Questions tagged [querystringparameter]

A query string parameter is a name-value pair in the query string of the URL of a certain web page. It can be used to manipulate the content on the page.

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How to convert Angular locale date to proper date format for API to consume?

I am using two-way binding in my template driven form: ts: searchLeaveApplication: any = {}; html: <mat-form-field class="searchInputs"> <input matInput [matDatepicker]="...
Efron A.'s user avatar
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Does Express.js respect RFC-3986 for query string?

Does ExpressJs respect/use the RFC-3986 standard when decoding query string parameters? Why the direct char "è" is accepted but the encoded version "%E8" isn't? Test Expressjs http ...
Andrea Franchini's user avatar
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How can I get the right day of the week, if I am setting the date in relation to the given query string parameters?

I am facing some trouble while setting the right day of the week, I am using a query string parameter which is related to a calendar, and I want to use the selected date to another script which is ...
janeDoe000's user avatar
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UrlSearchParams.get() doesn't work with rewritten urls

On my website, I rewrote all my urls. But now I have started using AJAX for a voting functionality (it is a Q&A Community), there are some problems: I am storing new UrlSearchParams(window....
Marvin's user avatar
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BizTalk WCF-WebHttp - How to add parameter to Url with same name

A QueryString normally allows name/value-pairs, where the same name can occur several times. When using WCF-WebHttp and BtsHttpUrlMapping, for caling a REST service, it maps from a property schema, ...
Martin Bring's user avatar
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How to trigger dropdownlist onchange when setting selected from DataController

I have an MVC View (https://mydomain/Data/MyChart) that contains a dropdownlist where the onchange event triggers an ajax call to get data to populate a chart. This is working perfectly. I now want ...
Warren M's user avatar
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Django : array within a query string as foo[]=bar1&foo[]=bar2

I need to prepare a Django microservice that offer the following url pattern : http://<myserver>/getinfo/?foo[]=bar1&foo[]=bar2 it seems to be a very PHP way of doing but i have to mimic ...
guimicmoc's user avatar
5 votes
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How should you build an OData URI?

I'm looking to build URIs such as$top=100. Is there a UriBuilder for creating OData URIs (i.e. which can handle characters such as $ appropriately)? Full info I ...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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Extract separte values from url query string parameter

I've gotten soooo lost on the approach. I'm using a tag manager to fire a custom script that extracts the full query string from a url...bare in mind, I deploy analytics tracking and am not a ...
JD_Builder's user avatar
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Can we populate the QueryString Parameters and values from Parameter sets?

How should i configure my URL based load test in VSTS such that i can repeat the load test with different parameter values. Can I load the parameters and values from Parameter sets ? If yes, How to do ...
DotNetSpartan's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i append a dynamic angular parameter to an url?

I am working on a project that uses typescript and angularjs. I have to insert the reference to a dynamic link as in the example: http://..../Detail.aspx?code={{MyCode}} where myCode is a dynamic ...
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Accessing page with trailing slash returns HTML w/o CSS

I'm implementing pagination for the first time ever right now, though I have run into an issue. When I access the website with a parameter (i.e. which is separated by a forward ...
oldboy's user avatar
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Extract case-insensitive query parameter from URL

I am trying to extract the case-insensitive query parameter /staging/ec/23463/front-view-72768.jpg?angle=90&or=0x0&wd=400&ht=200 from the URL. When I try to convert the whole URL in ...
Naresh's user avatar
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Parsing query string in Node to allow logical operators

I would like something similar to what node-odata offers, but I do not want to wrap it around my database (I am using Cassandra and already have an Express app set up with routes, etc). Currently, I ...
Attila's user avatar
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is there any way to hide a query string from showing in search and filter using MVC

I implement a basic sorting - filtration with sorting the index code in controller public ViewResult Index(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string searchString, int? page) { ...
user4833581's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Remove null params in HttpParams

I have a criteria object for which some attributes can be null, if I don't do anything the query string include those like &p=undefined which is not desirable since at the WebApi these come as"...
Anand's user avatar
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Recognize the pattern: what system is malforming my query string parameters?

We have a fairly complicated ASP.NET MVC project with cross domain login widgets and a lot of semi-legacy code. There is a system where we login people through an iframe. The url for the iframe we ...
Dirk Boer's user avatar
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2 answers

construct a dynamic url using path variables in spring controller

i would like to generate a dynamic url like where i can send name and color two separate input fields from my form to controller as a ...
pradeep kumar 's user avatar
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Regex for extracting key-value pair from HTTP Query String

I am using a data analysis package that exposes a Regex function for string parsing. I am trying to parse a response from a website that is in the format... key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3 ... ...
Steve Hibbert's user avatar
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JsonReaderException in AWS Lambda C# Function

I have created an aws lambda function using c# in visual studio 2017 and I'm having problems with the parameters. I am trying to get the 'querystringparameter' but every time I put a parameter in my ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Wrong bundle_option_qty into cart magento 2

I'm trying to put into cart the selections of my bundle (query string) but I'm getting back always a wrong number of items into cart. Below an example: I have a bundle with bundle option 8664. Inside ...
Gianni Di Manno's user avatar
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How to call action method using query string in mvc

Question: when new employee created I have to send mail to the admin. right now mail sending successfully but when admin clicks the link directly it should open the created employee partial view along ...
SENA's user avatar
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Url Routing

I have a blog page where blogs are fetched from database to my webpage. <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None"> &...
Ankur Verma's user avatar
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Options to get data from web page

What to use and when (or: what you would choose and why): default route and query string only routing (changes only) without query string
Velahs's user avatar
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QueryStringParameters not working on ASP.Net objectDataSource

I can't seem to get the QueryStringParameters to work with an ObjectDataSource in ASP.Net webforms. Seems like I've done this a million times, but can't figure out why the following won't work at all (...
MC9000's user avatar
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Idiomatic Query string parameter parsing in nodejs on AWS Lambda

Consider the following a nodeJS function running on AWS Lambda, serving http requests: module.exports.fetchLogLines = (event, context, callback) => { // Parse the 'token' param string argument ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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How can I check to see if an http request has no query strings in ASP.Net Core web API

I am working on an ASP.Net Core web API using REST verbs with optional query string parameters. For example, the API call looks like this; http://localhost:5010/servicetypecode?stc=123 or http:...
EiEiGuy's user avatar
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Apache QueryString

I currently am able to use the Apache QueryString and it works long as I don't have multiple "?" However I recently came across one. Something like this http://path/index.shtml?dynContent=...
SteveL's user avatar
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C# WebApi Query Parameter Parsing

I have a query string coming in from a jquery grid that I am trying to parse into parameters within C# Web API, but I am unable to get one of the properties to populate. Query String: ?current=1&...
Michael Sanders's user avatar
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SSRS report URL - shows parameters but hide rest of header

I'm trying to use querystring parameters to suppress parts of the header of an SSRS report (using SSRS 12.0.4213.0). What I want to do is supress the breadcrumb and menu panel (marked in red above) ...
3N1GM4's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Kentico allow query strings with question mark?

I'm trying to migrate my ASPX site to Kentico, and as part of my task I'm migrating URLs. I need to preserve my URL structure, so I need to keep URLs which look like : "". I ...
2sugoi2handle's user avatar
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How to pass url(include '&' operator) in query string without encode at direct address bar?

I'm used laravel framework. How to pass url(include '&' operator) in query string without encode at write direct address bar? Like this: (without encode)
Kwan Ung Park's user avatar
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Ampersand url encoding and query string parameter issue

I have had an aspx project dumped on my lap and I have the following issue. They are calling a function within the NavigateUrl of a hyperlink and the '&'s are being encoded href="/products/...
Cal's user avatar
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JavaScript function for retrieving multiple querystring values

This function works only for a parameter. function getQueryStringValue(key) { debugger; return unescape( RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\?]" + escape(key).replace(/[\.\+\...
O. Okoye's user avatar
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Query string degenerate cases

I am looking around looking for a correct regualr expression for validating URI query strings. I found some answers here or here but I still have doubts on the edge cases, where the key or the value ...
marcosh's user avatar
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How to log query string parameters with Postman

I'm using the tests of Postman to log into the console some of the details included in a JSON response. The part of the test that logs is the following: var data = JSON.parse(responseBody); if (data....
Lele B.'s user avatar
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How to encode and decode query string from javascript to servletpage using java?

How to encode and decode query string from javascript to servletpage Javascript var page=http://localhost/jsp/index.jsp?pname=jack & sparrow&price=$20&rate=10 - 20% $('#listContent')....
Arav KT's user avatar
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Get query string from extract URL if exists

I'm trying to get the value of a variable, prop, in a query string from a passed URL similar to what the gentleman in this thread did. It works if there's a query string in the URL but if there isn't ...
chavab_1's user avatar
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Query String Parameters to MVC Controller ActionResult using POST

I have following query string parameters method is POST using anularjs as var req = { method: 'POST', url: "/UserGrid", params: { rows : 15, ...
aliexalter's user avatar
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Embed YouTube video with tracklist navigation

I want to embed a YouTube video on my website that's a full-length music album and create a tracklist navigation so that the user can click to individual songs in the album. I know the basic way to ...
asonnenshine's user avatar
5 votes
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how to return a view with querystring parameters in MVC5?

Very basic but not sure how to do since i am new to mvc. I have to return a view based on a if condition. if true, i should return a view with a guid value as querystring parameter else return a ...
kaarthick raman's user avatar
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Amazon AWSECommerceService returns SignatureDoesNotMatch when I add ItemPage paramater

I can successfully generate a URL to perform a search, but when I add the ItemPage parameter, the service returns SignatureDoesNotMatch. I have tried placing the ItemPage parameter in different orders ...
hatsrumandcode's user avatar
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Having a custom QueryStringBindable in the scope with Play 2.4.3

I would like to have java.sql.Date and Option[java.sql.Date] in my Play-scala project as a query-paramater, which don't come as a default with the Play framework. Play-version I'm using is 2.4.3. I ...
mpartan's user avatar
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213 views URL with Query string while loaded in new tab throws object reference not set to instance error

abc.aspx is my page and in my site menu navigation I have categories like "apple", banana" etc. While clicking the categories in the menu I'm appending the categories as query string in the URL like ...
Gowtham's user avatar
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Fetching querystring parameters from returnurl in Controller action method

I am new to mvc. I have a returnurl argument in my action method of my controller sent from another controller. The returnurl has querystring parameters which i require to process in my controller ...
kaarthick raman's user avatar
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3 answers

Consistent way to access route value parameters passed through querystring

I have the following route defined in global.asax routes.MapRoute( "Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Portal", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); ...
Failwyn's user avatar
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how to show website links as html rather than querystring using htaccess

i have website links as given below. and many products like product4,...
S Nazia's user avatar
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Preserving query-string parameters using request scoped beans [duplicate]

I have some readonly beans which do not require maintaining their state on postbacks. These beans can thus be request scoped such as, @Named @RequestScoped public class Bean extends LazyDataModel<...
Tiny's user avatar
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BootGrid bug: GET method not working

If I use the method: "GET" I get an HTTP 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED because the current=1&rowCount=20 is attempted to be sent in the data instead of on the queryString, which as far as I understand is ...
pashute's user avatar
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sharepoint rest api max query length

We are trying to post a really long query string, that exceeds 2048 characters to sharepoint rest api.I am making a post to the below api http://sitename/_api/web/sitegroups?$select=LoginName,Id,...
jothi's user avatar
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