Questions tagged [rosette]

Rosette adds a collection of solver-aided facilities to Racket. These facilities enable programmers to conveniently access a constraint solver that can answer interesting questions about program behaviors.

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OR/AND operation on lists in Racket

I want to understand what and and or represent in Racket when used with lists. When I do something like this - > (or `(1 2) `(1 3)) '(1 2) What is the result representing? I thought when we use or ...
Saikumar's user avatar
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1 answer

unable to run Rosette Language in Dr. Racket

I followed the directions on the Rosette website to download rosette ( It seems that I can run this program and get an output error ...
MathStudent's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Understanding `define-symbolic`

I'm reading the Rosette Essentials. The guide explains the use of define-symbolic: The define-symbolic form binds the variable to the same (unique) [symbolic] constant every time it is evaluated. (...
chansey's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to synthesize programs with multiple types in Rosette?

I am looking to write a DSL in Rosette with the goal of synthesizing a function. The DSL is based off a very small subset of Haskell, and is strongly typed. I therefore want to make sure that ...
lightning's user avatar
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I have a problem with filter stopword operator in rapidminer

I am working on a sentiment analysis project in Persian language and I use rapidminer to this purpose.. I installed the rosette extension for some text preproccesing purpose in this language such as ...
atefe's user avatar
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7 votes
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When should I use Rosette's shallow vs. deep embedding for program synthesis?

Some tutorials for Rosette introduce program synthesis using shallow embedding and others using deep embedding. After reading Torlak et Bodik's "Growing Solver-Aided Languages with ROSETTE", it ...
Mike Chung's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are the ways to identify unlifted Racket constructs while using the full Rosette language?

One of the most common bugs I make while implementing a program synthesizer with Rosette is using unlifted Racket constructs in an unsafe way that makes synthesizer to output (unsat). In fact, as a ...
Mike Chung's user avatar