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Adding the QuickCheck library to a stack project

I'm trying to add the QuickCheck library to my stack project, I've already added it to build depends on the .cabal file and when I run the stack build command I can see that the library was compiled, ...
Lucas Carraro's user avatar
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Never-ending QuickCheck test leaves running process even after interrupting "cabal test"

Take this silly test, which is meant to never terminate: module Main where import Control.Monad (unless) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import Test.QuickCheck main :: IO () main = do result <-...
Enlico's user avatar
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How to approach testing for polymorphic functions taking newtype smart wrappers around simple types?

I have written a program in whcih I've defined several functions for which I've defined a concrete signature, say work :: Foo -> [(Foo, Bar)] -> [(Foo, Bar)] When approaching QuickCheck-based ...
Enlico's user avatar
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cabal test is inconsistent with its QuickCheck log [duplicate]

The following example fails (like it should) after 5 attempts: prop_varName :: VarName -> Bool prop_varName v = let s = content (getVarNameToken v) in length s <= 2 || isPrefixOf "a&...
OrenIshShalom's user avatar
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Printing an expression using Dump library fails

I would like to print the property being tested alongside the argument that caused failure. So, I am trying to solve the second part of the problem by using Debug.Dump from the dump package. This is a ...
F. Zer's user avatar
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How can I pinpoint the specific location where property tests fail when using QuickCheck more efficiently?

Current solution: I am currently using counterexample function from Test.Quickcheck: counterexample :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> Property to add informative messages in order to ...
F. Zer's user avatar
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Haskell: Using quickCheckAll with a size constraint (e.g. quickCheckWith (stdArgs {maxSize = n}))

I want to be able to use quickCheckAll to run a number of tests together. At the same time, I need to specify size constraints on my tests. In the following program, there are two tests that are ...
Geoffrey Warne's user avatar
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Haskell - QuickCheck: Checking Equality in TestTree

I am trying to write a TestTree in which I check the following axiom for my data type type Deque a = [a] My approach is the following prop1 :: TestTree prop1 = QC.testProperty "read_empty" $...
FacundoAlvarado's user avatar
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Model based property failed after few tests

I am developing a property based test generator in Erlang. I have developed all the properties successfully, but only model based properties are failed after few tests. Here is my code: ...
Arraytics New's user avatar
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How is arbitrary distributed for Int? Why is it limited by so small values?

I am trying to compare the QuickCheck library to the SmallCheck one. In SmallCheck I can reach particular value manipulating depth parameter. In QuickCheck: >a<-generate (replicateM 10000 ...
RandomB's user avatar
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How to write a Quickcheck property for ANSI escaped coded string parser?

Please consider the following piece of code: -- Represents a parsing result of an ANSI coded string. data Slice = Slice { text :: String, color :: Color } newtype Color = Color { string :: ...
Refael Sheinker's user avatar
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Using mocks in unit testing in Haskell?

Consider the following piece of code: data Slice = Slice { text :: String, color :: Color } newtype Color = Color { string :: String } mainList :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [...
Refael Sheinker's user avatar
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Issues with installing QuickCheck

I am having issues with installing QuickCheck for Haskell using GHC 9.4.4 and GHC 8.8.4, and I get the same output. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Resolving dependencies... cabal: Could ...
OwlZeroOne's user avatar
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How to constraint quickcheck test argument to be non-empty in Rust

I am trying to write a test which depends on non-empty vector of tuples as an argument but unsure of how to add such a constraint using quickcheck. #[quickcheck] fn graph_contains_vertex(vs: Vec<(...
Shivam Kapoor's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to integrate QuickCheck (Quiviq) with Erlang Eunit and if so how?

Whenever I have tried to use Quiviq I am not able to run it within the eunit:test/2. Is there a way to do so, such that you can get the Eunit report, but also showing in detail if the Quiviq fails and ...
Piskator's user avatar
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How to test Monad instance for custom StateT?

I'm learning Monad Transformers, and one of the exercises asks to implement the Monad instance for StateT. I want to test that my implementation admits to the Monad laws using the validity package, ...
Abhijit Sarkar's user avatar
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QuickCheck returns "0 tests" when checking Applicative homomorphism property (Binary Tree)

I would like to check that homomorphism Applicative law holds for datatype BinTree: {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# ...
F. Zer's user avatar
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Quickcheck Applicative homomorphism law for Binary Tree

I am aware that the following question exists: haskell - How to quickcheck applicative homomorphism property? - Stack Overflow However, the introduction of the following PRAGMA {-# LANGUAGE ...
F. Zer's user avatar
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Using QuickCheck properties with coverage inside a monadic context

I'm trying to write a QuickCheck property that uses cover to make sure that the test data covers certain cases in combination with the fact that the test involves an IO action. The problem essentially ...
l7r7's user avatar
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How do you run a single test with QuickCheck when using monadicIO in Haskell?

I am using QuickCheck as a test suite in Haskell. I want to run a single test that is always the same in the IO Monad. The problem is that QuickCheck generates 100 tests automatically even though the ...
Terra's user avatar
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Generate stateful function pointer for FFI testing

I want to generate stateful functions (C signature T f()) with QuickCheck as arguments for foreign functions. Preferably I also want to make them (or their inner s->(T,s)) showable. I know that for ...
Johannes Riecken's user avatar
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How to organize definition with QuickCheck Arbitrary class in Haskell

I am learning to use QuickCheck and find it is a very powerful library. I wrote some toy program with stack, involving a few customized data type and defined all Arbitrary instances in one file in my ...
dhu's user avatar
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Symbolic calls with Quickcheck in erlang

Hi I am trying to learn quickcheck (quviq) in erlang and I have come across an exercise where I have to test a simulated cache with symbolic calls. However I encounter problems because I get an 31> ...
Piskator's user avatar
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Are there Rust QuickCheck ports which support running with a seed

I'd like to do quickcheck/property-based testing and have it run in CI, but I don't want to add a randomized test to CI (since it could potentially fail when someone else is attempting to merge an ...
David Spies's user avatar
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QuickCheck Stack Overflow

I have the following struct: pub struct Restriction { pub min: Option<u64>, pub max: Option<u64>, } for which I have defined Arbitrary as follows: impl Arbitrary for Restriction { ...
James Burton's user avatar
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How to explicitly import 'Fn' pattern from Test.QuickCheck?

Haskell's Test.QuickCheck module exports pattern Fn, which I have been using. When I import it with: import Test.QuickCheck it works fine. However, when I import it with: import Test.QuickCheck (Fn) ...
mherzl's user avatar
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How to configure QuickCheck with cabal?

I'm learning to build a Haskell package. One thing I'm stuck with is running tests with QuickCheck. Specifically, how can I configure the number of trials to run? Here is my test file (Test.hs) with a ...
Hongtao Yang's user avatar
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Using choose in frequency Haskell QuickCheck

So I have the code below and I am trying to make it an instance of Arbitrary: data MyData = I Int | B Bool instance Arbitrary MyData where arbitrary = do { frequency [(1, return (I 1)), ...
Max Podpera's user avatar
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Generating random binary search trees with the Arbitrary typeclass

I am working on a problem set where I must write an arbitrary instance for binary search trees. Here is the code I've written so far: data Tree e = E | N (Tree e) e (Tree e) insert :: (Ord e) => e ...
sucks-at-javascript's user avatar
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Build variable length arguments array for @call

I've recently started learning Zig. As a little project I wanted to implement a small QuickCheck [1] style helper library for writing randomized tests. However, I can't figure out how to write a ...
fav's user avatar
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Using IO within a QuickCheck property test?

I'm currently writing a Haskell library to replace a closed-source 3rd party command line application. This 3rd party CLI has a spec that I've replicated, but the actually binary allows much more ...
danielbeard's user avatar
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What does the maxSize field describe in Args from Test.QuickCheck?

I'm looking at maxSize in Args. its description says: "Size to use for the biggest test cases". But how is the size of test cases determined? I'd rather to ask than to go through the source ...
Tarek Soliman's user avatar
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Why cannot I get `where` to work in Hspec

I'm struggling with the semantics of where within do blocks, specifically with Test.Hspec. The following works: module ExampleSpec where import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck spec :: Spec spec = ...
Ben Heilman's user avatar
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Unable to run QuickCheck for Haskell after updating macOS to Monterey

After updating the OS, I have updated the command line tools as well and have tried reinstalling QuickCheck using cabal which shows something like "resolving dependencies". Now every time I ...
arnz's user avatar
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No instance for (Arbitrary Natural) arising from a use of ‘prop’

I'm trying to write the following test for an implementation of the dyadic rational numbers. import Numeric.Natural import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Dyadics dyadic_add :: ...
Alex Altair's user avatar
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How to come up with properties in propety based testing

This question applies to any particular programming language. Let us imagine I have a function that converts a data structure to a string of hex. func toHex(input: data) => string Let's say I now ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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Issues with QuickCheck involving a data type with a function as a constructor

wrote the code below and am getting some issues with it : The error I am getting is : Data constructor not in scope: Int :: Int If I eradicate the Numeric Int element from my array the code works ...
harleengulati03's user avatar
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How to fix a matching error on a quickCheck done on a valid property of a function?

I want to write a function search :: String -> Char -> [Int] that returns the positions of all occurrences of the second argument in the first. For example: search "Bookshop" 'o' == [1,...
idontknowhowtocode's user avatar
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How to make the property test get a collection of entities an entity-generator can return?

I have recently started exploring property based testing using junit-quickcheck. I came across an usecase where a property has to take a list of entities(I have a generator for a standalone entity). I ...
Kranthi's user avatar
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Why is 'shrink' not called in a custom Arbitrary instance Haskell's QuickCheck?

I'm trying to understand how shrink works in Haskell's QuickCheck, so I've come up with a minimal example shown below, but when I run it, the falsified examples are not shrunk. The result object shows ...
Ernesto Posse's user avatar
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Is it possible to pass and retrieve a state in a quickcheck generator

I would like to create a quickcheck generator to generate a data structure like a tree. Due to the specifics caracteristics of this structure I would like the value to be generated according to its ...
JeanJouX's user avatar
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Haskell QuickCheck runs slowly

I am learning Haskell and recently worked on a small project to mimic arithmetics in the way how human does it, ultimately I can keep as many decimal places as I want and computation results are not ...
dhu's user avatar
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Functor laws checking with QuickCheck-classes library

I want to check functor laws for instance: instance Functor Stream where fmap f (x :> xs) = (f x) :> fmap f xs where Stream is data Stream a = a :> Stream a I use QuickCheck.Classes (...
Alimagadov K.'s user avatar
7 votes
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Why does quickcheck pass for these two different functions Haskell?

I have two functions. They are: f1 [] = [] f1 (x:xs) = if contains x xs then f1 xs else x:f1 xs and f6 xs = f1 (rev xs) It would not make sense that these two functions return the same list for ...
knowledge_seeker's user avatar
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What's wrong with my quickCheck type declaration?

I roll my own elem function called elem' elem' :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool elem' n ys = foldl (\acc p -> if (p == n) then True else False) False ys Seems to work but I want to ...
wide_eyed_pupil's user avatar
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How do I write a Hedgehog generator for a wrapped function?

I'm currently working through the book Thinking with Types. In the third chapter Variance, the author provides an exercise in which the reader should implement the functor instance for T1. newtype T1 ...
Jezen Thomas's user avatar
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Is there any ways to traverse a random json string created by a generator in java?

I have a generator which is generating a completely json scripts with random keys and values(quickcheck.generator). I want to read this string and get the values of the keys. The problem is that each ...
Mahdis Ghaffarian's user avatar
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QuickCheck Generator not terminating

This QuickCheck generator notEqual :: Gen (Int, Int) notEqual = do (a, b) <- arbitrary if a /= b then return (a, b) else notEqual Doesn't seem to terminate when passed to forAll. I'm ...
Ari Fordsham's user avatar
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quickCheck returns error when comparing zipWith functions

I created my own myzipWith function and want to compare it with the original zipWith with the use of quickCheck. myzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] myzipWith a y [] = [] ...
Parviz Ahmedov's user avatar
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Is there any way to generate values for testing this way in Haskell QuickCheck?

I have 2 data types that I use for the representation of natural numbers in the unary system data Valoare_Unar = Unu deriving(Show); data Numar_Unar = Invalid | Unar [Valoare_Unar] deriving(Show); I ...
mariciucioan's user avatar

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