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Turbo Rails - TypeError: ya is not a function at ga

After updating my Ruby on Rails app, I encountered the following error when hovering over links, and Turbo is not working properly (it reloads the entire page instead of updating the body content): ...
Christian Bischoff's user avatar
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How can you automate security audits of javascript packages when using Rails importmap?

When using a package manager like npm you have the ability to run npm audit on your package.json file to check for any known vulnerabilities. You can then add this check to your CI Pipeline to ...
Chris Lewis's user avatar
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Can I switch to Amazon S3 later in Rails 7 after using local storage?

If I'm using the server's local storage for storing images, can I access those local images later when I switch to Amazon S3 plan?
John Sall's user avatar
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Setting up SSL for localhost (MacOS / rails / react / vite)

I'm trying to configure an app on my local development environment to use SSL. I started down this path when I noticed a CORS error upon trying to request data from the back end Rails API. When I ...
Misha Krul's user avatar
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How can I centralize tenant data like university and location in a multitenancy Rails app? [closed]

I'm using Ruby on Rails with multitenancy and need to centralize data like universities, majors, and locations to avoid manually adding it for each new tenant. I'm considering these options: Store it ...
Yuma Nur Alfath's user avatar
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Where in javascript:install:[bundler] are the tools installed to terminal?

Question regarding jsbundling-rails gem, asked on github and posting here also for more visibility. I've tried intalling a couple different bundlers now for a new app, essentially getting the same ...
bjorn's user avatar
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Rails Excel Export has wrong formatting of numbers

My Rails app offers the ability to export payments and invoices in Excel format using the caxlsx and calsx_rails gem. The export itself works fine. The invoice values though are properly formatted in ...
Julian's user avatar
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Back button not working as expected after increasing window.history.length on form submission

I am working on a Rails application and have a form that, upon submission, it to increase the window.history.length. I want the "Back" button to take the user back through all the history ...
Sanju Basnet's user avatar
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What is the next step to troubleshoot Rails app not responding (Nginx and Passenger seem to be working)?

My Rails app is now deployed (using Capistrano) but doesn't seem to be receiving requests. If I try to connect from Safari it eventually times out, if I try to connect from Chromium I get "The ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Selenium: Unknown error when connected by RDP

I'm running a Debian VM through Windows Hyper-V, and I connect to the system using Remote Desktop from the Windows device. This has been working amazingly for everything, except running Cucumber tests ...
Noel Frostpaw's user avatar
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activeadmin_addons assets are not align to the activeadmin theme

Issue in activeadmin_addons tags input, slim select. I am trying to align the form with adding the css inside the below path app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss no table to overide tried to add ...
Ajit Dhanje's user avatar
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Where are those schema.rb discrepancies coming from?

My whole team is using docker so we have similar versions, some people are on Linux and some on Mac. When I call rails db:schema:dump I see few discrepancies in the resulting diff: The 1st kind is ...
Greg's user avatar
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Ruby gsub capturing groups

This is my input (stored in content variable): <p>some text</p> [image=content_001]Some alt/legend text[/image] <div>some div</div> This is my desired output: <p>some ...
Daniel Costa's user avatar
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Association with Composite Primary keys in rails

I was reading the Association with Composite primary keys part on rails docs I have 3 questions 1- Why are the names of the foreign keys different in the 2 tables shouldn't they be the same for e.g ...
Student CZ's user avatar
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CSP Configuration in Rails with Chartkick

Unable to Set Content Security Policy for Specific Controller Action in Rails with Chartkick Problem Description I'm trying to configure Content Security Policy (CSP) in my Rails application, which ...
Duarte's user avatar
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RSpec error with expecting DateTime value to be_within a duration of a ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone value

Why does the following test give me a TypeError: expected numeric error: it { expect( be_within(1.second).of } but this test does not? it { expect( ...
aarona's user avatar
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Can't Render Emojis Using MiniMagick in Ruby on Rails

Could you please help me with generating images that include emojis? Currently, I'm failing to load the font and getting the following error: MiniMagick::Error in HomeController#index `mogrify -...
Ball Feke's user avatar
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Rails 7 Deployment to Production locally. Missing stimulus controllers [closed]

Everything is working while in development environment and then I tried deploying this in prod env locally to test things out and got an error. Error log Use Ctrl-C to stop I, \[2024-09-12T15:21:22....
user24720087's user avatar
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Tailwind not running in my Rails App. How can I see the issue so I can debug it

I switch my app from webpacker to esbuild. My biggest issue is I don't know how to debug the problem. When I run bin/dev it exits when it running js: yarn build --watchcss: bin/rails tailwindcss:watch ...
Jamie Crone's user avatar
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Arel query generation for array containment check in Athena/Presto

I'm working on enhancing a report configuration system to support filtering by an array column partition_ids. We want to check if any of the specified partition IDs are present in this array. ...
Shreya Gupta's user avatar
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Error on libvips library when installing Ruby on Rails 7.0 app in RHEL8

Trying to install a Ruby on Rails app that uses Rails 7+. Get this error: Could not open library '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Could not open ...
Jesse's user avatar
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Retrive actual file name from Rails ActiveStorage S3 file name

I have to migrate assets(images) from Rails ActiveStorage uploaded file to S3 into my another WordPress website. However, it seems the filename is they Blob key similar to as below: ...
Dhanu Gurung's user avatar
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How to debug Ruby on Rails in Heroku Staging with VSCode

We've set up a Heroku Ruby on Rails API app and used the Pipeline feature to create a Production and Staging copy of the app. We develop on a Linux VM with VSCode Remote from Windows PCs and push ...
Bill Wagoner's user avatar
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How to read gzip file download from an API

I`m trying to download a file from an API that give me sales of a client. But I dont know how to do it. url = URI("{MYCODE}/conciliation-file/...
Diogo Amaral's user avatar
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Rails 7 devise gem can't login with valid credentials after some days

Rails 7 Devise 4.9.4 (with bcrypt (~> 3.0)) User can't login error raised "Invalid Email or password." User reset password and can login with new password after some days he/she can't ...
Mr.Muhammad Ramzan's user avatar
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Prawn Gem - Print the textbox section dynamically after a table

I use prawn gem to generate a pdf file with tables and other sections. The text_box position are static and it is working as expected. Now I want the text_box below the table to be dynamic. Below is ...
siva's user avatar
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Duration between two dates in Ruby (Rails)

If I have a specific date and then add a duration to it resulting in another date For example: d1 = Date.parse('1996-02-17') d2 = d1 + 67.years + 3.months # 2063-05-17 Then, how can I get the ...
RobV's user avatar
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Rails update xlsm excel file using win32ole not working

I want to update some rows in an Excel file using a Rails form. I saved the data into my Excel file, but all the automatic calculations don't work. I previously tried this with rubyXL, but the file ...
Andry Narson's user avatar
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undefined method `slice' for nil:NilClass excluded from capture: Not configured to send/capture in environment 'development'

I get this error when I try to update applications in the admin panel my controller frozen_string_literal: true class Admin::OrdersController < Admin::ApplicationController def index ...
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2 answers

Rails numericality validation does not work when using symbol

I have the following validation in my 'config' model: validates :property_value_max, numericality: { only_integer: true, allow_nil: true } and it works if I try to update it like (in the sense that ...
skamsie's user avatar
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How best to propogate an `admin` status to children using Rails and Ancestry

I have User and Collection models, and am using the Ancestry gem to support nested sub-Collections. Each collection has many admin_users and each user is the admin of many collections: # user.rb class ...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Rails minitest + authlogic cannot authenticate

I am following the authlogic setup for authenticating an admin user during testing setup using minitest ( ). It seems ...
Jacob Miller's user avatar
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Solid Queue 0.8.2 with sql schema format

From my understanding, solid cache 0.8.2 replaces migrations with a schema to be loaded (available at /db/queue_schema.rb after running bin/rails solid_queue:install). In my Rails app, I use the sql ...
Sig's user avatar
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Ruby On Rails MVC Pattern [duplicate]

Basically i'm new to ROR. So i just wanted to know about it's MVC Lifecycle. In MVC one thing is bothering me which is that, if controller accept the user request and then perform desired actions(all ...
Nouman Ahmad's user avatar
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Skip/Add acts_as_list conditionally

I am using a single model for acts_as_list, not sure if it is mandatory to add an associated model. class TestModel < ApplicationRecord # need to skip adding a value to position for a specific ...
Tanay Sharma's user avatar
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Ruby on rails - I want a behavior, when validity is true, but validity is always true, as Required: false,

My issue is precisely this. I am using simple forms and one of my sections (one_liner), is not behaving as wanted. As it can be seen from the picture, the label should not hover, if nothing is ...
Mahir Ekinci's user avatar
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How do i upgrade nokogiri compatible to my rails & ruby version

I was trying to start a rails project (version 6.x), for which a nokogiri error was there: ERROR: Error installing rails: The last version of nokogiri (>= 1.8.5) to support your Ruby & ...
Akshat Parashar's user avatar
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Testing file uploads in Rails App using cucumber

I have the following cucumber test in my Rails app with the following step I attach a contract which should basically upload any file to check if upload works (upload is mandatory). Problem: I don't ...
Julian's user avatar
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Using Arel.sql with Arel::Nodes::Case in Ruby for Dynamic subquery

I want to get the timestamp for a table of locations in each rows' local timezone (stored in tz_name column). Generalized, how does one have a dynamic sql call for the timestamp in a given timezone ...
dreadstar's user avatar
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redis-rails and acl getting NOPERM with turbo broadcast

We are trying to set passwords on our redis. redis.conf: user default on >xxxxxxxx ~* +@all user user01 on >xxxxxxxx ~* +@all In our environment variables we have: REDIS_URL=redis://user01:...
phil's user avatar
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`belongs_to` and `before_create` order in Rails

Given a scenario where a book belongs to an author: class Book < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :author end Now let's add a before_create :ensure_something to the book model. The ensure_something ...
Splines's user avatar
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How to run RSpec system specs with Dev Containers

I'm trying to set up DevContainers with a Rails 7.2 app, but I'm having difficulties getting my RSpec system specs to run correctly. My compose.yaml file includes the selenium/standalone-chromium ...
Sig's user avatar
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Rail Upgrade to 7.1.4, NoMethodError for jsonb field in Postgres Db

Upgrading a project from Rails 5.2, made it to 7.1.4 and it's producing an odd issue serializing jsonb. Given the lack of information I've found, this appears to be an unusual issue. The error ...
Kinitawowi's user avatar
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Finde css selector with Capybara on a Tailwind pseudo class name

Let say I have a radio button styled with Tailwind class <input type="radio" class="bg-red-500" checked="checked"/> I can find the element with Capybara's matchers ...
equivalent8's user avatar
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Cloudflare R2 - Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey (The specified key does not exist.) - Shrine, Ruby

I am having an issue when uploading to Cloudflare R2 object storage. I tried using S3, which works well, but I need to set up R2. For uploading I am using gem Shrine. I created a "demo code" ...
Kubatron P's user avatar
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In Resque with Redis, how to get worker-id from job-id

We miss that info. We have 2 production machines, and we would like to know in which machine has been executed. We have the job-id, like 9e806647228a11654d46fb0705c2d209, but... how do we know the ...
Alfredo Bonilla's user avatar
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CircleCI Parallelism messing up with time-based tests

We have a big old build that is taking too long to run tests and Im trying to setup parallelism to speed things up. After the configuration, I can see the tests are indeed running in parallel and are ...
João Menighin's user avatar
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How to use Mongoid field type Set?

class Foo include Mongoid::Document field :bars, type: Set end f = f.add_to_set(bars: 1) f.bars => nil f.attributes['bars'] => [1] Is there any better way to access f.bars? ...
B Seven's user avatar
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Why am I getting this wrong number or argument column sort error?

I followed this sortable column tutorial The column sorting worked fine until I added in the helper section. I now get this ...
mwhocl's user avatar
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Rails.logger not working in ApplicationJob.before_perform

I'm using ActiveJob to manage my jobs, and I have the following ApplicationJob: class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base # [...] before_perform do |job| 'before_perform ...
Heitor Danilo's user avatar

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