Questions tagged [runtime-error]

Use this tag to indicate that when an application is run, it reports a runtime error or runtime exception after or during the execution of the application. Use this tag with other tags that indicate programming language being used ([java], [c++], etc.) or for standard utilities or development environments include a tag indicating the application being run ([maven], [visual-studio], [gcc], etc.).

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Intercepting cuda memory management related APIs in cuda11.7 and encountering invalid device context (201) errors

I implemented an interception library that intercepts the driver API cuMemAlloc() and cuGetProcAddress() and then forwards it. Then I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the path of the interception library and ...
yyyfish's user avatar
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Clang 13, 14, and 15 compiling for release causing incorrect incrementing of variables

I'm writing a simple little wavefront object (.obj) file loading utility. Code and .obj file required to recreate this issue are found here on this github repository The first step I use is to count ...
Balluwun enjoyer's user avatar
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Pytorch siamese model using lstm

I am building a siamese model using Lstm, I have trained and tested the model but I condn’t inference it on sigle sample Here’s the model class SiameseLstm(nn.Module): def __init__(self): ...
silver key's user avatar
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Overflow error message being shown after running the program code smoothly

So, I have been creating a function that takes input as a string and checks it with the test function that accepts exactly the length of the arguments being passed to the function but every time I run ...
Nirajan's user avatar
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Javascript + Vue error: cannot update value of slider

I have two integer variables: $globalData.y defined as a vue observable in main.js, and x defined in App.vue. I have a slider in App.vue bound to x (i.e. v-model="x") and I wish for the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Psych AliasesNotEnabled after upgrading Rails to latest version

I had an application running on Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.3. I upgraded Ruby to version 3.0.0 and Rails to 7.1.2. Now when I run "rails server", I have the following error message and the ...
DevAct's user avatar
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Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method while referring to a element in chrome to set value

I have this error Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method while referring to a element in chrome to set value when I'm trying to login to a website but getting error PFB ...
Bhaskar Sharma's user avatar
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Godot 4.1: Error: Invalid set index 'texture' (on base: 'Nil') with value of type 'AtlasTexture'

I'm hoping someone will be able to help. I'm probably just missing something obvious. I'm trying to make an inventory system in Godot, using a slot scene, a slot block scene (which has a grid of slot ...
Sarah Coulston's user avatar
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How do I fix a run-time error 13 mismatch on a range value?

The following code creates/updates a date and timestamp for each time I click the command button to save the order/row. "TIMESTAMP" is a named range (Column 106) in the worksheet named: &...
Yodelayheewho's user avatar
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can I run Jupyter Notebook recursively from the GUI created?

I was trying to call the Jupyter Notebook again by clicking on a button from the GUI generated but I'm getting this error: Error: [WinError 206] Název nebo přípona souboru je ...
user22758952's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'Container' object has no attribute 'manager'

MY CODE: МОЙ КОД: from import MDApp from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivymd.uix.gridlayout import MDGridLayout from kivymd.theming import ThemeManager from kivy.core.window import ...
Альберт Гайсин's user avatar
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Rubay Rails exiting on startup - Segmentation fault

I have inherited a rails application that i try to run on a new linux server. But when I try to start the rails server, it exits with a segmentation fault. linux : DEBIAN 10 rvm : 1.29.12 gem : 3.2.32 ...
DevAct's user avatar
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Component module not found - Storybook - TypeScript

When I run Storybook, I'm getting the following error: ERROR in ./components/atoms/input/input.tsx 14:0-40 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react-tagsinput' in '...' To give context of my ...
SReca's user avatar
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Unable to get stat of existing directory in Ansible due to variable formatting issue

I'm trying to get the owner of the first directory passed to Ansible variable source_files. We do not have control over the content of Ansible variable source_files as it is constructed through some ...
Ashar's user avatar
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Why is my code searching for an index that doesn't exist?

Before explanation, this will make a lot more sense if you've played the online game Wordle, as I am attempting to recreate it with an AI add-on in Python 3. I have the player input a 5 letter strings ...
RetroSphere09's user avatar
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Jar file is not loaded

We are getting the null pointer exception when we run our application. But we are not sure about the specific error. NullPointerException: [rvwEEMS.jar:?] [...
Srikanth's user avatar
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Unexplained RunTimeError while finding pairs in list of integers, whos sum is divisible by third integer

As preparation for a technical interview, I was practicing Java problems on a platform for this specific purpose. This platform has a number of visible or hidden test cases, my solution passes all ...
yarwest's user avatar
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Value returned after numericUpDown1 value exceeds the maximum range (C# Windows Form)

I set a minimum value of 1 and maximum of 10 for my "numericUpDown1". (C# Windows Form) When I enter the value 0 manually from the keyboard, "numericUpDown1" automatically ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Python PermissionError: [WinError 31] A device attached to the system is not functioning

Program reads all the files data from the file server shared location and insert data into the database Here is the code: class MetrologyObserver(object): def __init__(self, root_path): self....
user2207791's user avatar
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"Recipe termined with error" when I try to build a LaTeX file in VSCODE

I've been trying to format text in LaTeX using VsCode for a few days, I've performed these steps: Install the LaTeX Workshop extension Install MiKTeX Install Perl When testing, an error stating &...
João Vitor Pacheco's user avatar
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No CLR runtime found error after calling dumpheap -stat

ERROR: No CLR runtime found. This means that a .NET runtime module or the DAC for the runtime can not be found or downloaded. Hello when I try to analyze memory dump of a running process: I run ...
Atahan Ceylan's user avatar
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android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class com.example.collegeroamer.NavigationDisplayActivity

I have a kotlin/xml file in android studio. I want to use an image button to go to my activity image display screen but whenever I select the location and destination and then click the navigate ...
Bhushan Savaratkar's user avatar
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247 views open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) Flutter error

I have a PDF file of about 800 pages in my app asset folder, I am trying to view this PDF file using the flutter_pdfview package but it gives me the above error. Tried lots of methods but didn't work ...
Dilo's user avatar
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I am getting a "Run-time error '424': Object Required" on a data entry form

This data entry form has a search box at the top where I have included some code in the OnCurrent and BeforeInsert events of the form to react to what happens in the search box. In the AfterInsert ...
Noel de la Rosa's user avatar
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Compiling Python module using IBM CPLEX Optimization into an exe file with customizable CPLEX path

I have developed a Python module that utilizes the IBM CPLEX Optimization library. I am currently using auto-py-to-exe to compile this module into an executable (exe) file. However, I need to allow ...
Tuan PHAM's user avatar
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36 views didn't send any data error while click on go live

Microsoft Visual Studio Code: When I click on go live, I am having this error didn't send any data ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. I am new to VS so couldn't do much. I reinstalled Visual studio and ...
Ctoon Media's user avatar
-1 votes
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RuntimeError: Error loading /content/testing.csv

I'm trying to load a CSV file in Python using the csv module, and I'm encountering a UnicodeDecodeError with the following error message: from langchain.document_loaders.csv_loader import CSVLoader ...
Naman Jha's user avatar
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Type 13 mismatch error when erasing more than one target cell

I am fairly new to VBA, please forgive me. This code is probably bloated and can be cleaned up (not sure how), but when I have multiple cells in the target filled with a value that fires the worksheet ...
Jphillip82's user avatar
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Editing a bookmark throws run time error 5941 if code is run for a second time

I have a VBA application, which generates a document named document1. I can run the application once. If I keep document1 open and run the application next time (document2 generation in process) I am ...
Puneeth's user avatar
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6F00 error during AuthenticateServer step of downloading profile on esim

I am making a LPA application for mobile esim using SE service to communicate with EUICC on a rooted pixel device on AOSP OS following SGP .22-2.3 specs, but while trying to download the profile on ...
Abhishek Tibrewal's user avatar
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Mongodb Attempted to read past the end of the stream

I was trying to connect to a local mongodb server using connectionuri const string connectionUri1 = "mongodb://Mongodb:27123/admin?retryWrites=true&w=majority"; const string ...
dibii's user avatar
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Error Importing by code a Spline Scene into my web (Vanilla js) (Spline Runtime)

When I´m trying to import my Spline 3D model into my web, I get this error: "index.html:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "@splinetool/runtime". Relative ...
Mario Martínez's user avatar
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Differentiating semantic error, logic error and runtime error

Today, I came across this exam question (This is not totally the same as the exam question but the idea is the same): Which of the following codes is semantic error? A) a = 'abc' + 123 B) for i in ...
Reyomi's user avatar
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SIGSEV on filling matrix in C

I am currently working on a simple code that should multiply two matrices between each other but as soon as I tried to create matrices with size more than 4 by 4 I faced with SIGSEV. Matrix* ...
user22829514's user avatar
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Run-time error '424': Object Required - Outlook VBA

I have the following code in Outlook to save down attachments if an email is received that meets certain criteria. The code works, however I receive a Run-time error '424': Object Required anytime I ...
maral meg's user avatar
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error hresult e_fail has been returned from a call to a com component ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) doesnt work

I receive this same error when trying to create an ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) when I select "Web Forms" and click Create. I have updated Visual Studio and ran the Repair, I am ...
jar's user avatar
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"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'foundTicket')". getTickets()(fetch from MongoDB by Mongoose) works, but getTicketById() not

I'm new to next.js and making this project following an youtuber, here you can find my code: or you can also read below.Thanks in ...
Janosch's user avatar
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Type Load Exception On Method Load

I have a Visual Studio 2023 solution containing 32 projects. The projects extensively reference each other. 31 of the projects are class libraries, while the last one is a console application used ...
Brendan Lynn's user avatar
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Google App Script timeout errors frequently happens in a sheet with many editors

I have a Google Sheet with a large dataset that is used in a scenario where multiple users (less than 10 individuals) can log in and edit it simultaneously, with a need for real-time synchronization. ...
James Huang's user avatar
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Ray casting issues with PySide6 and Qt3D

I am trying to perform continuous raycasting in pyside6. I mostly followed example with fixes from this question, but translated it to python. My enviroment params: Windows 10, Python 3.11, PySide6 6....
Victor Alekseev's user avatar
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What does the error [$injector:unpr] mean in my AngularJS application?

We are developing an AngularJS application and I'm getting an error in the console. I don't know what it means. I'm implementing a new page that the user gets to by clicking on a link. It's got it's ...
gib65's user avatar
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Why else part is executed even the first case when condition is true in SQL Server?

AMAN BAIRAGI's user avatar
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Trying to avoid runtime error 2115 on BeforeUpdate

I have the below code on a data entry form that also includes an unbound Search box. The form errors out to 2115 and crashes when the user searches something that has no matches (i.e, when recordset....
Noel de la Rosa's user avatar
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Next 13 api throwing res.status is not a function

I'm making my first next js application and im facing problems with the rest api, in this moment i have /app/api/isWorking/route.ts, this route countain this simple test api: import type { ...
Melisi's user avatar
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Why do I facing this error in flutter, it was started when i was trying to generate SHA 1 key but after that it is showing constantly?

Solve this error, I was working without any error but when I was fetching the SHA 1 key than this error starts. E/flutter ( 5777): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled ...
Ayush Pandey's user avatar
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How to debug Run-Time Check Failure #2?

When running the following code to calculate the probability of no pair, one pair, two pair, three of a kind, full house and four of a kind in a random seven-card poker hand, Visual Studio returns the ...
PRACTICAL PIG's user avatar
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Have you encountered this error message before when trying to stop the Pixel 3 API 28 emulator?

unable to stop pixel 3 api 28 an error occurred stopping pixel 3 api 28. to stop the device, try manually closing the picel 3 api 28 emulator windows I have try many times to run AVD in Android studio ...
Abhishek Kumar Singh's user avatar
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Open a login website via google chrome Excel VBA

I'm trying to open a website thats need username and password to login Via Google Chrome with Excel. I already selected "Selenium Type Library" reference.When i run my codes (As below), i ...
Mohamad Noruznia's user avatar
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Problem opening image file using PIL.Image on Windows 11

I'm trying to open images using PIL.Image, but encountering this error: Python 3.11.4 (tags/v3.11.4:d2340ef, Jun 7 2023, 05:45:37) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "...
alxmke's user avatar
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run-time error '2467': the expression you entered refers to an object

I'm NOT an expert, newbie at most but not even there yet 😁. I somehow got stuck with a run-time error '2467': the expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or doesn't exist that i ...
Alin Bloj's user avatar

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