Questions tagged [query-builder]

A query-builder is a set of classes and methods that is able to programmatically build queries.

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i want to get only 3 blog of per category. but code return me all blogs of per category laravel

i want to get only 3 blog of per category. but code return me all blogs of per category laravel example i have 2 category (category 1 haves 10 blogs and category 2 haves 7 blog). now i want only 3 ...
Gagan Dev's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get records with multiple where in many to many relationship?

I'm working on a Laravel version 9 project. At first, I explain the tables and relationships. There are 3 tables: advertisements, advertisement_tags and the pivot table advertisement_advertisement_tag....
Rayan's user avatar
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After common Typeorm query builder instance, where clause not working

I create QueryBuilder to fetch my relation data. So in my case, I need to validate some of my get req params before the index. So in this case I created a common QueryBuilder instance like this. // ...
Zenixo's user avatar
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Do not retrieve all columns with Elastic search query

I have an Elastic search query and I would like to retrieve a certain column, not all. I make my request in java with BoolQUEryBuilder which gives: BoolQueryBuilder query = boolQuery(); query.must(...
EleXorZ's user avatar
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Doctrine QueryBuilder - add PARTITION selection in clause FROM

I have a table "actions" with partitions PARTITION BY RANGE (MONTH(`created_at`)) ( PARTITION `m1` VALUES LESS THAN (2), PARTITION `m2` VALUES LESS THAN (3), ...
user2007024's user avatar
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Use parameter with DB::raw in Laravel 9

I have this SQL query which returns all employees based on selected date : SELECT as employee_id ,employees_salaries.*,CONCAT(first_name,' ',second_name,' ',third_name) as fullname FROM ...
Yu_Jain's user avatar
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How to change Eloquent Builder's connection?

I have a Eloquent Builder and two database connections(mysql_server1, mysql_server2) as below: $builder = User::query(); $builder->where('age', '>', 20); $builder->with('orders'); // ...
Hamed Kamrava's user avatar
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How to write this SQL query with Yii Query Builder

I have this SQL query which is doing what I want: SELECT `Table1`.* FROM `Table1` LEFT JOIN `Table2` ON `Table1`.`idTable2` = `Table2`.`id` WHERE (`Table1`.`idOwner`=156 AND `Table2`.`enabled`=1 AND ...
Carlos's user avatar
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unable to select alias in getMany Typeorm

I'm using TypeORM(mySQL) for my Nestjs App. I want to change the column name on select using querybuilder. but it's not working. const order = await this.connection .createQueryBuilder(Orders,&...
zulqarnain's user avatar
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Laravel query builder not delete the data but when convert into raw query it works [duplicate]

Here is my code i just want to remove duplicate rows but it not execute DB::table('competition_participants as t1') ->join('competition_participants as t2', '', '<', '') ->...
Pallavi Biwal's user avatar
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Laravel Paginate by column value

I would like to find out if the following is possible with laravel query builder. Currently using Laravel 9. I want to create pagination, but instead if supplying the count ->paginate(20) as per ...
Alex Coetzee's user avatar
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i want to get all user data with data on behalf of batch_id

i want to get data in instructor dashboard on the behalf of batches assigned to them from order product table where if user buy single course then we get batch id and if user buy package(package ...
Programming Evolution's user avatar
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Access level to Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause::forSubQuery() must be public laravel error?

I have a simple decent query in my laravel application which is nothing but a left join $spDetails = ServiceProvider::from(‘ipay_app.service_providers as sp’) ->leftJoin(‘ipay_app_bbps....
Rohannn Singh's user avatar
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Sorts on relationships with Spaties QueryBuilder

Having the following QueryBuilder statement how can I define sorts on related models columns? $members = QueryBuilder::for(Member::class) ->allowedIncludes('', 'association', '...
fefe's user avatar
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Codeigniter 4 - Getting result from database issue

I'm new to codeigniter 4 and having some issues retrieving data from my database. In my controller, I have: $partno = model(Ecart_model::class)->getPartno($productid); echo json_encode($...
programmingnewb's user avatar
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Laravel only join linked model if parent has boolean switch

I'm using Laravel 8 and have two models: Domain and Certificate. A domain can have one certificate. On my domain model, I have a boolean column called certificate_checks_enabled, and where I'm ...
Ryan H's user avatar
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Laravel Query Builder How to Context Not Conditions

I have a laravel query PasswordMovement::whereId($id)->update(['active' => '!active']); my active field converts to 0 if it is 1. but if it is 0, it doesn't convert to 1? Laravel Query Builder ...
poison pawn's user avatar
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Laravel how to addSelect all total counts on a single table each row

i am trying to build a single query but something is wrong. i want to write a code that each row have a all total count on a one table. i will describe first i will query the total counts : $count = ...
Ray  Paras's user avatar
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How Can I compare table column by convert it first in postgresql + typeorm

I am beginner in Backend technology and I am developing one query in Typeorm QueryBuilder + PostgreSQL. My query is look like this : But I can't convert my timestamp into following format. Can anyone ...
Mayur Kukadiya's user avatar
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Each letter typed in input is causing rerendering component in React Querybuilder

I'm using react query builder with MaterialUI and I found a bug in ValueEditor where each typed letter in TextField is causing rerendering. Here is codesanbox example of same thing using regular input ...
HardRock's user avatar
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Problem optimization with symfony 6 / doctrine : too many querys

The project is develop with symfony 6.0.8. I have 2 entitys : utilisateur (user) & compte_client (customer) - link by OneToOne relation because an user may be not a customer. A user can be : an ...
EdoDev's user avatar
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Return ORM object and convert SQL to Doctrine QueryBuilder syntax

I'm creating a function that should return an array of User ORM object. The function should run a query to the DB and return the users where the users' contact persons has 1 company (not more or less)....
Mats K's user avatar
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how to get last query in codeigniter 4? [duplicate]

This is my current code: public function index() { $tbl = 'm_trx'; $db = \Config\Database::connect(); $builder = $db->table($tbl); $data = []; $cols = "{$tbl}.*";...
dapidmini's user avatar
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Filter in formbuilder with querybuilder (Symfony)

p is profile and u is user. Each user has one or more profiles. I want to filter one profile from each user who have more than 10 points. But I want to keep only one profile of each user that meets ...
Sank's user avatar
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is there a tool or any quick way to extract db tables automatically from my php codes?

I recently started to re-engineer a PHP-mysql project which was created about 7 years ago. I have only php and html codes and no mysql database or any document which shows the database structures. Is ...
MAli Fahimi's user avatar
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Laravel: Which one is better to "reset" a table: ->truncate() or ->delete()?

I'm using ->truncate() to delete the data, but DB::rollback() in a try catch doesn't executed when I use it. Meanwhile the ->delete() is executed by DB::rollback(), but with it my auto increment ...
Aditya Pratama's user avatar
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Order multiple entities by date with query-builder (Symfony)

I was wondering if I could possibly order multiple entities by their date of creation with the query builder in Symfony. This is my query: public function findContributions(Association $association) ...
Nejma A's user avatar
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How to compare Query conditions from a BelongsToMany association in CakePHP 4.x?

I have a working Posts, Categories and Tags relationship. (Posts BelongsTo Categories and BelongsToMany Tags.) They work just fine at my view and index actions with no issue. Now, for a simple "...
Damian Fraustro's user avatar
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Laravel Query builder where() for when Product has to have multiple tags (with product_tags pivot table many-to-many)

I am new to Laravel and I got a complicated query to build. I managed to sort it except for when a user asks for multiple tags (tags = 1, 2, 3). Product shown has to have all tags that the user asks (...
Roman123's user avatar
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Laravel update query error using query builder with comma separeted values

I am getting the below error in the laravel controller when I update 4 columns with comma-separated values without quotes which are coming from the request Request payload: column1 : one,two,three ...
Kamesh K's user avatar
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Typeorm query on ManyToMany relations

I'm trying to query over the table products to find, Certain products that have "at least" Category "Food", "Cold". I hope someone can give me a hand to be able to query ...
A-Symphony's user avatar
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Query combination in Laravel

i am facing a problem where my function have a request from the frontend for sorting the data. So i need to add some condition to my query. I tried to do this way. $hawker = Hawker_location::...
Lalat Putih's user avatar
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PostgreSQL / TypeORM: search array in array column - return only the highest arrays' intersection

let's say we have 2 edges in a graph, each of them has many events observed on them, each event has one or several tags associated to them: Let's say the first edge had 8 events with these tags: ABC ...
justdvl's user avatar
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How to query data from subquery table in typeorm

Here is what I want: select * from ( select requester_id, CASE WHEN requester_id = 'f791283d-43fd-484c-b11b-3360f436437c' THEN addressee_id WHEN addressee_id = 'f791283d-43fd-484c-...
Alopwer's user avatar
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How to avoid conflict collection model in query builder union in laravel

I have 2 models Test and Exam; table related to these model have the same columns: id, name, point; i want to retrieve the 2 data by using union: $test = Test::where('point', '>', 10); $exam = Exam:...
Michel Gisenaël's user avatar
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Laravel / Postgres - How to group by one column and select multiple columns?

I have FOR EXAMPLE laravel query builder: DB::table('users')->select('name', 'phone', 'age')->groupBy('age')->... How to do this query work? The problem is that postgres can't group only by ...
as lan's user avatar
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Laravel query builder select all except specific column

I have 2 tables with the same columns except the second table have one more column, this column is foreign key of the first; what i want is to make union query;but for union the column must the same; ...
Michel Gisenaël's user avatar
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How to build query from SQL by Doctrine QueryBuilder?

I'm new in Doctrine ORM, and I need help with building QueryBuilder command. I have a SQL command and I need covert to QueryBuilder. $qb = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder(); The SQL is: ...
Michwuanquana's user avatar
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Codeigniter changes with `count_all_results`

So... it appears as if overnight, SOME-thing has changed with either the Codeigniter 4 framework or PHP in general, as my website is now down - and it seems to be centred around my call to a ...
seixwebdev's user avatar
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Full text seach in Doctrine using query builder with no result hits

Specs: Symfony v5.3.16 SQL Server 2017 Doctrine Bundle v2.4.4 Doctrine ORM v2.9.6 I've got a problem with full text search for SQL Server using Doctrine's query builder. I'm trying to use it with ...
Chomik's user avatar
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Is there any benefit in using parameters for query parameters that dont change?

I am writing methods in PHP classes that use QueryBuilder for the DBAL (Doctrine) ORM. One of the thing I like about this is that we can easily use parameters in the SQL that is generated. However, as ...
UnKulMunki's user avatar
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How to save a Many-To-Many relationship with custom properties with typeORM Query Builder?

I need to create a many-to-many relationship between the tables organisation and user, where each user can have a role (admin, follower...) in the organisation. I have : Organization @Entity('...
Léalbatroz's user avatar
2 votes
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Laravel efficient way to remove X records if there are duplicates

I'm trying to write a query to be able to find duplicate records based on a column called hash and remove all but the 5 newest records, I figured I could use the limit method to limit the number of ...
Ryan H's user avatar
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AEM Site search query builder URL is not returning a different json

Am using AEM Site search component from core components. query builder URL is not returning a different json. Once after searching with a text, am getting a json. Thereafter doing any search with new ...
Saravanan's user avatar
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How to fetch SQL Server procedure returned value?

I'm trying to execute the procedure down below using Laravel query builder and the result always empty array, SQL Procedure CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FConvTxtUnt] ( -- Add the parameters for the ...
Esso's user avatar
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How I can convert the following SQL query to TypeORM QueryBuilder

I've the following SQL query: SELECT fc.cli_codigo_cod, dg.dog_json_vrh FROM fae_documento_generado dg JOIN fae_cliente fc ON dg.cli_id_idt=fc.cli_id_idt WHERE fc.cli_codigo_cod IN('13312','150501') ...
Edycar Reyes's user avatar
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Limit query results in laravel

I am trying to limit the results of this query: $gallery = Event::with('EventsMedia')->orderBy('start', 'desc')->get(); currently it shows all the events with their images. What i want is to ...
Convert.ToInt32's user avatar
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Laravel query order the inrandormorder query

I have 40 rows in my table, what i want is to get 20 row randomly, and after order these 5 list by id; these 2 in one query; for example in range of id 1 to 40; i get from the random order 15 10 14 9 ...
Michel Gisenaël's user avatar
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Getting error in filter initialization in query builder

I am getting a string like this "{id: 'breakthrough_designation_y_n',label: 'Breakthrough Designation Y/N',type: 'string',input: 'radio',values:{'Yes': 'Yes','No': 'No'},operators: ['equal']},{...
Prince Gajjar's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I use QueryBuilder with andWhere for json

please I am just new to querybuilder and precisely I don't know how to work with json object in a where clause. I would appreciate your swift assistance. "post_id": 1 "post": "...
Curtis Lanz's user avatar

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