Questions tagged [reactive]

The reactive tag refers to a variable type and environment used inside Shiny applications based in the R programming language. Reactive elements are dynamic and changing over time usually due to user input to the Shiny application. This tag should be used with questions and errors regarding how to refresh, update, assign, and access user inputs into Shiny. The reactive tag is to be used in conjunction with the r and shiny tag.

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2 answers

Vue 3 external state reactivity

I have a pattern I use to try to keep as much logic (unit tests, data fetching, etc.) in vanilla js and use Vue to handle the rendering or any other functionality only possible in the framework. That ...
nick wall's user avatar
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Vue 3 and Window object reactivity

I'm facing an issue I'm not able to solve, so I need some help! Problem I would like to listen up changes on location.href value. How could I detect changes in window.location object? I need to create ...
Zalo's user avatar
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Java generics and reactive paradigm

I'm new to this reactive programming and I'm a little bit lost. I have a simple factory that retrieves the required class that implements a generic interface: public interface InterfaceToBeImplemented&...
Idorasi Paul's user avatar
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Reactive object assignment from reactive array

I need to assign to a reactive object a object from a reactive array inside script setup composition API, any suggestion? Here is my code - the variable pokemonsReactiveArr is: export let ...
francesco14's user avatar
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How to create a transaction to insert multiple queries

I'm trying to create a transaction in Rx vert.x 4.4.4 with Java. I spent a lot of time in it, but I can't get it done. I'm using JDBCC Client: @Inject public CompanyRepositoryImpl(final Vertx vertx) { ...
ethereumUser's user avatar
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issue in using reactive apps with lambda

I am pretty new to use of reactive in Java. Here below is the issue that I am facing. I have developed a springboot-REST application with contoller, service and repository layer with R2DBC driver. ...
Ram's user avatar
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How can I create a reactive table in a flexdashboard or Shiny app, where the table output depends on the selected item in a drop-down list?

I am brand new to shiny apps/flexdashboard in R. I have a csv file that I would like to use to create a reactive dashboard. My aim is to have a drop down list on the left panel that, when an item is ...
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How to iterate Flux with nested list of elements in Spring web flux

There are nested list of elements that need to be iterated and provide the response data in the same hierarchical manner: { "bank": [ { "bankTitle": &...
suresh's user avatar
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3 answers

reactive statement that runs every time any state variable changes

I am trying to write a simple app. The app has two child components. Each components represents a team. The score begins from 20 and the group which loses all points 0 lost. my parent component has ...
eitan's user avatar
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How to collect metrics (prometheus ) from Reactive Routes in Quarcus

Quarkus version 3.2.3.Final I am using reactive routes in quarkus 'io.quarkus:quarkus-reactive-routes' I am also using promoetheus metrics io.quarkus:quarkus-micrometer-registry-prometheus. The ...
Денис Анд's user avatar
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Reactive Java: change window size at runtime

I have a Flux emitting items every 1 seconds, on repeat. How can I change the window size dynamically? public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Duration interval = ...
krinklesaurus's user avatar
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Duplicate request sent by `org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient`

This is the piece of code that sends the requests twice every time you call it suspend fun requestSimulation(simulationRequest: SimulationRequest): Boolean { val accepted = WebClient.create(...
Jahan Zinedine's user avatar
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Catch Exception without blocking - Spring reactive

How should I catch the exception without blocking the call (WebClient - SpringReactive) public Mono<ServerResponse> handleWithErrorResumeAndCustomException(ServerRequest request) { return ...
user2000189's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mutiny.SessionFactory bean not found. Hibernate Reactive with Panache

I'm Trying to create a CRUD implementation using hibernate reactive with Panache when I run the add method I get the error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mutiny.SessionFactory bean not found. ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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Common input for visNetwork and DT in Shiny R

I am trying to figure out how can I like together visNetwork and DT in Shiny R. I want to use a selected node in the visNetwork as an input for selected row in the DT and vise versa. For example, if a ...
mitya's user avatar
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WebClient Rest call is throwing NPE for Builder

This is my Service class snippet and I am trying to write a test for this class. While writing tests for some reasons, my builder is throwing NPE. I am using webclient builder to set up my base-url. ...
MissConfusion's user avatar
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Shiny app: how can I change plot data based on input value?

I'm trying to build an app which lets a user switch between two datasets, display a data table and select a variable from the columns to visualize the corresponding plot. The problem is that the rows ...
eazyezy's user avatar
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Reactive value not updating based on dependent value

I have a project of Roles and Permission in Laravel API based with Vue.js frontend. In Add Roles page if clicking the "All" checkbox, all roles are checked but no data appears in ...
Sd Jibon's user avatar
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rxjava: thenReturn Single.error vs thenThrow Exception

I am writing an unit test for methodOne and am trying to simulate an exception scenario. Single<String> methodOne() { methodTwo(); return Single.just("Hello"); } Single<...
rangarok's user avatar
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How to validate a secret present in headers of a post request?

I have to implement a POST rest API. For authentication, the client will send us a secret (static) in headers and we have to validate it on the server. One way is to access the secret in the ...
Cheerless guy's user avatar
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Non blocking way to return a mono response value

I have below code, what is the ideal way to return the value correctly from this method that uses reactive redis operations and is meant to serve as an common api to read a value from redis. I can ...
Mark1234's user avatar
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Spring WebFlux | Performance Logger In case of Exception

I'm working on logging the START, END and time taken by methods which generate Flux or Mono. I have used implementation as below. This code works fine, but is a problems - When there is an exception - ...
AD90's user avatar
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Vue js 3 Reactivity confused with data change methods in component api

hi guys i have a quick question about changing the data in vue3 reactive data let me show you my code so you get what is the idea const packageInfo = reactive({ data:[] }) this is my code sample ...
Mobinkh's user avatar
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Create reactive filter in RShiny that returns only rows relevant to input

Please could you help me have a look at my code and tell me where I'm tripping up? I'm trying to give a drop down input where users can select a category and then filter my data table by the chosen ...
Bethy's user avatar
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Shiny App Error - "Can't access reactive value. Do you need to wrap inside reactive() or observe()?"

I am attempting to write a shiny app and the UI is working fine, but when I try to run the server.R code I get an error, and am not sure what to fix to resolve the issue "Warning: Error in $: Can'...
Christine Brydges's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make exception mapper to be called in Quarkus

Please see the resource below. I set to throw exception in post jut to test that exception mapper works, but it never get called. Instead i am getting "red screen" from quarks error message ...
Денис Анд's user avatar
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How to get the cell clicked from a dataTable in a dynamic UI?

Consider this example with two dataTables. One of them is generated dynamically but I do not know how to get cell-clicked events from it. library(shiny) library(DT) ui <- fluidPage( textOutput(&...
pietrodito's user avatar
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Result from Mono<Object> is null

I have the following code which I want to use to convert Mono<Object> to plain Object. Mono<BasicTokenResponseDto> response = -> { BasicTokenResponseDto ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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How to convert a Uni<Void> response to a "not found" in Quarkus Resteasy Reactive?

Given an endpoint like that: @GET @Path("{id}") public Uni<Stuff> getSomeStuff(@PathParam("id") int id) { return someService.fetchStuff(id); } When someService.fetchStuff(...
Marc's user avatar
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How to load reactiveValues from disk without breaking obervers?

In order to save the state of a shiny application to the disk I am using the function reactiveValuesToList(). When I want to load the state from the disk I am using, ...) as ...
pietrodito's user avatar
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Fetch all documents from elastic search index kotlin reactive

I have tried to fetch all documents and got only the default number, I think 10K. How can I fetch all 1M documents using elasticsearch version 7.15.2 class ESReactiveClientWrapper( val ...
userit1985's user avatar
3 votes
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Handling an empty Mono

I am trying to write a reactive function that performs a certain task when the first Mono is non-empty, and a "fallback" task when the Mono is empty. This is what I have so far: static Mono&...
user1927638's user avatar
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Why the result of VueUse.useMouse() without reactive?

I use VueUse.useMouse(), when I moving mouse, the results in console.log() will change, but the results in <span></span> always 0, I really can't understand, can anyone tell me why ? 😫😫😫...
XJ.Chen's user avatar
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In R Shiny, How do I update a leaflet map colors with a reactive variable?

I am trying to build an app in R Shiny which takes inputs from several different data sets and then maps them. My main problem is trying to get the colors to change based off of what data is selected. ...
Bobby Griffin's user avatar
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How to process batch of elements in Flux in parallel environment

In the below piece of code, I see an IDE error for buffer. I want to be able to group elements in to batch of three using buffer but it isn't working. My goal is, divide flux into parallel rails, and ...
sesha sai srivatsav's user avatar
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Is there a way to handle redis timeouts and not to fail the API if redis is unavailable

For my API , I am using redis cache , sometimes while calling redis we get exceptions like timeout because of which the API fails even though the data is present in redis and in database. Is there any ...
developer's user avatar
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How call shared lib in jenkins declarative pipline

Am trying call active choice and reactive choice parameter scripts from shared lib This my shared librey file envparams.groovy I tried with combined it's working but when I tried shared lib calling ...
sammahi's user avatar
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Vue's reactiv with classes

I want to wrap a class object in reactive, so i can trigger my methods which works on the attributes and the latest values of the attributes are displayed. For example on this Example Code: <script ...
Patrick Scheich's user avatar
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My angular rxjs combineLatest is not propagating the types to the pipe operator

The IDE properly identifies the two objects in the combineLatest operator as an IStory[] and string respectively. Once I pipe and destructure the content, the IDE identifies both elements as storys:...
Sherum's user avatar
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How to chain API call responses with Mutiny (Uni's)

I have 3 reactive rest client functions getOne(): Uni<String>, getTwo(reponseFromOne): Uni<List<Two>>, getThree(responsesFromTwo): Uni<List<Three>> I want to chain them ...
Nick's user avatar
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Using AtomicReference for spring webflux without blocking

I want to set a tenantId value in the webflux, then use it in the logging something like this: @Override public Mono<String> getData(String id) { AtomicReference<String> ...
Jonathan Hagen's user avatar
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R Shiny: Update a R6 Object on different actionButtons

I am trying to build a shiny update that allows the user to update a R6 Class object by clicking different actionButtons, as shown in the example below. I also looked into different options such as ...
lukp's user avatar
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Monogodb: update element of array of objects with criterias

I have this document: { "id" : "001", "items" : { "persons" : [ { "city" : "London", "color&...
Marius Danciu's user avatar
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@Query is not working with r2dbc and postgres

@Repository public interface XYZRepository extends R2dbcRepository<XYZ, XYZPK> { @Query(value = "select * from xyz\n" + "right join (select max(capture_date) ...
crazy hoe's user avatar
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How to call @MessageMapping endpoint with RSocketRequester?

everyone I try to call @MessageMapping endpoint using RSocketRequester. My controller class which contains endpoint I want to be called is @RestController public class SomeController { private ...
Dmitry Kropotov's user avatar
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Quarkus reactive with http request on ContainerRequestFilter

I'm want to made a request on my ContainerRequestFilter @Startup @Provider @PreMatching public class SecurityOverrideFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { @Inject Logger logger; @...
tiagomistral's user avatar
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Recreate reactiveValues in shiny without reactiveness (but same scoping behaviour)

I have a shiny app split into multiple modules. To pass data between the modules I use reactiveVal(ues). These can be passed to functions and modified from within the other functions. I would like to ...
Elias's user avatar
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Interaction between invalidateLater and DT click events

In my shiny app, I have a textInput field that can either be filled out manually or by clicking on a cell in a datatable from the DT library. I would like to display that table live, using ...
king_of_limes's user avatar
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How to handle errors in micronaut rest service?

I'm new to micronaut and I try to implement a simple use-case: have a rest endpoint that calls another rest service and return the result to the user (in practice there will be some processing of the ...
Marc's user avatar
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Handling failures with SmallRye Mutiny

I am new to and learning reactive programming with Quarkus and mutiny. My code is a basic block where I am playing around with all these new concepts. I am struggling to figure out how to achieve the ...
SEED's user avatar
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