Questions tagged [quarkus]

A Kubernetes native Java stack tailored for GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards

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0 votes
1 answer

Run Camel K jdbc locally with JBang

I'm trying to run camel-k with jdbc locally with the following configuration. Integration DSL import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; // camel-k: dependency=camel:jdbc // ...
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2 answers

Issue with getting a transaction in Quarkus with Hibernate

I'm trying to add to my topology to pull messages off a kafka topic, do some logic and then write to postgres. At the moment I'm just trying to get it wired together in the simplest possible way but I'...
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0 answers

What is the right configuration for Quarkus v3.9 to connect to a RabbitMQ broker with SSL PKCS12

I have tried the configuration below it seems, it's not the good configuration. I did'nt find any documentation until now, so I ask here if someone has already the same issure: rabbitmq-ssl-key-store-...
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0 answers

HTTP sessions in external store for Quarkus Java

New to Quarkus. How to store HTTP sessions in external store for Java/Quarkus, ideally not Redis Any pointers appreciated on how to approach this with Java and Quarkus. Thanks for the help.
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2 answers

How to update a detached entity containing the ID with hibernate EntityManager?

I am developing a REST API with Quarkus and Hibernate. I now have to create an endpoint which accepts a PUT request to update an existing entity. The request contains the entire entity, with its ...
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0 answers

How to open H2-console in an Quarkus Application

I wanted to open H2 console to check my DB in an Quarkus Application. I have added H2 dependency, and I am able to insert & retrieve the Database using APIs, but I'm not able to open the H2 ...
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1 answer

Quarkus Typesafe GraphQL client: add argument to filter

I am following the GraphQL client guide: Right now the microprofile-graphql-client-quickstart is only executing a query returning all films: { ...
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2 answers

How to log HTTP requests made by Quarkus GraphQL Client?

I'm running into serious problems trying to get Quarkus to show the HTTP requests being made by the typesafe GraphQL client. The project contains an interface GraphQL client definition com.example....
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1 answer

How pass authorization in Quarkus test

I have this test @Test public void testInvalidLimitExceptionMapping() { String errorMessage = "Invalid offset or limit values."; String json = mapErrorToJson(errorMessage); ...
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0 answers

Set quarkus profile to override configurations

I have my main application.yaml properties file in my resources folder and I added another application-.yaml in the same location. I want to be able to use or not this custom application properties ...
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1 answer

Generate Liquibase diff changelog using Liquibase maven plugin in Quarkus

I am trying to use the Liquibase Maven plugin in Quarkus to generate a diff changelog based on my entities in my entity package. I noticed that it requires a referenceUrl in the ...
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0 answers

Cannot load from object array because "this.tableMappings" is null - Quarkus Hibernate

The problem Hello everybody, I'm trying to add the @SoftDelete annotation to one of my entities. When doing so, my quarkus application won't start anymore producing the following error message: 2024-...
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2 answers

Quarkus - SmallRye Reactive Messaging - Kafka topic prefix

I'm configuring my application to be used on many environments, but I want them to use the same Kafka broker. To achieve this, I need to prepend the prefix or append the postfix to the topic name, (e....
1 vote
1 answer

Config to set messenger server not taking

I have a Quarkus 3.2 server that I am setting up to send messages to Kafka. I have a working implementation that is verified via unit test using KafkaCompanion. However, when the service is deployed, ...
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1 answer

Best practice for writing unit tests for Quarkus Panache entities

I'm working on a project using the Quarkus framework, and I've implemented some entities using Quarkus Panache for my data persistence layer. Now, I'm trying to write unit tests to ensure the ...
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1 answer

Quarkus GraphQL using Hibernate

I am creating a Quarkus GraphQL using JPAStreamer, I would like to fetch only what I indicated in my query (by the way I'm using sakila database). Here's the result. Upon logging the result in sql. ...
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1 answer

Quarkus OIDC Keycloak provider leads to a blank screen

I recently migrated to Quarkus 3.9.2 on a very small project. Got pretty much everything to work without trouble except for the Quarkus Keycloak Devservice extension. When I try to authentify through ...
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1 answer

quarkus @ObservesAsync invoke Uni

What's the best way to invoke Uni in an async observer? It would be great if I could just return Uni but unfortunately that doesn't work. void observe(@ObservesAsync MyEvent event) { Uni<Object&...
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1 answer

Quarkus reactive messaging rabbitmq Connector with client certificate authentication

I would like to use the Quarkus RabbitMQ Connector to connect to a RabbitMQ Broker (Queues). The customer requires peer verification and client certificate authentication (instead of username/password)...
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0 answers

Quarkus and Smallrye Stork cannot find DNS?

I need to send data to a service ( which has the following DNS structure (IP addresses and names are pseudonymized): $ dig ; <<>> DiG xxxxxxx <&...
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0 answers

Quarkus 2 to Quarkus 3 migration problem with SpringData @Query and @Hints

Migrating a project from Quarkus 2 to Quarkus 3, in a JpaRepository I have this method @QueryHints(value = { @QueryHint(name = AvailableHints.HINT_CACHEABLE, value = "false"), ...
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0 answers

Quarkus native AWS lambda to AWS X-ray

I am trying to deploy a native app as a lambda function and set it up to submit traces to AWS X-Ray. After couple days I'm still not sure if it's possible. The ideal scenario is to create spans using ...
2 votes
2 answers

io.quarkus.builder.BuildException: Build failure: Build failed due to errors

Getting this error when i run ./gradlew build -Dquarkus.package.type=native in application.yml file in datasource: db-kind: postgresql driver: org.postgresql.Driver username: username password: ...
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1 answer

Quarkus v3 with RabbitMQ comma-separated hosts does not work

Like in Spring framework (spring.rabbitmq.addresses), is there a way to use comma-separated hostname names to connect to multiple rabbitmq nodes?
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1 answer

Quarkus + AWS Lambda

I have this class that represents the handler AWS Lambda handler of my simple application. The application is realized through out the Quarkus platform. package net.sergiobelli.handlers; import com....
-1 votes
0 answers

JAX-RS Service, Axios Client, and multi-valued POST parameters?

I have a JAX-RS service with a POST operation that takes a Set<String> parameter. The parameter is annotated with @FormParam in the service definition. I've documented the service using ...
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0 answers

Is there a way to extend an interface with Jakarta endpoints as a Quarkus Rest Client without adding any additional endpoints?

I'm trying to create and Inject a RestClient interface into my Quarkus application. This rest client interface extends another interface from an external library where all my endpoints are configured. ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Keycloak fails to run on rootless&readonly container because of Quarkus

I am trying to run keycloak via operator using basically basic approach via operator described on ofc. sides: Everything worked until I started to ...
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1 answer

Quarkus @ApplicationScoped and @Scheduled with @UnlessBuildProperty

I have a service class like so : @UnlessBuildProperty(name = "someservice.enabled", stringValue = "false") @ApplicationScoped public class SomeService{ @Scheduled(every = "$...
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0 answers

How to manage RabbitMQ overflow in a Quarkus/Smallrye RabbitMQ publisher?

In a Quarkus 3.8.3 application with smallrye-reactive-messaging-rabbitmq I am struggling to make the RabbitMQ "overflow" property throw an error in my publisher when my queue is full and I ...
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1 answer

Use mutinity to decode base64 in quarkus

i'm studing Mutiny framework for quarkus 3 and i want to know if these code is correct or someone could be better than me. I want to read a big base64 string and decode them in a String to be saved in ...
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1 answer

Bootstrapping a project with Quarkus doesn't work

I'm new in the world of Java and Quarkus. After the install of Java and Maven on my laptop Apache Maven 3.9.6 (bc0240f3c744dd6b6ec2920b3cd08dcc295161ae) Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven/apache-...
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0 answers

How to Resolve "ERR unknown command getex" Error with Embedded Redis v1.0.0 and Quarkus

I'm encountering an issue with embedded Redis v1.0.0 in a Quarkus application while running integration tests, but i get this error message: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: ERR unknown ...
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1 answer

Quarkus RestClient DNS failover on multiple A type IP addresses?

I am using Quarkus RestClient and I encountered some problems. I have an URL, which is internally resolved to 4 different IP addresses (data and IP addresses are pseudonymized in this example): [user@...
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1 answer

How to pass header to autentication in httpstarget method while using PACT?

While creating pact verification test I am using HttpsTestTarget method. But the problem is my service need send autentication token in the call. How can we run this? please advise. Details: The ...
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1 answer

Quarkus Hibernate ignoring import.sql when running inside docker

I have the problem that when I run quarkus in a container it does not use the import.sql that is present. I tried every way I could think of to configure it. As stated in the documentation under the ...
-2 votes
0 answers

: Connection to localhost:5432 refused

(agroal-11) Datasource '': Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. 2024-04-10 12:53:15,987 DEBUG [io....
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1 answer

Quarkus - MDC context is not shared between app threads

I have 3.8.1 quarkus application. I use org.slf4j.MDC to provide context information. Also I use io.quarkiverse.logging.logback.quarkus-logging-logback extension. I set context info in ...
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0 answers

Unable to Connect to Redis: Test Failures in Quarkus Environment

I'm encountering an issue with my Quarkus application where I'm unable to establish a connection to Redis during testing, resulting in failures. I have a Quarkus application that relies on Redis for ...
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0 answers

How to Cache a Method Returning a Map in Quarkus with Redis?

I'm trying to cache a method in my Quarkus application that returns a Map<String, PlanAttrUnified>. I'm using Redis as the caching provider. However, I'm encountering issues configuring the ...
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0 answers

Build time property cannot be changed at runtime in quarkus

I am updating = false and getting this warning "Build time property cannot be changed at runtime:\n - was 'true' at build ...
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1 answer

native build failure: classes specified in --initialize-at-run-time still say that they are requested to be initialized at run time

I'm new to Quarkus and trying to build a native image using "mvn package -Pnative". I received the error "Error: Classes that should be initialized at run time got initialized during ...
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1 answer

Quarkus Micrometer one Counter with different tag keys will not work

I am trying to register a counter that I would like to reuse in my code, using different Tags to highlight different states, where/if needed. This seems to not work, even though I can't seem to find ...
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1 answer

Cannot mix both QuarkusUnitTest based tests and QuarkusTestExtension error

As the title suggests, I'm experimenting with writing my own extension. The extension offers an abstract adapter and an interceptor that can be used from apps, and I was thinking to test the abstract ...
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1 answer

Is there any way to disable or override the default readiness in quarkus(health check) for elastic search

Is there any way to disable or override the default readiness in quarkus(health check) for elastic search. I am using quarkus-elasticsearch-rest-client and quarkus have default health check for it. I ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Building quarkus on Mac keeps failing with out of memory, Java system memory available at 1.91GB despite having 64GB on machine [duplicate]

The command I use is this: quarkus build --native -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true -Dquarkus.native.container-runtime=podman -Dquarkus.native.native-image-xmx=3G
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0 answers

Quarkus extension: add deployment dependencies via quarkus CLI

I develop an extension for my quarkus application and therefore used the CLI command quarkus create extension ..... This created a maven multi-module project with the deployment and runtime modules. ...
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0 answers

Quarkus Multiple Client IDs for same Keycloak Realm

Quarkus backend is currently using quarkus-oidc to authenticate in a keycloak realm with client-id A. Now we want to allow the APIs to be accessed for client-id B as well. There is no change to the ...
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1 answer

Quarkus getting started `GLIBC_2.33' not found when trying to run Dockerfile.native_micro

Trying out quarks went through creating your first app get-started, saw it produced the 4 different Dockerfiles for you. The native being one of the features of quarkus I wanted to try those so ...
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0 answers

I am facing issues connecting via MTLS to AMQ using Quarkus-Camel in version 3.9.1, whereas it was functional for me in 3.8.3

created myClassFactory that extended ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory and set in constructor MTLS info (brokerURL,username,password,trustStore,trustStorePassword,trustStoreType,keyStore,keyStorePassowrd) ...

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