading Office365/Exchange calendar using pycurl

I have been using the ews-orgmode / Python script for a couple of months to download my Office365/Outlook/Exchange work calendar without problems. However, last week I ...
AstroFloyd's user avatar
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ImportError: The curl client requires the pycurl library Docker + Django

I'm dockerizing Django 2.2 application and using Pipenv for environment management. I want to use SQS as broker with Django celery. I have installed the pycurl library using Pipenv [packages] ... ...
Anuj TBE's user avatar
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How can this curl command be converted to pycurl or python requests?

any hel pwill be highly appreciated. Just can't make this to work. I am basically trying to update my Grafana dashboard via a http request. managed to get it to work with curl but want to do this with ...
Tomer Inbar's user avatar
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What is PycURL lib?

I'm trying to run a program, but it says this: Error importing: pycurl lib. To install it on Debian based systems: $ 'sudo apt-get install python3-pycurl' First of all, what is PycURL lib? ...
GraniteSOS's user avatar

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