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Rails 7.1 Error when reading active record model from redis cache

We have a problem during upgrade Rails from 7.0.8 to with reading AR models from Redis cache. We have several places where we cache AR models with Redis: Rails.cache.fetch("key_name")...
S. Chekan's user avatar
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rails 6.1 inconsistent behavior when using framwork_default_6_1.rb vs load_defaults = 6.1

I am upgrading my project from 6.0 to 6.1 and in my project, I have config/initializers/new_framework_defaults_6_0.rb # Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file. # # This file contains ...
Kiran Kumawat's user avatar
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Psych AliasesNotEnabled after upgrading Rails to latest version

I had an application running on Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.3. I upgraded Ruby to version 3.0.0 and Rails to 7.1.2. Now when I run "rails server", I have the following error message and the ...
DevAct's user avatar
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How to get rid of "actor already terminated (Celluloid::DeadActorError)" warning

I am getting a warning actor already terminated (Celluloid::DeadActorError) when I try stop Rails server using Ctrl + C FYI, recently I have upgraded Rails application to version 6.1.7 with Ruby ...
suyogb's user avatar
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2 answers

js requests to Rails 6.0 app render html template instead of js

I'm in the process of migrating a legacy Rails 5.0 app to (hopefully) 7.x. I got to 5.2.x without too much trouble. I'm currently trying to upgrade to 6.0 and I have a problem with controller actions ...
Mark Thomson's user avatar
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Rails 5 (from Rails 4.2) and Devise 4 (from Devise 3) Upgrade: Warden::Proxy Instance Not Found in Request Environment

So we’re in the process of upgrading an old Rails 4 app. We’re currently trying to jump from Rails 4.2 to 5.0. Part of this involves upgrading Devise from version 3 to version 4. We’ve been jumping ...
Nathan Thomas's user avatar
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Upgrading Rails Application from 5.0 to, NameError uninitialized constant

I recently upgraded my rails application from ruby 2.6.6 to ruby 3.2.2 and rails 5 to rails After upgrading gems that were failing, I am now able to run rails s, but I get this error whenever ...
AntonioKaram's user avatar
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Rails Legacy Upgrade NameError

I recently upgraded an old ruby app from rails 5 to rails 7. Ever since, I have been getting this error. It happens after I run rails s and access the application through the browser (seems like the ...
AntonioKaram's user avatar
3 votes
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What is causing the 'Alias parsing was not enabled' error in Psych while upgrading Rails to and how can it be resolved?

Alias parsing was not enabled getting psych error when upgrading rails from 5.2 to .rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.8@reports2/gems/psych-5.1.0/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb:432:in `visit_Psych_Nodes_Alias':...
AMAN SHARMA's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Psych errors after Rails version update

We recently updated a client's application from Rails 4 to rails 5. However, after running the test suite the following issue appeared whilst trying to create an object: Failure/Error: ...
angelov_mm's user avatar
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Enum on model being loaded twice after upgrade to Rails 7

I've just upgraded to Rails 7, and suddenly I'm having a very odd issue with one of my models. This is the model (please ignore the terrible naming of the keys and the fact that this would probably be ...
jeffdill2's user avatar
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2 answers

uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::Railtie::ActiveRecord

While upgrading from Ruby 2.6.6 to Ruby 3.1.3 and from Rails 5.2.6 to Rails 6.0.6, I made sure that I followed and incorporated all the changes between these 2 rails versions. I am not sure why I am ...
genonymous's user avatar
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Migrate rails application using ar-octopus gem to Rails v6.x.x

Did Rails Dev, migration rails app using ar-octopus to rails version 6/7. As I see there are no updates regarding the rails v6 in ar-actopus gem, did any tried to upgrade on own. Thanks in Advance.
Modi Ranga Nayakulu's user avatar
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Rails 6.1 gives extra precision value on upgrade

I was upgrading the Ruby on Rails application from 6.0 to 6.1. When checking the start_date which is having having extra precision value when it comes to 6.1 2.7.0 :001 > User.last.created_at ...
Anoob K Bava's user avatar
2 votes
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Upgrading to from rails 5 to 6 and zeitwerk

We have a rails app and a trying to upgrade to rails 6.1. We have managed to make the application run locally with only minor problems. However, pushing to our ci (circleCI) we get errors in ...
Nicholas Ladefoged's user avatar
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How can I disable ActiveSupport::Notifications on Rails 7?

I'm trying to upgrade my API from Rails 6 to Rails 7, and got this error after solving dependences and running my app: Error: ActiveSupport::Notifications::InstrumentationSubscriberError (Exception(s) ...
dfop02's user avatar
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After upgrading Rails from 6.1.1 to 7.0.3 my Devise mailers can't be initialized

I started upgrading my application from Rails 6.1.1 to 7.0.3. While doing this I also had to upgrade Devise from 4.7.3 to 4.8.1. With old setup everything worked fine. Now after upgrading I can't ...
Andres's user avatar
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SystemStackError: stack level too deep while upgrading from rails 6.0 to 6.1.4

While I am upgrading my rails application with ruby 2.7.4 and Moving form rails 6.0 to 6.1.4 I am facing issue while running command bin/rails app:update I am also adding few lines of errors ...
Deepak Kumar's user avatar
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rake aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method `alias_method_chain' for ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper:Class

when i added the foreigner gem in gemfile this occur and i am upgrading rails 4.1 to 6.1: any solution anyone have fast post otherwise you can mail to [email protected] /usr/local/bundle/bundler/...
santu prajapati's user avatar
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Upgrading to Rails 6.1.4: `to_app': missing run or map statement (RuntimeError)

I am upgrading my existing application of rails 5.2.0 to 6.1.4 I followed the official upgrade guide as well as, this guide. My rails version is & my ruby version is 2.5.3 which satisfies ...
Himmelspiegel's user avatar
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Rails Upgrade 4.2 -> 5 - Bundler not able to resolve exact gem version

I'm getting this error in upgrading various gems, as I'm trying to move from to 5.0.1. Sample error for actionpack: Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack": ...
Gagan93's user avatar
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Dependency Errors upgrading to Rails 6

I remove my Gemfile.lock, change my gem 'rails', '5.2' to gem 'rails', '6.0' and do bundle install. I get a lot of dependency errors. But I cannot understand them because they seem okay. I was getting ...
ryan2johnson9's user avatar
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Rails 5 and mystery requests every 30 seconds

After upgrading to Rails 5, I notice that every 30 seconds, a request to our root url comes in. Has anyone any idea what this could be? I checked a few things like closing all browsers, restarting my ...
ryan2johnson9's user avatar
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Active-record error after rails upgrade undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass and undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass

I upgrade rails 4.2.10 to 6.0 step by step. But when I try to upgrade rails to 6.0 I cant query like Object.all it gives me undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass error. When I try to call ...
M. Samil Buyukcaglayan's user avatar
2 votes
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ELB Target groups health checks are failing with 403 after upgrading from Rails 5 to rails 6

ELB target group's health check is failing with status code 403 forbidden after upgraded rails to rails 6. However health check is working in development but not on AWS cloud. Health check is succeed ...
Ajit Kholambe's user avatar
2 votes
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Factory_girl deprecation for rails 5

I'm currently upgrading my rails application from rails 4 to rails 5. Is it necessary to change from Factory_girl to Factory_bot? What will happen if I proceed with a deprecation warning? further, I ...
Chaitali's user avatar
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Stack level too deep on upgrading rails 3.1.10 to 3.2.0

I am getting the following errors after upgrading my rails application from 3.1.10 to 3.2.0. rails console is opening fine. And, I am able to execute code in console. However, When I run rails server ...
Sarwan Kumar's user avatar
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upgrading rails, confusing output

So I'm moving from 4.2.11 -> 5.2.3, and when I try to bundle install, I get a ton of sections of output that look similar to this: Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rest-client": ...
user avatar
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Upgrading rails4 to 5.0.0 and getting dependency error for actionpack, activemodel

I am upgrading my rails app from rails 4 to rails 5.0.0 I have fixed most dependency issues except the following: Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "actionpack": In Gemfile: ...
anumita srivastava's user avatar
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#= require not working after upgrade to Rails 5

I upgraded Rails 4.2.10 application to Rails 5. Solved errors with bundling and some deprecations. I am able to start the Rails Application, but when I try to load the Application, it fails with error,...
Aditya Narsapurkar's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to upgrade rails without test cases

I'm going to upgrade rails from 4.0 to 4.1 and then 4.2. However, the current system does not have any test cases. And it is not easy and time consuming to write tests before the upgrade. Is there ...
SilentCanon's user avatar
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Rails upgrade includes method behavior change

I've been digging for a couple days and haven't found a good explanation for this behavior change. I'm in the process of upgrading a Rails application from 3.2 to 5.2 this is code in a passing test ...
Andrew Algard's user avatar
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Upgrade Rails 3 to 5, scope block syntax

I'm upgrading an app from Rails 3.2 to 5.2, I need to have both versions running at the same time and have run into an issue with the scope block syntax. I've got this relationship on a Project ...
Andrew Algard's user avatar
2 votes
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Rspec - Check for the instance of ActiveRecord::Relation of a specific Model

In our application, we have used this expect_any_instance_of(Order::ActiveRecord_Relation) .to receive(:something) As we upgraded the application to rails 5.2 we are getting the following error ...
Deepak Mahakale's user avatar
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Upgrading to Rails 5, can't resolve dependencies

Upgrading from Rails 4.2.10 to Rails 5.1.4 results in the error message below. I am not sure how t resolve the dependencies. The ruby version is 2.5.1. Rails 4.2.10 runs without issue and bundle ...
mr. jman's user avatar
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Upgrading to rails 5, mongodb as database

I am upgrading my rails version to 5.0 from 4.2. App uses mongoDB database. Upgraded mongoid version to 6.3.0. Do I have to create application_record.rb as we do for other activerecord databases, ...
rAzOr's user avatar
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Serialise hash with dates as YAML rails

TL;DR: Rails 5.1, Ruby 2.4.0 is serialising a hash including Time objects with quotes around the string representation of the time. These quotes weren't there in Rails 2.3, Ruby 1.8.7 and break my app;...
rwold's user avatar
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Migrating from Rails 4 to Rails 5: using ActionDispatch::Request.parameter_parsers and config.middleware

I am currently migrating an app from Rails 4 to Rails 5. I've encountered the following issue when trying to issue commands such as bundle exec rspec spec: /Users/me/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.2/gems/...
DaniG2k's user avatar
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Rails 5.1.4 after upgrade DuplicateMigrationNameError

I recently updated a Rails 4.2 app to 5.1.4. After upgrading, whenever I try to run rake db:migrate, I get a DuplicateMigrationNameError. The first few times, the error pointed to a file so I just ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Nested input disappears when upgrading to activeadmin 1.0

I have a form that, when maximally simplified, looks like this. ActiveAdmin.register Foo do form do |f1| f1.inputs 'DeepFoos' do f1.has_many :deep_foos do |f2| f2.input :name ...
Alex Altair's user avatar
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Change in response from serializers after rails upgrade to 4.2.2 from 4.1.9

I was upgrading my rails application from Rails 4.1.9 to 4.2.2.In rails 4.1.9 rspec was green.After the upgrade when i ran the test, i got a couple of rspec failures. Rails version = 4.2.2 Ruby ...
Charles Skariah's user avatar
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migration from rails 3.1 to 3.2 with plugins and fix the deprecation warnings

I am working in a project with Ruby version 1.9.3 and Rails Version 3.1.12. Planning to Migrate the rails Version to 3.2.The issue encountered is with plugins; we have 6 plugins namely, ...
Anoob K Bava's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I install using gem when I keep getting this zlib error?

I recently installed rails 4.1.8 from the repos in ubuntu. I installed ruby 2.0.0. I want to update to rails 4.2.0. I rvm'd to ruby 2.0.0. I try to update rails using gem install rails -v 4.2.0 but ...
MattF's user avatar
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Rails Server producing error on Home Page after rails 5 upgrade

I have attempted to upgrade from rails 4.2 to 5. my ruby version and rails version are now both upgraded, and I've attempted to run through what I believe to be most of the upgrade steps. When I run ...
BB500's user avatar
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Could not find compatible versions for gem "rack"

I am attempting to update my app to Rails 5.0.1. After attempting to run bundle update, the error below appears, but there is no rack gem. How can I get this to resolve? Error: Bundler could not ...
Sauron's user avatar
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Spree does not work with the protected_attributes gem installed

I am upgrading my application from rails 3.2 to rails 4. I am following this Railscast #415 Upgrading to Rails 4 When I tried to start my rails server after adding protected_attributes gem in my ...
Deepak Mahakale's user avatar